
Australia: The Desert Continent

A Year 7 girl was bashed by 15 female students at Melton Secondary College, Melbourne, on Friday and taken to hospital in a serious condition.

Now a mother has revealed the attackers were Sudanese, and says African gangs cause constant violence.


A Year 7 girl was bashed by 15 female students at Melton Secondary College, Melbourne, on Friday and taken to hospital in a serious condition.

Now a mother has revealed the attackers were Sudanese, and says African gangs cause constant violence.

Three Irish knackers were done for a string of burglaries.

Aussie landlords are extremely reluctant to let their properties to Irish people due to them being cunts.

Kangaroos are nothing more than giant rats.

The didgeridoo is the national emblem for confused Australians who think they're 'Australian'.

One Finnish musician associate is currently down in Brisbane with his wife and kids on a one year contract: he hates the place. He booked a ticket to come home for a few weeks a month from now. Can't stand them. Racists, idiots, in-breds, drunks. Says everywhere he's been it all looks the same. Yellow sunlight, not white. Filthy kangaroos all over the place.

I asked him to bring me back a decent boomerang with some proper Aboriginal hand-painted detailing.

We already have a selection of didgeridoos, why - I do not know and don't really want to either.

We also have one rain stick: this is a hollowed out length of wood about a meter long that the termites have eaten the marrow out of and then died in. They create these interwoven tunnels to survive and when the marrow is gone, they die. So you take the stick and turn it upside down and the dead termites slowly move through the tunnels making a sound very much like rain on a window.

I'll stick with the boomerang, thanks.
Joel's comment reminds me of Fishpie -


Who the fuck is Joel?

Did you hear about him on RTE news?

Fishcake posted a music thread yesterday and opened it with some comments about how average PJ Harvey is and that he could never go for someone as hot and sultry as she appears. Then posted his favourite song by Harvey accompanied by some screed about how he really doesn't like her. I think we should pool a few quid together for the sad bastard and buy him a kangaroo.

He may not like it, but it'll put a spring in his step.

The manky old bastard.

Three Irish knackers were done for a string of burglaries.

Aussie landlords are extremely reluctant to let their properties to Irish people due to them being cunts.

Kangaroos are nothing more than giant rats.

The didgeridoo is the national emblem for confused Australians who think they're 'Australian'.

One Finnish musician associate is currently down in Brisbane with his wife and kids on a one year contract: he hates the place. He booked a ticket to come home for a few weeks a month from now. Can't stand them. Racists, idiots, in-breds, drunks. Says everywhere he's been it all looks the same. Yellow sunlight, not white. Filthy kangaroos all over the place.

I asked him to bring me back a decent boomerang with some proper Aboriginal hand-painted detailing.

We already have a selection of didgeridoos, why - I do not know and don't really want to either.

We also have one rain stick: this is a hollowed out length of wood about a meter long that the termites have eaten the marrow out of and then died in. They create these interwoven tunnels to survive and when the marrow is gone, they die. So you take the stick and turn it upside down and the dead termites slowly move through the tunnels making a sound very much like rain on a window.

I'll stick with the boomerang, thanks.

In fairness Aussies are just the descendants of 19th century Ireland and England's knackers. They're probably the only country on the planet which was founded by criminals.

Who the fuck is Joel?
Joel Davis, Aussie WN

I couldn't post a link here because he's shadowbanned on Telegram.. by Google that is. If and when you download the Telegram app make sure to do it from the Telegram site itself and not the Play Store, Jewgle even shadowbans channels on that (the app)

Did you hear about him on RTE news?
Don't watch it

Fishcake posted a music thread yesterday and opened it with some comments about how average PJ Harvey is and that he could never go for someone as hot and sultry as she appears. Then posted his favourite song by Harvey accompanied by some screed about how he really doesn't like her. I think we should pool a few quid together for the sad bastard and buy him a kangaroo.

He may not like it, but it'll put a spring in his step.

The manky old bastard.

I tried to get some (Aussie based) nationalism going in his "funny memes" thread but he was having none of it - he is the apathy
Joel Davis, Aussie WN

Never heard of him.

WN? White nationalist?

I couldn't post a link here because he's shadowbanned on Telegram.. by Google that is. If and when you download the Telegram app make sure to do it from the Telegram site itself and not the Play Store, Jewgle even shadowbans channels on that (the app)

Never going to happen.

Don't watch it


The RTE news?

Yes you do.

Every passing day - along with the Journal - who are getting very desperate for donations to keep going.

I bet everyone sees that one the same way: the smug bastards decided to play Internet Gods by refusing comments on very delicate but very large issues affecting Ireland and the Irish people. Then they allow them on other trite issues and affairs. Plus, the photographs of their journalists make me want to reach into the portal of virtual reality and choke the fucking cunts to death.

