
1 million asylum seekers and 4 million given temporary protection in EU+ in 2022.

I like her passion (she has the Angry Birds eyebrows and everything).

Problem is: there are hundreds, thousands more just like her - demanding change and asking anyone else to do it rather than herself.

A wee little rant on Twitter changes nothing.

You know, that's one thing they mightn't have factored in in this country Mowl.. Us Irish don't like being conquered.

Money changes everything though, right?

When al that credit was being bandied about in the late90s early 2000s, Paddy and Bridget grabbed everything they could with both hands and thought they were new money. Royalty. Urrland had suddenly become a 'player' and Irish people were jetting off around the world acting like billionaires with the shopping trips to New York and three holidays a year in the sun.

The banks were sending me credit cards, I recall two major banks I had no dealings with send me credit to the tune of €10,000+, and all I had to do was sign the dotted line. But I could smell that rat before I saw it. Loads of people I knew are now in the ground directly as a result of Ireland's grasping and profligate tossing around of cash money. Money conquered the Irish in a short amount of time. You're still down and you'll stay there until the national debt is dealt with.

So while other relatively new EU members states are building new schools, modern hospitals, motorways, etc - Ireland's throwing untold billions at a children's hospital for how long now? And it's set to go over budget (again) by how much?

Conquering Paddy's a doddle: just wave a fiver under his nose and he'll beg like a mongrel lapdog.

Paddy's well used to groveling for his few shillings.

He's rather undignified like that.

Most Muslims I've come across are in this country are highly secular and completely buy into the currently prevailing "Western" philosophy of everything being for sale in a free market to the highest bidder.

I have precisely zero number of Muslims in my home circle. Some Jews, yes - and there are three in particular I've had in mind for some years now who'll find themselves revisiting times in their lives when they acted in a certain way and stabbed me deep in the back rather viciously. As I've always said: I don't dislike the Jews per se. I certainly Do dislike those I knew personally, and for good reason.

Up here I have a few in my wider circle who were raised Muslim but rejected it all, mostly younger men and women in their twenties. The parents might be hardcore sorts who live by the Q'uran, but they seem happy enough to allow their kids make up their own minds. This is Europe after all. So I would agree with you that values are changing for those families who came to Europe over the last several decades as being less and less militant in their religious beliefs.

I recently did some work on an apartment downtown which was being redesigned from a standard two-bed family unit to a three-bedroom funky student apartment. The family who own it moved down to Australia for a few years work and the young guys I met who are now living there (in a very cool purpose-built frat-house pad that they already love to bits). The three guys age from twenty to twenty-two. Their lady friends are hot, their home is fabulous, they study and work on their own flexi-time, and have loads of stuff going on. All three were born into Muslim families who moved to Finland a few decades ago.

They all three rejected religion at age eighteen (two brothers and a mate) and their parents let them.

Like me at age twelve, they were allowed to choose for themselves - but only after they turned eighteen.

I don't know if that's a common thing with Muslims arriving into the EU zone, but for those guys it's perfectly natural and they don't seem bothered by it.

So there are those who reject hard-line religions and want to live a life free of being shoved around by the Holy Book of their history.

I also realized that another thing that surprised me greatly: these guys have their phones in their hand all the time. But I saw that they were in fact extremely busy with their obligations and their chosen modes of entertainment, using the technology to keep several balls in the air at any one time, effectively not so much multi-tasking but rather more like the technology was an extension of their own limbs.

They're not playing video games or listening to music, neither are they posting shit about themselves.

They have their own underground scene going on in the bomb shelters. They accessed one a few months back to rent for a one-nighter student bash with DJs and lights, etc and it was massively over-attended. So they're now looking at Vanha, the student building in the centre of town. It holds around two thousand and they're planning on running their own club nights there without so much as printing one poster to advertise it: they have it all in their devices already. They move fast and get things done on time. All angles are covered. They have it nailed down and they did it without having to leave the house.

These kids are the future.

Also, I loved the fact that they all dress like characters from The Matrix. Long black leather coats, boots from outer space, shades, messy hair, worn out classic denim jeans way too big and totally worn out at the ankles. They're in their own little universe and they can can hop back to reality to keep juggling while using modern technology in ways I hadn't seen before.

