
Who'll be president of the USA in 2024?


Who can be presidnet in 2024 ? Give your candidates and see who will win and why, you think they win ?

Donald Trump is one and Joe Biden too.
Joe Stalin Biden has got to go. Either Trump wins 2024 or America is screwed.

If you want poverty, gun control and socialized medicine then vote for the Dems.

If you want freedom and prosperity then vote for Trump. Don't throw your vote away.

Uncle Joe Biden is trying to do to this country what Castro did to Cuba. A vote for Dems is a vote for socialist dictatorship
Well Biden channelled FDR while on the campaign trail in 2019 and I recall him making a speech on FDR and the New Deal on a campaign stop (in Georgia) where FDR first mentioned it.

'Warm Springs is a good place to talk about hope and healing. So Franklin Roosevelt came, “To use the therapeutic waters to rebuild himself.” Stricken by polio, the polio virus in 1921, he suffered from paralysis. Like many other Americans in those pre-vaccine decades, FDR longed to live an independent life, a life that wasn’t defined by his illness. To him, and to so many others facing physical challenges, Warm Springs offered therapy for the body, and I might add, and the soul, but it offered something else as well.

Joe Biden: (09:33)
FDR came looking for a cure, but it was the lessons he learned here that he used to lift a nation. Humility, empathy, courage, optimism. This place represented a way forward. A way of restoration, of resilience, of healing. In the years that followed, FDR would come back to Warm Springs often to think about how to heal the nation and the world, and that’s exactly what he did. Lifting us out of a great depression, defeating tyranny, saving democracy. Then it was here on April 12th, 1945, that President Roosevelt died. A casualty of war as surely as any who fell in combat, and the free world mourned. ' https://www.rev.com/blog/transcripts/joe-biden-campaign-speech-transcript-warm-springs-ga-october-27
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Joe Stalin Biden has got to go. Either Trump wins 2024 or America is screwed.

If you want poverty, gun control and socialized medicine then vote for the Dems.

If you want freedom and prosperity then vote for Trump. Don't throw your vote away.

Uncle Joe Biden is trying to do to this country what Castro did to Cuba. A vote for Dems is a vote for socialist dictatorship

It must be terrible to be that frightened all the time.
There is no other country in the world where freedom of speech is more protected than the U.S.A. - that should be the model for all free countries. And it's needed now more than ever.

Misinformation, disinformation, the original "fake news".. are all jargon terms for censorship and totalitarianism.
I think it's really sad that an American is against the 1A - You should cherish it
The 1A is great, but when it is abused by a corporate media giant like FOX News, and your country has the dumbest, most gullible citizens of any indiustrialized, first world country on earth, peddling dangerous lies can have tragic consequences. The 2A also has tragic consequences, and I say this as a gun owner.
Would the Kennedy lad be in with a chance I wonder?

He certainly has more charisma than Biden.

If its a straight run between Trump and Biden, I can see Biden winning again.

Uncle Joe Biden and his crooked Commies in the Courts trying to put Trump behind bars.

Ain't gonna happen buddy. Trump will win this battle. And he'll win the battle again in 2024.

It's morning in America again baby. Trump is doing great in polls. Dementocrat Joe is panicking. Bye bye Joe 2024 and take your libtard cronies with you.

Patriotic Americans rejoice. 2024 will be ours.

No more socialism. No more gun control attempts. No more Mr Nice Guy USA.

Bring on Trump 2024. America WILL be great again.
Just shows Magaheads can't count. Trump's numbers look good for the Republican nomination but it pretty much guarantees that having a rapist conman and likely convicted felon by then as a candidate means he is on course to win the slum vote but not the city.

What Magaheads apparently haven't noticed is their Biff Tannen has lost the jewish vote, a lot of the jesus-heads, and may not be able to count on the affluent latino vote or soccer moms in the way he did in 2016.

In a head to head against any Democrat candidate the orange scumbag criminal doesn't stand a chance in the actual election. Fat Sparta loses again.
I think, Lumpy, you underestimate the sheer bloody-minded stupidity of a sizable contingent in the US. The same stupidity that is being imported here, that you can witness on websites like politicaliirish and arsefields and the whole so called "nationalist" scene recently witnessed on these shores.

This gobshite "Thor", held up by the greatest fools on those same fora as another savvy so called day trader who made "a fortune", the same as "Young Dan" across the way (recalling how posters on these boards were assisted by the Mowl to see through that Walter Mitty and his claimed fortune and claimed incredible trading success.)

Just like all the other suckers, "doing his own research" on the Internet. And following a similar trajectory not surprisingly also another sucker for Trump's bullshit. - You see just like when they're "trading" they say, "... this time will be different, the collapse is finally here...", that is the same mode by which they easily believe Trump when he says, "... look last time I didn't deliver but, trust me, next time I will..."

Yes, in the US there is a very very large collection of suckers who can be fooled twice by the very same person and in the very same circumstances. It's not just that they have wet dreams all over his talk and policies of isolationism and "walls" and the rest of it. Or that they are truly stupid enough to think he saved all the children from sexual slavery on elites’ secret islands and pizza shops, and so on.

No, it's that they seem to actually relish the cognitive dissonance there is between believing his lies and seeing what he actually does.

