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Pretty much everything in your life thus far.
Responding in such a childish manner would be fine, not good, but fine - If you didn't do it all the time

Like yourself so: 90% white, 10% out of Africa.
lol Shut up Mowl.

Btw, did you ever read Dawkins' book that was gifted to you 🤔

I can imagine what happened, some dopey relative or a friend of yo.. wait a minute, you don't have any friends.. So some dopey relative thought - Jaze, Dáithí's mad for the auld atheism.. and so bought you a book by the "World's most famous atheist", which had nothing to with atheism and you never read it, amirite?
Responding in such a childish manner would be fine, not good, but fine - If you didn't do it all the time

Spaghetti Bolognese.


Baby hi-chair.


lol Shut up Mowl.

I'm here to amuse you?

Btw, did you ever read Dawkins' book that was gifted to you 🤔

Yes, yes I did.

I can imagine what happened, some dopey relative or a friend of yo.. wait a minute, you don't have any friends..

Jambo-no-mates loses the plot after tin number 19 from his latest/most recent slab of Dutch Mould.

So some dopey relative thought - Jaze, Dáithí's mad for the auld atheism.. and so bought you a book by the "World's most famous atheist", which had nothing to with atheism and you never read it, amirite?

You went all the way to my Facebook to get the correct spelling of my name?

That's sort of flattering and kind of gay at the same time.

Is it you who keeps hopping all over my historic music/art pages on Facebook?

I told you already: both of those projects were shelved years ago. And Facebook gives me all the details about how many pages you visited and how many times, from where, and by what links. If it isn't you, then get your finger out - everyone else seems to love it.
Answer the question here then if you like. Define race, Jambo. No more hiding behind your cult mantras like "anti white" now, kid.
As well as being a psychopathic anti-white (AKA 'anti-racist'), you are a moron, incapable of debate, which is why you (and your ilk) have to censor. You deleted at least two of my posts from your (laughably stupidly titled) thread.

The last post of mine (that you deleted) detailing why race denialism is an anti-white lie, was entirely in MY OWN WORDS. And you talk about fucking mantras 🤣
You're lying.

I asked you to define race.

Instead you went on about "anti-whiteism" and "race denialism" using those invented cult terms to denigrate the asker of the question.

They are cult terms. They are words invented by your cult and only used by your cult, no one else.

Metapedia of course being a specific cult encyclopedia inventing and defining these terms for the cult.

And of course you won't define race for us after we looked at Dawkins and heard him state exactly what is involved at the genetic level.

We saw how scientifically, there is nothing like the level of genetic variance between races as you claim.

This is born out in his "We are all African" presentation; in his stating these variances between races are dwarfed by variances within races; by his conclusions from his scientific observations such as that he fills in the race question on census forms as "the human race"; and more.

Whereas what is the position of the cult? What do they hold up as their cult belief? We can refer to metapedia again for the answer:

Metapedia | Race: A race is a human subspecies. A race may be defined at any level of granularity with respect to genetic clustering, from a handful of broad groupings (e.g. Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Australoid, Amerindian) to very granular groupings representing only minor phenotypic differences (e.g. Nordic vs. Phalian). Understanding the genetic and phenotypic differences between the races is fundamental for understanding how the races interact with one another.

But you're not going to repeat that obscurantist nonsense after we've been listening to Dawkins are you? After Dawkins put that in context for us?

No, you can't do it. So instead you start with the usual cult terms applied to those who don't agree with your cult, to signal that they are evil and working towards "white genocide" etc.

. And you talk about fucking mantras 🤣
Yes, nearly everything you say is derived from something called 'The Mantra' (people can read that link and judge the veracity of my claim for themselves).
You're lying.

I asked you to define race.

Instead you went on about "anti-whiteism" and "race denialism" using those invented cult terms to denigrate the asker of the question.

They are cult terms. They are words invented by your cult and only used by your cult, no one else.

Metapedia of course being a specific cult encyclopedia inventing and defining these terms for the cult.

And of course you won't define race for us after we looked at Dawkins and heard him state exactly what is involved at the genetic level.

We saw how scientifically, there is nothing like the level of genetic variance between races as you claim.
lol.. Where have I made a claim about the "level of genetic variance between races"? Nowhere, that's where.

This is born out in his "We are all African" presentation; in his stating these variances between races are dwarfed by variances within races; by his conclusions from his scientific observations such as that he fills in the race question on census forms as "the human race"; and more.
He doesn't deny race in his ""We are all African" presentation" and when I searched for a video of him saying something actually about race, it was confirmed that he doesn't draw the conclusion that race isn't real or a social construct. For that, you had to drop Dawkins, a biologist, and go with some diversity shill instead.

Here is what he (Dawkins) had to say in the video, I'll put a timestamp on it so one only has to listen for about a minute -

Whereas what is the position of the cult? What do they hold up as their cult belief? We can refer to metapedia again for the answer:

Metapedia | Race: A race is a human subspecies. A race may be defined at any level of granularity with respect to genetic clustering, from a handful of broad groupings (e.g. Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Australoid, Amerindian) to very granular groupings representing only minor phenotypic differences (e.g. Nordic vs. Phalian). Understanding the genetic and phenotypic differences between the races is fundamental for understanding how the races interact with one another.

But you're not going to repeat that obscurantist nonsense after we've been listening to Dawkins are you? After Dawkins put that in context for us?

No, you can't do it. So instead you start with the usual cult terms applied to those who don't agree with your cult, to signal that they are evil and working towards "white genocide" etc.

Yes, nearly everything you say is derived from something called 'The Mantra' (people can read that link and judge the veracity of my claim for themselves).
Pissing and moaning about words is just stupid and of course shows a lack of awareness, you have your own "cult" terms such as social construct.
Here is what he (Dawkins) had to say in the video, I'll put a timestamp on it so one only has to listen for about a minute -

I already went to this exact point in this video yesterday, and highlighted what he said.

