
Nationalism. Change from a VSO language to an SVO language and implications.

Those views were a product of a very different social and political context, and of a fight very different to your own "fight".

Have a listen to the rest of that conversation.

So Ali's fight was against racism.

How did he fight that fight? Understand that and you understand why he held the extreme view he is defending in your clip:

He helped black people living in America become more aware and proud of their peculiarity in their social way of life and in recognising their own cultural contributions.

He helped them to have a lively tribal awareness in order not to lose their dignity and moral rectitude.

He helped them to fight back against the undignified mania of adaptive conformity.

He helped to raise black self-confidence in the interest of a normal living together with whites.

Now you guys pretend that it is the same for you today, with all your spurious talking points about "whites under attack" and so on.

But no, it was vastly different. Listen to that video again. And compare and contrast to the impetus of this movement in the US and UK, that you promote on here.

For that movement is not at all about living together with non whites, or about a fight against systematic oppression and segregation of white people, or any of what I listed above, whatsoever.

No, it is about a white country for white folk


and a charade of being persecuted, and being "replaced", and quite clearly in most of the movement about a reaction based in racism against black people today being considered equal to white people.
There's no "charade"

Race is real
Anyway, back to the real topic of this thread.

Which was - if we're talking about any kind of "nationalism", the one we should be emphasising is based in the distinctly Irish cultural outlook, the Irish mindset, the old warrior like disposition that our stories tell of, a proud, active culture.

And recognising that that cultural outlook was derived, directly created even, by our ancient language, and certain characteristics within it.

Actually, for Jambo's benefit, let's recall these characteristics are shared with languages from the middle east and Africa corroborating the DNA evidence that our ancestors came from these places, and our skin was darker before it lightened over generations due to climate.

Early Irish people were dark skinned with blue eyes – documentary

In other words people from these places may be our allies in this kind of "nationalism", assist in the work that needs to be done.

So let's recall in this vein that this culture was so strong that all the early efforts at colonising the country by the English failed due to the English who were coming here becoming "even more Irish than the Irish themselves" - they were assimilated by a stronger, more compelling culture, rather than vice versa.

Let's get back to that, rather than be diverted into all this Stormfront website like online so called "ethno nationalism" and spurious concepts like "race realism", and the accompanying obsession with pseudo scientific ideas about "race", and the accompanying social divisivenesses etc.

Instead let us look towards building reconstituting an outward looking, active, independent, mature, thoughtful, vital culture, and get away from these stale and stupid ideas we hear some idiots go on about, whether of the catholic church, the US or UK, whose philosophies have been the real "invaders" of Irish minds, and which legacy it is imperative we now throw off, without distraction.

What do you say to that, Jambo. Does that not make a lot more sense? Is there not a lot more dignity, decency, and intelligence in that than what's in your online guff?
I say that if you can't see the motive for all of that ahistorical nonsense you've absorbed, Cheddar man, We Wuz Kangs etc. and that race denialism is foundational to your anti-white cult then you're quite blind
I say that if you can't see the motive for all of that ahistorical nonsense you've absorbed, Cheddar man, We Wuz Kangs etc. and that race denialism is foundational to your anti-white cult then you're quite blind
I can see the motivation for it. Listen to your Muhommad Ali again:

He is pointing to something that is wrong, and part of his greatness was that white people finally listened, and when they heard it, and when they realised it deep in themselves, thought it right that they should balance the scales so to speak.

It is not "ahistorical" either, it is a matter of emphasis.
I can see the motivation for it. Listen to your Muhommad Ali again:

He is pointing to something that is wrong, and part of his greatness was that white people finally listened, and when they heard it, and when they realised it deep in themselves, thought it right that they should balance the scales so to speak.

It is not "ahistorical" either, it is a matter of emphasis.
There is a pretence that our ancestors were black, that Victorian England, for example, was full of black people, black people built the pyramids.. it's (brazen) nonsense


There's no "charade"

Race is real

Those mutants in the current national party (a total failure from inception to the present) are currently led by whom now?

