
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Looks like the coppers finally caught up with Saul 'CG&P' Bucket's forty-odd year old son and his burglary cohorts. About fucking time they got that little scumbag off the streets. His Da is this total loser who spends his days and nights on Arsefield's Virtual Bar, home of the drunk Irish nationalists. Scumbags aplenty, that site has to be one of the most disgusting and yet miserably sad sites I've ever visited. The members there take great pride in all manner of nasty shit.

Violent nationalism, blatant racism, sheer cowardice, unbelievable spoofery, excessive whataboutery, and gross stupidity.

11.14am, 27 Sep 2024

GARDAÍ HAVE ARRESTED four people in connection with multiple burglaries. Three men in their 40s and a teenage boy have been arrested as part of an investigation into the burglaries. The garda investigation is looking into “recent burglaries at residential and commercial premises in Co Roscommon and offences in Westmeath, Cavan, Meath, Offaly, Dublin and Kildare”, a garda statement said.

Gardaí from Roscommon made the arrests assisted by members from Longford, Cavan, Meath, Kildare and the Dublin Metropolitan Region. The arrested individuals are being held at garda stations in the North Western region.

Hope the fuckers get nine shades of shite kicked out of them.

What I find absolutely hilarious is that tigger-duh-tiger here really thinks she's a player.

Sorry, love: but you quite simply have nothing of any interest to say to anyone, at any time or in any place.

Yours is the most forgettable of postings: dull, obvious, uninspired, slow, really slow actually, and about as exciting and informative as an episode of Mart & Market from 1976. Why did you call yourself 'Tiger' anyway? Is that supposed to suggest something about you personally? Tiger? You? A tiger? You're a fucking moron, honey. A complete fucking used tampon left on the floor of a public toilet and squashed into the tiles under the boots of men using the male latrine.

The only thing that's in any way interesting about you is your complete lack of any vagina or cock: you're one of life's losers, darling.

About as memorable as the scuttery shit you took last Monday morning.
Tigers are such beautiful, majestic creatures, yet meet one while out in the jungle and you're cat food.

Looks like Fishalt has permabanned me from Arsefields, and rewritten my posts along the way.

The best I can make out is that they think I was also posting under the user Dark Horse. Or Fishalt has manipulated the others into thinkng so.

Yet I never had a sock account there.
Looks like Fishalt has permabanned me from Arsefields, and rewritten my posts along the way.

Yeah, saw the rewritten one: bet the sad auld bollocks was pissed that the post automatically tells you that a moderator has doctored it. I get the feeling Fishstick and Declan are two of a kind: Roundy with his tall tales of gold and silver along with his remotely controlled Nazism, and Fishslice who clearly hates being Australian and wishes he could go all the way back to when his ancestors first arrived on the deserted continent in order to claim his Irish roots back.

Australians never cease to make me laugh. They seem to think they live in some sort of paradise when in fact it's a massive desert with few people and even less history. Their low self esteem reeks in every post Fishlick writes up. That the roundy bollocks over in Boston has entrusted the workings of the entire site to him merely cements the fact that there two old men are both miserably disappointed that their lives have resulting in zero achievements of any kind.

Imagine finding yourself at age sixty-seven still acting like a little girl on Bebo?

I was kind of surprised at you wasting so much time trying to out-bullshit Wooftie on the Ukraine issue. Posting link after link after link has now resulted in Zippytits insisting all links about the war must be accompanied by a few lines of original text from the poster putting it up. Now you have Wooftie copy/pasting every word attached to the videos/articles in question and then lashing them up as an 'alternative truth' based on his own self-loathing and misery at turning out to be not just a crank, but an aged and rather pitiful crank with so much rage tearing him asunder it's like trying not to watch the homeless and drunk Syrian refugee stumble and fall under the number 48 bus out of town.

The best I can make out is that they think I was also posting under the user Dark Horse.

Yes, they presumed Dark Horse was you, but then again these old farts have all collected into one rather small space where all five actual users big each other up the more insane the level of shit they're posting. Imagine actually interacting with 'Poster Of The Month' winners being Woof and Cunt/CrabApples?

