
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Fishalt brings to mind this Ozzie racist I encountered in the "outback", a tiny town, well north of Fishalt.

I had camped up in the garden behind the lone pub and then settled myself down in this pub for a drink.

(I had been on the road for three days, forty five degree heat, not encountering one soul, covered with dust, my bike needing repairs having been shaken to bits through the road corrugations. I sure needed a few beers).

So there were both aborigines and white chaps in this pub, and I was flitting between all the various drinkers over the course of the day.

Anyway this man in his sixties or thereabouts was talking absolute shit about the aborigines. Telling me not to talk to them, that they were scum, and so on.

Now one thing I like about Australia is that they appreciate being straight up. "Aw, straight up, mate", etc.

So therefore, in keeping with custom I said to him something along the lines of, "... honestly mate, I don't give a fuck what you or anyone else here thinks. I've been chatting to them and they seem like fine people to me, and if they're not, then I'll find that out for myself. So I don't want to listen to your shit about them, eh...".

"Fair dinkum" he says (or something like that).

But he nevertheless continues to bitch his head off about them, absolutely poisonous racism. And telling me to give them a wide berth etc.

He had the appearance of a "respectable" kind of chap, you know, silver haired, washed and combed to the side, clean clothes, maybe a tie or at least a collar.

Anyway, the evening goes on. I'm invited to an aborigine party up in some chap's house. A nice house; we're all in a beautiful conservatory, guitars out, and the chap is a good family man, very well spoken, educated and a great host. A non-drinker.

You see that's the thing. No doubt there is a dissoluteness in many aborigine communities, but it is not that they are markedly differently constituted from European people, aside from physical appearances, even being one of the longest isolated communities out of the whole brotherhood of man, 65,000 years or so.

It's alcohol that has destroyed them. They can't handle it at all.

Well after the party was over in that chap's house, I got to see first hand some of that side of things. Appalling drunkeness. Of a type that would give even the likes of Brendan Behan or Jambo from Arsefields a run for their money.

Now here's the twist in the story. After roving here and there through the night, god knows where, we arrived at an aboriginal house, around dawn. Not a traditional aborigine house, or anything like that, just an ordinary concrete breezeblock house, large enough.

But inside were the most appalling living conditions. Stained mattresses strewn on the floor, families sleeping. It was a vista worse even than anything you'd see in a Rathmines bedsit inhabited by country lads up from the likes of Loughrea or Roscommon, studying engineering in DIT.

In the middle of all this, I see from one of the matresses a chap lifting his head up, and who was it?

It was our friend, this white Ozzie who had been bending my ear earllier, sleeping with one of the aborigines. Not looking so "respectable" either, bloodshot eyes, hair all over the place.

So there's a bang of that off of Fishalt. Don't you pick up something like that from him? Do you know what I mean?
Who do you think you're kidding, Wilfy-Milfy?


You have this site permanently open on a tab of its own, how else would you even know what I'm up to? Look at the state of your cheap shots? You have to return a previously finished and published post to edit in your stupid so that your boss Fatboy Size9 Smelly/Kelly doesn't see what you're doing and kick you off his sad little site. He shells out the $1,495 p/a so you can try and bait me, whereas you wouldn't spend Christmas due to being so poor and on the dole.

I bet your wife's real proud of how you spend your days, eh?

Bit of a slut, is she?

So you hate working class Irish people just as much as the nig-nogs and the rags? This is most unfortunate in that the majority of Irish persons currently eking out a living are all working class Irish, which kind of puts you in a ridiculous quandary, yes? You have around 2,000+ IP persons rambling around your towns and villages armed to the teeth with fuck all to do. So like the yellow-bellied coward you are, you lambast them from your secured anonymous bolthole in some caravan park out in the sticks.

Did it never occur to you that alienating the working class Irish leaves you with just a handful of (mostly fake) middle and upper class knobs to support your dumb theories? You're such a thick cunt. How the fuck did you manage to paint yourself into that dank little corner? You're dumber than a bag of boulders.

But anyway - see the exact time this post was published?

How long did it take you to flick over from your home site to see what's going on here?
You're never off this page, you stupid cunt.
You're fooling no one.
Not even Jimmy D, England's proudest son.

Get over yourself, you dumb twat or I'll come home and roger your Missus so hard it'll hurt you in the back of your throat, you shit-eating weasel's piss-flaps. See all the LIKES you got for that cowardly little edit? See that? Zero. None at all. Sad really, especially given how passionate you are about me. It's nice to know that I'm not only drawing an audience to this site, but also to historic party band sites on social media, along with commercial animation and general art services. I have seven Soundcloud addresses you appear to have missed (drunkenly, most likely) and nine youtube pages for other music things. Then there's the Mowl on Instagram, TikTok, and (believe it or not) a telegram address. Haven't you found any of those yet? There might even be pictures of me you haven't jerked off to yet, so get your slippers off and your wellies on and off you go.

In my wake - always in my wake, trying to ride my slipstream.

What a terminal fucking loser.

Hates Ireland, hates Irish people, lives in Ireland, wonders why he's so angry all the time?

Yeps, you're one of a kind alright, Wilfred.

Now go wash your butt.


Which comes as no surprise from a man as old, bald, and grey-whiskered around the nuts as you are, you complete fucking freak.

Get that g-string off and put your stinking y-fronts back on, you lying tranny cunt-bucket.
No doubt this ugly old hag is more in line with your tastes, you spoofing old bastard:


Mary O'Shea - wife of your Taoiseach in waiting: she looks like the coal delivery man in a wig.

Not that looks should matter, right?

What really matters is quality of life - of which you have none to speak of, unlike I - who's (as usual) sitting pretty and watching the tide roll away.

Perhaps if you had some politicians of Sanna Marin's quality you wouldn't have 175,000 homes without electricity until later next week.

You're fucking useless, you can't get anything right, can you?



Baha! One post, one sentence in.. how long?

Who cares? I have an audience, you don't. These days you have to lick an old man's arse (while he's pretending to be a woman) just to be allowed to post.

You twats are all over this site, every day, all day.

That's my charisma, you see.

Mowl's a one-man show: he doesn't need helpers, assistants, or even a wheelchair.

Gowl will have to gnaw on that bone for a while 😆

Nah, he won't.

But you will, right?

You can't stand my popularity, can you?

You want to be notorious, like me - but instead you're a boot-licker, for Swordid.

How's that working out for you, Jimmy?

Having fun?

Jimmy Dawson aside from very very specialised functions like memorising chess patterns and endless white supremacist memes is actually just as thick as the likes of Clark Connolly, maybe more so.

If ever there was a prat who'd benefit from a good paternal kick up the hole and a trip to some authoritarian shithole, say like Iran or Belarus, where he could witness what racism is really like IRL (copyright Jimmy Dawson).

What a tragic sap. 😆
Jimmy Dawson aside from very very specialised functions like memorising chess patterns and endless white supremacist memes is actually just as thick as the likes of Clark Connolly, maybe more so.

If ever there was a prat who'd benefit from a good paternal kick up the hole and a trip to some authoritarian shithole, say like Iran or Belarus, where he could witness what racism is really like IRL (copyright Jimmy Dawson).

What a tragic sap. 😆

Jambo's one of the least-traveled people I've ever met.

Imagine being born in Ireland and never once leaving?

And no, Jambo: going to Butlin's with the family isn't travel - even if they had high-wire fences keeping the idiots in and the rabble out.

Jambo's an Englishman masquerading as an Irish nationalist.

I doubt the English want him any more than we do.

Jambo-no-mates, since 1963.

It saddens me to see him so desperate over on the gay bar site with all the other rubbernecking dopes who want Mowl dead.

Soz, boys: but I'm far too happy to be bothered by it.


You can have her.
These knackers are nationalists according to Jambo.

My man Pete always said that 'Athlone' would be a brilliant name for an Irish death metal band, so i designed this and sent it to him:

The state of Declan Kelly and his fake 'I'm hard' type Boston Irish bullshit.

He's about as Irish as these twats:

I'm beginning to suspect they're all retarded. Like actually retarded, to the point they should be institutionalised.

They are as simple overgrown children put through some type of sinister indoctrination camp and had the world explained to them in terms of a handful of easily grasped concepts, conspiracies and imbecilic inanities.

Observe this nascent so called "nationalist" movement actually specifically targeting those with grievances, the malcontent, intellectually lacking, gullible and susceptible members of our society.

It makes them believe they’re “heroes” saving everyone from an evil globalist cabal - scheming the likes of climate change, "scamdemics", "replacement", voter fraud, what they call "Zionism", paedophiles, the gays grooming children, pretending that man went to the moon, the list is endless.

And you witness for example this morning the pantomine of Scolairebocht trying to assert himself as some sort of ringleader in all this, the chief retard.

And all the other retards gladly falling in behind him, echoing him like sheep.

You really couldn't make it up. Life truly is stranger than fiction. Before these boards I really had no idea that there were people with such complete shit for brains existing out there, outside of purposed instititions or at least the specialised day centres.
I'm beginning to suspect they're all retarded. Like actually retarded, to the point they should be institutionalised.

Like attracts like.

Especially if the one you LIKE is the one you LIKE all day every day, à la Crap/Contortonist et al.

These LIKES are tiny tokens of esteem: they're traded for acceptance, admiration, and point-scoring among those too cowardly to think for themselves.

They are as simple overgrown children put through some type of sinister indoctrination camp and had the world explained to them in terms of a handful of easily grasped concepts, conspiracies and imbecilic inanities.

They strike me as the type who opened their first laptop and went searching for things (other than porn) that interest them, except there's so much crap out there to wade through they haven't dropped the lid and switched the fucker off since 2008. The addictive nature of these sites is bad for the health: better to hop in and out again when the heat's turned up. That way you get to see how interdependent these mongs are upon each other's brainless ranting.

I avoid all of these sites after Miller time: what's the point in arguing with a drunk moron as opposed to a sober moron two hours earlier?

Observe this nascent so called "nationalist" movement actually specifically targeting those with grievances, the malcontent, intellectually lacking, gullible and susceptible members of our society.

It makes them believe they’re “heroes” saving everyone from an evil globalist cabal - scheming the likes of climate change, "scamdemics", "replacement", voter fraud, what they call "Zionism", paedophiles, the gays grooming children, pretending that man went to the moon, the list is endless.

The really gas part about that is that your regular internet user doesn't even know these boards exist. It's very much an obscure and entirely niche hang-out. The regulars all know each other by name and philosophy, by the width of their understanding and the thinness of their lexicon. Buzz words aplenty, acronyms at every turn, and the adoption of aspects of each other's writing habits and obscure terms not of their own, but.



Plus the way Wilfred abruptly quit using Paddy/Bridie/Bridget and took to Paddy and Patricia when he was called out on it.

These twats think they're one step ahead of the game, when in fact they're not even on the sidelines: they're peeking in through a gap in the arena wall.


And you witness for example this morning the pantomine of Scolairebocht trying to assert himself as some sort of ringleader in all this, the chief retard.

I wonder how Declan and the scholar-boy are related? What's the man's point anyway? He drives up and down the country to join protests that have fuck all to do with him. He sticks his boot in and asks dumb questions of even dumber kids. Check him out with these two poor mongs:

That's Courtney and Jodie being 'interviewed'.

Now if that doesn't make your skin crawl then you're probably already clinically dead.

Creepy doesn't even begin to cover it.

And all the other retards gladly falling in behind him, echoing him like sheep.

Which is the whole point of the club - to be a private pub for the sheep to congregate in.

They can fling insults at all and sundry and then clap each other on the back for their bravery in calling out 'de man'.

You really couldn't make it up. Life truly is stranger than fiction. Before these boards I really had no idea that there were people with such complete shit for brains existing out there, outside of purposed instititions or at least the specialised day centres.

And yet they do it every passing day.

The one that makes me laugh is that the conversation about who's more nationalist than whom and why appears to trump any discussion of the simple reality all around them in the wake of another election that went 100% according to plan. Like it never even happened. Even if it was only a few days ago. What matters to these losers is the never-ending argument about what/whom/and why nationalism is what it is for these mongs.

All the trendy name-dropping, references to childlike partisan reportage, and online yaps making money off the whole disaster, like the trio of doom Jambo runs around after. All their information comes from the same place, hence the inability to think or act for themselves. One should never trust an Irish person who has never left Ireland when they start trying to describe Ireland and her woes to you. The parish pump never runs dry. Ever.

Best to let it all go under the bridge and have as much fun with them as you can while they're hanging around. They do die off, y'know. Old timers like the Field Mouse (probably still in his armchair, device in hand - his body mummified by household minimalism and austerity. The Bucket. Tommy O'Brien (real name Tommy Morrison, upper Ballyer, never ran himself but was an advisor to a prominent Fine Gael member). And several real-world types who were into it years ago but have by now grown up and acted on (at least) some of their principles.

So when you're referring to Arsefield's and its current denizens, keep in mind that no matter what they say, they still aren't going to do jack shit about it either way.

They yap and they insult each other, then they yap and then threaten each other, and then what?

And then nothing.

That's it - that's the whole nine yards.

But for those lads, it's a full-time job - one must put in their eighteen hours a day or else one isn't welcome to the train spotter's gang of fools.

