
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Shut it, why don't you - you spoofing fucking cunt. Nobody cares about you driving the grannies around Dedham in the van, taking them to the bingo and the local hospital. Tour number five? Would you ever give it a fucking rest, you fat fuck. You have more time on your hands than a dozen priests in a children's school. You wouldn't know a days work if it kicked you squarely in the bollocks. You don't have a job, and driving demented aul wans around the place in a van isn't a real job.

Free time is something you have in spades: time to scratch your bollocks, time to post your stupid and illiterate posts written with fingers too fat for the cheap phone you use, time to smell your own farts and bask in them, time to rummage through your wife's handbag when she's in the shower after a long day at work providing for you, a fat fuck with fuck all going on. Time to spare, time for toast, time to kill. Time to ban Myles. Time to scratch your bollocks a second and third time. Time, the one thing you have too much of, fat boy.

Serve a few cheeseburgers at the local Mickey Dee's and take your long-suffering wife out for a steak dinner and a shag in the back of the van, you lazy fuck.

I bet you still smell like a Galway county culchie even after all these years abroad.

Ever considered even once being in any way original in your musings, Jimmy?


Achhhh, fuck's sake.

Slap up another Oasis video from 1993 why don't you.
The one interesting thread on the Arsefield's front page is from an Isle / P.ie poster. Typical.

roc_abilly roc_abilly Thank you for winding up Jambo over yonder, that shit never gets old. 😅😅
Why the fuck is Declan still talking about me weeks after banning me?


Because he's kind of short and roundy. He pretends he doesn't mind it but in reality it's killing him. He'd give anything to be tall and slender, kinds like the Mowl but not really. He's around five feet squash, and has an extraordinarily stumpy little penis, a bald patch on the rear of his bonce, and he smells like a homeless dog living in the sewers. He has these really freaky-ugly hands, exactly like his tiny dick - fat and stumpy, wrinkled as a granddads forehead, and smells of carbolic soap.

The fact that he favours zipper-necked cardigans and Farah pants for fat men doesn't really help matters. Then there's his desperation to be younger than he is: he thinks 68 is 'middle-aged' much as Val Martin thinks himself 'middle class'. Val won't wash and Declan won't invest in a decent shirt for work: that yellow/beige short-sleeved shirt with the red clip-on tie hardly flatters the roundy little cunt, but sure what can you do?

The one interesting thread on the Arsefield's front page is from an Isle / P.ie poster. Typical.


roc_abilly roc_abilly Thank you for winding up Jambo over yonder, that shit never gets old. 😅😅

Hilarious thread, poor auld Jimmy Dawson's currently getting the 'glad all over' feels from Swordy, who's still trying to pass himself off as a woman. But Jambo doesn't seem to care: maybe he likes trannies? Nothing wrong with that, just say it. Don't be trying to hide it, Jimmy. Has he asked for a picture of your little balls yet? Be careful what you send that rat-fucker: he's not to be trusted.
Poor Jimmy, he regurgitates everything telegram rams down his throat.

It truly is a sad and depressing way to waste a life - being everybody's marionette: you pull the strings, he'll dance for money, does what you want him to do. Just a private dancer, dances for nothin', does what you tell him to do.


'Haha.. Looks roc has rage quit (again)..'

A bit like how you quit posting on here after I slapped twelve ever-loving colours of shite out of you?

'Do you think he'll ever learn his lesson re: starting threads to goad me (many such cases) in which he invariably gets the everloving shit slapped out of him..'

You ran out like a pissy-panties little coward - and we continued to slap you for that, much I'm still slapping you around today, you sad bastard/loser/follower. You're everyone's cheap whore, Jimmy - you always have been.

Hot tip: push your craven tongue a little further up Swordid's anal passage - you're almost hitting his g-spot, but not quite.

Saddo extraordinaire.

Poor Jimmy Dawson.
I've explained before how Jimmy is like a primitive AI.

He's quite like one of these new LLMs in fact in how they "train" them by making them read the whole internet, and then they have an algorithm to regurgitate some if it in response to a particular question.

Except in Jimmy's case he's been trained only on a few videos from Soregash, Cobbles and Wookie, with a sprinkling of bugster scripts and Hans' far right news feed on political irish.

So you ask him a questiin about something, and he replies with this very limited response, often completely unrelated to what he was asked.

He's like this tragic experiment in plugging a simple chess playing machine into some sophisticated "borg".
So you ask him a questiin about something, and he replies with this very limited response, often completely unrelated to what he was asked.

Actually, I rather like the typo in this quote: I pronounce it as 'questeens'.