The future, for them, is already here.

Well any input from James as to how we might get white nationalists / white supremacists on side with this, and move them past their mindless slogans, and help them to identify the real enemies that hinder a worthwhile, positive, communal, Irish national consciousness?

Most of the new generation 'Irish Nationalists' don't even speak Gaelic. Other sallow their own kids rob their elderly neighbours. Others spend their time mouthing off and never getting up off their arses. Check these sites for further evidence. Neither do they seem to love Ireland in any palpable way. One gets the impression that some of them (I'm looking at you Philip O'Dwyer) are only in it for the jollies of beating up their incoming migrants and blaming them for the mess Ireland is in today.

But it wasn't the incoming hordes of migrants who swallowed the Kool Aid: it was YOU - you and yours - gullible Irish people who thought their betters had finally grown a fully functional magical money tree for them to enjoy. And enjoy it they did. They spent like there was no tomorrow. Except now there actually isn't a tomorrow: it'll keep on being yesterday for some years yet while the national debt and the kid's hospital swallows what little available cash Ireland has.

They said on the news the other night that Ireland is currently 'fully employed/in full employment' - as in: everyone has a job.

Of course that was RTE (I've started listening to the Irish news most mornings again - the Six/One News always makes me laugh) so you'd never know.

If it's true that Ireland has all job vacancies filled and all houses occupied, where next?

Too many foreign people in the country or not enough foreign people in the country?

The Irish people seem to think they want less of them - the government says you need more.

Which is it?

Paddy was having a great time during the boom years when he was being served his daily pints by a little Asian bloke who spoke English with a Dublin accent, and all the pretty waitresses in the cafes and lounges who were so polite, so attentive, and so fucking gorgeous the fat Irish slags saw that the game had changed: now they had genuine competition from incoming beauties from Poland and all along the Baltic states. The nail bars and hair salons peaked. Suddenly the fat slags were trying to mimic the pretty young things and Paddy thought giving Yeng-Pi a decent tip was charity from the wealthy to the needy. Except after a couple of years of hard work and some savings, Yeng now had a bar/restaurant of his own. In the city. With no Irish staff bar the KP/Doorman.

Paddy leans whichever way the wind blows.

Immigration isn't an issue until it bites him on the rump.

But that's Paddy's way: he can doss off with the worst of them until an opportunity comes along that allows him to subjugate Yeng-Pi and Muhammud into scrubbing the jacks for him while Paddy's watching afternoon telly. Face it: between the insane amounts of dole money being paid out to the Irish long-termers, it's no fucking wonder so many people see Ireland as a push-over.

Irish nationalism is a mongrel - with fleas.

It has no traction apart from the bar-stool brigade ranting - and the online ghosts shouting even louder.

If the shower over on Arsefield's are anything to by, then you've already lost the battle before even marching out to face it.

And if the Philip O'Dwyer's of today are their pied pipers, then forget it: it's all over.

You will be assimilated whether you like it or not.
How did we get on to Moslems? 🤔

I'm not counter-Jihad (I'm a nationalist). Myles is yer man for the counter-Jihad.

Oh Tommy, Tommy...
How did we get on to Moslems? 🤔
You posted a video of a woman who to put it mildly, didn't come across as the sharpest knife in the drawer. Against my better judgement, I listened to the first 15 seconds or so, out of curiosity, and she was railing against a recruitment presentation given to Muslims by the Gardai. Therefore I made a post that dealt with some of the assumptions that her tiktok post was based on.
You posted a video of a woman who to put it mildly, didn't come across as the sharpest knife in the drawer. Against my better judgement, I listened to the first 15 seconds or so, out of curiosity, and she was railing against a recruitment presentation given to Muslims by the Gardai. Therefore I made a post that dealt with some of the assumptions that her tiktok post was based on.
So no good reason then

If you're not prepared to watch a short (TikTok) video in full then please refrain from commenting (on it)

Thank you
First it was yourself who posted it, so already someone would know what messages were going to be delivered and how, before watching.

Three seconds confirmed that.

Also confirmed, yes, here was someone who only thinks in labels, the same labels as we know you think in.

The next twelve seconds were just to see what particular style, and any idiosyncrasy with which the message was going to be delivered.