Is it still Midget Man or does the other baldy cunt Reynolds lead them?

That mad aul wan from Ballyer's in that shot, Serina what's-it.

Oddly enough, it was me who gave her her first platform to address Dublin South/West.

You were likely in bed wanking at the time.

Tell us: have you ever done anything political that had a successful conclusion?

Ever voted, for example?
I probably should have put a line break in my reply..

roc said:

No, it is about a white country for white folk.

I said:


"Ireland belongs to the Irish"

(I had already established that Irish people are white).

roc of course doesn't believe that Ireland belongs to the Irish, in fact, he believes that Irish people should be "relegated to taking their place" (become a minority) with people from all over the world.. in a "Brotherhood of Man" - in Ireland.

If you don't believe me, check Gaychat.

If you agree with that anti-Irish, anti-White tramp then let it be known
What I said in context:

Well even I learned something in that Spiked article.

"... Eighty-six per cent of the UK population is white compared with around four per cent who are defined as South Asian, coming largely from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh..."

Is that not a fair old upset for the theoretical ideas concerning a "great replacement" (I am referring to the main body of the theory, saying nothing here about that element often adduced to that main body that it consists intentional engineering by shadowy 'elites' to weaken or even eradicate national, or European, identity.).

And straight from the pen of a journalist with tendencies to be seduced by these kind of theoretical ideas, mainly revolving around victimhood and sentimental self regard based in an obvious inferiority complex.

What happened to Enoch Powell's warnings 55 years ago. (Or even going further back, the 1934 pamphlet produced by the 'Research Department for the Jewish Question' in Nazi Germany entitled ‘Are the White Nations Dying?’).

We're talking here about the UK who have had so called "mass" immigration from their former colonies for more than sixty or seventy years now.

But still how far away are they from white people not having majority status (relegated to taking their place with people of other ethnicities, with no one ethnicity consisting more than 50% of the population, just like it was in the great democratic multicultural city states of old, e.g. Alexandria).
What I said in context:
You're trying to tell me that this isn't an endorsement 🤣 -

(relegated to taking their place with people of other ethnicities, with no one ethnicity consisting more than 50% of the population, just like it was in the great democratic multicultural city states of old, e.g. Alexandria).

And yes, I remember one of your comrades was cribbing about the figures in the Spiked article, but it was immediately clear to me (looking at the date of the article) that they would have been taken from the 2011 census.

In the following census, the 86% figure dropped to 81%. There you have it, even with the census data (which I don't believe is a true reflection of the extent of replacement) you see replacement.. yet you're still denying it 🙄🤦‍♂️
Back on topic, Mowl Mowl have you ever come across Markku Filppula, Helsinki chap?

He spent years here in Ireland studying how we speak, the grammar of Hiberno-English, and the influence of the Irish language on it.

Not just out West and Kerry, he spent a lot of time staying with host families in the inner city, Gardiner St, and elsewhere, living with the old generation of dockers, fruit dealers, and others, to study their language.

Very interesting body of work. I'd say you'd both have plenty to talk about.
I looked him up on social media, but no - we haven't met.

Sounds like an interesting project, examining the underbelly of Irish-English language. Speaking by phone to one of my doctors recently, a lovely young lady, she kept apologizing for her English, and I had to stop her to tell that actually her spoken and written English is far better than that of many of the people I grew up around who've been speaking English (and only English) their entire lives.

It's an odd perspective in that regular Irish Dubliners have these accents that are generally horrible to my ears, the inner-city and slang, the estate accents and their slang, and of course the much-laughed at D4 accents on the 'Dort' and the 46A. Yet foreigners don't seem offended by it at all. If anything - they consider it 'authentic' and kind of charming.

What we hear as a screeching and wailing littered with 'fuck, fucken, fack' they hear as rather lyrical.