It'll be hilarious when they're down to the last few quid in the piggy bank and starting to cry about their oncoming mortal demise.

In fact - I feel exactly the same about RTE: Jambo won't know what to do without the lunchtime news, the Six/One, and the 2100 headlines.

I tried to get some (Aussie based) nationalism going in his "funny memes" thread but he was having none of it - he is the apathy

The apathy?

Of what?

In fairness Aussies are just the descendants of 19th century Ireland and England's knackers.

A lot of innocent Irish people were dumped into those ships more to make their landlords sleep better than the fact they were any form of criminal class. It was simply more convenient to load them up and let them take their chances on the high seas. That way, the landlords didn't have to get them arrested or convicted of anything, instead they exported their problems, often in the form of entirely innocent Irish people.

If they didn't last the journey, dump them overboard and feed them to the sharks.

For some it was also getting dumped overboard to set an example to anyone else asking for food or a sip of water.

Keeps the sharks happy, no need for digging graves or burying bodies in the earth.

So those that made it must have had hearts of stone by the time they saw dry land after after several weeks stuck on ship in the deepest recesses of the hull. It was every man for himself, so you can imagine the lengths some people must have had to go to to survive it. It also made Captain Cooke's job a lot easier when the Irish faced the Aborigines. They didn't have to get their army seriously involved - just leave the two groups to fester and the killing will start eventually.

These days the Irish are despised down under.

So you'd have to wonder why Roundy gave Fishfight a moderator position - while his minions didn't so much as complain about an Australian nobody being handed the keys to the castle while Paddy was outside hoping to be allowed in. But that's Arsefield's for you: some of the dumbest cranks on the entire internet all cooped up together like rats in a sewer.

They're probably the only country on the planet which was founded by criminals.
Never heard of him.
Of course

WN? White nationalist?

Never going to happen.


The RTE news?

Yes you do.
Every passing day - along with the Journal - who are getting very desperate for donations to keep going.
I bet everyone sees that one the same way: the smug bastards decided to play Internet Gods by refusing comments on very delicate but very large issues affecting Ireland and the Irish people. Then they allow them on other trite issues and affairs.
The Internet must be a bit of a stick in the craw of the Regime. On the one hand they can't ignore it (it is the current year, after all) and on the other hand it's not a place fully occupied by compliant bozos who watch the gogglebox, such as yourself. The only reason you didn't take the jibby-jab is because you're terrified of needles 😆

I bet you're glad that you didn't now though, eh. One would feel like a right tit if they had the science juice coursing through their veins today and as I always said - there wasn't any net health benefit to it, it wasn't even a vaccine (for a fake pandemic) but it can cause injury up to and including death.

Plus, the photographs of their journalists make me want to reach into the portal of virtual reality and choke the fucking cunts to death.
I wouldn't call them journalists

It'll be hilarious when they're down to the last few quid in the piggy bank and starting to cry about their oncoming mortal demise.

In fact - I feel exactly the same about RTE: Jambo won't know what to do without the lunchtime news, the Six/One, and the 2100 headlines.
The apathy?

Of what?

A lot of innocent Irish people were dumped into those ships more to make their landlords sleep better than the fact they were any form of criminal class. It was simply more convenient to load them up and let them take their chances on the high seas. That way, the landlords didn't have to get them arrested or convicted of anything, instead they exported their problems, often in the form of entirely innocent Irish people.

If they didn't last the journey, dump them overboard and feed them to the sharks.

For some it was also getting dumped overboard to set an example to anyone else asking for food or a sip of water.

Keeps the sharks happy, no need for digging graves or burying bodies in the earth.

So those that made it must have had hearts of stone by the time they saw dry land after after several weeks stuck on ship in the deepest recesses of the hull. It was every man for himself, so you can imagine the lengths some people must have had to go to to survive it. It also made Captain Cooke's job a lot easier when the Irish faced the Aborigines. They didn't have to get their army seriously involved - just leave the two groups to fester and the killing will start eventually.

These days the Irish are despised down under.
So you'd have to wonder why Roundy gave Fishfight a moderator position - while his minions didn't so much as complain about an Australian nobody being handed the keys to the castle while Paddy was outside hoping to be allowed in. But that's Arsefield's for you: some of the dumbest cranks on the entire internet all cooped up together like rats in a sewer.
When Roundy modded most of the site everyone did diddly-squat except for the Australian hick who started acting like a tyrant from day one. The first bit of power he's ever had in his life, I'd wager
Of course



The Internet must be a bit of a stick in the craw of the Regime. On the one hand they can't ignore it (it is the current year, after all) and on the other hand it's not a place fully occupied by compliant bozos who watch the gogglebox, such as yourself.

