
1 million asylum seekers and 4 million given temporary protection in EU+ in 2022.

In reality, replacing you with a heavily used toilet brush is entirely feasible, workable, and worthy.
Replacement migration is about replacing (indigenous) people with other people Mowl, not inanimate objects

Sham and you are peas in a pod.

Sham, an unemployed taxi driver who adopts that other great ruse apart from disability payment to shirk work.
A halfwit who believes in all the antisemitic conspiracy theories, that in the Jewish or Zionist community lies all the source of his discontents.
If he wanted to believe in antisemitic conspiracy theories he could do a lot worse than listen to WNs (and I've told him as much). I don't find his antisemitism very sophisticated or with any emphasis on antiwhiteism (because he mainly listens to people like EMJ and Brendon The Third)

But at least he's not fixated on the thinking that arises from the labels that the white supremacism movement hands out to gullible morons to think in.

Oh yes. You don't like being called a white supremacist. Just like you threatened Sham with a meeting to sort him out you threatened to sue me for stating that truth to you.

You and your stupid thinking in labels and memes.

What labels do you want people to use then - organised racism, white power, neo-Nazi, white racialist, white separatist, white power, white pride, a separate nation-state of whites only, "saving the white race", you know maybe you should go and stick your wikipedia up your white arse.
For as I have said, the only important test is the duck test. You look closely at what is in front of you. And if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, we are going to presume that it is a duck. That is just real world common sense.
For as I have said, I am a (lazy, dishonest) caricature to you, frankly you're not capable of anything more

In this vein, do whites in this movement consider themselves superior to blacks?
Does Jambo in his allegedly high IQ and playing of chess, and memes about whites building European civilisation and Africans in poor huts, consider himself superior to black people as a general rule?
I, as an individual, have no bearing on my race.

Thankfully, I saved the "infographic" (chortle), which you repeatedly lied about me deleting, to my hard drive and now with the Upload images button back, here it is again -

Here's a video -

Or what is the evidence that he is in fact that stupid that he reads into things like the fact of there being so few women and blacks in the world's top100 chess grandmasters, a "proof" and a vindication of his ideas?

There is evidence aplenty. Both in what you say and what you are careful not to say on these fora reveals you.
According to your narrow definition of intelligence.
I don't have a narrow definition of intelligence. I've said that IQ measures intelligence, not something else or "unintelligence" (which is something you stole from that sap Taleb, or whatever his name is)

(Fyi I did well on those tests

judging by the fact that every engineering job I applied to that these tests were a part of, I suddenly found myself being grovelled to by the prospective employer.
lol again

Note that I would never do such a test for any other reason, nor do I put value in such tests, I would say they in fact measure a form of unintelligence and learning difficulties, and you can absolutely witness that in the culture that usually surrounds engineering work, it is a troubling element of the work).

The truth is Jambo that it is an exceedingly narrow definition of intelligence. You along with Godsdog provide the superlative examples I would say.

The great pity though is that you don't have enough actual intelligence to recognise that there are other, often more valuable strains that are part of actual intelligence, than the type you need to play chess, solve engineering problems, take stupid college exams, be some type of paper shuffler.

And the further great pity is that you are so stupid you hardly realise what is in the intelligence or "soul" of an artisan, or an artist, or a woman connected intuitively with the life around her, or a black man connected with the rhythms of life itself, and so much more you desperate sap.

No surprise then that you cannot recognise Mowl's intelligence, literary and otherwise, demonstrating in that lack of recognition your own dearth of it. "Go wash your butt, kid". Only the Mowl could summarise your entire situation like that. It verges on genius. I advise you to consider it, and the revelation for you that it contains.
Much like you, Mowl has passable written English and a mediocre vocabulary.. that's not intelligence, much more so than IQ isn't, both of you are living proof

The boyos Mowl & roc are in for some treat this afternoon 🥰

In his first public speaking engagement (that I'm aware of) at this year's AmRen conference... It's Keeef! -

An Island for Everyone? Ireland at a Crossroads. (2023)
(Q & A follows)
Replacement migration is about replacing (indigenous) people with other people Mowl, not inanimate objects

I don't have a narrow definition of intelligence.

Which is why you come out with crap like:

Much like you, Mowl has passable written English and a mediocre vocabulary.. that's not intelligence, much more so than IQ isn't, both of you are living proof

Your goal posts would shift much faster if you put wheels under them, Jimmy.

