
Nationalism. Change from a VSO language to an SVO language and implications.

You're a moron, a racist moron. In Dawkin's own words, the final word, he says, “Whenever I’m asked to fill in a form asking what race I am, I just put ‘human’...”
Race is real
On what basis? State your case clearly. Obviously not biological, as Dawkins illustrates. Is it based on your laughable IQ tests then? Or what?

It's definitely more of a social construct, than anything you can assert as "real", you gobshite.

Or make your case. Make one detailed post making your case. No stupid videos, that's a warning.
Lame. Always the same. You have nothing, only moronic videos from Woods, Morgosh and Colchops. When you're told to stick those pathetic videos up your hole and use your own words, the spaghetti bowl is upended. Lame, lame lame. And there you have Irish white supremacism, ladies and gentlemen. Yes, good bye Jambo, enjoy Arsefields and the company better suited to you.
I'm not posting under threat of censorship by a massive fucking tit like you

Start a new thread (not in your blog, obviously) or take it to the GCT
I'd say the slab of Dutch Gold Jambo bought earlier this morning has probably two to three full tins left in it.

The rest likely went the way of his spaghetti Bolognese.

Here, Jambo: if race is real, then you're Paddy last.

You could be replaced with a turtle.
It's funny that Moron 1 and Moron 2 think I'm running away. Why would I?

The reason I said - Bye, is because I'm being threatened with censorship.

roc_abilly roc_abilly "warned" me not to post "stupid videos" (him being the arbiter of what's "stupid") for example by "Woods, Morgosh and Colchops" (yawn) and I had no intention of posting a video.

But he (roc) gave me the idea.. So try Dawkins.

Unfortunately a lot of the video is muh Nazis, eugenics, tip-toeing around.. but clearly (and to no surprise to me) Dawkins, who's a biologist, doesn't deny race (or think of it as a "social construct") -

Also, the majority of scientists disagree with Dawkin's conclusion that "race is real", and argue that those tiny variations between race (dwarfed by variations within races), are not substantial enough to base a claim upon that "race is real". E.g.

Among other things they point out that racial categories are weak proxies for genetic diversity and on that basis need to be phased out.
I think as well if we are going to have this argument we have to always keep in mind that the reason Jambo claims "race is real" is not because of the scientific evidence, such as it is, more so it is because of his attachment to certain assumptions regarding natural ability, and political, intellectual and moral status, that he feels should be accorded to his own white unit (in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality), relative to the opposing black unit. For as a white supremacist he needs to feel the superiority of his own power unit over the other, that is what all this is about at the end of the day, and in itself that is another basis for phasing out the idea of these kind of racial categories.
I think as well if we are going to have this argument we have to always keep in mind that the reason Jambo claims "race is real" is not because of the scientific evidence, such as it is, more so it is because of his attachment to certain assumptions regarding natural ability, and political, intellectual and moral status, that he feels should be accorded to his own white unit (in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality), relative to the opposing black unit. For as a white supremacist he needs to feel the superiority of his own power unit over the other, that is what all this is about at the end of the day, and in itself that is another basis for phasing out the idea of these kind of racial categories.
I am a staunch race realist not only because it's the truth, but because race denialism is a perfidious and pernicious anti-white lie
Notice roc_abilly roc_abilly dropped Dawkins like a hot potato once the truth was revealed. Now he's back to the social "sciences" 🤣
I have not dropped him at all you moron.

I believe he has a lot to offer to the debate - he is demonstrating the genetic evidence such as it is, honestly.

He is pointing out the variance between different races is much less than the variance within races.

He gives us his conclusions on the basis of that evidence such as that when he's asked to fill in a form asking what race he is, he puts ‘human’.

He has also made the conclusion that "We are all African".

Now sure on the basis that there are indeed genetic variations between races, he also draws the conclusion that "race is biological fact", even if there are wider and more significant variations within the races themselves.

But I am wholly on solid scientific ground to personally disagree with that conclusion, and so are the other scientists who disagree with that conclusion (on a number of scientific bases).

There is a wider debate. It is informed by many elements.

Dawkins is one element no doubt.
I am a staunch race realist not only because it's the truth, but because race denialism is a perfidious and pernicious anti-white lie
You're a fucking clown is what you are, a moron, a racist.

"Anti-white" is propaganda bullshit.

The emotional argument does not trump facts.

"Anti-white" my hole.
Anyway, if we're going to move forward, we need to define race, what is its definition in your eyes, Jambo?

You who are all about strict definitions on wikipedia and the like.
Fucking moron.

Get a life and a brain.

Edit - I have taken the decision to delete that mindless guff, and rehashing of the usual cult slogans. Up your game if you want to debate on these threads. Articulate your point of view using your own words in an understandable manner.

I ask you again, what's your definition of race?
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