You're better off out of there - your mission was never going to succeed - but then again the chase is often more fun than the catch.

Or Fishalt has manipulated the others into thinking so.

Four or five Irish blokes yapping away on an American-registered chat site paid for by a spoofing Ballinasloe-born Paddy-whack van driver and part-time busker who can't stop lying about being 'rich' but is still doing door-to-door deliveries and late night pizza runs. It was only ever going to attract the worse dregs and cranks out there post-Pish.

That Roundy Kelly appointed a bigoted old Australian loser to run things for him tells you everything you need to know about fools this dumb.

Fishcake loves all the attention he suddenly finds himself getting; par for the course with these no-life-having losers.

Some people are like that: their narcissism blinds them to their actual self and how they're perceived.

Would I stand for some old Aussie fart telling me what the rules are?

Fuck no.

Yet I never had a sock account there.

Well, the one I still use has been under their radar for so long that when they try to find whatever IP I assigned to my account, they always make the mistake of presuming I just joined under another name to the last few days and/or weeks, and if they don't see it, they presume I'm not on the site.

Some socks are better than others, and the silent ones always find their way deep into the heart of the inner workings of the site.

After all, with that much ego and all those lies, what did you expect to learn from these idiots?

As Crap/Condomly might say:

Kangal, has Gone, too Far ~ ~ now my Porridge is = Cold ! ! !
I was kind of surprised at you wasting so much time trying to out-bullshit Wooftie on the Ukraine issue.
To be honest, one of my goals was to get Wolf to shitpost as much as possible. I was getting to the point where one of my posts could provoke 5 or 6 from him...even if I didnt post, it would provoke a post or two from him. It was a lot of fun without too much effort on my part, and Swords had to constantly keep an eye on his output and delete the really troublesome stuff.
Yes, they presumed Dark Horse was you, but then again these old farts have all collected into one rather small space where all five actual users big each other up the more insane the level of shit they're posting. Imagine actually interacting with 'Poster Of The Month' winners being Woof and Cunt/CrabApples?
Yeah I didnt see that coming. I barely paid attention to what Dark Horse was posting.
Fishcake loves all the attention he suddenly finds himself getting; par for the course with these no-life-having losers.
He wants to win and have the last word, even it means cheating. He just wanted me out of there no matter what.

Will be fun now to see who else they accuse of being Kangal.
To be honest, one of my goals was to get Wolf to shitpost as much as possible. I was getting to the point where one of my posts could provoke 5 or 6 from him...even if I didnt post, it would provoke a post or two from him. It was a lot of fun without too much effort on my part, and Swords had to constantly keep an eye on his output and delete the really troublesome stuff.

Good ploy, pity it didn't work out - but given enough time, they'll stab themselves in the eye again soon enough.

Yeah I didnt see that coming. I barely paid attention to what Dark Horse was posting.

Wouldn't be surprised if Zippy-tits was in on that scam.

Youre right. Ill give it a few days, then create a new login.

I bet they're running every search possible to find out what name and what account I'm spying with.

But Im going to stay under the radar without posting too much for now.

Well, Wooftie shut up pretty much as soon as your account was shadow-banned, then fully banned.

But there's still only half a dozen daily users, and Chunk/Candybar is at least three of those.

I ~ 'Refuse' to Believe, that That man IS ~ ~ an Utter gob-Shyte ! ! !

You couldn't make an idiot of that scale up.

Like Saul with his 'real as fuck' schtick.

The only thing that's real about any of it is the pretentious bullshit they throw at each other every passing day. For all that yap, not one of them has actually gotten up off his arse to do anything about it. And they never will either. They'll just continue postulating and making empty threats.

No matter how loud they shout, nothing ever happens.

For all that yap, not one of them has actually gotten up off his arse to do anything about it. And they never will either. They'll just continue postulating and making empty threats.
Well Fishalt is now claiming Ive admited to sabotaging the site. No idea why he made that up. And that he has "won". Which says a lot for what he has going on in his life if this is that important to him.

