
Australia: The Desert Continent

Denmark is a relatively serious country

Like Ireland, it has various 'opt-outs' from the genocidal European project (AKA the EU), which it takes, Ireland doesn't. So no similarity there
I think all Nordic countries are more serious countries on average than Ireland. I mean could you really see gombeens such as Bertie or the Healy-Raes getting elected in Finland or Sweden? They'd be laughed out of court.
Denmark is a relatively serious country

How the fuck would YOU know?

You've never even been there. I toured Denmark extensively over the years and know my way around. Yes, a visit to Christiania is a must but it's not at all what it used to be back in the 1990s. Or even the noughties. These days it's a bit less fun and a lot more dangerous, especially around the gates in and out. One idiot I hired for a tour was sat outside a typical coffeeshop along Dealer's Street. He reached into his rucksack and took out his big camera and started pointing it around and taking shots. I had to slap him in the ear and grab the camera off him before we got lifted up and booted out onto the street and told to never return.

You most certainly do NOT take any photos inside freetown.

Like Ireland, it has various 'opt-outs' from the genocidal European project (AKA the EU), which it takes, Ireland doesn't. So no similarity there

Compare Ireland to Nigeria, or Romania.

A shithole country with notions about itself.

Where only the terminal losers stick around (that's you, Jambo).

The smarter ones get out, fast - with no intentions of returning, ever.

I think all Nordic countries are more serious countries on average than Ireland.

I'd leave Sweden out of that equation: they've stabbed themselves in the eye and there's no fixing it at this stage, it's already in motion and the years are passing and more and more little black babies are slowly moving further and further north up to Stockholm. In fact, downtown Stockholm's a death trap. There aren't any white people working in the city, and they have hundreds of these phone box-sized little outlets with black guys fixing and unlocking phones for small fees. Yes, the African blood is still very apparent even if they're not wearing shell suits and hoodies, they may groom themselves a bit better than back home, but it's still really fucking uncomfortable wandering around the commercial end of town.

Gamla Stan still has some character, but the rents reflect on why there aren't any tiny shops with black guys inside staring out.

Outside of the old town, you'd need to leave the city and surrounding estates for the countryside to see Swedish people doing Swedish things.

I don't have any sympathy for them either: they did this to themselves, the liberal twats.

I mean could you really see gombeens such as Bertie or the Healy-Raes getting elected in Finland or Sweden? They'd be laughed out of court.

Tony Halme, Finnish wrestler and politician, died back in 2010 - shot himself (by accident) with an unlicensed gun he was playing with. Staunch Nazi bastard and member of Perussuomalaiset, the True Finns Party. Big ignorant fucker, had a tattoo on his lower back which read: 'exit only'. Was elected and had his sights set on becoming an EU minister and put his weight to keeping Finland Finnish and out of the EU.

Met him one late night at a club downtown. I stepped up to the bar and ordered a drink. I get a shove from one side and turn to look. There's Tony, staring at me. 'Fuck off, quit pushing me' and his face turns red and the girls beside him have their jaws dropping. I didn't know who he was at the time. But in retrospect I'm glad I did get to meet the cunt. He's dust now. But for a while there he looked like he could do some damage if we let him speak for us abroad.

Everyone was rather relieved when they read he was found dead, two days after shooting himself in the face.

The big twat.

How the fuck would YOU know?
You've never even been there.

This is where I stopped reading your post, retard

I toured Denmark extensively over the years and know my way around. Yes, a visit to Christiania is a must but it's not at all what it used to be back in the 1990s. Or even the noughties. These days it's a bit less fun and a lot more dangerous, especially around the gates in and out. One idiot I hired for a tour was sat outside a typical coffeeshop along Dealer's Street. He reached into his rucksack and took out his big camera and started pointing it around and taking shots. I had to slap him in the ear and grab the camera off him before we got lifted up and booted out onto the street and told to never return.
You most certainly do NOT take any photos inside freetown.

Compare Ireland to Nigeria, or Romania.

A shithole country with notions about itself.

Where only the terminal losers stick around (that's you, Jambo).

The smarter ones get out, fast - with no intentions of returning, ever.

I'd leave Sweden out of that equation: they've stabbed themselves in the eye and there's no fixing it at this stage, it's already in motion and the years are passing and more and more little black babies are slowly moving further and further north up to Stockholm. In fact, downtown Stockholm's a death trap. There aren't any white people working in the city, and they have hundreds of these phone box-sized little outlets with black guys fixing and unlocking phones for small fees. Yes, the African blood is still very apparent even if they're not wearing shell suits and hoodies, they may groom themselves a bit better than back home, but it's still really fucking uncomfortable wandering around the commercial end of town.

Gamla Stan still has some character, but the rents reflect on why there aren't any tiny shops with black guys inside staring out.

Outside of the old town, you'd need to leave the city and surrounding estates for the countryside to see Swedish people doing Swedish things.

I don't have any sympathy for them either: they did this to themselves, the liberal twats.

Tony Halme, Finnish wrestler and politician, died back in 2010 - shot himself (by accident) with an unlicensed gun he was playing with. Staunch Nazi bastard and member of Perussuomalaiset, the True Finns Party. Big ignorant fucker, had a tattoo on his lower back which read: 'exit only'. Was elected and had his sights set on becoming an EU minister and put his weight to keeping Finland Finnish and out of the EU.

