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Mowl, face facts, you're a failed musician and scribbler on pub windows.

Only those striving for the limelight but failing to achieve it are musical failures, kid.

It's not all drinking and getting high like your male heroes (the Gallagher brothers) and fucking around.

Some of us are actual artists.

You're resentful and blame anyone and everyone but yourself for your own failings.

I live in the world's happiest country.

You barely exist on a hopeless little island sinking under a massive, massive debt that you allowed to happen. Blame yourself, you're a citizen, therefore you're liable for your own choices. I made mine: I got out before the shit the fan and I chose the single most enviable place to be instead of killing myself with depression and endless financial worries because of the clowns you and yours voted into power.

As a nationalist, you're a failure.

As a human being, you're a failure.

You're an angry young man whose mother died and left him behind. If I were in your shoes, I'd be angry too. But I'm not. I'm the happiest Irish guy in the world's happiest country. Your sense of being abandoned really does make me feel sad for you. I lost my Father to cancer, he was a young man in his mid-40's. But instead of allowing the Irish state to abandon me as they did him, I made a decision: stay and be a permanent slave to the grind, or drop the whole shit and get the fuck out of Dodge. I did it successfully, I'm absolutely thrilled to wake up every morning here in Helsinki.

I know you're envious. I know you can't really get your head around how I, a knacker from Ballyer, out-classed losers like you by being happy in my life. Actually happiness: seeing and hearing the kids playing out in the courtyard. It makes me smile. Taking a walk down to the store and being greeted by everyone I pass. Then smiling to myself about how rich and sweet it is to be here. It's a far easier way of life than the one you're used to. That said, you're unemployed and likely broke. No savings to buy the ticket, see. No idea of where else to go. Realizing you have no worthy qualifications to be accepted into any other English speaking country. You can't even speak your own language. Not a very good nationalist, eh.

If you took your head out of your arse you'd know all this - I wouldn't even have to address it.

And you've ended up a pathological narcissist.

Nah. I ended up the happiest Irish guy in Finland, the world's - - - - - - - - country.

Fill in the blanks as you see fit: it'll flow off me like water on a swan's breast.

No matter what you say, you know and I know that you hate your country. You hate your society, and for valid reasons. You hate every white Irish person you meet, you're Ireland's most anti-white and hate-filled narcissist you yourself ever met. So it's okay, trail around after me, pick up the crumbs I leave for you. Then tell yourself how happy you are at the thought of living a shitty Irish life on a shitty little island out in the Atlantic, and remind yourself that it's not forever: you will die in a few years. Having done nothing of any note with your paltry existence.

Your anger drips off every post you make. Of course we all know exactly how angry and unhappy you are. But get this: those were the choices you made. You tossed the dice and came up with a losing combination: hate and spite. It's all that keeps you going, eh. I laugh looking at your convoluted attempts to rile me. You can't though. Because most of all - happiness and contentment are the most important things to feel in any individual. I'm very happy. Even if I was ;less happy than I am today, I'd still be happier than you'll ever be. So let your jealousy and envy drown you. I'll still be laughing at your hopeless situation.

Time's running out, kid.

And fast.

You better decide fairly soon what you're going to do with what little time you have left.

Otherwise your life means nothing in the bigger picture of things.

All this bleating about nationalism, ethnicity, civility, and what not means fuck all anyway. Nothing changes as a result of you hopping on here to moan and gripe about your being replaced by some black as coal bloke from central Africa. Yes, you're being replaced. And you're being replaced because you're useless. You could be replaced by a sweeping brush. Or the left-overs of a slaughtered old sow out on the killing floor. By the time you clock that it's now or never, it'll all still be exactly the same as it is for you now: utterly hopeless. Nothing you do or say say changes a goddamned thing. And you know it. That's why you come on here: looking for a place to vent your rage about how you've completely failed to build a life worth living. It's not our fault your Ma died. It's not going to help you in any way raging at me: if you were smart you'd realize you've been trumped. Outsmarted by exactly the kind of person you hate: a happy one.

You can LOL and TLDR all you like - that's not going to change anything either.

Go wash your butt.
Only those striving for the limelight but failing to achieve it are musical failures, kid.

It's not all drinking and getting high like your male heroes (the Gallagher brothers) and fucking around.

Some of us are actual artists.

I live in the world's happiest country.

You barely exist on a hopeless little island sinking under a massive, massive debt that you allowed to happen. Blame yourself, you're a citizen, therefore you're liable for your own choices. I made mine: I got out before the shit the fan and I chose the single most enviable place to be instead of killing myself with depression and endless financial worries because of the clowns you and yours voted into power.

As a nationalist, you're a failure.

As a human being, you're a failure.

