
Arsefield's Hall of Shame



Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100373

Isn't this ponce a member of a party with fascist roots way back?
Remember The Blueshirts?
Being Indian he might not know the history of his part

Wolf of the endlessly retarded takes..
A few posts later...

Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100383

AUL LAD is singing the praises of the Bangladeshi and Indian community.. Think of all the wonderful cuisine and sure aren't they God fearing Catholics (better than the Irish ones) and how our health service etc. would collapse without them 🙄

These people have no cognisance of their pathological fear (being thought of as a racist) that's been instilled in them ( roc_abilly roc_abilly is rubbing his hands with glee)
Why do you insist on making such a twat of yourself, Jimmy?

You might as well be talking to the wall as doing this.
A few posts later...

Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100383

AUL LAD is singing the praises of the Bangladeshi and Indian community.. Think of all the wonderful cuisine and sure aren't they God fearing Catholics (better than the Irish ones) and how our health service etc. would collapse without them 🙄

These people have no cognisance of their pathological fear (being thought of as a racist) that's been instilled in them ( roc_abilly roc_abilly is rubbing his hands with glee)

Shambolic of course is another person who has the same pathological fear instilled in him (ironically by the bagels) and all he's left with is crude, unsophisticated antisemitism.

He's the classic case of a guy who can't walk and chew gum at the same.
Coal, Gas and peat

Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100605

I don't see that I've been commenting on Arsefield's Election thread, a few posters gobshites who've posted in it, yes.

Secondly, I haven't started an Election thread here and poring over the results, gains made, a handful of nationalistish (at best) people being elected to positions of mostly insignificance is about as interesting and relevant to me as being preoccupied with the sportsball.

Finally, I'm a "former poster" of your site (of mostly fools) because, despite me being the best poster (as I always am wherever I go), I was banned by the fat, vain, illiterate, retarded, inglorious bastard who pays for it.

The shitshow is all yours.
Wendy (Mad as a Tiger)

Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100727

I'm not a "Proddy" (I'm an atheist) and you're a nasty sectarian bigot.

I don't use the term 'patriot' by the way, because it's lame, anyone can be a 'patriot' (regardless of ethnicity).

I'm a nationalist.

You're a religiotard who wouldn't know what that is.

Which is why you spend your time watching goofball, flerf-tier yank 'Christian' videos on YouTube or by the English grifter (and alleged serial rapist) whose arms I want to cut off every time I watch (a part of) one of his grifting videos.

Stay in your lane, bitch.
Wendy (Mad as a Tiger)

Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100727

I'm not a "Proddy" (I'm an atheist) and you're a dumb sectarian bigot.

I don't use the term 'patriot' by the way, because it's lame, anyone can be a 'patriot' (regardless of ethnicity).

I'm a nationalist.

You're a religiotard who wouldn't know what that is.

Which is why you spend your time watching goofball, flerf-tier yank 'Christian' videos on YouTube or by the English grifter (and alleged serial rapist) whose arms I want to cut off every time I watch (a part of) one of his grifting videos.

Stay in your lane, bitch.
As for the people who 'liked' your post (so far), STFL is mostly a stupid cunt and the Yank blow-in (literally what he calls himself) is a subservient lickarse, you can just tell by his demeanour.
So they do read everything that goes on on here - big fucking deal.

But for what it's worth, Tiger has you all sussed out, Jambo - maybe not about the proddy thing, but the rest?

You're in the business of gaining enemies, it's in your nature to be an arsehole - the one thing you're good at.
So they do read everything that goes on on here - big fucking deal.

But for what it's worth, Tiger has you all sussed out, Jambo - maybe not about the proddy thing, but the rest?
lol Mad as a Tiger hasn't got the slightest fucking thing sussed out (much like yourself)

Do you think one can be Irish and a Proddy the Mowl? 🤔

You're in the business of gaining enemies, it's in your nature to be an arsehole - the one thing you're good at.
Did you mean: uncompromising
Mad as a Tiger has no sense of fun

The only fun thing about you is watching your reactions when anyone's making you the butt of any jokes.

You also do a grand job of that yourself.

Being a naturally unpleasant person with a rock-bottom IQ is a deadly combination (for that)

You of all people would know that.

The mere fact you keep bringing IQ into it is because you're ashamed at how low your own is.
Wendy (Mad as a Tiger)

Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100727

I'm not a "Proddy" (I'm an atheist) and you're a nasty sectarian bigot.

I don't use the term 'patriot' by the way, because it's lame, anyone can be a 'patriot' (regardless of ethnicity).

I'm a nationalist.

You're a religiotard who wouldn't know what that is.

Which is why you spend your time watching goofball, flerf-tier yank 'Christian' videos on YouTube or by the English grifter (and alleged serial rapist) whose arms I want to cut off every time I watch (a part of) one of his grifting videos.

Stay in your lane, bitch.
Wendy's follow-up is actually a(nother) good example of her being devoid of humour -

Post in thread 'European elections and locals.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/european-elections-and-locals.720/post-100829

Jimmy Dawson is not a true nationalist. He’s likely a descendant of the original plantation. The English surname is key evidence that he is not fully (if at all) genealogically Irish. Calling himself, “the only true nationalist in Ireland” is so bloody farcical, that it needs no explanation.

Au contraire, mon ami, I think it does, it does for you.

I can only assume that Wendy (who's been a longstanding bunny boiler of mine (goes back to Pish)) is referring to the times I've said something about me being the only Irish nationalist (along with Keef & Btwixt).

That's obviously tongue in cheek (something Wendy's brain can't handle) but it does speak to the fact that there is a dearth of racially conscious nationalism in Ireland, IMO.