So I'll comment on what I see fit, and what I think worth commenting on.

As for yourself, know your place, James. You are an exhibit, a visitor from the Arsefields freak show - a freakish self professed upside down "nationalist", an Irishman indoctrinated in the Anglo American mode of white Supremacism.

You're not even being poked around in a petri dish on Isle anymore - all your limited behaviours have been elicited so many times that you are now utterly predictable.

Basically now you're like an odd little book on a coffee table, leafed through many times before but occassionally providing a stimulant to the conversation.

So that was the vein in which the conversation turned to Muslims in Ireland.
First it was yourself who posted it,
Check out the big brain on Brett

so already someone would know what messages were going to be delivered and how, before watching.
I didn't know anything before watching it, I'm not Mystic Meg or some shit you fucking retar

This better improve..

Three seconds confirmed that.
Confirmed what?

3 seconds.. is that how long it takes you to read a (anti-white) slogan by the ADL?

Also confirmed, yes, here was someone who only thinks in labels, the same labels as we know you think in.
It's not improving.. from gibberish

The next twelve seconds were just to see what particular style, and any idiosyncrasy with which the message was going to be delivered.

So I'll comment on what I see fit, and what I think worth commenting on.

As for yourself, know your place, James. You are an exhibit, a visitor from the Arsefields freak show - a freakish self professed upside down "nationalist", an Irishman indoctrinated in the Anglo American mode of white Supremacism.

You're not even being poked around in a petri dish on Isle anymore - all your limited behaviours have been elicited so many times that you are now utterly predictable.

Basically now you're like an odd little book on a coffee table, leafed through many times before but occassionally providing a stimulant to the conversation.

So that was the vein in which the conversation turned to Muslims in Ireland.
Ah would you go fuck yourself, I can't even be bothered reading your tripe
How did we get on to Moslems?

You posted a video from some Irish slag with a hump about coppers in turbans.
If you're not prepared to watch a short (TikTok) video in full then please refrain from commenting (on it)

I watched the whole thing.

I laughed when she thumped her phone at the end: one inanimate object versus another inanimate object.

First it was yourself who posted it...
So that was the vein in which the conversation turned to Muslims in Ireland.

He fairly nailed you right there, Jambo.

Check out the big brain on Brett.

Ah would you go fuck yourself, I can't even be bothered reading your tripe

Sadly you've reverted to type again.

Down the fucking rabbit-hole we go.

Or rather - you go, not I.

You have a way of demanding answers to questions you asked only to set another person up to take your bait by answering at all.

It's seriously far too obvious by now, Jambo - you need to up your game.

You do demand answers, and you will become an obnoxious pig when they aren't immediately forthcoming - so let's test that, shall we?

I asked you a question three or four days ago, you didn't answer me then so I asked you again yesterday, but you're still dodging it.

So we'll try one more time, yes?

Jambo: where do you stand on your nationalism and your association with other Irish nationalists on these chat boards regarding your membership featuring one culchie Irish nationalist who houses and protects a middle-aged son who specializes in burgling old age Irish pensioners asleep in their beds. Don't try to dodge the question either, the man I'm referring to was one of your A Team members after all: Saul - aka - Coal Gas & Peat.

He's father to a forty-three year old unemployed son who robs old Irish people when they're sleeping and brings the booty into Saul's house for sale through the local grapevine for cash dollar money. Do you consider Saul a suitable member for Ireland's burgeoning nationalist movement? Did you ask him about his son? If not, why not? You stand neck and shoulder with him - so you're currently propping up a very nasty character - and in full public view.

Is it better to have a few right rat bastards in the ranks to boost numbers/confidence or wouldn't you rather have a few clean and disciplined people aboard your ship rather than scumbag middle-men who fence their own brood's burgling habits?

Let's say you found out that Philip O'Dwyer was a nighttime burglar who funded his trips around Ireland to various protests and other public meetings by mugging grannies?

This is a suitable candidate to march alongside?

Because you're currently harbouring a rat bastard father who knows exactly why the pensioners of Monaghan are afraid to fall asleep in their beds.

I'll continue to ask until you answer - just like you did ever since I've known you.
E Electricity: so can we take it that your brand of Irish nationalism means fuck all really?

