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lol Everyone hates the ADL (except for roc_abilly roc_abilly)
They are simply an organisation funded to the tune of around a million dollars or so per year to try and push back against the rising tide of antisemitism.

Relatively small fry in the grand scheme of things, acknowledging that they do some decent research that sheds an amount of light on these matters.

Of course antisemites and white supremacists are going to lose their knickers in indignation at their very existence.

For myself, I say, yeah, I can see why such an organisation formed, I have no reason to hate them, and I very much doubt "everybody" hates them like you and your crush Keith Woods.

I would say much more likely that either they see the justification for their existence like I do, or more likely they couldn't give a shit one way or the other.

You see Jambo "everybody" is not the people you read in your twitter feeds and on Telegram.

That is just a distortion in your perception through being the type of animal that you are, living out your life online, with your little coterie daily echoing each other, all of you highly taken with the idea of your own victim status as white supremacists and being "replaced" etc.

As I said, sad bastards.
It's hard to overstate the importance of Elon Musk's battle with the ADL.

The rollout of free social media was the most revolutionary development in information dissemination since the printing press.

When the regime realised just how revolutionary it was, they got to work spending years fighting for control through lobbying and financial manipulation. While much of this pressure is informal, through networks and backchannels, the ADL is the institutional, public face of this political racketeering network.

By 2020, their control of the major social media platforms was almost entirely secure. By forcing Facebook to change their terms of service according to his liking after a crushing advertiser boycott, Jonathan Greenblatt demonstrated that he had assumed the role of the final arbiter of speech on the internet.

Last year, it looked like there was little hope for a way out of this situation, until @elonmusk's surprise purchase of Twitter. The subsequent boycott headed by the ADL showed that even the richest man in the world can be scuppered by the malign influence of this group.

It seemed the only way to reverse the financial damage done by Greenblatt and his co-conspirators would be to gradually return control to the ADL, but now, riding a wave of popular support from X users, Elon has decided to draw a line in the sand and fight back.

The internet was the most revolutionary development of our age, and the fight to protect it from near total control by insidious actors like the ADL may turn out to be one of the most important fights of the century. Let's all send Elon our prayers, and hope he can be the first to deal a fatal blow to the ADL. Godspeed Elon.

Art credit: @emerson_chris

I thought for a minute there that you had at long last, due to the excitement, written a post adequately articulating your own opinion.

But no, I get to the end and I find you just copied and pasted the whole thing from that arsehole Keith Woods.

I'll say it again. Musk is suddenly going to realise who exactly he's chosen to lie down with, and then he's going to backpedal like fuck.

To get the idea realise that Jambo on here is basically a carbon copy of your man Keith Woods.

As to the content of Woods' post, you begin to grasp that he's a kid whose consuming hate is driving him out of his depth, his excitement and self satisfaction is laughable.

His philosophy course in Galway obviously proving the dictum that "a little education is a dangerous thing".
"A little learning is a dangerous thing. Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring; There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again."

Young Keith is clearly intoxicated out of his head, presently.
I thought for a minute there that you had at long last, due to the excitement, written a post adequately articulating your own opinion.
But no, I get to the end and I find you just copied and pasted the whole thing from that arsehole Keith Woods.
I'll say it again. Musk is suddenly going to realise who exactly he's chosen to lie down with, and then he's going to backpedal like fuck.
Is this you roc? 🤔

To get the idea realise that Jambo on here is basically a carbon copy of your man Keith Woods.

As to the content of Woods' post, you begin to grasp that he's a kid whose consuming hate is driving him out of his depth, his excitement and self satisfaction is laughable.

His philosophy course in Galway obviously proving the dictum that "a little education is a dangerous thing".
Whoever redesigned the Greater Dublin Area bus routes needs a serious boot up the arse. The old system was a million times more efficient than this mess.
Is this you roc? 🤔

By the way, I think if you click on a Telegram link (embedding is banned here) and try to watch a video clip therein, the buffering is horrendous. But if you click - View in channel, or the globe icon and then from there press play on the video the buffering isn't nearly as bad.

That's assuming you don't have the Telegram app and are using a browser
For myself, I say, yeah, I can see why such an organisation formed
Good point roc.

And I was just thinking that poor Mowl Mowl reading all this stuff must be like - Jonathan Who?, the AD What? 🤔

But now that he's shown an interest in the affair (check out his new avi) I must get to that later (why the ADL was formed)..
I see your tiddlywinks thread floundering.

Haven't you any pieces left on the table?

Or did you throw them along with your spaghetti bolognese?
I see your tiddlywinks thread floundering.

Haven't you any pieces left on the table?

Or did you throw them along with your spaghetti bolognese?
I think tiddlywinks is your name for chess.

I told you, it's not a chess thread.

That said, I suppose it's not really finished (I haven't made my own comment on the OP yet). I'll put it on my TODO list (along with how the ADL was formed) for later..
I see your chaps have put "Media" and "Finance" tags down the sleeves of the two Jews flanking the ADL guy. It's always the same, isn't it, round and around and around it goes. The same well worn recognisable tropes trotted out time and again. Vindicating the existence of the ADL at the same time they rail against its existence (granted Woods and co would seem to be so stupid they seem unaware of it).



I think tiddlywinks is your name for chess.

And you worked all that out by yourself, did you?

Good lad.

Crack open another tin of Dutch Gold while your spaghetti's dripping down the wall behind your laptop.

I told you, it's not a chess thread.

Who cares?

That said, I suppose it's not really finished (I haven't made my own comment on the OP yet). I'll put it on my TODO list (along with how the ADL was formed) for later..

Yeah - you do that.

In other news, I'm due at the studio in an hour, but I've just been stung by an angry wasp on the soft flesh between my thumb and index finger. I was recycling some items at the point return and the wasp came out of nowhere, al I felt was a sudden sharp sting, and when I looked, there was a darker than usual wasp stuck to me. I swiped it off and there was the stinger. I went into the apteeki and asked the lady pharmacist if she could remove it for me as I didn't have my glasses with me, so she got a kit from backstage and cleaned the area, then plucked the stinger out in one clean piece.

Now my left hand is stinging like fuck.

Swelling up too.

I may have to cancel.

I see your chaps have put "Media" and "Finance" tags down the sleeves of the two Jews flanking the ADL guy. It's always the same, isn't it, round and around and around it goes. The same well worn recognisable tropes trotted out time and again. Vindicating the existence of the ADL at the same time they rail against its existence (granted Woods and co would seem to be so stupid they seem unaware of it).




Some modern day examples.

So now that I've had my scrambled on toast, few slices of bacon, grilled tomato, it's time to get to my TODO list that I promised for the Mowl Mowl

We'll start with the first item..

Q. Mowl: How was the ADL formed, James? 🤔

The ADL was formed in 1913 after a Jewish factory superintendent, Leo Frank, was accused of raping and murdering a young employee, 13-year-old Irish American girl, Mary Phagan.

Frank protested his innocence and even said that he knew who did it....

That's right Mowl, a n*****, a n*****, janitor.

But Frank was convicted and sent to jail in what the ADL claim was a wrongful conviction and blatant antisemitism.

And now the racist white mob were hungry for some justice of their own - it was lynching time.

But wait, who did they lynch?....

Bzzzt..wrong Mowl, wrong!.. They lynched the Jew.

That's right, after his death sentence was commuted when he was in jail they sprung him and then hung the son-of-a-bitch.

And that's how the ADL was formed, after a Jewish paedophile rapist murderer was eh, defamed and tried to pin his crime on a n*****. Have you ever heard of anything so sick, so demonic, no wonder you hate Jews.
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