I think I was the one poster he couldnt beat, on top of him being entirely wrong with every prediction he made on Ukraine. He banned me before I had a chance to to crow about it.

I never had sock puppets on Arsefields but Im going to give him something to be actually paranoid about now by creating a bunch of users on it. He cant ban them all.
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Well Fishalt is now claiming Ive admited to sabotaging the site.

Well, we did discuss that yesterday: it's foolish to even think they haven't got one eye on this site from morning til night.

I'm happy enough giving them free lessons in how to write in basic English, but it's a trying affair when people are as thick and useless as they are over there.

No idea why he made that up.

He's a very small and insignificant cog in a much larger wheel: remember, fools like Fishpaste do what they do because have nothing else to do. So let him do his thing, all day - every day. And all night, every night. For free. Free as in: no money down today, none later, but full expectations regarding scrubbing out Roundy's toilet bowl of a site.

Australians have always had this big problem with self esteem. Between the giant rats hopping around the place and the myxomatosis of all those billions of wild rabbits, they look at the desolation they're surrounded by and it suddenly becomes clear to them how tiny a life these is down under. Between Men At Work (cheap second hand rip-offs a specialty) Rolf Harris (pedophile) Mick Hutchence (hung himself trying to get an orgasm) and the lunatic old-age pensioners in AC/DC, there's fuck all else to do but look to the western hemisphere for a function in life.

So Fishballs works for a fat Irishman over in Boston, driving his little van around the car parks and delivery bays of downtown Dedham, the dumpster site of the entire planet. Five members, three of which are active every day (this includes Zippy the bush wankaroo) and three of which are also mods. More mods than members, in other words.

So why bother with them? They booted you out specifically because you help views almost all of which were the opposite of theirs. So rather than argue both sides fairly, they instead ganged up on you, plotted against you, then removed you. And then what?

Well, and then what you see is a massive drop-off in the daily post count.

If your victory is anywhere, then that's exactly where it is.

Without you, there's nothing left to argue about. So they all turn back the pages to the opening posts and read them through. When they're finished, they do the same on the Isle: go to the OP, then read the whole thing in its entirety, then go to bed. Nothing happens. Nothing's happening right now, and nothing happened last night. If you check in by tea-time in Ireland, nothing will continue to happen until past bedtime.

They can of course fill in a few hours watching Roundy's videos of car parks and street lights, but that's not very entertaining, now is it?

And that he has "won". Which says a lot for what he has going on in his life if this is that important to him.

Sort of: to me it reads like: 'I'm from down under. I live in a desert. My nearest neighbour is two-hundred and fifty-nine kilometers from here. I drive into the town once a month for supplies: sacks of potatoes, beer, sacks of carrots, beers, buckets of water, buckets of Foster's, lots of cigarettes, beer, and pornographic magazines, beer, lube, lager, cheap whiskey, hemorrhoid cream for his arse, and a multi-pack of bullets to fend off the kangaroos.

So now you have to consider Declan's position on all this Fishgunk business: he sold Irish posters out in favour of Australian posters.

What more do you need to understand that he has zero credibility?

He sold you out, an Irishman with a long history of posting across many sites.

For a kangaroo-fucker living in the middle of nowhere.

I think I was the one poster he couldnt beat, on top of him being entirely wrong with every prediction he made on Ukraine.

Well, he did take time out to serve his few months in prison.

Now he's back, society has forgiven him, he did his time, and the child he raped is in far better health than ever.

He banned me before I had a chance to to crow about it.

Nah - watching HIM crow about is much more fun. The more he goads you, the weaker Declan's position. The more he claims a victory over you, the more foolish Declan appears. The harder he digs his heels in, the more stupid the site looks. He's a sell-out, Roundy Kelly: I told you that years ago, long before I doxxed the cunt and forced him to come out of the closet.

