
Chat ðŸ”¥ðŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

There's literally no forum around which would allow such a thread on their front page, and for a very good reason.
Right, so I'll admit that I'm willing to restore some kind of thread to the front page, but not the entire thing.

We'll see how it goes.
Imagine all the keen cultural, social and economic insights we'd miss.

Plus the knicker-pissing and throwing the Bolognese all over himself.

David David: please, and no matter what Jambo says - keep these threatening type posts on the site for ever.

They still be just as funny/sad in 2037 as they are today.

My word - what an embarrassment to himself our Jambo is.

Right, so I'll admit that I'm willing to restore some kind of thread to the front page, but not the entire thing.

This'll be some shit-flinging show alright.

We'll see how it goes.

Best to keep your eyes covered - there'll be teeth and hairballs flying within minutes.

Hi-ho, Jambo - away!
Right, so I'll admit that I'm willing to restore some kind of thread to the front page, but not the entire thing.

We'll see how it goes.
You're not going to believe this.. but I don't actually mind much what you did with the thread, to my surprise.

You didn't need to merge post #1 and post #2, both of which I spent some time on (in between my nap) but it would be completely neccesary to have that content there. Post #2 is a bit of stain now but I'll live with it (/forget about it). Everything else isn't that big a deal and we're away in a hack on the (flat-earth) entry #2..

All you need to do now with the thread is return it to its place of origin - my blog.
You're not going to believe this.. but I don't actually mind much what you did with the thread, to my surprise.

You didn't need to merge post #1 and post #2, both of which I spent some time on (in between my nap) but it would be completely neccesary to have that content there. Post #2 is a bit of stain now but I'll live with it (/forget about it). Everything else isn't that big a deal and we're away in a hack on the (flat-earth) entry #2..

All you need to do now with the thread is return it to its place of origin - my blog.

90% of your thread was trolling/ name dropping/ goading / personal attacks....even the OP is a bit fishy, but as some other posters made an effort it would only be fair they've a thread on the front page. The rest of that rubbish is where it belongs - in the Zoo. Why can't you just start decent, normal threads, such as this?

These are the kinds of contributors islepoli needs in order to thrive and survive. I'm not going to sacrifice Isle's future all so you can do whatever you want. It takes an awful lot of time and effort to build a functioning forum and I'm not going to allow selfish individuals take a wrecking ball to it while it's still merely trying to find its feet.

@Truth League

Please write constructive responses to the above thread. Any trolling / goading etc. will not make it past moderation.
I like how islepoli has an old school feel to it...or how it feels like forums used to be before spam from Twitter, Telegram etc took over. I mean, just look at the amount of tweets on your average Arsefield's thread, it's insane. Seriously, fuck Twitter. It has contributed to the declining quality of discussion forums in a major way over the past decade or so.

It's nice to be able to open a thread, and not have two million copy and pastes from Twitter/ Telegram staring back at you. With that said there are some interesting pages and users on Twitter...but most of what gets re-tweeted is the usual muck. If I want to discuss things, I'll visit a discussion forum...if I want to stare at Tweets all day then I can go to Twitter.

@Truth League

Please write constructive responses to the above thread.
That won't be happening in any thread

You made your choice
Jambo doesn't like the tables being turned on him, so he is in a big huff.

He thought he'd use "science" to mock those who object to his white supremacist doctrine. But when he was shown up as not having a clue, and in fact being among the worst offenders, well what else could he do?

Flounce announcements are always great craic.
Jambo has "political views" you see.

He thought he'd be able to post up a load of deranged and twisted shit taken from the Morgoth/Collett/Woods opus onto a public forum, and he would be able to quash all reasoned dissent with moderator controls.

So it didn't take long to discover that giving Jambo moderator controls was like giving a four year old the keys to a Ferrari.

But taking the keys back off him made him unhappy and sad. You have to feel for the kid.

I suppose you have to be cruel to be kind sometimes. It was for his own good. I mean it was only his second post before he was on to Nazi race science. Can you imagine allowing him to keep going?

You'd have had GRIDO all over the site before you could say "I'm a 'race realist', guard, not a white supremacist...".
Jambo has "political views" you see.

He thought he'd be able to post up a load of deranged and twisted shit taken from the Morgoth/Collett/Woods opus onto a public forum, and he would be able to quash all reasoned dissent with moderator controls.
So it didn't take long to discover that giving Jambo moderator controls was like giving a four year old the keys to a Ferrari.
lol What would a 4-year-old do with the keys to a Ferrari, put them in his mouth? 🤣

Now write more stupid shit..

But taking the keys back off him made him unhappy and sad. You have to feel for the kid.

I suppose you have to be cruel to be kind sometimes. It was for his own good. I mean it was only his second post before he was on to Nazi race science. Can you imagine allowing him to keep going?

You'd have had GRIDO all over the site before you could say "I'm a 'race realist', guard, not a white supremacist...".
Jambo has "political views" you see.

He thought he'd be able to post up a load of deranged and twisted shit taken from the Morgoth/Collett/Woods opus onto a public forum, and he would be able to quash all reasoned dissent with moderator controls.

So it didn't take long to discover that giving Jambo moderator controls was like giving a four year old the keys to a Ferrari.

But taking the keys back off him made him unhappy and sad. You have to feel for the kid.

I suppose you have to be cruel to be kind sometimes. It was for his own good. I mean it was only his second post before he was on to Nazi race science. Can you imagine allowing him to keep going.
You'd have had GRIDO all over the site before you could say "I'm a 'race realist', guard, not a white supremacist...".
No one is remotely concerned about you ratting them out to "GRIDO" 🤣 Babbling about the Nazis, Dylann Roof, manifestoes [sic] and assault rifles.

Can you stop being a loser fantasist for 5 minutes? 🤔
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