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Clever boy



I don't think you know what judgement I was talking about but I'll tell you what.

It's more likely that I didn't care then and will care even less today.

. Maybe it's a pity he didn't come to me..

He's like a child. He needs a stronger person to care for him, to show him the way, but he's turned into a filthy little sewer rat after spending what? One year on Arsefield's? When he was on here he despised Declan, Sordid, and loads more of the twats on Declan's far right site. Now he's a full-blooded and murderous racist Nazi bastard who doesn't even know why he hates black people. Or anyone who's not a culchie.

He's so malleable he's now a fully-grown little boy - and like you - he's full of rage. Mostly because he wants to fit in and has no compunction whatsoever in abandoning any principles he ever had, and just to be in 'the gang' with the other rabid mutants Declan pays to have on his site.

That you and he formed a bond doesn't surprise me at all, and you know in your own heart that making him dance when you pulled his string was certainly something you too are guilty of. He's THAT gullible. Saul doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground, so when he asked me to help him with a problem he couldn't solve by himself, nor with his wife, I said of course I would. Then he told me his sad story:

How his son's a middle-aged alcoholic and still lives in the family home. That he hasn't worked in several years and is signing on from Saul's address against he and his wife's wishes. He augments his dole money by robbing houses while the occupants are asleep, so the older folk are his main target. He says the son drinks every night down in the local pub, so I asked him a few questions about the son's habits to get a better insight as to how his mind works. Turned out I asked all the right questions and it took me a few minutes to offer Saul an alternative view about his son's habits. I focused initially on the boozing aspect of things and Saul was amazed at how accurately I nailed the little cunt's profile. So I continued asking questions and after making a few more (entirely accurate) observations, I culminated my assistance with a plan/project for Saul and his Missus to embark on. He was to start the plan the following dole day, and it involved only a few black plastic bags and the son's few meagre possessions. That and changing the locks on all doors. That and dumping his shit at the front garden gate. Boot him out. Let him stay and he'll drive you to want to kill him. So let the little bastard try life in a flat he has to pay for - the dole might even offer him the HAP - or whatever you call it.

The neighbours weren't going to stop gossiping, and there's nothing he could do to change that apart from moving house, so when the black bags are left in the garden, that he should make a point of having a public row with the son. That way, the neighbours will know that Saul and his Missus aren't interested in protecting him or housing him. That they'd get around to forgiving them for their son's activities eventually, but he'd simply have to wait it out until they stopped being persona non grata.

Saul took my advice and thanked me for it, but he never got around to telling me the final details as to whether he did in fact boot the son out, mainly because he fucked up here on the Isle and then ran over to Arsefield's and started trying to rile me. It was a fucking stupid thing to do and he knew it, so he tried to suggest to me in a few random posts from Arsey's that he was scared I'd blow the lid on his familial circumstances. He was obviously cornered and cornered by his own hand. His own idiocy. Now he takes every opportunity to slag me and try to get a reaction. But he's not so thick that he didn't think I'd expose him for behaving like a traitorous little bastard no different to his own son. Now he's mortified. I'd have kept my mouth shut if he hadn't started in on the jibes from Arsefield's when Declan modded him. The power went to his head. It almost strangled him, so he had to quit and throw in the towel shortly after.

Now he has Declan to delete any nasty truths about Saul's shitty family and miserable life in Roscommon, or whatever hick town he dwells in.

But the truth's out - it can't be taken back: Saul, the vile racist, has a son who has destroyed his family's reputation - permanently.

And any further conversations we might have about this entire shit-show will reveal even more sordid details.

Try me.

I wouldn't have wanted to be a eh, life guru or offer him personal advice but I could have told him that you're a devious little cunt who would use it against him some day

Bit late in the day for all that.

He's dead meat as far as I'm concerned.

I did what I had to do: expose the little cunt for what he really is: a total failure in every possible way.

I own the little rat.