It's not so much about questions with Jimmy, but rather about (as you typed) the 'questeens' - which are like tiny little baby questions not as yet fully formed or even self aware. 'Questeens' is now a mowl-legitimate Irish-use word going forward. Of course, going forward is another bullshit Irish political term that means whatever the fuck you want it to mean whenever you don't really know the answer to the questeen in the first fucking place.

INTERNET NEWS SHOCKER!!! Earlier today, Jimmy 'Jambo' Dawson (aka AN2 - stick an O in there to make Aontu) was asked a simple questeen about ethic civic ethno retro 'basic nationalism for knuckle-headed beginners' but had to source an answer online and then hide behind the skirts of semi-renowned 'pencil-neck' blogger Keith Woods (not his real name) over on Telegram. Witnesses said they never felt so sad or humiliated to be Irish. One observer was quoted as saying: 'it's when the simplest of questeens are handled in this mannery-pannery, everybiddy-body involved loses'.

Meanwhile, the guys over at the Oxford English Dictionary HQ were quoted as saying: 'while we know of this layabout Jambo you refer to, we have no answers to any of your questeens. If anything, that one questeen only leads to even more questeens. And their cousins, the questionettes'.
Yeah, but they crowd-sourced a quarter of a million for Ciao for his efforts in protecting the kiddies.

Then he disappeared after a handful of newspaper articles and interviews.

Along with that cool quarter of a million, tax free.


Anto, meanwhile, is banged up in Mountjoy for the next three years - with two suspended - and he's costing the tax payer a mint better spent on schools, hospitals, and a working state police service. Fuck Anto.

The most ironic thing is those shouting Brits Out and Up da 'RA the loudest also happen to be Man United / Liverpool supporters more often than not.
The most ironic thing is those shouting Brits Out and Up da 'RA the loudest also happen to be Man United / Liverpool supporters more often than not.

Never ceases to crack me up: imagine Paddy's out on the continent/mainland for a cheap and sunny holiday, but he spends all his time in the Irish pubs drinking and then looking for fish & chip shops? The only items he packed were his Irish football/GAA/rugby jerseys, two pairs of green sporting shorts, and a half dozen fresh orange-coloured knee-socks. He's also wearing the tri-colour wrapped around him like a cloak. His green and gold 'Kiss me - I'm Irish' trilby tipped slightly forward and to the left to indicate that he's in a playful mood. His cheap gold chain sits in a bush of chest hair that's turning a mousey shade of greyish brown speckled with wispy white hairs that belie his actual age. Paddy still wants to act like a childishly destructive little brat, even if he is fully grown and matured. But sadly he only has the brain capacity of a seven year-old on too much lemonade and chocolate.

On game nights he attends any pub showing the match, even the British ones that serve their customers flat and tasteless red English ale in Toby jugs. When it's Celtic V Rangers he even sits with his Brit counterparts, buying rounds and cheering the lads on. Seven pints and two goals later the match is won and over and now Paddy's playing darts for money and pool for rounds of drinks. By the time the night's up and they ring the last orders bell, he's so drunk his British pals have to carry him home, putting him into bed and covering him with his puke-stained tri-colour. Then they take a few shots of him lying comatose in the bed: so they lift his arse and pull off his green pants and prop him up under the belly with a couple of plump pillows to keep his arse higher than his whole head - which is buried face down in the duvet. Next morning they circulate the photo of Paddy in bed in doggy-style position with his arse in the air around all the English and Irish pubs. By the time Paddy's awake and remembers where he is, his picture has been printed out onto A4 sheets and they adorn every lamppost, wall, and bar in town. With added tri-colours and shamrocks photo-shopped into them.

Spain's had it with the tourists. I don't fucking blame them either. The British and ze Germans use it as a toilet bowl of drunken behaviour and puke-soaked dangerous fun. Not just the drinking and the doping and the fucking, but everything else that comes with their package holidays: cleaning up after them. Policing them and making sure they don't riot or smash up the local fountain on the downtown public square. Or fall in to it and drown. Paddy seems to think that the hostilities Pedro feels about 'tourists' don't apply to him: after all, everyone just loves the Irish, right?


Those days are long gone, even if RTE and Failte Ireland try to tell you otherwise. Ireland's a basket case, this is how everyone not actually Irish or living on the septic little island sees it. Still lost in 1916, 1922, and on into the Irish Civil War years (mad they way they never mentioned that one in school?) Paddy has always been torn in two and left hanging between two stools his whole fucking life. Everything in his world has another half to it:

Northern Ireland/Republic Of Ireland
St. Pats/Bohs
Wolfe Tones/Dubliners
Adidas/Wellington boots
Guilty/Not Guilty
Cloverhill/The Joy
Eastenders/Coronation St
The Isle/The Gay Bar

.. ..and so on and on and on.. . .