Failing that, try hiring four huge big Nigerian lads, and tell them about their real history while whipping them.

To me it doesn't matter one way or the other how smart you are, or even how smart you think you are.

Because you're an utterly fucking horrible cunt in every possible way - so it's no wonder your Ma slashed her wrists.
Which is why you come out with crap like:

Your goal posts would shift much faster if you put wheels under them, Jimmy.

Failing that, try hiring four huge big Nigerian lads, and tell them about their real history while whipping them.

To me it doesn't matter one way or the other how smart you are, or even how smart you think you are.
Because you're an utterly fucking horrible cunt in every possible way - so it's no wonder your Ma slashed her wrists.
Is it just me or does anyone else think that Mowl got out of the wrong side of the bed this afternoon? 🤔

He seems particularly in a rage today 😡

INTRODUCING Mowl the Dog (AKA Niki) -

What utter white supremacist odious twatage.

Jambo, implying he has membership of some superior race in the intelligence stakes, and he can't even understand the difference in the attempt to measure "intelligence" as against measuring say the speed of a car, or the temperature of a working environment etc.

Describe to me Jambo what is the variable in "intelligence" that corresponds to the numerical value that your stupid model encompassed by your IQ tests throws up?

I.e. What are the differences on the 'inside' that are reflected in the scores on the 'outside'? Even if there was an agreed-on theory of what happens on the 'inside'? (Which there's not, of course).

You can't you twat, of course.

And even if you were to cast aside the theoretical considerations, and say well it is in fact all empirical, well then what are the correlations with job performance or other indices of success, that demonstrate the test is even useful?

Actually that is exactly what Taleb's article that you go on about put under the spotlight, such correlations, and showed actually, the reverse is more so true - so then he said can we not therefore claim that the test in fact measures for "unintelligence... general incompetence, exam-takers, paper shufflers, intellectuals yet idiots, those ill adapted for “real life”...?

Again, in your own words, Jambo, why should these several distinct tasks that are in your "IQ test" that you convert into a singular number be said to accurately represent "intelligence"?

Fucking twat. I can tell you that 99% of people have a far deeper and wider appreciation of intelligence than you, Jambo. So where does that place you on the bell curve you stupid neanderthal?

And then listen to that kid Woods above. Exhibit B, another fucking twat of the same type, a pseudo intellectual twat theorising based on ideas that he pulls from twisted white supremacist fucks like that Jared Taylor who runs that white supremacist "American Renaissance" organisation, who introduces him in your video.

I only had to listen to him for less than thirty seconds before something struck, that has been said by Mowl on here, and famously also by a black man, James Baldwin.

"One writes, out of one thing only - one's own experience".

But instead you have Woods rabbiting on, clearly with no experience of his own from which to write from, trying to ride on the coat-tails of historical nationalism in Ireland, and as I heard within 30 seconds, beginning his talk with a lie, in ignoring the fact that our most revered nationalists in fact were opposed to the existence of religious biases and sectarianism.

You see, your definitions of "nationalism" are as tenuous as your definitions of "intelligence".

Anyway, going back to Baldwin, here's an article that 99.99% of people would say displays real, worthwhile, human, exemplary intelligence. Have a read. You might learn something. And in the reading of it again ask yourself, what is it in this article that constitutes its intelligence? Can you measure it? And how would you do so?

Of course I know only too well you are unable to read anything unless it's been cast for you in a meme, or a slogan, or put on slick video with appropriate atmospheric music in the background (appropriate as in designed to mirror the emotion the video aims to stoke in you, as emotion is consistently recruited to blind people to decency and acknowledgement of the facts inconvenient to these theories).

You're a fucking twat, Jambo. You need to get a life.
What utter white supremacist odious twatage.
Intelligence is white supremacist? 🤔 Is white supremacy in the room with you now?

Jambo, implying he has membership of some superior race in the intelligence stakes, and he can't even understand the difference in the attempt to measure "intelligence" as against measuring say the speed of a car, or the temperature of a working environment etc.

Describe to me Jambo what is the variable in "intelligence" that corresponds to the numerical value that your stupid model encompassed by your IQ tests throws up?

I.e. What are the differences on the 'inside' that are reflected in the scores on the 'outside'? Even if there was an agreed-on theory of what happens on the 'inside'? (Which there's not, of course).