Tell us, Freaky-Cleaner: do you find it comforting knowing that we (you and I) have so much in common, or does it make you uncomfortable knowing that - for all your loathing of Ireland and her endless woes - I'm not the one the one having to suffer it all? Day after day? That I got out well in time to both run the system ragged from abroad as well as find so much hilarity and laughter in your loathing of me for getting it right about Ireland on all counts?

Counts like:

Leaving the shithole before it burned me like it's burning you?
Making sure I wasn't trapped by either debt or recorded criminality?
Ensuring I had all the emigrant criteria covered years before actually leaving?
That I'm actually 100% what you only call yourself, while you yourself are not even remotely Free or Clean?
That I'm loving life up here in the world's happiest country while you're stuck neck deep in the world's greatest debtor to the international banks?
That your education provider never once mentioned to you that you're not needed or wanted and that you'd be far better off elsewhere if you had the balls to go?

See those lads in the video you posted? They're upper Ballyfermot lads - my distant neighbours and apparently fellow working class citizens. Add in the blood in their veins and mine and you'll find that that's where the similarity ends. We have/had fuck all else in common bar our proximity to each other. I was born into Chapelizod but later we moved across the river for the schools and general family/community life in Dublin 10. I attended schools that had fewer provisions to offer us when I was a school kid than those kids in that video. When they went to school, they were given a curriculum based on their potential, but in itself, that's just another way of setting each one of them against the other. Pointless exams that are designed to both include and exclude, the outcome of which defines their life opportunities in the future. The brainless work the factory floors and sweep the streets. The somewhat enlightened push pens and paper around, if they're lucky. None will be expected to start their own business. And even fewer will even consider leaving because it's such a fucking hassle, right?

Well, consider your current position? You're in debt to the tune of tens of thousands of euros you never even got to sniff, never mind spend. Those around you who know their entrecôte from their mutton ran your debt up for you. There was a party. A big fuck-off one. You didn't get to attend because you weren't invited but as a loyal Irish citizen with nowhere else to go, they'll be patient about you pay down the current €235Bn of debts while trying to keep a roof over your head and some heat under it. Not only that, but any kids you may have (God bless the little bastards) will also get to know the hamster wheel of limitless debt and the squalor that comes with it.

I know you'd love to find a way to blame it all on the kids of today, like the little bastard/knackers in your video. But they weren't even born when the party started, and they only came into pubescence since the IMF rolled into town to take away their nappies and gripe water. It's got fuck all to do with them, right? You should be collecting bankers and investors scalps, but instead of doing that you blame Ballyer people. Which is utterly fucking hilarious, especially given that you were looking for the rise out of me in posting it.

Well done: you got my attention - and now that I have yours?

'Wouldn't it be great if they'd pursue, with the same vigour, the
career criminals and anti social wretches who make
people's lives a misery every day?

Yes, it would - but it isn't.
Suck it up - it's your country.

'We have in this country an underclass - native and increasingly
foreign - who get a free ride from the useless Gardai and Judges...

Yes, but those kids aren't them. Those kids are 100% modern Dublin Irish blood, with both parents likely born within ten miles of each other, and who likely went to the same schools as each other (and me) and are the result of a few failed sociological experiments by the Irish state over the paltry few decades since independence. Throw all the knackers into a big concrete estate and educate them using any old pervert who steps up for the job. Then wait fifty years and see how it pans out. Those who designed it will be long since dead and buried. Those to whom it gave birth will suffer the shitty quality of life dumped on them for as long as they can stand it. By which time they begin to realize that they're neither wanted nor valued, and that they would definitely be better off elsewhere.

Which is pretty much the terms of your own existence, right?

'...yet these same cretins waste no
time locking up an eccentric auld one..

That's right: that's how they roll. Are you only just clocking that now? I mean, for fuck's sake - the shit hit the fan over a decade ago. It's still shit even now with the economy looking better than it has (for those privy to the facts) for many years. Which indicates a few things to me:

1: you must either be in debt or else have a criminal record that prevents you from leaving Ireland and setting up shop in another English speaking country.
2: that yapping to other cranks about your own pet cranks is just another crank show of ever-increasing proportions.
3: that you have kids, and you know now that you had them far too early, but that's Irish life for you: when you get her up the pole, she owns you.
4: you simply haven't the credentials or the balls to get up off your ass and try to improve your lot before it's too late (which it already is).

So your conclusion that:

'Clown country run by arseholes - that's my new slogan for Ireland...'

