Looks like the lonely kangaroo-fucker and number one fan of Rolf Harris has finally seen the wood, the trees, and the big mad deep-forest party featuring dozens and dozens of men who like to pretend to be a woman so they can dance around the bonfire in their delicate little petticoats and linen bloomers. SwordOfStSpoof has finally been rumbled on the gay bar site and his two main protagonists have turned on him: Fishface and the drunken sop O'Reilly have finally clocked that they're not just serving a fat plastic Paddy-whack van-driving loser from Ballinasloe, but that they're also expected to take stick from his Number One free labour twenty-fours hours a day unpaid employee Swordid McBloke.
Swordid's played you all, you stupid fuckers.
You bend to his will because you genuinely thought he was a younger woman of virtue rather than the cross-dressing wheelchair-bound hairy-armpitted slob who spends the entire day and night in front of his screen trying to fill in the empty places in what he calls a life. A life spent cleaning up shit-sites like the gay bar site Arsefield's after total lunatics like Jambo and the rest of his '
A Team/Real as Fuck' losers like Saul Bucket, the other drunk bloke O'Reilly (
who in all fairness has a mental condition caused by the drink and cannot read anything more than one-liner replies because they distract him from trying to drive while plastered drunk) which he seems to think is honourable and respectable.
It ain't, Mister Ratio O'Fides - it's the single most laughable waste of a life I've yet encountered on these boards.
Your life achievements thus far add up to around twenty-two to twenty-four years of dossing around on chat boards pretending to be a woman for absolutely no money, no favour, no respect, no gratitude, and no sleep either what with putting in the hours on here and keeping your Golah ve Neckbeard account busy over on politics.ie. Your time's up, Mister McWonderBra. Roc already showed the world who you really are, but in order to ensure he gets the credit for this, here's a little something from Swordid's past you might well enjoy - or, if you're completely cucked, you might rage against.
Take a copy, pass it around Arsefield's on whatever thread you like and then watch his response: immediate deletion, every time.
But don't forget, the more he deletes it, the more is revealed - especially if he warns you of a banning for 'not staying on topic' or whatever other excuse he can drum up.
This is not to say that your new boss Fishballs is any better. That old fart is mugging right into your face because he knows that him being an Australian with the keys to the gay bar site means he has far more reach and option than all of you put together. You're currently a little gang of paddy-whackery nobodies being led by the nose-ring by an Aussie Nazi with less teeth than Val fucking Martin.
And no - in case you were wondering? We ALL know you sad bastards have
this site permanently open on your devices to see what Mowl's going to reveal next. I gave you Youngdan, and you lot chose to stick your tongues up his hole? You chose to rim him into ecstasy instead of running him out for being the lying old buzzard he is? Same with your new Aussie overlord, who's currently bouncing around the site like a rabid kangaroo. When he starts up another rousing version of '
Two Little Boys' you lot sing the harmonies for him. Perfect pitch too. When he refers to
AC/DC - he's
not talking about 'Whole Lotta Rosie' or Back In Black'.
Where the fuck did you think he pissed off to for four months, and as soon as he came back he became your
Top Poster Of The Month?
You seriously think Declan doesn't know the score?
He might be fat, greasy, rotund, a total spoofer, a bum, a glorified van driver in a zipper-necked cardigan, and he might well eat twenty-seven cheeseburgers a day, but he's not blind. He puts up with the likes of Fishpaste and Mister Swordid because they're the only fools willing to work all day and night for free. It's not about them being more willing to put in the time, because you ALL do that (
even if traffic has slowed considerably since Kangal was banned) and it's not about them being in any way more moral or wise than you.
It's about him lording it around and having his minions do his beckoning. And like the mutts you are, you ask how high when he says jump.
You sounded out nothing, O'Reilly - you're too fucking drunk, too ignorant, too obsequious, and too fucking slow to do that. I handed you Declan, hence him now posting as himself, which is safe enough given that all the sites he previously modded have been obliterated and the only evidence of any of them ever existing requires searching about on the WayBack Machine. He thinks he's safe. He knows none of you will ever turn on him the way some of the members of the gay bar turning on Swordid right now.
Face it, losers: you're the rats - they're the pied pipers.
You serve them, they control what you can and cannot say.
Imagine being in thrall to a fucking Australian pensioner?
Imagine that?
Hah hah!