Met him one late night at a club downtown. I stepped up to the bar and ordered a drink. I get a shove from one side and turn to look. There's Tony, staring at me. 'Fuck off, quit pushing me' and his face turns red and the girls beside him have their jaws dropping. I didn't know who he was at the time. But in retrospect I'm glad I did get to meet the cunt. He's dust now. But for a while there he looked like he could do some damage if we let him speak for us abroad.

Everyone was rather relieved when they read he was found dead, two days after shooting himself in the face.

The big twat.

Here's a hint you stupid mutherfucker:

Try reading posts before making your reply. It (your reply) will be retarded anyway but ignoring context just makes you look more retarded.
Here's a hint you stupid mutherfucker:

Isn't it you with the big hole where you soul used to be that still misses his Mammy?

Try reading posts before making your reply.

Which ones?


Shit, Jambo - c'mon now.

Life's way too short for that - you needle-dicked little bitch-whore's melt.

It (your reply) will be retarded anyway but ignoring context just makes you look more retarded.

It ain't me sitting around while Jamal and Rizbat are creaming in the dole cash and fucking the local slappers better than the locals do.

That's all you, kid.
... living in this Clown World.
That is your one redeeming feature. I.e. You have been a superlative guide for us into your clown world of US rooted white supremacism; and the greatest fuckwits you could ever find on youtube and Telegram; and your "A-teams" of other deadbeat chaps with racist grievances, and hardly two brain cells to rub together; and great replacement theory; and other various racist retards pontificating on their brainless ideas that yet yield hordes of "followers", all calling themselves "nationalists"; and a virtual maestrom of slogans and memes etc. Without you Jambo I don't think I would ever have witnessed even a fraction of that clownworld.
Doggy doesn't have a high IQ, dipshit
Even if you weren't convinced by the earnestness of his representations about it, and all his stories of the fantastic social aspect of the exclusive mensa club, he even posted up his Mensa certificate for the politicalirish racist halfwits.
That is your one redeeming feature. I.e. You have been a superlative guide for us into your clown world of US rooted white supremacism; and the greatest fuckwits you could ever find on youtube and Telegram; and your "A-teams" of other deadbeat chaps with racist grievances, and hardly two brain cells to rub together; and great replacement theory; and other various racist retards pontificating on their brainless ideas that yet yield hordes of "followers", all calling themselves "nationalists"; and a virtual maestrom of slogans and memes etc. Without you Jambo I don't think I would ever have witnessed even a fraction of that clownworld.
Even if you weren't convinced by the earnestness of his representations about it, and all his stories of the fantastic social aspect of the exclusive mensa club, he even posted up his Mensa certificate for the politicalirish racist halfwits.
Your point was moot, do you know what that means?

Doggy doesn't have a high IQ, I was around her long enough and she never once displayed (any evidence of) it

She might have a slightly higher IQ than yours but that ain't saying much
Godsdog studied Physics from what I remember?
From what you remember about what, where, when?

I recall Roundy saying that he knew that she was a graduate of UL (another crappy Irish university) but I can't remember if he said that it was in physics and certainly she doesn't know anything more than I do about the subject - and I don't have a degree in it.

Aside from her MASSIVE personality disorder, Doggy was just a left-wing, socialist, shinner bot. Sure, she figured out that the climate change hysteria hoax is a hoax - but so what.
Godsdog used say the exact same. He said his high IQ made him lonely and the only people who understood him were the chaps in the chess club mensa.

High IQ? Godsdog? Who took a job working day and night for no money, serving half-wits and Nazi bastards their breakfast, lunch, dinner, and tea?

In return for what?

That's a question I'd also ask Golah/Swordid/Zippy.

Nobody knows what the fuck they're supposed to be responding to. Keith Woods? Whereas we're trying to see if there's anyone home, anything upstairs that with your own mark on it. Apart from a liking for chess and tiddley winks.

You can't even open the links he sends from Telegram.

I don't know why he bothers really.

Talking to himself, I guess.

That is your one redeeming feature. I.e. You have been a superlative guide for us into your clown world of US rooted white supremacism; and the greatest fuckwits you could ever find on youtube and Telegram; and your "A-teams" of other deadbeat chaps with racist grievances, and hardly two brain cells to rub together; and great replacement theory; and other various racist retards pontificating on their brainless ideas that yet yield hordes of "followers", all calling themselves "nationalists"; and a virtual maestrom of slogans and memes etc. Without you Jambo I don't think I would ever have witnessed even a fraction of that clownworld.

Roundy should really let Jambo back to Arsefield's.

When he has free reign and a fist-full of telegrams to post, nothing can stand in his way.

Keith Woods must love him.

Even if you weren't convinced by the earnestness of his representations about it, and all his stories of the fantastic social aspect of the exclusive mensa club, he even posted up his Mensa certificate for the politicalirish racist halfwits.

I can run you off a fake Mensa certificate in five minutes flat.

Your point was moot, do you know what that means?

Doggy doesn't have a high IQ, I was around her long enough and she never once displayed (any evidence of) it

She might have a slightly higher IQ than yours but that ain't saying much

Your entire existence is moot, Jambo.

Godsdog studied Physics from what I remember?

And I wrote the Book Of David in the bible.

Oh, and Lord Of The Rings.

From what you remember about what, where, when?

I recall Roundy saying that he knew that she was a graduate of UL (another crappy Irish university) but I can't remember if he said that it was in physics and certainly she doesn't know anything more than I do about the subject - and I don't have a degree in it.

The sheer state of this little roundy twat?

All can do what he can.


Yeah, and Sweden, Norway, and Finland are massive cocks while Murmansk's just a tiny little knob above us.

Ireland's just a little teddy bear: staring in awe at America.
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