You can't you twat, of course.
I've said that IQ is a measurement of what can (and should) be called intelligence. Perhaps if you read (and reply to) what I write instead of the voices in your head..

And even if you were to cast aside the theoretical considerations, and say well it is in fact all empirical, well then what are the correlations with job performance or other indices of success, that demonstrate the test is even useful?

Actually that is exactly what Taleb's article that you go on about put under the spotlight, such correlations, and showed actually, the reverse is more so true - so then he said can we not therefore claim that the test in fact measures for "unintelligence... general incompetence, exam-takers, paper shufflers, intellectuals yet idiots, those ill adapted for “real life”...?

Again, in your own words, Jambo, why should these several distinct tasks that are in your "IQ test" that you convert into a singular number be said to accurately represent "intelligence"?

Fucking twat. I can tell you that 99% of people have a far deeper and wider appreciation of intelligence than you, Jambo. So where does that place you on the bell curve you stupid neanderthal?
You want me to place myself on the bell curve in the 99th percentile, have you thought this through? 😁

What's of interest of course is your motivation (and prossibly Taleb's) for rubbishing IQ (besides having a low one) and it seems fairly obvious that it's because you're a race denying anti-racist <anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white>

And then listen to that kid Woods above. Exhibit B, another fucking twat of the same type, a pseudo intellectual twat theorising based on ideas that he pulls from twisted white supremacist fucks like that Jared Taylor who runs that white supremacist "American Renaissance" organisation, who introduces him in your video.
I only had to listen to him for less than thirty seconds before something struck, that has been said by Mowl on here, and famously also by a black man, James Baldwin.
Ah Jaysus 😆

"One writes, out of one thing only - one's own experience".

But instead you have Woods rabbiting on, clearly with no experience of his own from which to write from, trying to ride on the coat-tails of historical nationalism in Ireland, and as I heard within 30 seconds, beginning his talk with a lie, in ignoring the fact that our most revered nationalists in fact were opposed to the existence of religious biases and sectarianism.
He said (near the start of his speech) that Ireland was founded on ethno-nationalist principles and mentioned some facts about the country.. that it was Catholic, conservative and homogeneous. I don't see any lie other than your own.

I suppose it's surprising that you even watched 30 seconds, or thereabouts.. But I don't see that you've responded with anything more than dishonesty and ad hom (based on his nationalism and age) - which isn't surprising.

Someone with a higher IQ than yours would simply have better arguments.

You see, your definitions of "nationalism" are as tenuous as your definitions of "intelligence".

Anyway, going back to Baldwin, here's an article that 99.99% of people would say displays real, worthwhile, human, exemplary intelligence. Have a read. You might learn something. And in the reading of it again ask yourself, what is it in this article that constitutes its intelligence? Can you measure it? And how would you do so?

Of course I know only too well you are unable to read anything unless it's been cast for you in a meme, or a slogan, or put on slick video with appropriate atmospheric music in the background (appropriate as in designed to mirror the emotion the video aims to stoke in you, as emotion is consistently recruited to blind people to decency and acknowledgement of the facts inconvenient to these theories).

You're a fucking twat, Jambo. You need to get a life.

Varadkar expects united Ireland in his lifetime​

The Taoiseach has said he believes Ireland is on the path to unification and he thinks there will be a united Ireland in his lifetime.

Leo Varadkar said that in that united Ireland there were going to be a million people who are British and the success of a country would be judged by how it treats its minorities. More...

“Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”
The Shipwright pub down in Ringsend, burned to a crisp. Apparently, the locals were under the impression that the building was to be used for housing migrants when in fact it was designated for homeless Irish families who are now stuck out on the streets with nowhere to go for fuck knows how long. Swift fucking move there, nationalists. You shot yourself in both feet, just like when you chose to riot and burn the city centre after some nutcase stabbed a few kids and ladies.

Yes, of course it was going to cause a reaction, but no - burning your own capital city probably isn't the wisest of moves to 'get one back' on the state that oversees your country. I can't think of any politician or party who suffered anything negative as a result of the gangs of knackers raiding sports shops for trainers and shell suits, you complete fucking gombs. Helen McEntee taking a walk through Summerhill or Sheriff Street flanked by two uniformed coppers didn't do her any favours but then again I've been telling you cunts for months that she's a nervous breakdown on legs: her primordial instincts are all borne of her Da's suicide and putting her into a brief like justice was/is (at her age) a right fucking poke in your own eye with a nine inch nail.

