No idea what you're moaning about, Wilf. But given your presence on here most days, why not sign up and show me how tough you actually are, you slimy rat bastard? Got any balls at all, have you? You're never happy unless you're hated. How does that actually work out for you in the real world? Has it something to do with your wife not respecting you and being unwilling to let you anywhere near her flabby tits and droopy fanny lips?
I gave you my home address, I gave you the exact location of my local pub, two doors away. You haven't so much as called or texted me using my current Finnish number, which is readily available on my old art page on social media - and on The Senators Of Helsinki page, the same two sites you keep hitting every fucking day since I told you about them. There's not much to find there: mainly because I hide nothing, I am who I am, and I stand over my word. You? You're just another slimy little rat from the sewers who thinks his (anonymous) opinion matters.
It doesn't.
Try not posting for another two weeks and see how much the world changes, because the last three certainly haven't shown you as being brave or even honest.
I know you hate me being happier than you, but what do you expect me to do?
Contract cancer or AIDS or something?
Would that make you feel better? Tougher? Stronger? As though you matter?
You're a huge blob of nothing at all, Wilfred.
So I hate Ireland almost as much as you do: why does that bother you so much?
You say that my shit-posting about Ireland is all I have?
What have
you got?
Shit-posting about Ireland?
That's it?
You think you're more entitled to it than I am (shit-posting about Ireland) but guess what?
I do it for the fun, for the laughs, to see you jack rabbits jump and hop.
You have to
live in it - which is truly a fate worse than death: you really hate it, and you see all the exact reasons why you hate it every passing day.
But it bothers you more that I get to do it too?
Heh heh!
Mine truly is a blessed life up here in the world's happiest country.
Just imagine if I WAS scrounging off the state and getting everything for free? That'd make you suicidal, wouldn't it? A working class Paddy from Dublin 10, living in a huge state of the art apartment by the sea in the world's happiest capital city: riding the trams, metros, and buses for free. Being handed two grand a month to live on while the state pays for my rental and energy bills? While they take my garbage away, service my hallways, clean my sauna, wash and dry my laundry. Then gives me free food and the world's finest health care and further educational options? Where the girlies just love my accent and cheeky ways so I get laid far more than I should?
You'd have slashed your wrists by now, eh.
Everyone knows you're hung up on me, Wilfy. Everyone. So why didn't you just call by for a beer and a straightener? I left fifteen euros with Alu, the pub owner and chief barman down in Ravintola Olotila, to buy you a pint and a shot of Jaloviina while I got my shoes on and dropped in to greet you. Fists first, like. For the craic, like. But you bottled it. You never showed up, like we all knew you'd never show up.
So what happened to you? Did they refuse you at the border or what? Where's my cigars? You're not much of a man's man after all, are you? You're a fucking pussy: a very old, very loose, and very droopy old vagina, aren't you? A little man with fuck all going on bar rage at his own country for treating him like a dishrag and not paying even the slightest bit of attention to what he's moaning and groaning about.
You're fucking hilarious, Wilf.
Jambo's right on the nipple and is about to start flicking it to annoy you enough into leaving blogging behind you and getting a real job instead of being some cheap cigar maker's delivery boy. You failed, Wilf. Nothing you've added your words, time, and rage about has made even an iota of a difference, bar entertaining me and making me laugh at the shit-hole you've dug for yourself.
Still laughing.
Still having excellent fun.
It's only the first week of March and the sun's shining down on this beautiful and broad land. I ought to be deep under the snow right now but this has been the warmest February/March on record. Shortest winter ever, which is nice because the one thing that takes a big effort is getting through a Nordic winter without feeling the cold and dark surround one. Not this year though: the girlies are already in their spring clothing.
You're much happier moaning and groaning in anonymity and boredom, '
Ireland's shit, fuck Ireland, arghh! why am I still on this poxy little rock??'
'Anyway, I'll check in again in 2 weeks for the laugh to see what the sex pest is at.......for the craic like...'
Here's a link to your recent posts, Wilfy - and sadly for you, your crush on me is apparent to anyone who wants to have a look at how many posts you make a week about
never ever reading the Mowl or visiting the Isle,
even though it's patently obvious that you do - every day. And not just here at the Isle, but all over my art and music pages too! Cop on to yourself, you old fart: social media offers page creators detailed information about who and from where the visits come from. Every fucking day, the same shit: the Senators blah, blah, and the artwork page no different. You're all over me like a cheap suit.
That's how big a loser you are: you hate me, a fellow Irishman who made it out in one piece, even though you'd give your left testicle to be in my shoes, eh.
Sad, Wilfy - really sad.
So let's see how long it takes for your next: '
BOOM! Anal prolapse, padre Pio, oh me, oh my, oh yeah...'
You sad, sad little man.
Here, a little friendly: you need to read a little of this little book for little people by Wilhelm Reich: