
1 million asylum seekers and 4 million given temporary protection in EU+ in 2022.

Thanks for posting, it's a lovely video.
Indeed. It is a good window into your "nationalism".

I.e. While you waste your days, eke out this sad existence online, you vicariously live towards increasing the power and prestige of the "white race" that you have sunk your own individuality into.

That video exemplifies this. - It promotes the "white race" as an object of passionate nationalistic feeling.

(Of course, the very existence of such an object as "white race" can be seriously questioned. There is no definition of it that would be universally accepted.)

So that is why every "nationalist" in your mould is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but at the same time, since you are conscious of serving something bigger than yourself, of also being unshakeably certain of being in the right.

But the video is about the same thing every so called "nationalist" in your particular mould ever goes on about - the superiority of their own power unit that your whole individuality has been sunk into.
Great woman. We need more like her

Who does?

You and Saul/CG&P - the protector of a violent criminal who robs from his own and uses violence against pensioners if they wake while being burgled?

It's an odd kind of nationalism, isn't it Jambo?
Then what was all that civic nationalism/ethno nationalism/white nationalism all about, eh?

You chose one of the two suggested options - so you DO have a brand.

PS: place a facepalm below.

It's not my brand

Someone's brand would be say a clothing or cosmetics line, like what P Diddy and Victoria Beckham have
Indeed. It is a good window into your "nationalism".

I.e. While you waste your days, eke out this sad existence online, you vicariously live towards increasing the power and prestige of the "white race" that you have sunk your own individuality into.

That video exemplifies this. - It promotes the "white race" as an object of passionate nationalistic feeling.
(Of course, the very existence of such an object as "white race" can be seriously questioned. There is no definition of it that would be universally accepted.)

So that is why every "nationalist" in your mould is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but at the same time, since you are conscious of serving something bigger than yourself, of also being unshakeably certain of being in the right.

But the video is about the same thing every so called "nationalist" in your particular mould ever goes on about - the superiority of their own power unit that your whole individuality has been sunk into.
I thought we more than amply covered the fact that there is more genetic sameness across the entire human race than between two chimpanzees from the same forest. I.e. The visual differences, of physiogominy, of skin colour, of hair type, derive from less differences in DNA than there is between any two identical chimpanzees found living together in the same forest? But funnily enough, for all Jambo's claims of being scientific minded enough to conceive of the world in theoretical, logical abstractions, rather then depend on his senses, he can't adequately grasp this simple theoretical fact? What a chimp.
Dawkin's "Africa" presentation that we had on here was all about qualifying the deduction that skin colour and other features of "race" exist in actual fact - with deductions concerning the scale of these differences compared with differences between any two individuals.

Dawkins is at pains to clarify this point to racist mongs like you. E.g.:

"... if you measure the total variation in the human species and then partition it into a between-race component and a within-race component, the between-race component is a very small fraction of the total. Most of the variation among humans can be found within races as well as between them. Only a small admixture of extra variation distinguishes races from each other...".

Also, we are talking about genetically simple variations, like muscle structure, skin-color, hair, because they concern a limited number of genes. This means the differences are very visible, but also very superficial. More significantly, complex variations, like brain structure do not seem to exist.

But as usual you dismiss any context or distinctions that does not serve your slogans. You refuse to try and comprehend for example why Dawkins wears that t shirt saying "We are all Africans".

No, you lift one isolated statement, sans context, sans all the other distinctions that need to be made for proper understanding, that you think affirms your slogans. It is pathetic, really, James. More small willy stuff.
You can read/watch all about it ( roc_abilly roc_abilly's AKA The Soapbox Dunce's) humiliation here -

So Jambo: have any new members joined your 'ethno-nationalist' brand/group which endorses the protection of violent robbers targeting senile pensioners?

Where do you stand on the whole 'drunk-culchies beating up on Irish pensioners' scenario?

We know you stand shoulder to shoulder with their enablers, so what's the deal when it's you indirectly supporting violent thieves who rob from their own?

What sort of nationalism is that?

Answer the question.