And I'll continue to make the little rat dance and hop to my beck and call.

Now you know.


It's more likely that I didn't care then and will care even less today.

He's like a child. He needs a stronger person to care for him, to show him the way, but he's turned into a filthy little sewer rat after spending what? One year on Arsefield's? When he was on here he despised Declan, Sordid, and loads more of the twats on Declan's far right site. Now he's a full-blooded and murderous racist Nazi bastard who doesn't even know why he hates black people. Or anyone who's not a culchie.

He's so malleable he's now a fully-grown little boy - and like you - he's full of rage. Mostly because he wants to fit in and has no compunction whatsoever in abandoning any principles he ever had, and just to be in 'the gang' with the other rabid mutants Declan pays to have on his site.

That you and he formed a bond doesn't surprise me at all, and you know in your own heart that making him dance when you pulled his string was certainly something you too are guilty of. He's THAT gullible. Saul doesn't know his arse from a hole in the ground, so when he asked me to help him with a problem he couldn't solve by himself, nor with his wife, I said of course I would. Then he told me his sad story:

How his son's a middle-aged alcoholic and still lives in the family home. That he hasn't worked in several years and is signing on from Saul's address against he and his wife's wishes. He augments his dole money by robbing houses while the occupants are asleep, so the older folk are his main target. He says the son drinks every night down in the local pub, so I asked him a few questions about the son's habits to get a better insight as to how his mind works. Turned out I asked all the right questions and it took me a few minutes to offer Saul an alternative view about his son's habits. I focused initially on the boozing aspect of things and Saul was amazed at how accurately I nailed the little cunt's profile. So I continued asking questions and after making a few more (entirely accurate) observations, I culminated my assistance with a plan/project for Saul and his Missus to embark on. He was to start the plan the following dole day, and it involved only a few black plastic bags and the son's few meagre possessions. That and changing the locks on all doors. That and dumping his shit at the front garden gate. Boot him out. Let him stay and he'll drive you to want to kill him. So let the little bastard try life in a flat he has to pay for - the dole might even offer him the HAP - or whatever you call it.

The neighbours weren't going to stop gossiping, and there's nothing he could do to change that apart from moving house, so when the black bags are left in the garden, that he should make a point of having a public row with the son. That way, the neighbours will know that Saul and his Missus aren't interested in protecting him or housing him. That they'd get around to forgiving them for their son's activities eventually, but he'd simply have to wait it out until they stopped being persona non grata.

Saul took my advice and thanked me for it, but he never got around to telling me the final details as to whether he did in fact boot the son out, mainly because he fucked up here on the Isle and then ran over to Arsefield's and started trying to rile me. It was a fucking stupid thing to do and he knew it, so he tried to suggest to me in a few random posts from Arsey's that he was scared I'd blow the lid on his familial circumstances. He was obviously cornered and cornered by his own hand. His own idiocy. Now he takes every opportunity to slag me and try to get a reaction. But he's not so thick that he didn't think I'd expose him for behaving like a traitorous little bastard no different to his own son. Now he's mortified. I'd have kept my mouth shut if he hadn't started in on the jibes from Arsefield's when Declan modded him. The power went to his head. It almost strangled him, so he had to quit and throw in the towel shortly after.

Now he has Declan to delete any nasty truths about Saul's shitty family and miserable life in Roscommon, or whatever hick town he dwells in.

But the truth's out - it can't be taken back: Saul, the vile racist, has a son who has destroyed his family's reputation - permanently.

And any further conversations we might have about this entire shit-show will reveal even more sordid details.

Try me.

Bit late in the day for all that.

He's dead meat as far as I'm concerned.

I did what I had to do: expose the little cunt for what he really is: a total failure in every possible way.

I own the little rat.

And I'll continue to make the little rat dance and hop to my beck and call.
Now you know.
Eh, yeah, I do know all about you (all I need to know).

You're an absolute spastic and fantasist (so is your Jewish pal who taught you all those shiny new anti-white words).

