You're in favour of 'hate speech' legislation. Why bother with the part about having a problem with the details of it, especially if you're not going to say what that is
I wouldn't describe it as details. The existing legislation may be purposed towards someone's feelings being hurt for example.
That does not matter, at least in in this debate.
What does matter is amplification of base mob sentiment, and the "logic" underlying that sentiment (and the repetition, memes and so on, used to reinforce that logic).
I would say that amplification is at root a technological matter. I.e. The technology is dangerous.
Personally, I would say there are sinister implications not widely recognised, beyond the obvious amplification of what is most base. I think for example that internet technology can actually assist in making people stupid, and hateful.
One obvious illustration is how our friend 'Hans' worked to sow seeds in significant numbers of cretinous willing acolytes, and indeed nurtured what he had sown over years. We clearly need to tackle that type of dynamic.
It comprises a dynamic that will ultimately destroy free speech. In fact this bill is an example of how that unfolds. I.e. The type of online cretin you find on Hans' websites are the precise cretins who have gradually made this bill absolutely necessary.
Society has to protect itself from that. It can't possibly just accede to giving carte blanche to that type of proselytising hate speech, fake news, terrorist propaganda, uninformed covid scepticism, ignorant climate scepticism, incitements, conspiracy theories, Holocaust denialism, transgender demonisation, LGB demonisation, US republican style pseudo-libertarianism, racist nationalism, antisemitism, etc.
Fact is there is a place in the human psyche that is absolutely base, stupid, ignorant, lying, and that impacts on our social environment, that in fact can only logically lead to the destruction of society.
What the technology is doing is amplifying this. So we need to deal with that.
The same way you don't hand the keys of a powerful car to a half wit child, you need to put in processes that deal in a similar way with the likes of Hans and Dan and other motivated exploiters of horrible cretins, like you and your A-team for example.