Or look like the fool you are.
So Jambo: have any new members joined your 'ethno-nationalist' brand/group which endorses the protection of violent robbers targeting senile pensioners?

Where do you stand on the whole 'drunk-culchies beating up on Irish pensioners' scenario?

We know you stand shoulder to shoulder with their enablers, so what's the deal when it's you indirectly supporting violent thieves who rob from their own?
What sort of nationalism is that?

Answer the question.

Or look like the fool you are.
Only one of us doing that and it's not me
Indeed. It is a good window into your "nationalism".

I.e. While you waste your days, eke out this sad existence online, you vicariously live towards increasing the power and prestige of the "white race" that you have sunk your own individuality into.

That video exemplifies this. - It promotes the "white race" as an object of passionate nationalistic feeling.
(Of course, the very existence of such an object as "white race" can be seriously questioned. There is no definition of it that would be universally accepted.)
Aarvoll explains why identity is the foundation of politics, how White Americans are denied their ethnic identity:

"One of the tactics that is used when genocide is waged against a people is to delegitimize their identity"

"Politics should be about your people and the duties that you have to your people"

So that is why every "nationalist" in your mould is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but at the same time, since you are conscious of serving something bigger than yourself, of also being unshakeably certain of being in the right.

But the video is about the same thing every so called "nationalist" in your particular mould ever goes on about - the superiority of their own power unit that your whole individuality has been sunk into.
Seen this video on Arsefield's

Irish knacker shouts out like an Irish knacker.

Aengus isn't exactly the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, now is he?

The knacker going after him checked him on the 'Ink-Gate' drama where Aengus nicked around €50,000 worth of printing ink from the Dail. That was when? Around 2010? Fifty grand? Poppycock. By comparison, Varadkar trousering his annual wage while Mick Martin's spent the last twelve months pretty much permanently ensconced in business class flights on airplanes flying around the world on his final lap (there's no 'victory lap' for FF) wasting even more of your money.

He's the second in command - but he's now running errands for Fine Gael?

How'd you twats manage to find yourselves in that particular hole?

Anyway - Aengus looks like death these days. He's aged at five times the pace of any of the rest of ye. I'd say his blood pressure must be through the roof and his diet a fucking disaster of chip-shop battered sausages and onions. The other Ó Snodaigh brothers Rónán and Rossa front Kila, the very popular Irish traditional music group. With whom I've played many times. They speak Gaelic in the family home and represent Ireland very well on their jaunts around the planet every year. Unlike Ireland's political class, Kila pay their own way on flights all over the world. They make a good reputation for the other Irish out and about across the planet looking for lives. Because they sure as fuck can't find one on the poxy little island.

Aengus was previously very chatty with me via the BBBB and he set up all his extended family members to join the page to read Mowl's take on Ballyefermot, Dublin, and Irish life in general. He tried to induct me into the party but the Mowl is very clear on Irish party politics: you're ALL as bad as each other and even if I had the vote, I wouldn't vote Sinn fucking Fein. But I would advise conscientious people in Dublin 10 to strongly consider giving their vote to either Aengus or (back in the day) Serina Irvine of The Nationalist Party, another local who I was happy to help along in her campaign.

Contrary to that toothless culchie mutt Val Martin, I never sided with or spoke on behalf of Aengus Ó Snodaigh; I may have directed people to their (Sinn Fein) site for consideration but I never asked anyone to vote for any Sinn Fein member in good conscience: what I DID ask was for people to at least give them a leg-up that they might get one or two members into Leinster House and (a) open the books, and (b) fuck everything up (even by accident rather than design) so that the entire country could have a fresh start at rebuilding itself as a desirable place to live in. But it's not yet their time. It's coming, but while FF and FG collude with the Greens, you fools are stuck with a stuffed pig government: their mouths are so full they can't even speak coherently any more.

It isn't a question of which party would do best for the country.

It's an issue of trying to select a party who'll do the least damage when handed the keys to the house.
lol This Nigerian welfare tourist (here for 24 years, apparently) actually seems to believe the NGO/Goverment's talking points/lies -

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