I mean, you write complete horseshit about me every day.. Don't you think that I would then know that you do it with everyone else (including yourself)? 🤔

Go to bed, kid, and stay there. I'll talk to you tomorrow..
Eh, yeah, I do know all about you (all I need to know).

Now you also know the deal with your A Team pal, Saul Bucket.

You navel nationalists are one hilarious box of frogs.

You're an absolute spastic and fantasist (so is your Jewish pal who taught you all those shiny new anti-white words).

The only Jews I dislike are the Jews I've dealt with personally.

I mean, you write complete horseshit about me every day.

That's hardly a feat, now is it?

. Don't you think that I would then know that you do it with everyone else (including yourself)? 🤔

Nobody cares what you think, kid.

They haven't for a long, long time.

Go to bed, kid, and stay there. I'll talk to you tomorrow..

Sure thing, Old Sock.

I'm sure you'll reopen your Arsefield's account before the week is out.

Jambo-no-mates rides again.
Now you also know the deal with your A Team pal, Saul Bucket.

You navel nationalists are one hilarious box of frogs.
The only Jews I dislike are the Jews I've dealt with personally.
Every. Single. One.


That's hardly a feat, now is it?

Nobody cares what you think, kid.

They haven't for a long, long time.

Sure thing, Old Sock.

I'm sure you'll reopen your Arsefield's account before the week is out.

Jambo-no-mates rides again.




But thankfully two of them are already dead - one of some illness, the other got smashed to bits in a car crash.

Which amused me greatly.
And there's been many, we're not talking about one or two Jews here, are we?

And you've hated them all.. every. single. time. Right?
First Jew I ever knew, I went back to her house, to sleep with her, and she had all this voodoo stuff on the walls, and her subtle make up and dress reflected that too.

It presented more than a little shock to my indoctrinated conservative south Dublin middle class values. I was quite young and naive and innocent at that stage, at least relative to “the big bad world” outside of Ireland.

Compounded when I later met her group of friends, all Jews, much older than me, in their late forties, early fifties, a bunch of artists, academics, musicians, by and large. For example one of them had received an inheritance and had to decided to blow the lot on crack cocaine.

That is an extreme example. But in general, the point is that the initial impression was a shock, the moral values seemed to be different, they were not the same as I grew up with, especially these were all the same age as my parents.

But over time, as I came to know them, this feeling reversed. They were good people, they were caring, generous, fun, active in helping others. They loved to share art. They took me under their wing in a manner. Their values were just as good as ours and in some ways better.

I thought at first that the initial impression may have been due to all of that group revering art, and the artistic. But now I realise there are deep differences in our respective cultures.

But I just wanted to say something about initial impressions, and possible causes, and a reversal of those impressions after some time.

I also came to know later on a few Israelis. One an IDF captain, she was very beautiful, very confident, very smart, she’d have you for breakfast, it was hard to break through to really know her, even through having intimate relations with her.

Another Israeli, obviously suffering from his experience in the army, distrustful of everyone, very strange, very protective of himself.

Recently I have come to know another two Israelis who came to Ireland because they thought Israel was no place to raise a young family, they are highly appreciative of the environment Ireland offers to raise a family, compared to Israel. They are a very nice couple, willing to lend a hand, straight talking, straight dealing, in the time that I have known them.

I also know a few other Jews long term. Two quite neurotic males, one somewhat selfish and self-centred, the other incredibly unselfish and dedicated to the needs of others over himself (to the extent that he suffers mentally for it). Their neuroticism though may be more a function of the particular social group through which my connections are through.

I also came to know another female Jew, quite famous actually, you would know her if you watched TV in the early 00’s. Although I knew her before her fame. Neurotic also, well only judging from later news stories that I read about her. But of an incredible kindness, and very generous. If you knew her you would defend her against what has been said about her in the tabloids.

