

Jews with dreadlocks?

Well, I must say - I was rather precipitous in posting Matisyahu two days ago - he's the Jewish king of reggae:

Ever listened to Dread Zeppelin, Jimmy?

Do you feel guilty about taking the cash from the dole office even though you've fuck all interest in ever working or contributing to your busted little island?

You spend your miserable days trailing around after men you fancy/emulate/have a horn for on a variety of sites.

You're a worse cancer on Ireland than Irish Jews are, Jimmy - did that never dawn on you?
Making a very obvious observation

That you're triggered when I mention Dutch beer?

Or that you're just a ponce, really?

You're a pathetic asshole, it's the only reason you post

Nah - the main reason I post is to ensure that the gentle reader never takes you or your bullshit seriously.

if you want respect - try earning it, you Oasis-listening/Dutch Gold retarded little gimp.
That you're triggered when I mention Dutch beer?

Or that you're just a ponce, really?
Nah - the main reason I post is to ensure that the gentle reader never takes you or your bullshit seriously.
You post because of me

Most of your posts are about me (and they're all the same)

I didn't exactly put you in that position but that's where you find yourself

if you want respect - try earning it, you Oasis-listening/Dutch Gold retarded little gimp.
And a moron

You make my job so much easier when you're so easily triggered.

Poor Jambo: posts comments directed at other sites who are blissfully unaware of any of it. Then looks around himself on the isle hoping to find someone to drag down into his warren of endless tunnels. Nobody's biting though. But sure I suppose you need to have something else to do after your daily wanks and scratches.

You post because of me

Because of you being such a rat-like little cretin?

Most of your posts are about me (and they're all the same)

No, they're about your stupidity, ignorance, your wasted life, your worthlessness, pointlessness, and extremely tiny willy.

I didn't exactly put you in that position but that's where you find yourself

You didn't do anything, Jimmy - you never do.

You just whinge and cry like a little babby.

I honestly do feel so sorry for you - yours has to be the single most wasted existence I've ever observed.
And your projection is off-the-fucking-charts, it really is

There's not much you can do about your IQ but I really do think that you should see a psychiatrist. It's never too late
And your projection is off-the-fucking-charts, it really is


That hurt, Jimmy.


There's not much you can do about your IQ


When at the bottom of the barrel, lick harder.

but I really do think that you should see a psychiatrist. It's never too late

You don't think at all, you blustering buffoon.

You repeat what you're told by your betters - and you love it.

Consider buying a gimp mask - it'll change your entire world for the better.
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