See for example how he expanded the deficit by 70% per annum, even before Covid, in spite of promising to reduce it. Or, in spite of his talk, how he actually fought against the Fed when it started raising rates, in favour of deficit financing and demanded they take the interest rate to zero. Or look how he talked up anti-interventionism on the campaign trail, and then he went and hired fucking John Bolton and other extreme hawks.

Never mind how he offered personal favours to dictators and was even willing to intervene in criminal investigations to do so (as John Bolton later detailed after he fell out with Trump).

All this wasn’t for the benefit of the average American. No, it was plainly for the benefit of large business interests, and keeping in mind his own property speculation is built on a mountain of debt.

The best way of understanding it I think is Trump supporters are basically WWE wrestling fans. They judge presidents based upon a WWE type of entertainment, i.e., the shit talking before the fight.

In this country it is the likes of completely brainless specimens like Valamhic who support him, railing against what they call "woke anti-Trump hysteria". Clearly it's the likes of Val who are hysterical. And dumb as a bag of bricks. Everyone else is just plain appalled at the whole phenomenon, the whole spectacle that is Trump.

Trump represents everything that is wrong with America, and that is flooding in here as well through the subsea Atlantic cables. Noting you have others like DeSantis following in Trump's footsteps, hoping to play the same game, having seen that it is a winning game in the current America.

You don't have to be a libtard or commie to make these basic observations.
I think, Lumpy, you underestimate the sheer bloody-minded stupidity of a sizable contingent in the US. The same stupidity that is being imported here, that you can witness on websites like politicaliirish and arsefields and the whole so called "nationalist" scene recently witnessed on these shores.

This gobshite "Thor", held up by the greatest fools on those same fora as another savvy so called day trader who made "a fortune", the same as "Young Dan" across the way (recalling how posters on these boards were assisted by the Mowl to see through that Walter Mitty and his claimed fortune and claimed incredible trading success.)

Just like all the other suckers, "doing his own research" on the Internet. And following a similar trajectory not surprisingly also another sucker for Trump's bullshit. - You see just like when they're "trading" they say, "... this time will be different, the collapse is finally here...", that is the same mode by which they easily believe Trump when he says, "... look last time I didn't deliver but, trust me, next time I will..."

Yes, in the US there is a very very large collection of suckers who can be fooled twice by the very same person and in the very same circumstances. It's not just that they have wet dreams all over his talk and policies of isolationism and "walls" and the rest of it. Or that they are truly stupid enough to think he saved all the children from sexual slavery on elites’ secret islands and pizza shops, and so on.

No, it's that they seem to actually relish the cognitive dissonance there is between believing his lies and seeing what he actually does.

See for example how he expanded the deficit by 70% per annum, even before Covid, in spite of promising to reduce it. Or, in spite of his talk, how he actually fought against the Fed when it started raising rates, in favour of deficit financing and demanded they take the interest rate to zero. Or look how he talked up anti-interventionism on the campaign trail, and then he went and hired fucking John Bolton and other extreme hawks.

Never mind how he offered personal favours to dictators and was even willing to intervene in criminal investigations to do so (as John Bolton later detailed after he fell out with Trump).

All this wasn’t for the benefit of the average American. No, it was plainly for the benefit of large business interests, and keeping in mind his own property speculation is built on a mountain of debt.

The best way of understanding it I think is Trump supporters are basically WWE wrestling fans. They judge presidents based upon a WWE type of entertainment, i.e., the shit talking before the fight.

In this country it is the likes of completely brainless specimens like Valamhic who support him, railing against what they call "woke anti-Trump hysteria". Clearly it's the likes of Val who are hysterical. And dumb as a bag of bricks. Everyone else is just plain appalled at the whole phenomenon, the whole spectacle that is Trump.

Trump represents everything that is wrong with America, and that is flooding in here as well through the subsea Atlantic cables. Noting you have others like DeSantis following in Trump's footsteps, hoping to play the same game, having seen that it is a winning game in the current America.

You don't have to be a libtard or commie to make these basic observations.

I think you are right in that the trailer parks have become bored and are treating politics like WWE entertainment. I notice also that the rise in Trump-style adoration is matched by a decline in the trailer park fervour for evangelical TV.

It is almost as if Trump is their revival tent preacher. Clearly corrupt but with a pipeline to certainty they don't have in their lives. Jimmy Swaggart has become Biff Tannen on the trailer park revival tour.
Yes. Spot on, although it goes well beyond the trailer parks.

It reminds me of the opening of Michael Burleigh's great book, "The Third Reich".

"...This book is about what happened when sections of the German elites and masses of ordinary people chose to abdicate their individual critical faculties in favour of a politics based on faith, hope, hatred and sentimental collective self-regard for their own race and nation. It is therefore a very twentieth-century story.

The book deals with the progressive, and almost total, moral collapse of an advanced industrial society at the heart of Europe, many of whose citizens abandoned the burden of thinking for themselves, in favour of what George Orwell described as the tom-tom beat of a latterday tribalism. They put their faith in evil men promising a great leap into a heroic future, with violent solutions to Germany’s local, and modern society’s general, problems...".

It's Trump's charisma these chumps go for. He uses his cunning to tap into their discontents, unhappiness and existing bigotry.

And he has "solutions", all these dystopian 'quick fixes' and promises of a great leap into a heroic future, where they together "make America great again".

It doesn't auger well.
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