Clever boy
I don't think you know what judgement I was talking about but I'll tell you what.
It's more likely that I didn't care then and will care even less today.
. Maybe it's a pity he didn't come to me..
He's like a child. He needs a stronger person to care for him, to show him the way, but he's turned into a filthy little sewer rat after spending what? One year on Arsefield's? When he was on here he despised Declan, Sordid, and loads more of the twats on Declan's far right site. Now he's a full-blooded and murderous racist Nazi bastard who doesn't even know why he hates black people. Or anyone who's not a culchie.
He's so malleable he's now a fully-grown little boy - and like you - he's full of rage. Mostly because he wants to fit in and has no compunction whatsoever in abandoning any principles he ever had, and just to be in 'the gang' with the other rabid mutants Declan pays to have on his site.
That you and he formed a bond doesn't surprise me at all, and you know in your own heart that making him dance when you pulled his string was certainly something you too are guilty of. He's THAT gullible. Saul doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground, so when he asked me to help him with a problem he couldn't solve by himself, nor with his wife, I said of course I would. Then he told me his sad story:
How his son's a middle-aged alcoholic and still lives in the family home. That he hasn't worked in several years and is signing on from Saul's address against he and his wife's wishes. He augments his dole money by robbing houses while the occupants are asleep, so the older folk are his main target. He says the son drinks every night down in the local pub, so I asked him a few questions about the son's habits to get a better insight as to how his mind works. Turned out I asked all the right questions and it took me a few minutes to offer Saul an alternative view about his son's habits. I focused initially on the boozing aspect of things and Saul was amazed at how accurately I nailed the little cunt's profile. So I continued asking questions and after making a few more (entirely accurate) observations, I culminated my assistance with a plan/project for Saul and his Missus to embark on. He was to start the plan the following dole day, and it involved only a few black plastic bags and the son's few meagre possessions. That and changing the locks on all doors. That and dumping his shit at the front garden gate. Boot him out. Let him stay and he'll drive you to want to kill him. So let the little bastard try life in a flat he has to pay for - the dole might even offer him the HAP - or whatever you call it.
The neighbours weren't going to stop gossiping, and there's nothing he could do to change that apart from moving house, so when the black bags are left in the garden, that he should make a point of having a public row with the son. That way, the neighbours will know that Saul and his Missus aren't interested in protecting him or housing him. That they'd get around to forgiving them for their son's activities eventually, but he'd simply have to wait it out until they stopped being persona non grata.
Saul took my advice and thanked me for it, but he never got around to telling me the final details as to whether he did in fact boot the son out, mainly because he fucked up here on the Isle and then ran over to Arsefield's and started trying to rile me. It was a fucking stupid thing to do and he knew it, so he tried to suggest to me in a few random posts from Arsey's that he was scared I'd blow the lid on his familial circumstances. He was obviously cornered and cornered by his own hand. His own idiocy. Now he takes every opportunity to slag me and try to get a reaction. But he's not so thick that he didn't think I'd expose him for behaving like a traitorous little bastard no different to his own son. Now he's mortified. I'd have kept my mouth shut if he hadn't started in on the jibes from Arsefield's when Declan modded him. The power went to his head. It almost strangled him, so he had to quit and throw in the towel shortly after.
Now he has Declan to delete any nasty truths about Saul's shitty family and miserable life in Roscommon, or whatever hick town he dwells in.
But the truth's out - it can't be taken back: Saul, the vile racist, has a son who has destroyed his family's reputation - permanently.
And any further conversations we might have about this entire shit-show will reveal even more sordid details.
Try me.
I wouldn't have wanted to be a eh, life guru or offer him personal advice but I could have told him that you're a devious little cunt who would use it against him some day
Bit late in the day for all that.
He's dead meat as far as I'm concerned.
I did what I had to do: expose the little cunt for what he really is: a total failure in every possible way.
I own the little rat.
And I'll continue to make the little rat dance and hop to my beck and call.
Now you know.