So the man formerly know as 'YoungDan' turned out to be an aul fella in his middle to late sixties, claiming to be rich, to be powerful, to have piles of silver in his attic/garage. In reality? A small and rotund little culchie with big red ears and cheeks, vile hands and fingers, a nose covered in blotches from shaving the hair off, corpulent, massively overweight, unhealthy, ignorant, fat, fairly poor, and without anything otherwise going on his life bar daily van driving and killing time.

You're better off without him.

I never had sock puppets on Arsefields but Im going to give him something to be actually paranoid about now by creating a bunch of users on it. He cant ban them all.

Good plan: try not to attract too much attention to my long-term lurking account over there: that's where I get all my information.

Not one of them has spotted it though - which is mad given they're all mods and they all have access to the full list of members and their IP addresses.

An even better one was last year when Pish went down, Godsdog went deep undercover and chose the exact right moment to give me access to the private threads about me, in both real life and online, about the Isle, about David, Jambo, you, and loads more. I was in there for a few weeks before I blew myself up and instigated another lurking account - the same one I'm using today.

They're not every bright, and that's mostly down to them all feeling fairly smug about things.

It's truly amazing how loose these losers are.

Every one of them sponging off the wife and kids to keep their accounts open and their days and nights free for agreeing with each other about everything. Then they fold their arms across their chests and nod to each other about how 'nothing needs be said, I feel you, Bro...'

Why bother with them?

You can pea-shoot them from here, and it'll drive them nuts - try it.
Well, and then what you see is a massive drop-off in the daily post count.
Only if Wolf decides to stop posting entire RT articles 10 times a day.
And he will probably tire of that.

I agree with all your points though.
Its like Fishalt has instigated a hostile takeover of the site and Declan hasnt copped on yet.
Godsdog went deep undercover and chose the exact right moment to give me access to the private threads about me, in both real life and online, about the Isle, about David, Jambo, you, and loads more.
Thats crazy. What was being said behind the curtain?
Only if Wolf decides to stop posting entire RT articles 10 times a day.
And he will probably tire of that.

Yeah, without an enemy to shout at, he's just a fucking bore. He parrots all the same shit I do about Ireland and her entire incompetence, but he just loves to intersperse all of that with his favourite daydream: kids getting buggered by priests. I mean, I think it's amazing someone can so suddenly turn on and off the child-rape factor and find it hilariously funny, no?

I get the impression he feels left out of all the rapey fun priests tend to enjoy.

Or maybe he just has great memories of baby lotion, wearing knickers, brushing out his wigs, and jerking off to photos of Tony Walsh.

I agree with all your points though.
Its like Fishalt has instigated a hostile takeover of the site and Declan hasnt copped on yet.

Declan's a lazy bastard who wouldn't bother wiping his own arse after a dump only his wife holds him to task about his skiddies. But that's what happens to men that age: they not only can't ever trust a fart, they live in daily fear of shitting themselves because their hoop's been pummeled so many times you could insert a beer bottle without ever touching skin.

Not only does Declan delegate the daily chores, he only ever pipes up to say:

(1) I'm very busy all, I don't have time to post here.
(2) I'm booked up until February 2046 all.
(3) My new car is admired by all.
(4) I walked seventy-eight miles today all.
(5) I'm not fat, all - I'm just big-boned.
(6) My culchie accent is loved - by all.

Thats crazy. What was being said behind the curtain?

If I said what I saw then I'd lose my advantage over Roundy, Fishpish, and Zippy the bushy-balled fake vagina.

They're not half as smart as they think they are, and the mere fact that they can't get through even ONE DAY without talking about me, you, David, and Jambo only goes to show what the site is really worth. Since banning you, the whole board now nudges along at a handicapped-snail's pace - there's nothing at all happening. One or two posts in the AM, then maybe eight or then more after Miller-time kicks in.

Poor Wooftie: now he has to find constructive ways to spend his time.

I'd say he's three beers short of a full-on nervous breakdown.

Tiny willy syndrome all the way.
Well done to the losers on Arsefield's: you're now expected to kiss the arse of an Australian Nazi who cucked the whole fucking lot of you in one fell swoop.

