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I had never seen it, and came down with Covid right before Xmas last year. So I found it on Netflix and after the first episode I was hooked. I watched all 5 seasons over the next 4 weeks. It was great television. Remember when Jesse's girlfriend died and her distraught father allowed two planes to collide as a distracted air traffic controller? Turns out, in the 80''s, this actually happened outside of Los Angeles. The name of the ATC who was negligent and allowed this to happen? Walter White.

Not sure if the rumours are true but it may be leaving Netflix for AMC+ in 2025. Can't confirm if that's just hearsay though.

A great show with remarkable acting, writing and cinematography. It's interesting to see the gradual process in which Walt descends from mild-mannered family man, living a mundane life in suburbia...to ruthless gangster within Albuquerque's underworld. He basically starts out as some Ned Flanders-like figure. Tuco is an absolute psycho...would not like to get on this guy's wrong side, or meet him down a dark alley. When you're up against such competition, the black market drugs trade is no easy path to riches.

Jane is such a babe, my type of girl.

I guess I have it all to look forward to.

Never watched Breaking Bad, but everyone seems to think it's brilliant television.

Winter's moving in on Finland soon enough, so it'll be a handy night-time watch at least.
I see Val's back on Arsefield's telling everyone what to do.

He's so fucking thick it defies any logic. He's pushing his weight around telling everyone what to do, what not to do. I think that RTE channel of his has gotten the better of him - he's started to believe his own hype. But is still as dumb as a bag of hammers, and several times smellier and uglier. He's clearly not well in the skull department, I think he must have had a brain bleed without even noticing it, his twitches and ticks are getting worse by the day.

He's also taken to wearing the same smelly jumpers for weeks at a time too.

Jambo should join him over there - between the two of them they might well break the internet.

Poor auld Val though: as thick as ever, and proud of it.
I guess I have it all to look forward to.

Never watched Breaking Bad, but everyone seems to think it's brilliant television.

Winter's moving in on Finland soon enough, so it'll be a handy night-time watch at least.

The leading character basically goes from Ned Flanders to Rob Halford 😅

Should be on Netflix up in Finland too. You've HBO Max up there as well, which is lucky.
The leading character basically goes from Ned Flanders to Rob Halford 😅

Halford's cool: I met him and the rest of the band (Judas Priest) and got his/their autographs backstage in Dalymount Park when I served in the St John Ambulance. He came on stage on a massive Harley Davidson, the same bike later flew offstage at an American show, and someone got badly injured.

Also on the bill were The Undertones, Nick Lowe, Dave Edmunds and Rockpile, and a few more. Status Quo. They all happily signed my copy book.

Which was later stolen from my school desk in the De La Salle.

Should be on Netflix up in Finland too. You've HBO Max up there as well, which is lucky.

Whenever I turn my TV set on, it asks me if I want to update to include new channels. I tried it once a few months back and it took me hours to reset it to English from Finnish. So there might be access to HBO and whatever else, but I don't really have an interest in sitting in front of the telly. My apartment is currently my studio too, so I've too many musical and artistic distractions to focus on TV for long.

Regarding Breaking Bad, I'm sure someone I know must have the complete DVD collection, so I'll look out for it seeing as it's so highly recommended.
Regarding RTE and their online player.

It works perfectly for me, never once had any issues opening program files, it loads quickly, sounds perfect, looks fine, and costs me nothing.

Why are Irish people always screaming about the player?

It's not the application that's banjaxed, it's your internet supply is too weak.

I'm just catching up on the Prime Time episode about drugs in temple Bar - it works perfectly.


You truly are an unspeakable moron, kid.

Stupidity like yours ought to be as shut in as you are yourself. Every time you reach out to the real world from your cheap phone, you manage to make an even bigger idiot of yourself, you utterly dumb and bovine little cunt. No wonder the country is on her knees with useless clods like you on the loose. You make me laugh. But not in a good way, you terminal twat.

If you're going to allow yourself to be led by the hand, then at least pick an adult who knows where they're going, you childishly simple little simp.

I honestly can't believe you intend to continue making an absolute idiot of yourself day after day.

You're like a child, a special needs child, dribbling down your bib and needing your nappy changed every few hours. But at least you're currently stuck under Dan and Sordid - two people you professed to hating the guts of so many times you now appear rather fucked up in the head department. Is your son still robbing off the grannies or have they sent him down for a few years?


Laughable idiot.
The state is recruiting new coppers.

Ideal candidate should be eager to harass 19 year olds for smoking weed while turning up 45 minutes late after a burglary has been reported.
Ireland's on her fucking knees, boys.

If I were you I'd be thinking of getting off that sinking ship pronto before it goes under permanently.
You'd have to wonder if they even give a flying fuck as to whether xyz is doing drugs or not considering that Gardai and solicitors will still get paid / promotions irregardless of whether the arrested gets a mere slap on the hand in court?

There'd be a lot of jobs on the line were drugs to be legalised tomorrow.
There's a reason why O'Connell Street currently has an even worse reputation than say Amsterdam did when I lived there.

Except with Amsterdam there were and are loads of other things that made it worthwhile to visit or to stay. I lived in the Red Light on De Oudeschaans, right at the heart of things. An old government warehouse left idle and neglected, a mate of mine took the state to court and were granted rights to occupy the address with free energy and water until the state decided what to do with it.

It's now a block of high-end luxury apartments overlooking the sixteenth canal.

But to tell you the truth, I felt safer in Holland than I ever have in Ireland - especially Dublin city centre.

I dread coing home, I really do - it just sinks me into a viscous depression, champing at the bit to get back out ASAP.

Not even a hundred coppers can turn O'Connell Street around.

