

Ten minutes since your last knee-jerk post: you're obviously searching telegram to hear what Woodsy has to say about the stabbed girls over in Liverpool so you can repeat it on here like the lick-spittle little gimp you are.

Poor Jimmy Dawson - credibility shot, hitting the Dutch Gold very hard due to stress, and all this while sitting at his table stark naked and covered in shite.

That includes insults

What does?

You just copy them

Copy them?


...isn't even a word.

Poor auld Seamus Dawson.
I don't comment on attacks early doors

Yeah, you have to wait in line for the paying subscribers of Keef Woods and the gang to get their instructions first.

Then you're allowed in to the hallowed courts of the little English fag.

Why are you so enthralled with other men and the things they do, Seamus?
It's a truthful paradigm..

The anti-whites are praying (if they ever prayed) for it to be a white person and the bigots/far right/racists whatever, want it to be someone who's a POC or otherwisely not British person

I'll wait
Is Ireland antisemitic?

Nah, not really. I know loads of Irish Jews and they all seem to get along well with their own peers and with other non-Jewish people. That said, almost all of them I know have a parents/s in some position of authority. The two Jews on my list are brothers, their Dad was a producer of RTE content for decades and is known all over the country. His sons are all involved in music and the arts. They've made videos and films (some of which I featured in) and had a recent hit with a cult film about Aidan Walsh, the first guy to open a rehearsal studio in Temple Bar before being usurped by Paddy Dunning, the same twat who unveiled the wax statue of Sinead O'Connor at the National Waxworks Museum before closing it down next day. So in this one situation I found myself roped in as a result of two of his sons getting busted by the drug squad (one for possession and intent to supply, the other for possession) in a car I was also traveling in.

I won't divulge too many details but suffice it to say they both walked.

Even though I had fuck all on me, I got busted too - for simply being in the car.

Another is a medical man who is/was chief consultant at The Mater Hospital. In tandem with that he was also chief superintendent in The St John Ambulance. He has lots of poke, and his son is also in music. The son is a full-on Jew in the radical sense. Takes offence at everything. I was in the studio with him one time and he was taking samples off a Frank Zappa album and using them in his own tracks. When I pointed out that he'd need permission to use them he baulked and we had words and I walked. Fuck the money, keep it you ignorant little cunt.

Those first two know I haven't forgotten them.

They know I'll show up eventually.

So no - Ireland isn't really anti-Semitic.

But I for sure am - I fucking hate every one of them I've ever dealt with - and will deal with again.

If these guys ever mention the Holocaust again...

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