I mean, if it includes harbourers of violent thieves who will defend themselves at any cost - even assault on the elderly - then it means nothing, right?

In effect, you're happy to run with liars, thieves, and violent scum: so that's what your silence indicates to anyone reading.

That you responded with a facepalm only cements your allegiances to rat bastard Irish scum - which by extension makes YOU rat bastard Irish scum too.

If you walk next to a known criminal and do nothing, then you're part of the problem.

If you outwardly defend a known criminal, you endorse his actions.

So all in all, you not only dismiss criminal violence against the elderly, you also stand with the rat bastard who would use violence against the elderly for swag.

Which makes you a rat bastard too, right?

Jambo: what's it like being a cornered rat?

E Electricity: so can we take it that your brand of Irish nationalism means fuck all really?
I don't have a brand

I mean, if it includes harbourers of violent thieves who will defend themselves at any cost - even assault on the elderly - then it means nothing, right?

In effect, you're happy to run with liars, thieves, and violent scum: so that's what your silence indicates to anyone reading.

That you responded with a facepalm only cements your allegiances to rat bastard Irish scum - which by extension makes YOU rat bastard Irish scum too.

If you walk next to a known criminal and do nothing, then you're part of the problem.

If you outwardly defend a known criminal, you endorse his actions.

So all in all, you not only dismiss criminal violence against the elderly, you also stand with the rat bastard who would use violence against the elderly for swag.

Which makes you a rat bastard too, right?

Jambo: what's it like being a cornered rat?


Your bullshit message is all branding.

E.g. Your lot call yourselves white "nationalist now. But a few years ago it was white supremacist.

Or look at all the racists now wearing suits and recruiting young blondes to regurgitate their bullshit on nicely produced videos etc.

All in the attempt to make your message more palatable to the average white person.

“Free speech,” “Alt-right,” “White nationalist” etc.

Of course its a message laden with branding and American style morkeshing.

So GTFO the stage, exit stage right, and you can take all your bullshit tik toks and interminable podcasts with you while you're at it..

Your bullshit message is all branding.

E.g. Your lot call yourselves white "nationalist now. But a few years ago it was white supremacist.
Stop lying

I've pointed out to you (many times) that I'm not a white supremacist (by definition) but you're just like a flat-earther, nothing sinks in

Of course, what you actually are is - anti-white

You keep on lying about me and I'll keep on telling the truth about you
... I've pointed out to you (many times) that I'm not a white supremacist...
Yes, again, everyone is aware you strongly object to that particular branding.

But the fact is you do things like post stupid videos such as the following right after going on about Africans living in "mud huts", and about "averages" in human groups (aka nazi era scientific racism).

Jambo, your exact notions were held by those who called themselves "white supremacists" before they rebranded as ethnic and white "nationalists", "race realists", and all the rest.

We didn't come down in the last shower, Jambo. I appreciate you fully buy into this rebranding with all your heart and soul, but for anyone outside your cult it's just lipstick on a pig.

The pig can squeal as many times as he likes at everyone protesting that it's not lipstick. But the fact is that there's this big red garish Joker like smear all around the pig's mouth.

Anyway, we're not going through all this again. The question was already more than settled, in the affirmative. It's just boring at this stage, so now you can fuck off there's a good lad.
Of course, what you actually are is - anti-white
White supremacist marketing of your message. You just can't help yourself. E.g.

1 Stay on message; we deal with the genocide of White people and the perpetrators, anti-Whites. When talking to the general public don't go into a rant about Jewish conspiracies, banking families, NWO, etc. White genocide is the first step to establish a beachhead in the general population's consciousness -- we can expand on other ideas later.

2 Use the Mantra and our talking points. Everything anti-Whites say always leads to our genocide, and we have good ways to counter their talking points. You can customise our stuff and use it for yourself.

3 Use our terminology; "Anti-White", "Pro-White", "White genocide", "Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White", "Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody".

4 "Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White" should be the last thing in your post if possible.

5 Don't use their terminology;
"racist" should ONLY be used in "anti-racist"; "nazi" should ONLY be used in naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews"; "HATE!", "holocaust", "fascist" "LOVE!" should be avoided; "diversity", "multicultural" can be pointed out as meaning less White people. Avoid using "The White race", "Caucasians", "The Whites", because it makes it look distant and turns it into a philosophical debate; use 'Our people', 'My people', 'White people', etc.