Dawkins: "... now what is true is that the variance between different races is much less than the variance within races..."

What tf is wrong with you exactly that you can't understand what he's saying? Is it that you're so over the moon that you have apparently someone of stature seem to corroborate one of your stupid slogans, that you can't hear how he actually qualifies that?

Dawkins: "... now what is true is that the variance between different races is much less than the variance within races..."

How far away is that from the definition of race that your US based ideological muses propagate, talking about "sub species" and so on.

Fuck I admit now I have just had a realisation based on what Dawkins said here that maybe we have subspecies within the white race itself, Jambo being exhibit A, becsuse it is unbelievable how stupid and base he is, he has to be one of these "sub species".
I already went to this exact point in this video yesterday, and highlighted what he said.

Dawkins: "... now what is true is that the variance between different races is much less than the variance within races..."

What tf is wrong with you exactly that you can't understand what he's saying? Is it that you're so over the moon that you have apparently someone of stature seem to corroborate one of your stupid slogans, that you can't hear how he actually qualifies that?

Dawkins: "... now what is true is that the variance between different races is much less than the variance within races..."

How far away is that from the definition of race that your US based ideological muses propagate, talking about "sub species" and so on.

Fuck I admit now I have just had a realisation based on what Dawkins said here that maybe we have subspecies within the white race itself, Jambo being exhibit A, becsuse it is unbelievable how stupid and base he is, he has to be one of these "sub species".
It's almost impossible to put into words how stupid you are

Dawkins says what you say he says (albeit without your various add-ons and embellishments) AND he doesn't say that race isn't real, or a social construct. He says the opposite. Can you not get that through your thick fucking skull? 🤣
And I will issue a challenge to you roc_abilly roc_abilly, get it from the horse's mouth.

I told you, race denial is filtered through the social "sciences". Find a geneticist, biologist, actual scientist with no skin in the game (pun unintended).. who says that race is a social construct. Do it
I took the liberty of transferring this post to here since it had nothing to do with the thread topic where it was posted.

Seethe roc, seeeeeeeeeethe!

Musk to sue Irish government for anti-free speech law -

Why on earth would I seethe?

Always the strawman from Jambo. Almost every single post.

First I welcome the process. This is the system working, exactly how things get tested in a democracy.

Second I have no faith in the people who inhabit our legislative bodies. Yes, I think there is a need to legislatively or otherwise address the kind of base tendencies amplified by ICT technology that you can observe on websites like politicalirish or Arsefields, clearly they are toxic for wider society.

But is the current legislation fit for purpose? That is another question. Honestly, it may be destructive to actual free speech, and even in a manner provide grist to the mill of hate speech.

So this legal development is exactly what is needed, to help have these type of questions worked fully out.
And I will issue a challenge to you roc_abilly roc_abilly, get it from the horse's mouth.

I told you, race denial is filtered through the social "sciences". Find a geneticist, biologist, actual scientist with no skin in the game (pun unintended).. who says that race is a social construct. Do it
Yet another complete strawman.

I have written a thread especially to address this strawman. Thread can be found below in the link. Looking forward to your contributions to it.

Yet another complete strawman.
What strawman? Race is a social construct is social science BS and race denialism.

I have written a thread especially to address this strawman. Thread can be found below in the link. Looking forward to your contributions to it.
Your blog is censored

You seem to have wandered off the plantation somewhat again (you also did it with replacement) but the statement - Race is a social construct really isn't - Race is a social construct, oh and it's real too
I have never ever censored any even half way meaningful or half way rational and intelligible contribution, even if completely and utterly opposed to my point of view and position. I try to maintain minimum legibility of the thread, that is all.
My post (that you deleted) about why race denialism is not only a lie, but an anti-white one, was rational, intelligible and in my own words.

As I'm in an accommodating mood this Sunday afternoon, I might give you one more chance (but this will be your last one)..
My post (that you deleted) about why race denialism is not only a lie, but an anti-white one, was rational, intelligible and in my own words.

As I'm in an accommodating mood this Sunday afternoon, I might give you one more chance (but this will be your last one)..
Because "race denialism" and anti-whiteism" is perfidious and pernicious and evil and so on?

It's blatant and complete nonsense.

First because these are cult terms in no dictionary in the world apart from one written by white supremacists around fifteen years ago when the cult took off on the Internet, and "metapedia" was conceived, and your man Bob Whitaker came up with this stupid idea of "anti-white" and so on.

Second because there is no "why" in asserting these made up concepts that were invented to promote the ideology of a cult are "perfidious and pernicious and evil" etc. It says nothing, it is just several layers of charade, an extending of the pretence, appealing to emotion, demonising the those outside the cult who are against racism and these type of ideas.
Because "race denialism" and anti-whiteism" is perfidious and pernicious and evil? That's complete nonsense.
You deleted the post in which I went on to say (in my own words) why it (race denialism) is anti-white

First because these are cult terms in no dictionary in the world apart from one written by white supremacists around fifteen years ago when the cult took off on the Internet, and "metapedia" was conceived.

Second because there is no "why" in asserting these made up concepts that were invented to promote the ideology of a cult are "perfidious and pernicious and evil" etc. It says nothing, it is just several layers of charade, an extending of the pretence, appealing to emotion, demonising the those outside the cult who are against racism and these type of ideas.
You are using those made up terms in the hope that someone will follow the "White Rabbit" and fall into Wonderland, where all these backwards facts live, through the looking glass, the polar reverse of this world we normally live in, a white supremacist "wonderland" where you have things like "anti-whites" and "race denialism" and so on. Are you even aware of this?
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