I was asked by one Finn on one occasion how I liked the accent of this one girl I was dating down at the jazz club. I replied that I wasn't aware she had an unusual accent, and he started telling me how her accent was so obviously NOT Helsinki. That she's a country girl. Which she is. Not that I noticed it at all - which struck me as kind of weird in that, when dealing with an extremely complicated language, my focus is never on accent, but rather on grammar and vocabulary. So in turn I asked her what she thought of the Ballyfermot accent.

'What accent?' says she.

So I suppose it's a case of how you look being dependent on where you are.
... for Jambo's benefit, let's recall these characteristics are shared with languages from the middle east and Africa corroborating the DNA evidence that our ancestors came from these places, and our skin was darker before it lightened over generations due to climate.

Early Irish people were dark skinned with blue eyes – documentary

In other words people from these places may be our allies in this kind of "nationalism", assist in the work that needs to be done.
Nice little lecture here from the esteemed Richard Dawkins illustrating the above with the genetic evidence. Worth a watch.

One of the most incredible experiences of my life involved this insight, long before there was internet to find out about this kind of research.

I was in a far flung country. And there was an office where you applied to get a visa to a neighbouring country.

Everything done manually. Everything outdoors apart from the office itself which was a large kind of mud hut and bamboo structure.

So, you had to come to the office everyday between 9 and 5 pm, waiting for your visa to be processed. Every day for about three days. Waiting were a group of intrepid Germans, some local people, myself, and then this other black skinned stranger, like me floating around the outskirts, observing.

The first thing I noticed about him was that he was observing the very same things as me, and inwardly laughing at the very same things, about the others, about our surroundings, about the goings on in the office, and then I noticed he had the same Connemara blue eyes as me.

Over the days, we gravitated to each other, until we were sitting next to each orther, and then I noticed that underneath his deep black skin, we had the exact same bone structure, the exact same strong, rugged bony mountain man build in our forearms, and we both noticed it at the same time.

He spoke in his language and I spoke in Irish, and even though, outwardly they did not seem to be the same languages, yet we could pretty much understand each other! I don't quite know how to explain it, it was part connection, part something the same in the languages.

I learned he was from some village high in the mountains of north India and that he had been walking many hundreds of miles. His having had a much harder life than mine showed in his exterior, yet it was unmistakeable that somewhere not very far back we had the same kin.

It was exactly like I had been taken from his mountains and left on the Connemara mountains, until my previous black colour had faded utterly. (Or perhaps he had disembarked the same migratory boat we were on a thousand miles before me, that that was our last meeting, somewhere in the mists of time, another conjecture for you).

And thinking later, I supposed that part of the reason we were so incredibly the same was that we both come from mountains that before the modern age of transport were difficult to reach, and usually left untroubled by waves of invasion and pillage over the centuries, and so on.

Anyway, years later, when I saw the work of Dan Bradley and his team from Trinity and their sequencing of Irish and African genomes as part of an ancient African migration study, there in front of me was the science corroborating that personally experienced evidence that had assailed my senses back then. A part of the explanation for it.

So that is why I get pretty excited about it all.
Nice little lecture here from the esteemed Richard Dawkins illustrating the above with the genetic evidence. Worth a watch.

As I see the above video has been commented on on Arsefield's, I will extend my reply.

Dawkins really isn't denying race in the clip and his (rather self-satisfied) statement - We are all Africans, is really nothing more profound than saying - We are all of the same species (duh).

'Out of Africa' simply doesn't work as race denial, on any level, but the anti-white (e.g. roc) is too stupid to realise it.

And I can only assume what the aforementioned dumb anti-white thought was illustrated in the clip was that Irish people had black skin - never happened.
Listen more closely you halfwit.

His point is that we are "an astonishingly uniform species originating very recently in Africa".

He specifically makes the point that while "we look to our eyes more different", outwardly comparing say an African or any other far flung ethnicity to a white European, that "the genetics is very clear" that there is less difference between that white and black man than between two chimpazees who look absolutely identical to each other taken from the very same forest.

Listen to him you moron. There is zero genetic science corroborating the differences you claim there are between your claimed "races".
Listen more closely you halfwit.