You're an angry young man whose mother died and left him behind. If I were in your shoes, I'd be angry too. But I'm not. I'm the happiest Irish guy in the world's happiest country. Your sense of being abandoned really does make me feel sad for you. I lost my Father to cancer, he was a young man in his mid-40's. But instead of allowing the Irish state to abandon me as they did him, I made a decision: stay and be a permanent slave to the grind, or drop the whole shit and get the fuck out of Dodge. I did it successfully, I'm absolutely thrilled to wake up every morning here in Helsinki.

I know you're envious. I know you can't really get your head around how I, a knacker from Ballyer, out-classed losers like you by being happy in my life. Actually happiness: seeing and hearing the kids playing out in the courtyard. It makes me smile. Taking a walk down to the store and being greeted by everyone I pass. Then smiling to myself about how rich and sweet it is to be here. It's a far easier way of life than the one you're used to. That said, you're unemployed and likely broke. No savings to buy the ticket, see. No idea of where else to go. Realizing you have no worthy qualifications to be accepted into any other English speaking country. You can't even speak your own language. Not a very good nationalist, eh.

If you took your head out of your arse you'd know all this - I wouldn't even have to address it.

Nah. I ended up the happiest Irish guy in Finland, the world's - - - - - - - - country.

Fill in the blanks as you see fit: it'll flow off me like water on a swan's breast.

No matter what you say, you know and I know that you hate your country. You hate your society, and for valid reasons. You hate every white Irish person you meet, you're Ireland's most anti-white and hate-filled narcissist you yourself ever met. So it's okay, trail around after me, pick up the crumbs I leave for you. Then tell yourself how happy you are at the thought of living a shitty Irish life on a shitty little island out in the Atlantic, and remind yourself that it's not forever: you will die in a few years. Having done nothing of any note with your paltry existence.

Your anger drips off every post you make. Of course we all know exactly how angry and unhappy you are. But get this: those were the choices you made. You tossed the dice and came up with a losing combination: hate and spite. It's all that keeps you going, eh. I laugh looking at your convoluted attempts to rile me. You can't though. Because most of all - happiness and contentment are the most important things to feel in any individual. I'm very happy. Even if I was ;less happy than I am today, I'd still be happier than you'll ever be. So let your jealousy and envy drown you. I'll still be laughing at your hopeless situation.

Time's running out, kid.

And fast.

You better decide fairly soon what you're going to do with what little time you have left.

Otherwise your life means nothing in the bigger picture of things.
All this bleating about nationalism, ethnicity, civility, and what not means fuck all anyway.

Did you mean: civic nationalism

Nothing changes as a result of you hopping on here to moan and gripe about your being replaced by some black as coal bloke from central Africa. Yes, you're being replaced. And you're being replaced because you're useless. You could be replaced by a sweeping brush. Or the left-overs of a slaughtered old sow out on the killing floor. By the time you clock that it's now or never, it'll all still be exactly the same as it is for you now: utterly hopeless. Nothing you do or say say changes a goddamned thing. And you know it. That's why you come on here: looking for a place to vent your rage about how you've completely failed to build a life worth living. It's not our fault your Ma died. It's not going to help you in any way raging at me: if you were smart you'd realize you've been trumped. Outsmarted by exactly the kind of person you hate: a happy one.

You can LOL and TLDR all you like - that's not going to change anything either.

Go wash your butt.
I mean, r u like this IRL?

If two people were having a conversation in a public place about something that you weren't interested in.. Would you barge in and say - Means fuck all to me pal.. and then start ranting about being the HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD! 🤣
But that's what you do here (to you're non-sycophants).

See? Raging jealousy about my fan base.

And as if that wasn't enough - I'm gloriously happy to boot.

There's no bigger reason this site doesn't have any members than you.

Yes, I certainly do tend to gather an audience.

I never set out for that to be the case, it just happened to me.

Apparently everyone loves The Mowl.

I'm a big attraction on these boards, and you know why too.

If you want to be as cool and happy as me, try not being like you are: raging and impotent.
See? Raging jealousy about my fan base.
Lumpy, roc and David?

I don't think I'd be particularly jealous of that fan base 😄

And as if that wasn't enough - I'm gloriously happy to boot.

Yes, I certainly do tend to gather an audience.

I never set out for that to be the case, it just happened to me.

Apparently everyone loves The Mowl.

I'm a big attraction on these boards, and you know why too.

If you want to be as cool and happy as me, try not being like you are: raging and impotent.
These fine minds
We'll agree to disagree 😆

you refer to are as popular and entertaining as I am.
As I've said before (I think maybe in the Invisible thread that you mean kool kids kicked me out of), there are common traits although you're all different.. but as long as the (mutual) sycophancy is maintained there is a perfect harmony.

Btw, when r u getting a 5th? 🤔

And yet you are.

Odd, that.

Smilies and text-speak: Jambo's latest weapons of minor/slight destruction.
We'll agree to disagree 😆

Nah, we won't really, but.

As I've said before (I think maybe in the Invisible thread that you mean kool kids kicked me out of), there are common traits although you're all different.. but as long as the (mutual) sycophancy is maintained there is a perfect harmony.