6 Capitalize "White", when you're talking about our race.

7 ALWAYS use "Genocide", NEVER use "Extinction", "Population Displacement", "Demographics shift", etc.

8 NEVER call them "antis", they are "anti-White" - they are against White people existing.

9 Use "As an anti-White" e.g. "As an anti-White why do you think more assimilation is required in ONLY White countries?"

10 Don't argue, make our point: ALL White countries & ONLY White countries are told by anti-Whites, who claim to be "anti-racist", that they must accept millions of non-Whites and 'assimilate' with them, which is genocide under UN genocide conventions. If people get annoyed of hearing our message that's good, it means they can remember it!

11 This isn't about anti-Whites; we are talking to the general public, USE the anti-Whites to humiliate them and point out that they support White genocide. A lot of the general public are tired of "anti-racists" (anti-Whites) and WE have to show them how to defeat and humiliate them.

12 Be aggressive and take the moral high-ground; if they call you names say "You're only saying that because I'm White".

13 Think before you talk. Talking about committing violence is a no-go. No talking about genocide tribunals because it makes us look dangerous. Using lots of bad language is going to make you - and us - look stupid. That does not mean treat anti-Whites with dignity.

14 YOU ask the questions. If you don't get a reply keep asking them - it means your opponent is embarrassed and is trying to get off the subject. If they demand you answer questions say "WE ask the questions, because YOU support/justify genocide of MY people!".

15 Use emotional language; "Why do you hate little White children?", "Why do you want to genocide little White babies?".

16 Winning isn't important; you should be winning all of the arguments with the anti-Whites if you do what Bugsters do, but don't worry if you lose a few of them -- this is about imposing our terminology and getting the public talking about White genocide.

17 Know your target audience and wrap our message around what appeals to them. Young adults want to talk about education fees and housing prices, Teens want to talk about music, Old people want to talk about pensions, etc. Try to connect with the people using their language/colloquialisms e.g. "Dude" "Mate" "Bloke" "Howdy" "Yeah" "Lol" "Rofl"

18 Flip the script. What if ALL Asian countries were told to bring in immigrants and assimilate with them? What if "anti-racists" in Africa demanded that Africans stopped patrolling their borders and kicking out illegal immigrants?

19 We're all part of the team. Remember to report any places that you post The Mantra or mini-Mantras in Where did you post the Mantra today? II Bugsters will offer you advice if you're new, ask them for help Swarming and they'll arrive on the link to help you out.

Yes, again, everyone is aware you strongly object to that particular branding.
I object to liars like you

Thanks for posting, it's a lovely video.

Made by Laura Towler, whose husband was sentenced last Friday to two years in prison for being a pro-white activist, so, the opposite of you, an anti-white activist, not that you do much

Jambo, your exact notions were held by those who called themselves "white supremacists" before they rebranded as ethnic and white "nationalists", "race realists", and all the rest.
Stop lying

We didn't come down in the last shower, Jambo. I appreciate you fully buy into this rebranding with all your heart and soul, but for anyone outside your cult it's just lipstick on a pig.
Stop lying

The pig can squeal as many times as he likes at everyone protesting that it's not lipstick. But the fact is that there's this big red garish Joker like smear all around the pig's mouth.
Stop lying

Anyway, we're not going through all this again. The question was already more than settled, in the affirmative. It's just boring at this stage, so now you can fuck off there's a good lad.
Stop lying
White supremacist marketing of your message. You just can't help yourself. E.g.
Stop lying

1 Stay on message; we deal with the genocide of White people and the perpetrators, anti-Whites. When talking to the general public don't go into a rant about Jewish conspiracies, banking families, NWO, etc. White genocide is the first step to establish a beachhead in the general population's consciousness -- we can expand on other ideas later.

2 Use the Mantra and our talking points. Everything anti-Whites say always leads to our genocide, and we have good ways to counter their talking points. You can customise our stuff and use it for yourself.

3 Use our terminology; "Anti-White", "Pro-White", "White genocide", "Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White", "Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody".

4 "Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White" should be the last thing in your post if possible.

