
Arsefield's Hall of Shame

Exhibit A: Jambo himself, the thread starter.

A white supremacist gimp who fled Isle where he had suffered a well deserved and merciless flailing over months to take up residence on the website forum, Arsefields.

Where the dregs of Irish political fora gather.

Of course not even those dregs apart from his "A-team" wanted to watch his stupid Telegram videos either, let alone bleat the "key takeaways" back at him.

So back he comes running here, with his tail between his legs.

And so we have exhibit one from "Arsefields Hall of Shame", "Jambo", a caricature of the worst elements the internet has to offer, a borg carved in the mould of other internet exhibits Morgosh, Collet and Woods.

Who are themselves assimilated, mindless, boring, inhuman, and full of shit.

Now what's he going to say about his former Arsefilelds buddies who all got bored off his repetitive garbage Telegram videos just like everyone else? We're all on the edge of our seats, Jambo.

Not. So you can fuck off now, Jambo, there's a good lad.
The Arsefield's 'Hall Of Shame' starts with you, Jambo - it also ends with you.

While I'm well aware of the scummy nature of most of your A Team members, it's you yourself who carries the burden of the most shame of all: you spoke loudly about your 'ethnic' nationalism out one side of your trap while from the other you clearly accepted the rot in your own online mob regarding their treatment of the elderly of the west of Ireland in being subject to repeated burglaries and the theft of their meager possessions being sold from within the home of one of your most prominent members. Your silence is accepted as condoning the rot and even encouraging it by refusing to take your member to task.

Shame too that you took potshots at all the members here as often as you could, only to come back looking for arses to kiss thinking your presence here was desirable to anyone else apart from you. Major error there: to me, and to most right-thinking people - you're a scumbag. An online rat looking to expand your brood - but failing every time.

You're an army of one fool with too many male heroes.

The only female I've ever heard/read you speak of in a positive light was a seven year old girl who played/plays chess.

You run with some of the most scum-sucking Irish men I've ever had the misfortune to read.

You're a charlatan, an outlier, a loser with delusions and some very nasty bad habits.

So let's hold aloft the Arsefield's Hall Of Shame Number One scumbag: Jimmy 'Jambo' Dawson.

Welcome to your own thread, one on which you'll be reminded daily of your sheer scabbiness and worthlessness.

You're a blight on your own society, loser.

A parasite, a liar, a dole-sponging rat bastard, and a scumbag who cares nothing for those who went before you and sacrificed everything they had to give you what you piss on day after day: your own nationality and culture. I abandoned it all simply to get away from rats like you. Yet here you are, a pompous gobshite with fuck all shame, even less self-awareness, and as needy and clinging as sloth on fire.

Kill yourself.
Mowl Mowl, did you ever hear the old bull/young bull proverb?

So an old bull and a young bull are atop a hill and they look down to see a herd of cows grazing in the meadow below. The young bull turns to the old bull and says - "Hey, let's run down there and fuck us one of them cows!", the old bull turns to the young bull and says - "Nah, let's walk down and fuck 'em all."
I've just had a great idea guys, how about we create cartoonish characters or avatars for the Arsefield's Hall of Shamers?

So, for example, for the Australian mong, Fishalt, something like this -


Open to any and all suggestions..
lol Three dumbshits (the Australian spammer, Wendy & Wolf) in one post whose IQs don't add up to three digits -

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-86669
lol Poor K Kangal has joined in in the stupidity -

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-86682

Val's been parodying on Arsefield's since 1999 😆

Well, 2022 actually

Here, Jambo - this might keep you amused for half an hour - it's your favourite band of all time after all...

Here, Jambo - this might keep you amused for half an hour - it's your favourite band of all time after all...

Wow, that looks like a TV show or something, and Susanna's singing live. Great voice, much better than the warbler Shuhada' Sadaqat (who's dead)
lol Three dumbshits (the Australian spammer, Wendy & Wolf) in one post whose IQs don't add up to three digits -

Post in thread 'General Chat For All To Read.' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/general-chat-for-all-to-read.483/post-86669
Btw, perfect sample of why Arsefield's is a shithole if you read on from the link above, bunch of lazy, uninteresting one-liners, Cunt-Connolly with (yet) another This video is unavailable link and the Australian mong thinking - I know how I'll ingratiate myself with the Paddies, I'll talk about booze
As a Leixlipian I find the suggestion that Beamish is better than Guinness to be sacrilegious.😮 But perhaps that's just me being biased as Arthur did brew the first ever pint of the black stuff in my hometown.
Wow, that looks like a TV show or something,

Wow, you worked all that out by yourself?

What was it gave the gig way?

The cameras?

The audience?


and Susanna's singing live.

You're so cute, you know?

Great voice, much better than the warbler Shuhada' Sadaqat (who's dead)

Well observed - very well observed.

Btw, perfect sample of why Arsefield's is a shithole if you read on from the link above, bunch of lazy, uninteresting one-liners,

You didn't seem to act like that when you were live on Declan's site.

And as for one-liners?




Remember that?

Cunt-Connolly with (yet) another This video is unavailable link and the Australian mong thinking - I know how I'll ingratiate myself with the Paddies, I'll talk about booze

Well, it seems to be working: everyone's choosing sides too: some are Guinness man, others are Murphy's.

Beamish too, which to me tastes like watered down Guinness.

As a Leixlipian I find the suggestion that Beamish is better than Guinness to be sacrilegious.

The last three words of that sentence saved me from another heart attack.

😮 But perhaps that's just me being biased as Arthur did brew the first ever pint of the black stuff in my hometown.

I miss a decent pint alright, but I don't miss handing over €7.50 for a badly pulled one (that I'd offer to pull myself but they wouldn't let me for insurance reasons) but I did tell them exactly what to do and how long to do it. They didn't get it. But then again, lots of pubs (back then) had an automatic pint maker: you just put the glass into place and hit the button and the tap does all the work. Sadly the work was shite in that they pulled the entire pint in one jet.

I showed them a few Guinness ads to show them how we do it:

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