It's too broke to fix, so you'll ave to learn to live with what you can't rise above.
I reckon even New York is safer than Dublin at this stage. It's probably a bad idea for scumbags to hang around certain parts of downtown New York...some of those NYPD types are probably only one step down from Marine Corps / Navy Seals as regards training with firearms.

There's always going to be crime or course, but it's not like Ireland where scumbags see the Gardai as a laughing stock. Ramming an NYPD squad car...not a very good idea. Same with the LAPD etc.
I haven't experienced an issue myself yet, personally, anyway I usually stay on the better side of town, and I don't go in that much anymore, and it's usually in the day time or early evening.

But my 82 year old Mum was on the red line luas on the weekend and said she didn't like the atmosphere, that it was intimidating.

Now I haven't been on the red line luas myself for years, but if my Mum says it, I reckon there must be something seriously amiss.
I used the red line a lot when I was home for getting to and from work.

It was generally bedlam at night, but the day-times were also kind of depressing.

I got lucky one night and met a bloke on the Luas who earlier had used a machine to top up his monthly travel card. The machine was fucked up somehow and instead of topping up the guy's account, it printed off a few travel cards - all of them had the day, date, and year: except the year was five years ahead. He gave me one in exchange for a tin of beer. I traveled for free for the next few visits home until I gave it to my nephew, who managed to lose the fucking thing.

Given the prices, five years of free travel is a sizeable figure.
Nobody reads your links, Jambo - so why bother?

If we wanted to hear what Woods/Collared/Morgasm has to say, we'd go to the source to see for ourselves, you sad little middle-man.

Jambo: loves these guys, men/blokes - hates women.

Odd, that.
Mowl, face facts, you're a failed musician and scribbler on pub windows.

You're resentful and blame anyone and everyone but yourself for your own failings. And you've ended up a pathological narcissist.
Mowl, face facts, you're a failed musician and scribbler on pub windows.

Only those striving for the limelight but failing to achieve it are musical failures, kid.

It's not all drinking and getting high like your male heroes (the Gallagher brothers) and fucking around.

Some of us are actual artists.

You're resentful and blame anyone and everyone but yourself for your own failings.

I live in the world's happiest country.

You barely exist on a hopeless little island sinking under a massive, massive debt that you allowed to happen. Blame yourself, you're a citizen, therefore you're liable for your own choices. I made mine: I got out before the shit the fan and I chose the single most enviable place to be instead of killing myself with depression and endless financial worries because of the clowns you and yours voted into power.

As a nationalist, you're a failure.

As a human being, you're a failure.

You're an angry young man whose mother died and left him behind. If I were in your shoes, I'd be angry too. But I'm not. I'm the happiest Irish guy in the world's happiest country. Your sense of being abandoned really does make me feel sad for you. I lost my Father to cancer, he was a young man in his mid-40's. But instead of allowing the Irish state to abandon me as they did him, I made a decision: stay and be a permanent slave to the grind, or drop the whole shit and get the fuck out of Dodge. I did it successfully, I'm absolutely thrilled to wake up every morning here in Helsinki.

I know you're envious. I know you can't really get your head around how I, a knacker from Ballyer, out-classed losers like you by being happy in my life. Actually happiness: seeing and hearing the kids playing out in the courtyard. It makes me smile. Taking a walk down to the store and being greeted by everyone I pass. Then smiling to myself about how rich and sweet it is to be here. It's a far easier way of life than the one you're used to. That said, you're unemployed and likely broke. No savings to buy the ticket, see. No idea of where else to go. Realizing you have no worthy qualifications to be accepted into any other English speaking country. You can't even speak your own language. Not a very good nationalist, eh.

If you took your head out of your arse you'd know all this - I wouldn't even have to address it.

And you've ended up a pathological narcissist.

Nah. I ended up the happiest Irish guy in Finland, the world's - - - - - - - - country.

Fill in the blanks as you see fit: it'll flow off me like water on a swan's breast.

No matter what you say, you know and I know that you hate your country. You hate your society, and for valid reasons. You hate every white Irish person you meet, you're Ireland's most anti-white and hate-filled narcissist you yourself ever met. So it's okay, trail around after me, pick up the crumbs I leave for you. Then tell yourself how happy you are at the thought of living a shitty Irish life on a shitty little island out in the Atlantic, and remind yourself that it's not forever: you will die in a few years. Having done nothing of any note with your paltry existence.

Your anger drips off every post you make. Of course we all know exactly how angry and unhappy you are. But get this: those were the choices you made. You tossed the dice and came up with a losing combination: hate and spite. It's all that keeps you going, eh. I laugh looking at your convoluted attempts to rile me. You can't though. Because most of all - happiness and contentment are the most important things to feel in any individual. I'm very happy. Even if I was ;less happy than I am today, I'd still be happier than you'll ever be. So let your jealousy and envy drown you. I'll still be laughing at your hopeless situation.

Time's running out, kid.

And fast.

You better decide fairly soon what you're going to do with what little time you have left.

Otherwise your life means nothing in the bigger picture of things.

All this bleating about nationalism, ethnicity, civility, and what not means fuck all anyway. Nothing changes as a result of you hopping on here to moan and gripe about your being replaced by some black as coal bloke from central Africa. Yes, you're being replaced. And you're being replaced because you're useless. You could be replaced by a sweeping brush. Or the left-overs of a slaughtered old sow out on the killing floor. By the time you clock that it's now or never, it'll all still be exactly the same as it is for you now: utterly hopeless. Nothing you do or say say changes a goddamned thing. And you know it. That's why you come on here: looking for a place to vent your rage about how you've completely failed to build a life worth living. It's not our fault your Ma died. It's not going to help you in any way raging at me: if you were smart you'd realize you've been trumped. Outsmarted by exactly the kind of person you hate: a happy one.

You can LOL and TLDR all you like - that's not going to change anything either.

Go wash your butt.
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