A bit like The A Team so?


You, Saul Bucket, Sham Queen, and Hopeless O'Reilly?

Those were the days, eh.

Btw, when r u getting a 5th? 🤔

As soon as I can stop laughing at your hopelessness.

It's hilarious, it truly is.
Nah, we won't really, but.
Yeah, we will but. You've reminded me of a funny video.. Noel talking about how Liam would argue with himself in the mirror 😄

A bit like The A Team so?
It's amazing how srsly you take that. I guess it has something to do with you not having a GSOH, or any SOH at all


You, Saul Bucket, Sham Queen, and Hopeless O'Reilly?

Those were the days, eh.
Saul (who's, unsurprisingly, shown consistent good judgement) is the only other surviving member, Myles didn't even know he was in it and Sham has been permanently excommunicated

As soon as I can stop laughing at your hopelessness.

It's hilarious, it truly is.
Nah, we won't really, but.
Yeah, we will but. You've reminded me of a funny video.. Noel talking about how Liam would argue with himself in the mirror 😄

A bit like The A Team so?
It's amazing how srsly you take that. I guess it has something to do with you not having a GSOH, or any SOH at all


You, Saul Bucket, Sham Queen, and Hopeless O'Reilly?

Those were the days, eh.
Saul (who's, unsurprisingly, shown consistent good judgement) is the only other surviving member, Myles didn't even know he was in it and Sham has been permanently excommunicated

As soon as I can stop laughing at your hopelessness.

It's hilarious, it truly is.
Heads up: you fucking HAVE to see Valamhic's latest video on his crank youtube channel. It's the funniest thing he's ever done, and his complete and blissful ignorance about everything musical is on clear display. He decided this time to tackle the lyrical content of Sinead O'Connor's song 'The Emperor's New Clothes' line by line in order to explain to his fellow Cavan mutants what Sinead's really singing about, which is:

That the department of planning is terrified of him.
That RTE deliberately cut songs in half in order to play ads.
That he has the government on the run.
That the windmills are lies.
That she wrote 'Nothing Compares To You' - then later in the video (after a quick pause and google search) realizes he's wrong, and says Prince wrote it.
That he's a wily and much-feared character in Leinster House, and that the government can't touch him because 'he's a farmer with cows'.
That the song is about corruption in the Irish state and that the church is deeply involved.
That 'The Emperor's New Clothes' is about church abuse.
That the word 'sure' isn't pronounced soor.
That - unlike Trump, he'd have seen his downfall coming a mile off and could easily have prevented it, if only Trump asked him to.
That the current energy issue is proceeding against the law.
That the government know Val's 'getting at them - is his own way'.
That the energy companies are terrified of him.
That 'The Emperor's New Clothes' is an article by Hans Christian Andersson.
That policemen who bust people for jay-walking need to make sure they're not actually hardened and wanted criminals before releasing them.
That there's a conspiracy in the music business of deliberately making it difficult to understand and properly hear the lyrics of songs these days
That radio stations wouldn't play Bob Dylan because his song are 'too long'.
That youtube are watching him closely and because of that he can't link to any of Sinead's songs - but will anyway.

Twelve minutes of glorious stupidity and ignorance the scale of which I've rarely seen anywhere.

Link: -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSNmzU1ZQ74
Yeah, we will but.

Yeah, but no, but.

You've reminded me of a funny video.

Does it feature The A Team'?

Noel talking about how Liam would argue with himself in the mirror 😄

And this is funny because?

It's amazing how srsly you take that.

Take what?

You being a latent homosexual?

I guess it has something to do with you not having a GSOH, or any SOH at all


Saul (who's, unsurprisingly, shown consistent good judgement) is the only other surviving member,

You mean the gullible and malleable little cunt out in Roscommon?

The one with the thieving bastard of a son who robs from the elderly?

Good catch.

Myles didn't even know he was in it

It amazes me how completely fucking thick you really are.

Whenever you use your own words (instead of using whatever Collect/Marvin/Woose have to say) you always fall apart and become incoherent.

and Sham has been permanently excommunicated

You're an idiot, Jimmy.

A complete fucking gobshite.
Yeah, but no, but.
Clever boy

Does it feature The A Team'?
And this is funny because?

Take what?

You being a latent homosexual?

You mean the gullible and malleable little cunt out in Roscommon?
I don't think you know what judgement I was talking about but I'll tell you what.. Maybe it's a pity he didn't come to me.. I wouldn't have wanted to be a eh, life guru or offer him personal advice but I could have told him that you're a devious little cunt who would use it against him some day

The one with the thieving bastard of a son who robs from the elderly?

Good catch.

It amazes me how completely fucking thick you really are.

Whenever you use your own words (instead of using whatever Collect/Marvin/Woose have to say) you always fall apart and become incoherent.

You're an idiot, Jimmy.

A complete fucking gobshite.
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