It's the Irish news: a right fucking clown car of idiots - but hey: they're YOUR idiots, not mine.

The only reason you didn't take the jibby-jab is because you're terrified of needles


What the fuck are you talking about?


You unbelievable fucking twat.

Yes - a twat.

I bet you're glad that you didn't now though, eh.

Didn't what now?

Why would I be sorry about something I not just didn't do - but didn't even contemplate?


You're as fucking thick as Saul, really.

Turn off that telly and get a fucking job, you loser.

One would feel like a right tit if they had the science juice coursing through their veins today and as I always said - there wasn't any net health benefit to it, it wasn't even a vaccine (for a fake pandemic) but it can cause injury up to and including death

What the fuck are you talking about?


You utter fucking mong, eh.


I wouldn't call them journalists

Neither would I, but they're YOUR journalists, not mine.

Guess how many immigrants there are living in tents over at the Finnish Immigration Centre in Malmi?

That's right.


Fancy a walk down by the canal, Jambo?

Lots of rats, turds, piss-stinking bushes, discarded items of food and clothing, a few syringes, loads of empty cans, and a few metal fences to make you feel included and safe from harm. Guess how many people live in tents along our waterways? Yeps - you better believe it.

Duly ignored.

When Roundy modded most of the site everyone did diddly-squat except for the Australian hick who started acting like a tyrant from day one.

Yeah - but you succumbed to his piss-potion and drank it down without question.

Look at you now?

You're a fucking laughing stock.

A joke.

The first bit of power he's ever had in his life, I'd wager

The only power you have is your remote control for your old tube telly that only shows RTE news and sport.

Anything weightier or more profound and it'd explode.

Take your sub-imbecile 'jibby-jab' idiocy with you, you A Team twat.
It's the Irish news: a right fucking clown car of idiots - but hey: they're YOUR idiots, not mine.


What the fuck are you talking about?


You unbelievable fucking twat.

Yes - a twat.

Didn't what now?
Why would I be sorry about something I not just didn't do - but didn't even contemplate?
Why did you replace glad with sorry? You're really fucking retarded


You're as fucking thick as Saul, really.

Turn off that telly and get a fucking job, you loser.

What the fuck are you talking about?


You utter fucking mong, eh.

Neither would I, but they're YOUR journalists, not mine.
Guess how many immigrants there are living in tents over at the Finnish Immigration Centre in Malmi?
Soon to be many

That's right.


Fancy a walk down by the canal, Jambo?

Lots of rats, turds, piss-stinking bushes, discarded items of food and clothing, a few syringes, loads of empty cans, and a few metal fences to make you feel included and safe from harm. Guess how many people live in tents along our waterways? Yeps - you better believe it.

Duly ignored.
Yeah - but you succumbed to his piss-potion and drank it down without question.
Mowl, I was somewhat of a rarity in that I didn't even wear a face nappy. Your lie about me taking the jibby-jab is even more ridiculous than your lie about me watching telly

Look at you now?

You're a fucking laughing stock.

A joke.

The only power you have is your remote control for your old tube telly that only shows RTE news and sport.

Anything weightier or more profound and it'd explode.

Take your sub-imbecile 'jibby-jab' idiocy with you, you A Team twat.

Flies right over your flat head - every time.

Why did you replace glad with sorry?

Why do you watch so much RTE news?

Soon to be many

Nah - in your mind (maybe) but not here.

We watched you lot very closely over the last few years, and the swing to the right of the current coalition lets Finland's immigrants know their place.

Applies to me too: though I'm much loved and cherished up here.

Mowl, I was somewhat of a rarity in that I didn't even wear a face nappy.

Nobody cares - least of all me.

You could be wearing a gimp mask right now and I still wouldn't care - nor would anyone else.

Nobody likes you - nobody wants you around.

Surely you've clocked that much by now?

Your lie about me taking the jibby-jab is even more ridiculous than your lie about me watching telly

We all see very clearly the desperation you're suffering, and we find it quite funny.

Not as funny as say catching you watching that lady with the three chins on the news.

But you've lacked a Ma for some time now.

Was she also a fan of RTE?
Flies right over your flat head - every time.
Let me try to walk you through this one the Mowl (probably a fool's errand I know)

You said that theurinal.ie (Regime propagandists) doesn't allow comments on certain articles.. Why do they do that? Because the comments are going to be negative, that's why. Because not everyone on the internet is a lobotomised gogglebox watcher, such as yourself

Or how about when McEntee took to Twatter with this, I'm not on Twatter (r u?🤔) but I can't imagine that the replies are positive -

Post in thread '1 million asylum seekers and 4 million given temporary protection in EU+ in 2022.' https://islepoli.com/threads/1-mill...mporary-protection-in-eu-in-2022.52/post-6599

And then there's the ratio, 800 million views and 4 likes

So the internet is a bit of a bane for the Regime


Why do you watch so much RTE news?

