Poor auld Frankly - he's about to get canned again.
It's become a weekly event lately: post a pic of Mowl and try to frame it as gay (all bands who have group photos taken are gay, even the Gallaghers) then wait for Swordid to show and delete them and delete Frankly alongside. It's a pity really - they're gas fun, those lads.
Have a look at this shit:
All of those views were from Ireland. I get this shit every fucking morning, and it's NOT from Finland. We shelved that band project up in
2014, but we still have five hundred or so fans who know we're not available for shows, but they stick around anyway.
See, the problem they have with that shot (and the attached message) is that the Arsefielder's showed it to their wives who straight away said that they'd let me slap the arses off them given half a chance.
He's Irish? Really? He doesn't look it. He's not so much handsome as he is beautiful. If I was with me girls and we saw that shot we'd all be creamin' are knickers and batterin' are clits. He's a total fucken roide. He could eat crisps in my bed for sure - and you can fuck off back to the pub to watch the horses all day. He looks sort of Spanish with those seriously dark eyes. But kind of Italian as well, the sallow skin that never pales. Jaze but, I could get lost in dem eyes, me...'
I posted that around a year ago because every fucking time I opened Facebook, I get a notification that Irish people in Ireland have been all over both my old art business and my old band. Both are shelved, have I not made that abundantly clear? The Senators are no longer available: Mikko's writing another book (his fifth published thesis) Antti has been promoted from Lieutenant up to some higher rank, Marko's Missus just had another baby, and Jukka's still over in Geneva representing Finnish interests in Switzerland. Me? I'm still having an excellent time without them. I have my own book to complete, my own girls to satisfy, and am generally on top of the world here on the planet's happiest country. Minus one in late February, and the sun beaming down from crystalline beautiful skies.
Suck it up boys: especially the message from Ms Leadbetter: the one where she mentions that the ladies in her basketball team got together with all the other basketball playing girlies from across Dublin and had a competition to see which boys would be voted into which winning categories. Mine was the 'Most Beautiful Boy In Dublin' category, and I won it hands down. Hundreds of teenage girls, all having mad crushes on me. And you can see why.
Beautiful - truly unbelievably beautiful.
Add in my scampish waywardness and you have a winning combination.
Does it really bother you that much that I'm so good looking?
Are you 100% sure you're not actually a faggot, Frank?
Is that what it is?
You wanna suck my dick?
Sorry, Mowl's strictly a lady's man - 100%.
You know what's really funny though?
And this:
And this:
And especially this:
that shit's funny.