You are indeed 100% correct there, Freaky. It is exactly that: a clown country full of clowns like you, run by clowns like the ones that were recently re-elected and given another clown mandate from hell of running you and yours into the dirt. You idiot clowns were too busy debating the precise nature of your nationalist clown-like views and stances all through election day and night. None of you even voted. This is why you are in fact the same clowns you refer to in your final statement.

You're a clown. You wear clown shoes and drive a clown car. Your kids are clowns in the making. Your wife/kid's mother was a clown to trust a clown like you not to destroy her life. Too late for that now, eh. Your clown neighbours think you're a clown. As do your clown kids. As do you yourself. That's some fucking awesome quandary you landed yourself into there, innit Freaks?

Me? Ask me, I fucking dare you.

Those lads clowns in that video from around two or three years back are now entitled to vote. Think about that: they have the vote, the clown car thieves and their clown car supporters shouting on the sidelines and daring them to ram the cop clown car. And it's funny ha-ha this time because you think the kids looking on are scumbags (it helps reinforce your loathing of the mindlessness of the Irish underclasses) but on any other day you'd just love to see the coppers getting a good pasting by the people when they 'rise up' to free all the Nike, Puma, and Adidas sneakers locked up in prisons along the main street of your clown-state capital city.

Yours is a clown country alright. Run by clowns for clowns who don't even know they're clowns at all. While I'm sitting pretty: which is the real reason you hate me, innit. Which is why I can't stop laughing at your earnestness and unease at the sheer state of your life and your country at this time. Your life is as good as over, so why not just end now rather than draw it out for even more miserable years ahead? What are you waiting for? There's nothing better coming down the line, now is there?

Consider your options:

Stick it out and make sure your kids are set up before you opt for assisted/solo death?
End it now and let the Missus use the life insurance to set herself up without you?
Kill her and the kids and fuck off into the sun?

Tough choices, innit Freakin' Clean?
First off, Tigger - I ain't your pal. But I am enjoying watching you trounce poor aul Jambo. It's been a while since he had the heat turned up under his arse and you and Roc have done Trojan work in cornering the vacuous little rat. But here's the rub:


That's it: you've reached endgame.

At this point, we all see very clearly what he's trying to hide from you: you busted his ass - this is as far as he goes. Beyond this point he has precisely fucking nothing. It takes a while to get to that stage with the slippery little rat, but you held your ground and pushed back far enough to reveal what's inside the Pandora's Box he seems desperate to hide. It's as empty as he is. He strings you along, and then some. But it's all a warren. An infinite rabbit-hole he scarpers around in and if you let him, he'll drag you into the heart of it where the real truth lies.

He's a bum - a second-rate fake intellectual swampy morass of acronyms, emojis, dead ends, flat tyres, and loop-the-loop brainlessness.

He's not stupid - I'm not suggesting stupidity drives his sad little dynamo.

He's pointless - which is a far worse sin given the game we play with these chat sites.

Jambo's an 'ethno-nationalist' and he wants everyone to know that.

He may not know exactly what it is, or how to describe it, or even how to make it manifest it in the real world. For that he needs an update/patch from Keith Woods or some other slithery sewer rodent he fawns over on telegram. That's where he gets this bullshit from.

Tigger: you just got JAMBO'ed.

This is what Jimmy Dawson does, it's what he's always done - and only a fool would enter a debate with such a cheap-assed street conjurer of childish rubbish as Jimmy has to offer. When he gets to the point that IQ becomes the issue - you've reached ground zero. Beyond this point there's nothing at all. Not even a Samuel Beckett-esque bleak dystopia. Nothing. At. All. A place where neither time nor tide ever turn over. Clocks no longer work. Time bends itself in contortions of wriggling like a pinned maggot ready for the fishing pole.

Asking that thick cunt questions is akin to throwing classic works of literature to the drunken masses in Temple Bar at 2230 on a busy Saturday night.

You've drained him.

There's no further point to your trying to reason with him.

So do what I do: play with the stupid cunt. Remind him he's still living like a 22yr old on his gap year with a credit card Daddy pays for while he's knocking back the Foster's on Bondi Beach and sucking male cock.

Just pull his towel off and you'll see for yourself: he hasn't even one ball to call his own.

He's still at the developmental stage where 'pop stars' are his signs of the zodiac.

You've won.

Time to leave it be or else he'll drag you even further into his bullshit made-up world of nothingness and losers.

Best thing now is to stick on an Oasis video and watch him cream his keks.

Stick a fork in his ass - he's done.

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