Your wanked-out balls are now in his shirt pocket, and your seed is dripping down your fat and hairy belly and across the stump of your hacked-off little willies into the perineum and on down into your thighs causing a rotten smell of combined piss/shit/smegma/tears/and dripping saliva. He's laughing right into your faces and he's loving every moment of it. Declan can't kick his arse out either as he's too busy driving the pensioners to and from the bingo hall in his van. So Fishit is currently on a shit-stinking high not even Val can beat while sitting in his own shit on the Shitting Ditch and wallowing in it.

I've rarely been proud of any Irish persons in terms of what they use these sites for, but one thing's for sure: you are now in the service of an Australian Nazi who hates you, who hates Ireland, and who hates and despises Australia even more due to him not actually having any roots to speak of, bar his ancestors arriving onto the desert continent after getting caught robbing Trevelyan's corn.

He's old - so he's Declan's kind.
He's a filthy Nazi - so fearful little pensioner-burglar Saul and the drunk lad kiss his arse for him.
He knows a few rare words - which keeps Jambo on his toes checking Google for definitions.
He's weak - so even Saul feels comfortable with him around.
He stinks of piss, petrol, cheeseburgers, and tobacco - which inspires the whole lot of you.
He can spell - so even mod jpc might eventually learn how to use an apostrophe without causing Con Houlihan to turn over in his grave.
He removed Kangal - now Wooftie has no-one to scream at - so his main purpose in life has passed him by.

The whole site is now moving like dried-out old glue down the sharp side a rusty razor blade.

You're all under his thumb, lads. Forget the budget - you're the headline today: five or six Irish lads and one right bimbo-tigger-tiger, all operating under an Aussie aged around seventy-four. Nothing in Budget 2025 is going to do anything for you bar run up even more bills in the longer term: don't forget - that €14Bn wasn't a reality until three weeks ago. It now occupies more than 50% of the giveaway bullshit they're buying you and yours with.

That whole mess is going to explode in your faces, girls - and your only right of reply is via a fat old plastic Yank and an even fatter and older Austrailian corn robber. Your credibility is now down the toilet, along with your few brain cells. If I was cynical enough, I'd be laughing out loud at ye, rather than feeling nothing but dread and pity as to what's coming down the line for the Irish.

Thank fuck I'm off that poxy little island - and away from goons like ye.

I think I realize now why it is I find these blogs so hilarious: you fools really DO take this all very seriously.

Best listen up to Vusi Thabethe here: 'it's not enough, it's never going to be enough money for us...'

And the only white Irish people on the same newscast were all over seventy: so he's the future - your future.

Have fun trying to slag him off without pissing your new Australian Boss off.

He might well decide to silence you, and Declan won't intervene because Declan hasn't a fucking clue how to run a site on his own.

You sad little cucks.
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Looks like Fishalt has permabanned me from Arsefields, and rewritten my posts along the way.

The best I can make out is that they think I was also posting under the user Dark Horse. Or Fishalt has manipulated the others into thinkng so.

Yet I never had a sock account there.

You were too intelligent for Arsefield's anyway, leave that to the drunken wasters who've nothing better to do with their lives.

You're always welcome to post away on Isle. 👍
You were too intelligent for Arsefield's anyway, leave that to the drunken wasters who've nothing better to do with their lives.


You're always welcome to post away on Isle.



Hi Mandy, tell your Mam we said hello.

And tell her that the Russian submarine that docked into Helsinki East port last night had forty-two navvies on board who were allowed out to go and eat and drink while the sub was being refueled: the lads were telling stories about which EU country has the ugliest sluts (these blokes have been under the water for so long that they seriously don't gave a shit what she looks like so long as she's tight, and doesn't talk or ask any questions) - and guess who was on top of the list?

You got it, Mandy.

The one prize Ireland can be truly proud of: your slut Ma Feeney.