Brilliant kick - right in the nuts, eh.

Declan's obsessed with the loading bays and multi-story car parks, lampposts, traffic lights, ramp exit signs, electrical points boxes, and gas stations. It's sort of like the American dream, only backwards. Poor auld Saul's all hot and bothered having to contend with Roc laughing into his face. Poor auld Saul, he's not the brightest candle in the packet of birthday candles. He's as dumb as a fence-post and likely smells worse than Val. G'wan there Saul-boi: give it to them hard!

'Born on 23/8/1979, I am Saul Bucket from Co Monaghan - better known as 'Saul Bucket' or 'Coal, Farts, & Spit' over on the gay bar site. I'm the father of a known burglar/thief who terrorizes the local old folks and robs them of anything they have of any worth. Even their pension books and half-penny vouchers. Their winter fuel allowance dockets. Their meals on wheels. Their wedding rings, mobile phones, car keys (for the getaway) and anything edible in their fridges. Hell, even their mobile wheelchair batteries.

I frequent these chat boards because I hate coloured people. All of them. Black, brown, tan, red, yellow, the whole fucking nine yards. I want them all out of Ireland, the bastards: stealing arr wimmin, arr jobs, arr kiddies, and raping anything with tits - even the over-seventies and eighties. I use these boards to fill in the endless time that passes me by here on my lonely lazyboy armchair, my butt groove never ever having had to defend itself. The wife's out at work, so I can rise at any time I like, and I don't mind waiting for her to finish work to come home and do me up a nice big traditional Irish fry-up with a few tins of Dutch Gold to wash it down. She gets a bit lippy now and then but she knows not to push it too far lest I give her a few good slaps to remind her who's boss around here.

She wants to boot my burglar lad out of the house. The cops are calling by every time there's a robbery anywhere in the surrounding counties, but thankfully they haven't shown up while herself's been here: that job of hers really makes my life a walk in the park. If she finds out from the neighbours when she's out doing the weekly shopping, then I'll have to get my lad onto them to shut the fuckers up. I'm connected: me brudders are all in the 'RA. Monaghan might be a mucky and shit smelling dump, but it's home, and it's all I ever had or needed. Now the blacks, rags, and the n*ggers are taking over. I can't believe it really but I still can't stop staring into the headlights either, I'm that lazy. And useless. And full of shit. I yap and I yap, I play the hard chaw all the time, but Mowl knows perfectly well I'm unemployed, unemployable, on the scratch since 1988, and that the Missus is likely getting some after work from the imported black lads living in the town hall.


I hate being me.

I want to be like the Mowl or like Samson, or like Big Daddy - so they all fear me.

But I'm just a useless tosser with no balls and even less cop-on....'

Poor Saul, eh.
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Would Saul ever get over that chip on his shoulder already - he was demodded three years ago ffs. Join Isle, or don't...otherwise just shut up, nobody cares as to whether you like or dislike this site - including Dan ironically enough.

I certainly couldn't care either way, continue howling at the moon for all I care.
That's just the way Saul is: broke-backed, dim, doesn't really know what to say unless someone else endorses it for him first. A natural born follower of limited intelligence and a degree of poverty: the typical culchie/chip-on-the-shoulder. He's little educated and likely attended a special needs school in his childhood. Maybe that's where he was first abused? Violence. Ignorance. Worthlessness too. It's ingrained into the poor little culchie-cunt.

He's also a fucking coward - a total fucking wuss.

Bet he wears crotch-less knickers under his pissy y-fronts.
Saul's brother was in the 'ra apparently.

(Noting he died young. Was he a drinker as well? He looks like it. You weren't supposed to drink in the 'ra. You weren't supposed to tell anyone you were in the 'ra either, including family.)

The point anyway being that Saul's shtick brings back to me how there was a bravado that infected those who were associated with 'ra members.

Saul reminds me of that.

But first he's much too old for it. He doesn't have the excuse of being a young foolish kid anymore. Second, those days are long gone, and good riddance.

Actually the point to take from it is those with life experience learn from hard experience about the vicious circle that that variety of violence consists of. (That's why the Provos consisted only of kids and psychos.)

Those with little real life experience develop no real idea about violence. There are a lot of that type on these Irish fora. Like Saul.

Just Saul having such a high degree of the simpleton about him makes it plainer than others more circumspect.

You'd pity him really.
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