And another Jew I know comes to mind just now, and his family, fairly local to me. He works very hard and parties very hard. He is funny, community-minded, a great organiser, and quite strikingly different. I like him. In fact he is of an ilk with that first group of Jews that I talked about. I know he is honest and straight in his business dealings, gives a good price, and does a good job. But certain elements are questionable in his personal life.

So, I am going on now. I just wanted to communicate my own experience of how Jews may be different but really no different to any of us, we all have positive and negative traits. Personally I have never experienced dishonesty, through many interactions, in fact the opposite, I find Jews are more honest than say Irish people. At least in social interaction. I have not much business interaction, though it strikes me they could be ruthless, Jews may just see business differently, what is acceptable and not, analogous to how say for example Indians will underpay their employees, or for work done, and always seek out the cheapest of everything.

Anyway, point being that I have had enough dealings with Jews to appreciate first of all how peoples’ sensitivities may be triggered by their differences, second, of the Jews that I have known - the interactions that I have had with them, have been of such quality and quantity that I will come to their defense. I would feel rise in me a certain loyalty borne of these friendships, where I will tend to say in the face of some generalisation or other about Jews, to hold your judgment, see this, see that, etc.

Make of all that what you will. This is on a somewhat different track to the whole conspiracy track of playing up of Jewish differences and conjuring out of that some type of contemporary “Protocols” world view, such as Jambo’s, but it is definitely related I would say.
Hahaha...it gets better 🍿

Dan will have to do a clean-up on aisle 5. I suppose he's used to removing drunks from his days as a barman (before he was a busker)
Yeah, I remember, all your old 'A-team' used to always go on about Jews plotting against them, and you'd give likes to each other for repeating it. Wasn't it part of your 'IQ' test for team membership, I seem to recall.

As for Swords, your ex-mate Sham Fox is too stupid to observe the relish and glee with which that toxic wank stain separates out Jews into categories, even among Zionist Jews in Israel, separating them based on their country of origin, their ethic origins, their piety of religious beliefs, and many more such categories.

He has a complex hierarchy of "good Jews" and "bad Jews".

Same old. Einstein pointed out as far back in Germany as 1921, "... Anti-Semites have no intention of clearly distinguishing between Eastern European and Western European Jews..."

The accusations of antisemites through history have always initially singled out a part of the Jews. Whether "international Jews". Or "usurious Jews". Or "Eastern European Jews". Or today you get "Zionist Jews", or "Crypto Jews" etc.

The fucking stupidity of your 'A-Team' is painful.
I don't imagine anyone is "plotting against me", you Jewish twat, would you ever grow up.

Or stop projecting your Jewish paranoia on me.
Yeah, I remember, all your old 'A-team' used to always go on about Jews plotting against them, and you'd give likes to each other for repeating it. Wasn't it part of your 'IQ' test for team membership, I seem to recall.
An IQ test for team membership? Would you ever stop talking absolute shite, you fucking loony bin

As for Swords, your ex-mate Sham Fox is too stupid to observe the relish and glee with which that toxic wank stain separates out Jews into categories, even among Zionist Jews in Israel, separating them based on their country of origin, their ethic origins, their piety of religious beliefs, and many more such categories.

He has a complex hierarchy of "good Jews" and "bad Jews".
Sword thinks there are "white supremacist" Jews - utter nonsense. She's completely deracinated, she sees everything through the lens of religion

Whatever (far right) "white supremacist" Jews she's thinking of wouldn't give a fuck about (the well-being of) white people, they care about their tribe and Israel

Same old. Einstein pointed out as far back in Germany as 1921, "... Anti-Semites have no intention of clearly distinguishing between Eastern European and Western European Jews..."

The accusations of antisemites through history have always initially singled out a part of the Jews. Whether "international Jews". Or "usurious Jews". Or "Eastern European Jews". Or today you get "Zionist Jews", or "Crypto Jews" etc.

The fucking stupidity of your 'A-Team' is painful.
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