Looks like the lonely kangaroo-fucker and number one fan of Rolf Harris has finally seen the wood, the trees, and the big mad deep-forest party featuring dozens and dozens of men who like to pretend to be a woman so they can dance around the bonfire in their delicate little petticoats and linen bloomers. SwordOfStSpoof has finally been rumbled on the gay bar site and his two main protagonists have turned on him: Fishface and the drunken sop O'Reilly have finally clocked that they're not just serving a fat plastic Paddy-whack van-driving loser from Ballinasloe, but that they're also expected to take stick from his Number One free labour twenty-fours hours a day unpaid employee Swordid McBloke.

Swordid's played you all, you stupid fuckers.

You bend to his will because you genuinely thought he was a younger woman of virtue rather than the cross-dressing wheelchair-bound hairy-armpitted slob who spends the entire day and night in front of his screen trying to fill in the empty places in what he calls a life. A life spent cleaning up shit-sites like the gay bar site Arsefield's after total lunatics like Jambo and the rest of his 'A Team/Real as Fuck' losers like Saul Bucket, the other drunk bloke O'Reilly (who in all fairness has a mental condition caused by the drink and cannot read anything more than one-liner replies because they distract him from trying to drive while plastered drunk) which he seems to think is honourable and respectable.

It ain't, Mister Ratio O'Fides - it's the single most laughable waste of a life I've yet encountered on these boards.

Your life achievements thus far add up to around twenty-two to twenty-four years of dossing around on chat boards pretending to be a woman for absolutely no money, no favour, no respect, no gratitude, and no sleep either what with putting in the hours on here and keeping your Golah ve Neckbeard account busy over on politics.ie. Your time's up, Mister McWonderBra. Roc already showed the world who you really are, but in order to ensure he gets the credit for this, here's a little something from Swordid's past you might well enjoy - or, if you're completely cucked, you might rage against.

Take a copy, pass it around Arsefield's on whatever thread you like and then watch his response: immediate deletion, every time.

But don't forget, the more he deletes it, the more is revealed - especially if he warns you of a banning for 'not staying on topic' or whatever other excuse he can drum up.

This is not to say that your new boss Fishballs is any better. That old fart is mugging right into your face because he knows that him being an Australian with the keys to the gay bar site means he has far more reach and option than all of you put together. You're currently a little gang of paddy-whackery nobodies being led by the nose-ring by an Aussie Nazi with less teeth than Val fucking Martin.

And no - in case you were wondering? We ALL know you sad bastards have this site permanently open on your devices to see what Mowl's going to reveal next. I gave you Youngdan, and you lot chose to stick your tongues up his hole? You chose to rim him into ecstasy instead of running him out for being the lying old buzzard he is? Same with your new Aussie overlord, who's currently bouncing around the site like a rabid kangaroo. When he starts up another rousing version of 'Two Little Boys' you lot sing the harmonies for him. Perfect pitch too. When he refers to AC/DC - he's not talking about 'Whole Lotta Rosie' or Back In Black'.

Where the fuck did you think he pissed off to for four months, and as soon as he came back he became your Top Poster Of The Month?

You seriously think Declan doesn't know the score?

He might be fat, greasy, rotund, a total spoofer, a bum, a glorified van driver in a zipper-necked cardigan, and he might well eat twenty-seven cheeseburgers a day, but he's not blind. He puts up with the likes of Fishpaste and Mister Swordid because they're the only fools willing to work all day and night for free. It's not about them being more willing to put in the time, because you ALL do that (even if traffic has slowed considerably since Kangal was banned) and it's not about them being in any way more moral or wise than you.

It's about him lording it around and having his minions do his beckoning. And like the mutts you are, you ask how high when he says jump.

You sounded out nothing, O'Reilly - you're too fucking drunk, too ignorant, too obsequious, and too fucking slow to do that. I handed you Declan, hence him now posting as himself, which is safe enough given that all the sites he previously modded have been obliterated and the only evidence of any of them ever existing requires searching about on the WayBack Machine. He thinks he's safe. He knows none of you will ever turn on him the way some of the members of the gay bar turning on Swordid right now.

Face it, losers: you're the rats - they're the pied pipers.

You serve them, they control what you can and cannot say.

Imagine being in thrall to a fucking Australian pensioner?

Imagine that?

Hah hah!

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