The Shipwright was a madhouse. I worked for the previous owners years back, two middle aged men: one was kind of hairy and rough looking in appearance and the other was a little bloke who wore a dickie bow. It took me all of one minute to clock they were a couple. But the pub (and small but very busy off license) was always stuffed with people and there were a couple of lads dealing from the toilets: coke, hash (really nice hash actually) ecstasy, etc. The off license was frequently raided and they had to put a buzzer and remote camera on the outside of the front door to scope people out before letting them in. So they took to coming in through the bar, hopping over the counter and into the sales desk booth to grab and run. The two owners (the names I can almost remember) were seriously pissed with the whole set-up but they couldn't close without going under from their debts.

The pub was, at the time, shabby and run-down. The toilets stank and the jacks door never stopped opening and closing with people coming and going and pretending to need a an urgent leak: they'd come in, and if nobody was behind the bar (likely on the other side manning the offie till) they'd strut into the jacks and be followed by a 'sales representative' who'd sort them out and flush the bog before strutting back out. It was the exact same circus show I used to see at the 'Meeting Place' on Dorset back in the day when the Dunne family ran things on the northside. A buyer would walk in, give yer man a nod in the corner table, and then sidle into the jacks. The salesman would walk in with a bunch of ten spots and open his palm for you to pick one or two of your choice. Long and skinny rectangular sticks of hash, wrapped in aluminium foil and cut when warm with a sheer blade. Red Lebanese, Afghan Black, Sputnick Black: take your pick. Then back out the door without catching anyone's eye. They had it all sewn up, the bar staff were their look-outs, so the lads had nothing to be worried about. If the pub was getting raided, they were the first to hop the counter and leggit out the back way.

I saw that same routine in The Dubliner in Temple Bar too: another family, not as heavy as the Dunne's, but still no one you wanted to fuck around with. Get in, get your shit, pay for it, say nothing, and fuck off. Again there was no way the staff weren't aware of what was happening. But those lads brought the punters in and the bar was making big money hand over fist. I got to work for all these bars through Louis Fitz - work I did for his chain of pubs and restaurants, hotels and motels, was a handy reference as a name to drop when scoping out some paid work.

I learned pretty fast that there aren't any pubs in the city who don't know perfectly well that their outlet serves another shadier master.

The Shipwright had a few very collectable pieces of maritime art they used in the windows: they definitely didn't know the value of them because if they did then they were asking for it. I suggested they remove them and have them cleaned and then brought to The National Maritime Museum out on Haigh Terrace in Dun Laoire. I hope they did because they would have burned in a flash, so dry and brittle being in the window under the sun for years.

Now the joint's completely gone. Another piece of Irish antiquity destroyed for ever: it'll be bought as a site and council housing or else private development will take the site over as it begins to gentrify and clear out the locals who've lived there since long before the uprising and other significant Irish historic events.

Now the Irish women and children on the streets have nowhere to go except back to the tent and the wet sleeping bags, the wailing children, the damp loaf of sliced bread in a Spar bag with two packets of Tayto crisps she was giving them for supper.

But sure the Irish right wing must be only thrilled with themselves after seeing what their own associates did to O'Connell Street last month.

They must be pissing themselves laughing at the fuck-up they just made on their own people.

The Irish right is filled with half-pipes the likes of Arsefield's specializes in: lame-brained gobshites with fat mouths and little foresight. Burn it all, seems to be their mantra, and if it should turn out that they burned the wrong address, then make something up. Tell a few spoofs to gloss over it so the merry dance of the mindless Irish right wing can keep dancing out of step, out of time, oblivious to the damage they're doing. If the city burns down tonight, then there must be some 'leftist' out there who provoked it. Who made it happen. Who lit the match that lit the petrol bomb that blew the doors off the hinges so 'de lads' had some clean runners for Christmas. A new set of matching pants and hoodie with an American issue baseball cap.

Check out Arsefield's on the weekend's fire in Ringsend: they're fucking THRILLED with themselves over there, the stupid and self-destructive little cunts.

Truly the scum of Irish boards.

They completely support the burning of an historic Irish building in a true Dubliner's village - even if it was vacant at the time.

They think this bullshit is them 'winning'.