His point is that we are "an astonishingly uniform species originating very recently in Africa".

He specifically makes the point that while "we look to our eyes more different", outwardly comparing say an African or any other far flung ethnicity to a white European, that "the genetics is very clear" that there is less difference between that white and black man than between two chimpazees who look absolutely identical to each other taken from the very same forest.

Listen to him you moron. There is zero genetic science corroborating the differences you claim there are between your claimed "races".
I did listen to him, which is why I know what you said he said (besides the white and black part - your fixation) is correct.

It's not a denial of race.
So that is why I get pretty excited about it all.

When I lived in Dublin, one of my mates was from Tullamore. We've known each other for decades and we can pretty much pick up a conversation we left off upon meeting again, that sort of closeness. Anyway, Joe's a black man, adopted by a rather amazing and seriously rotund old Irish type lady who took around a dozen orphaned kids over the years. We'd go for a drink in Kehoe's off Grafton Street most weekends and only on one occasion did I see anyone act in a racist manner towards him. Joe's a gentle giant, strong as an ox and stubborn as a mule. But he handled it in his own way which was to talk to the drunk idiot who offended him like he was talking to, well.. ..a drunk idiot who offended him.

He ripped the twat several new arses and he had the entire bar in ructions of laughter at the white Irish dope who thought everyone would take his side if things kicked off. Joe's hardly academic material, but he put on one of the funniest shows I ever saw in a pub between disgruntled regulars dealing with some blow-in who thought being white would protect him. After the pasting he took, he was told not to come back - he wouldn't be served again.

I couldn't stop laughing because Joe's accent is pure Tulla-muck. More like singing than talking, when he'd strut into a room I suppose everyone thought he'd have some sort of African drawl or maybe even a cockney accent, but no: 100% pure Irish mountain dew poitín. Every sentence finishing with a strongly accented: 'y'know now' type Val Martin culchie-ism. Cracked me up.

But in general terms, I don't recall there being really any sort of racism towards darker-skinned people at that time. It wasn't as if he felt unsafe or had any reason to be wary of where he went and who approached him. Things have changed a lot since then though, these days there seems to be more people of foreign skin-colour all over Dublin city centre than there are white Irish people. On those terms, Jambo's campaign is obviously failing: the more he complains about being replaced, the more replacements there are standing in line.

The QED here is quite obvious to me.

Maybe Jambo needs to seriously rethink his campaign of white supremacy?

And by 'rethink' I do of course mean him checking in with Collect/Woody/Mangle on telegram to find a suitable answer to the issues of the day.

This lad's also from Tullamore: it's RíRá from Scary Eire with his classic '25 O'Clock In The Mornin' - ..great accent, mind you:

It's not a denial of race.
If you're getting to that, Dawkins position is that the genetic differences between "races" are (a) incredibly, incredibly tiny relative to any meaningful difference that makes a difference (b) these tiny biological differences exist on a spectrum, not in any clear defined categories.

But I think the message of the video is pretty clear - and he didn't set out to make "a denial of race", or in other words cast the debate in your terms, rather he cast it in his own terms, based on his own deep knowledge of the science (which science you would take on board if you had any common sense).
If you're getting to that, Dawkins position is that the genetic differences between "races" are (a) incredibly, incredibly tiny relative to any meaningful difference that makes a difference (b) these tiny biological differences exist on a spectrum, not in any clear defined categories.
Meaningful difference are your words

But I think the message of the video is pretty clear - and he didn't set out to make "a denial of race", or in other words cast the debate in your terms, rather he cast it in his own terms, based on his own deep knowledge of the science (which science you would take on board if you had any common sense).
I think you made a post upthread in which you admitted that there are biases in the social "sciences", and I replied (to your post) with a - lol

I could have extended my reply and I will now. What happens is, biologists like Dawkins, geneticists and so on will say things.. that then gets filtered through the social "sciences" to reach the (foregone and erroneous) conclusion that race isn't real. And (anti-whites) saps like you lap that up.
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