5 Don't use their terminology;
"racist" should ONLY be used in "anti-racist"; "nazi" should ONLY be used in naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews"; "HATE!", "holocaust", "fascist" "LOVE!" should be avoided; "diversity", "multicultural" can be pointed out as meaning less White people. Avoid using "The White race", "Caucasians", "The Whites", because it makes it look distant and turns it into a philosophical debate; use 'Our people', 'My people', 'White people', etc.

6 Capitalize "White", when you're talking about our race.

7 ALWAYS use "Genocide", NEVER use "Extinction", "Population Displacement", "Demographics shift", etc.

8 NEVER call them "antis", they are "anti-White" - they are against White people existing.

9 Use "As an anti-White" e.g. "As an anti-White why do you think more assimilation is required in ONLY White countries?"

10 Don't argue, make our point: ALL White countries & ONLY White countries are told by anti-Whites, who claim to be "anti-racist", that they must accept millions of non-Whites and 'assimilate' with them, which is genocide under UN genocide conventions. If people get annoyed of hearing our message that's good, it means they can remember it!

11 This isn't about anti-Whites; we are talking to the general public, USE the anti-Whites to humiliate them and point out that they support White genocide. A lot of the general public are tired of "anti-racists" (anti-Whites) and WE have to show them how to defeat and humiliate them.

12 Be aggressive and take the moral high-ground; if they call you names say "You're only saying that because I'm White".

13 Think before you talk. Talking about committing violence is a no-go. No talking about genocide tribunals because it makes us look dangerous. Using lots of bad language is going to make you - and us - look stupid. That does not mean treat anti-Whites with dignity.

14 YOU ask the questions. If you don't get a reply keep asking them - it means your opponent is embarrassed and is trying to get off the subject. If they demand you answer questions say "WE ask the questions, because YOU support/justify genocide of MY people!".

15 Use emotional language; "Why do you hate little White children?", "Why do you want to genocide little White babies?".

16 Winning isn't important; you should be winning all of the arguments with the anti-Whites if you do what Bugsters do, but don't worry if you lose a few of them -- this is about imposing our terminology and getting the public talking about White genocide.

17 Know your target audience and wrap our message around what appeals to them. Young adults want to talk about education fees and housing prices, Teens want to talk about music, Old people want to talk about pensions, etc. Try to connect with the people using their language/colloquialisms e.g. "Dude" "Mate" "Bloke" "Howdy" "Yeah" "Lol" "Rofl"

18 Flip the script. What if ALL Asian countries were told to bring in immigrants and assimilate with them? What if "anti-racists" in Africa demanded that Africans stopped patrolling their borders and kicking out illegal immigrants?

19 We're all part of the team. Remember to report any places that you post The Mantra or mini-Mantras in Where did you post the Mantra today? II Bugsters will offer you advice if you're new, ask them for help Swarming and they'll arrive on the link to help you out.

Thanks for posting, it's a lovely video.
With a message. A message that exactly reinforces your stupid "bugs script" above.

Made by Laura Towler, whose husband was sentenced last Friday to two years in prison for being a pro-white activist.
What was he up to that landed him in the clink? He was marketing the message again, making an online library of white supremacist and neo-Nazi stickers for idiots like you to download and plaster around the place to incite other fucking idiots like you.

Oh, and in the carefully considered words of the judge, "...You are an antisemite... I am quite sure that your mindset is that of a racist and a white supremacist..."

Clearly the judge didn't come down in the last shower either.

Stop lying

Stop lying

Stop lying

Stop lying
Here you really mean to say "... please roc, stop upsetting the dogma and indoctrination of my vicious and stupid little cult...".
With a message. A message that exactly reinforces your "bugs script" above.

What was he up to that landed him in the clink? He was marketing the message again, making an online library of white supremacist and neo-Nazi stickers for idiots like you to download and plaster around the place to incite other fucking idiots like you.

Oh, and in the carefully considered words of the judge, "...You are an antisemite... I am quite sure that your mindset is that of a racist and a white supremacist..."

Clearly the judge didn't come down in the last shower either.

Here you really mean to say "... please roc, stop upsetting the dogma and indoctrination of my vicious and stupid little cult...".
Stop lying
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