Furthermore, Wendy says that I'm not Irish and therefore (her therefore) I'm not a nationalist.. Would Wendy agree with the following statement -

Irish people are white

Btw, hilarious that Wendy thinks that she's splainin' the (historical) plantation to Myles.

People with such a low IQ (Wendy) have no idea how fucking stupid they are 😆

There you go again: screaming at the brick wall demanding answers to stupid fucking questions.

Get a job, save some money, travel a bit, learn a new language, maybe find God, go surfing among sharks, hop off a plane at two thousand feet, wake up next to a girl, read all the books you intended to but never got around to, wear your pants backwards and inside out - it'll lessen your laundry chores. Actually do something for your community, stop wasting your time talking to me - I don't even hate you - I pity you.

Wendy doesn't give a flying fuck any more than I do as to what you say - we all know you're a muppet for the trio of impending doom.

Stop wanking, get an actual ride (whether it's a man or a woman) and try to better your lot in life.

If I can do it, then so can you - and if you need a few pointers, just ask - nicely.

Your life has to start somewhere and right now you're in the doldrums, the Marie Celeste of the blogging world.

Get off that fucking dole too - it'll keep you soft the longer you take it.

In short, you're currently a laughing stock - the freak of the Irish blogs.

Jambo-no-mates for sure.

In fact, even Wendy calls you Jimmy - which we all know hurts even more than Jambo. At least when I named you you answered the call. That shower of savages over on Desperate Dan's site think Val Martin a mighty chap. You? A twat, and nothing more. I think she's right: you may talk about the definition of what a true nationalist is, but you'll never be one.

Because to be a nationalist is to act for the good of your culture and country: both of these you're a failure at.

Anybody can sit at home all day posting on the net claiming this that and the other.

But that doesn't make them what they say they are: Wendy might be a gay bloke in huge drawers the like your Granny wore. You simply don't know. You think you know me, but you really get is the tip of my iceberg, and there's a reason almost ten thousand people signed up to read me. I rarely even post any more, but still they keep coming and even articles I wrote three and six years ago are being read every passing day.

In fact, and on a related note: watch Val over the next few weeks.

He's reached critical mass, he's found his audience - and they're all culchies like himself. And what does he do now that he's got an audience? He's blowing it. He's trying TOO hard now and it shows. The peak he reached with the video about setting up tents in various politician's front gardens and having the migrants live there has been squeezed out like a two-week old abscess on his nose. And when the plane begins to fly out of control and start its final descent, he'll be all on his lonesome all over again - a laughing stock.

Like you - the single greatest under-achiever - ever.

Btw, hilarious that Wendy thinks that she's splainin' the (historical) plantation to Myles.

Is it really.

People with such a low IQ (Wendy) have no idea how fucking stupid they are 😆

Neither do you, Jimmy.

Suck it up.

There you go again: screaming at the brick wall demanding answers to stupid fucking questions.

Get a job, save some money, travel a bit, learn a new language, maybe find God, go surfing among sharks, hop off a plane at two thousand feet, wake up next to a girl, read all the books you intended to but never got around to, wear your pants backwards and inside out - it'll lessen your laundry chores. Actually do something for your community, stop wasting your time talking to me - I don't even hate you - I pity you.

Wendy doesn't give a flying fuck any more than I do as to what you say - we all know you're a muppet for the trio of impending doom.

Stop wanking, get an actual ride (whether it's a man or a woman) and try to better your lot in life.

If I can do it, then so can you - and if you need a few pointers, just ask - nicely.

Your life has to start somewhere and right now you're in the doldrums, the Marie Celeste of the blogging world.

Get off that fucking dole too - it'll keep you soft the longer you take it.

In short, you're currently a laughing stock - the freak of the Irish blogs.

Jambo-no-mates for sure.

In fact, even Wendy calls you Jimmy - which we all know hurts even more than Jambo. At least when I named you you answered the call. That shower of savages over on Desperate Dan's site think Val Martin a mighty chap. You? A twat, and nothing more. I think she's right: you may talk about the definition of what a true nationalist is, but you'll never be one.

Because to be a nationalist is to act for the good of your culture and country: both of these you're a failure at.

Anybody can sit at home all day posting on the net claiming this that and the other.

But that doesn't make them what they say they are: Wendy might be a gay bloke in huge drawers the like your Granny wore. You simply don't know. You think you know me, but you really get is the tip of my iceberg, and there's a reason almost ten thousand people signed up to read me. I rarely even post any more, but still they keep coming and even articles I wrote three and six years ago are being read every passing day.

In fact, and on a related note: watch Val over the next few weeks.

He's reached critical mass, he's found his audience - and they're all culchies like himself. And what does he do now that he's got an audience? He's blowing it. He's trying TOO hard now and it shows. The peak he reached with the video about setting up tents in various politician's front gardens and having the migrants live there has been squeezed out like a two-week old abscess on his nose. And when the plane begins to fly out of control and start its final descent, he'll be all on his lonesome all over again - a laughing stock.

Like you - the single greatest under-achiever - ever.

Is it really.

Neither do you, Jimmy.

Suck it up.
Btw, whatever happened to @tldr on Arsefield's? 🤔

The copy/paste guy (or gal) who put multiple mindless text links in all of his (or her) posts and who thought that the "path to enlightenment" was via the gurus Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) 🤣
Btw, whatever happened to @tldr on Arsefield's? 🤔

The copy/paste guy (or gal) who put multiple mindless text links in all of his (or her) posts and who thought that the "path to enlightenment" was via the gurus Jordan Peterson and Sargon of Akkad (Carl Benjamin) 🤣

Don't care.
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