Jaze help yiz all on that hopelessly unfortunate little green rock ye call home: I'm so fucking glad I got out of there.
The EU has a population of 448 million, so what if 5 million are immigrating here, it wont even make a dent.
Is there a purpose behind asking this question?
Well, as the Mowl said, first and foremost to establish your nationality.

To expand a little, I'm thinking by here, you meant the EU?

I mean, if by here you meant Ireland then you'd have to be some sort of Eamon Ryan -

You're not some sort of Eamon Ryan r u? 🤔
The Republic of Ireland can barely sustain its current population of 5 million without depending on FDI and low corporate taxation...yet even at that millions will likely need to immigrate in the decades ahead. We've little to no native industry, preferring instead to throw money at an already inflated property market. So how exactly are we supposed to sustain 10 million people? If American corporations decided to leave Ireland tomorrow, setting up shop in cheaper locations such as India, then we wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Nobody outside of Ireland could give a flying fuck if we ourselves determine that some 3-bed Semi out in Longford is worth half a million - they'll want something which we uniquely produce which they'll be able to trade with us for. 10 million my arse. 10 million immigrating to other countries over the coming decades perhaps. Given how little natural resources or heavy industry we have, along with our reliance on American FDI we'll be back to being one of the poorest countries in Europe when it all moves to low-wage economies such as Africa and South Asia. But then again it was only thirty or so years ago when we were all dirt poor, a lot of people in this country began to get notions about themselves during the so-called Celtic Tiger.

To add to the problem we're incapable of planning towns and infrastructure - all major factors in creating a sustainable industrial and commercial base. Instead it's every man for himself / an eyesore of a bungalow or McMansion in every field throughout the four corners of the land.
How many are living out on the streets these days? I see some lady died at her camping spot along Wexford Street near Whelan's. I often stayed around the corner on Pleasant Street and I worked several businesses along that strip. Just like you have all these placards telling you which famous person lived in which house, will the tent-dwelling sector get their own versions?

Ireland is a rather sanctimonious shit-hole after all.

Are you still segregating the 'refugees' from the actual 'homeless' Irish or what way are they being counted?
Silly old cow's taking it all rather seriously - while asking other people to get off their arses and do something about her problems?
Silly old cow's taking it all rather seriously - while asking other people to get off their arses and do something about her problems?
I like her passion (she has the Angry Birds eyebrows and everything).

You know, that's one thing they mightn't have factored in in this country Mowl.. Us Irish don't like being conquered.
Most Muslims I've come across are in this country are highly secular and completely buy into the currently prevailing "Western" philosophy of everything being for sale in a free market to the highest bidder.

Including what our own Irish culture once held relatively sacred - land, our labour, the various fruits of the earth, our water, and so on. (And not only our own culture held these things, but other cultures, like in the Islamic countries.)

"... We have come a long way from the time when the businessman was content to urge capitalism as a permissive theory, as an assertion of the claim that he had his due and dignified place in society, and that he must not be passed by either the snobbery of the aristocrat, or the snobbery of the intellectual. However, it seems that his demands for room to live have turned into demands that his way of life be recognised as the basis of life of the entire community and that those who are not in accord with him should be punished with the whips of a new inquisition..."

So surely any Irish national consciousness worth striving for would be based in those elements such as were reflected in say our language, or our old Brehon law, and all that those laws had to say about living in a community, hospitality, farming and nature etc.

Yet these Muslims are coming into this country and generally fully buying into this alien philosophy of the so called free market, and are even willing to police it, to see it upheld?

Perhaps we could reach out to these Muslims and point out how both our respective traditional languages reflect a national consciousness that is in many ways superior to the type of national consciousness engendered by the Anglo American hegemony?

For example I like how in non authoritarian implementations of Shariah, it is a self-managed system and an optional framework, where an action becomes rewardable when it is done without any compulsion and under self-decision. And that which is done out of compulsion or is done under an imposition from an authority is not worthy of being rewarded.

I think if we are to ever develop a worthwhile nationalism in this country, those type of elements are valuable.

I suppose though the first step will be to recognise the real enemy, that which actually colonises our minds, and forces out that which makes us a people, a community, and gives us our true creative powers as a people, rather than being totally dependent on wages, available to the highest bidder (in theory, putting aside the reality that the race to the bottom a rigged system gives rise to).

Well any input from James as to how we might get white nationalists / white supremacists on side with this, and move them past their mindless slogans, and help them to identify the real enemies that hinder a worthwhile, positive, communal, Irish national consciousness?
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