Has anyone seen
roc_abilly today?
Trump is just a player in the whole shitshow.
He's the yin to the yang of all your woke climate justice, trans justice, racial justice, Palestinian justice, LGBTQIA++++, and all the fucking rest of it.
His spewing of idiocy and demagogic toxins into the political discourse, and cynicism towards democratic institutions, and bingeing on daytime TV instead of carefully considering the matters of the day, is just a part of the shitshow.
It's a diversion. None of it matters.
What matters is what is in the people. The shitshow is only a reflection of them,
a mirror.
And this shitshow is on international tour. Idiots like you preparing the ground for it. Glued to the shitshow programme communications coming in through your subsea Atlantic cables.
The shitshow of internet enabled democracy - less Plato's "... poets, philosophers and kings...", as self-medicating idiot fat fucks consumed by their gadgets.