No, they don't have to. I did to keep the peace.
Nah Brah, you do it because you
LOVE me, innit.

LOVE me.
Mowl is simply turds the whole way down. Just dogshit, everywhere you look.
Wow, Brah - you really do got it bad, huh?
Would you feel better if I replace my avatar with a
kangaroo giant rat's head?
Okay then: how about I simply invert the little Abo?
Good for you?
A classic case of the closed-loop-cycle of the abused becoming the abuser.
Classic? Case? You study these things, do you? Aware of much, are you? Been down into the sewers with it, eh. Where may I ask do you go for your 'classic' research materials? The dark web? Some banjo-swinging tobacco-chewing cult-weirdo pedophile site? Adults only type sites that demand a cash deposit in their bank before you get to jerk off to pictures of little boys taking a whizz? I mean there's really nothing else to do in Australia, now is there? Every day is exactly the same. Non-stop. Forever and ever. Amen.
Everybody's pain is his pleasure, he makes sport of it.
Yes, but especially yours.
He probably visits the oncology ward at the local children's hospital and hides behind the aspidistra in the corner, jerking off.
You seem very familiar with children's hospitals and water fountains for jerking off behind.
Hobby of yours, is it?
Something to fill in the monotony of life down under in the dust, dirt, and sand of the once-colonial open prison you call home?
An ugly, narcissistic, sociopathic, sadistic little manlet.
You're concerned about my looks, right? I get it. I really do. Of all the photos of me on your private thread, the only one you fools keep using publicly is the one of me on the veranda, my dreads wrapped up in a scarf before hitting the sauna. You never post any of the others (not publicly anyway) because I'm simply too devilishly handsome in all of them. And I know how often you twats visit The Senators Of Helsinki page, and how many things you looked at, copied, and ran back to Arsefield's with. Facebook has very simple visitor information containment for page administrators: it tells me how many pages, photos, etc. How long you spent selecting images, how many pages/collections you went through and when exactly you did it.
You do understand at least that much about internet protocol?
The last Australian woman I met was so ugly I thought she was a bloke when she stepped up to me.
'Aw'ri', Mate?'
Fuck off.
'Wozzah! Easy, Mate, easy nah..'
I said fuck off.
'I 'eard ya, I 'eard ya - take it flumpin' easy, eh? '
Lookit: first go and have a wash, then a hair style, then a bit of shopping - no mucky army boots, no short cargo pants, no y-fronts. Maybe then, maybe not.
Wah, a bit high maintenance for a bloke, in't ya?'
Wash your butt.
I visited Islepoli after the news of CPG's passing and sure enough, there's Mowl in his usual deranged masturbatory glee, celebrating it, defaming the dead and his family.
So you
are stalking me.
Besides, you can't defame the dead - not even if they were yellow-bellied rat-bastard culchie cowards who raised their son to be a professional thief. A thief who robbed the weakest of all Irish people out there: the grannies and grandads - so people in and around your own pensionable age. I don't overlook or forget these things even in a life/death scenario. Just because he died (quite quickly) from cancer doesn't exonerate his behaviour while he was alive. And when he was alive he was a racist pig of the worst kind. The '
kill 'em all and let's be done with it' type racist.
Sofa bound, all day every day.
And you next to him.
If not for that, I might have spared him.
Spare me what?
Your dull and boring threats of some sort of payback from your bolt-hole somewhere off in the Australian outback to beautiful Helsinki? Don't be kidding yourself. Saul Bucket used to do the same. Threats of this, that, and the other from his '
big brothers - who are all in the 'RA...'
But apparently not Saul - who was too busy plotting to kill every non-white cunt walking the streets of Ireland via the gay bar site.
To his credit, David did not engage in this.
David's credit is just fine, you dirty old man.
So props to him for having some standards.
Standards? Now what the fuck would a
kangaroo giant rat eating loser like you know about standards?
You're Australian - you're descended from criminals.
You have no culture, no language, and no fucking right to kick the Abos around in the manner you do.
And when you do read this David, please, for the love of God, if you're going to hero-worship somebody (but don't, you're not in high school any more, and it's really sad and pathetic) let it be somebody worthy of that.
Like whom?
Rolf Harris?
Brett Peter Cowan?
Robert 'Dolly' Dunn?
Brian Keith Jones (AKA Mr Baldy)?
Robert Hughes?
Milton Orkopoulos?
I mean, child rapists in your parliament house and nobody batting an eyelid even though they all knew exactly what he was up to? Or how about all those undocumented rapes and beatings meted out to Aboriginal kids taken in by white Aussies who physically and mentally abused them and turned them into personal slaves about the house? Yours is a rather short and blunt history, eh. There aren't any sweet spots in it either, no?
A big fan of Rolf, are you?
Two little boys had two little balls,
Each had an Australian rapist..'
Not some talentless, broke, mean-spirited dork who has played an instrument for 30 plus years and still can't get a real gig for love nor money.
Talentless is not a word, Mate.
I am literally better at my instrument (didgeridoo) by quite a margin and for me, it's just a hobby. That's how shit this guy is.
I wouldn't have imagined there was too much work for a deranged and angry old didgeridoo player, eh.