Nah - in your mind (maybe) but not here.
We watched you lot very closely over the last few years, and the swing to the right of the current coalition lets Finland's immigrants know their place.
Yes, but you would call same politicians Nazis and so on (and vote for the bimbo instead if she hadn't quit Finnish politics to join Tony Blair's globalist outfit)

And don't forget, you're in the migration pact, you will have to take your "share" of third worlders now

Applies to me too: though I'm much loved and cherished up here.

Nobody cares - least of all me.

You could be wearing a gimp mask right now and I still wouldn't care - nor would anyone else.

Nobody likes you - nobody wants you around.

Surely you've clocked that much by now?

We all see very clearly the desperation you're suffering, and we find it quite funny.

Not as funny as say catching you watching that lady with the three chins on the news.

But you've lacked a Ma for some time now.

Was she also a fan of RTE?
Let me try to walk you through this one the blah, blah, blah...

I need your angle on things like I need a hole in your head.

Yes, but you would call same politicians Nazis and so on (and vote for the bimbo instead if she hadn't quit Finnish politics to join Tony Blair's globalist outfit)

Aha - you're still smarting about our being The World's Happiest Country for the fifth time in a row.

Naturally - your own capital is currently under siege from lice, scabies, rats, bums, the homeless Irish, the international 'guests' of the nation in tents.

I'd be angry too if I were in your position, but then again I got out long before the current shite raining down around you began to fall.

Have you ever thought about emigrating yourself?

I mean, your options are limited to English-speaking countries lie America and Australia, but there's always London - capital city of most Caribbean islands. And the Canadians have a decent quality of life too - though not as decent as ours. We're on the brink of another long hot summer. Six months of absolute joy. Beaches, clubs, bars, outdoor barbecues and grills, life on the lakesides, in the wood-burning sauna, smoking the fish in homemade metal cookers, swimming in the cool clear waters of any of over five thousand lakes. We have two and a half million saunas in Finland.

In Ireland you lot still brush your teeth over the kitchen sink and share a communal facecloth.

Stinky fuckers.

And don't forget, you're in the migration pact, you will have to take your "share" of third worlders now

Yeah - but we've got miles and miles of open wild.

Stick them in a few cabins on a lake north of Tampere, let the mosquitoes do the work instead.

They're savage, the Finnish mozzies.

A sort of mozzies for muzzies kind of party plan.

That'll soon learn 'em.
You're just not a serious person to talk to

Who's talking?


To your computer screen?

I used to think that it's pointless with the (nonresponsive) Soapbox Dunce ( roc_abilly roc_abilly) but in reality you're even worse

Yeah, but nobody cares what you think - we just have fun toying with you, pulling your strings and ringing your little bells.

You have no mates anywhere, no one likes you, no one wants you hanging around polluting their sites with your links to your boyfriends Woods and Collarbone.

You're dull, uninteresting, not on the guest list, and certainly not backstage either.
roc_abilly roc_abilly probably has an IQ of about 85 (one SD below average and about the "African American" average (with considerable European admixture)). Whereas yours is on the absolute fucking floor

roc's main problem of course is that he's clinically insane (whereas in that regard you just have an extreme personality disorder)
Still in your flowers about me being happier than you.

Gosh, get over it - somebody has to be the sad bastard.

You were born for it.
Still in your flowers about me being happier than you.

Gosh, get over it - somebody has to be the sad bastard.

You were born for it.
It's actually not particularly pleasant having a high IQ (and EQ), as I do, and living in this Clown World.

If I was dumb like you I guess it wouldn't affect me, ignorance is bliss
It's actually not particularly pleasant having a high IQ (and EQ), as I do, and living in this Clown World.

🤪 🤣🤪🤣🤪

If I was dumb like you I guess it wouldn't affect me, ignorance is bliss

This one's gas: it pleases me greatly to see Ireland once again completely ignore the Finnish model (by far the most obvious country for a healthy Ireland to aspire to. Paddy and Biddy think they're more like the Danes, another extremely happy Scandinavian nation. Even Iceland has a lot to teach Ireland, but you won't even glance in their direction either.

I'm just surprised they didn't pick Australia, north America, or Germany.

Denmark - where some of the highest taxes in the entire EU are building a truly spectacular city.

But yes - by all means: don't look at us.

We'll keep it under our hats, our collective national happiness.

We're considering appointing a minister for Finnish contentedness and general happiness: I might even run for the position myself, I'm so happy.
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