

Took an Irishman to play the main role, and big Liam Neeson played it very well.

Though not quite as awesome as Amon Goth by Ralph Fiennes.
Agreed. Although arguably the character played by Fiennes (Amon Göth) is the most exaggeration

Odd thing about that film: you don't see even one Jewish person being gassed.

The bodies, carcasses, limbs being dug up, etc - yes.

You see lots of people getting shot, but none gassed.

Maybe the storyboard artist must have been off sick that day?
True. I recall a scene when they have to go into the <cough> showers but they actually turn out to be, well, showers

There's another scene I recall in which it's raining snow Jew ash (obviously a reference to d'ovens)
Agreed. Although arguably the character played by Fiennes (Amon Göth) is the most exaggeration

I read something recently about one lady who was a veteran of the German holiday camps of the 1940's and was hired by Schpielburger to oversee certain scenes to keep them 'authentic'.

Same lady also said that when she first met Fiennes (who was at the time in character mode) in full Nazi uniform, she had to run from the sound stage to the toilets to throw up. Apparently she found his way of playing the part way too real and too frightening to handle and that it brought her back to the holiday camps and the funfairs where even the little Jewish kids were included. Running, jumping, hopping into septic tanks, hiding under beds, etc.

So we get to see the camp boss get it in the neck, but no gas, no gas delivery trucks, no gas board workers.

Strange movie - but I suppose you really had to be there to really get it.

True. I recall a scene when they have to go into the <cough> showers but they actually turn out to be, well, showers

That's happened to me a few times.

Then I hop into the sauna and everything's alright.

There's another scene I recall in which it's raining snow Jew ash (obviously a reference to d'ovens)

Those big chunks of meat falling from the sky?

That was definitely weird; maybe one of the holiday camp guests got sucked into the air vents and got all hacked up into little shreds of human?

I mean you need to have reliable air ducts if you're housing persons who haven't washed since Val had his first shit on The Shitting Ditch, right?

In fact, what ze Germans really needed was Val Martin to help with the planning basic foundations of the chalets instead of that annoying little woman we see getting whacked in the skull so hard she bounces off the ice for spotting that the eastern end of the building would suffer some inevitable subsidence and ultimately a complete collapse. Yer man who wasted her completely lost his mind later on in the story when he starts shooting loads of people who are already dead. Several months dead too. What was THAT about?

I suppose it's like Seamus Bond 007 said: you only live twice, or maybe three times. If you're lucky. Or a cat.
Val could've gassed all of the Germans out of their Normandy beach bunkers with just one fry up accompanied by a pint of Smithwick's.
I read something recently about one lady who was a veteran of the German holiday camps of the 1940's and was hired by Schpielburger to oversee certain scenes to keep them 'authentic'.

Same lady also said that when she first met Fiennes (who was at the time in character mode) in full Nazi uniform, she had to run from the sound stage to the toilets to throw up. Apparently she found his way of playing the part way too real and too frightening to handle and that it brought her back to the holiday camps and the funfairs where even the little Jewish kids were included. Running, jumping, hopping into septic tanks, hiding under beds, etc.

So we get to see the camp boss get it in the neck, but no gas, no gas delivery trucks, no gas board workers.

Strange movie - but I suppose you really had to be there to really get it.
A little old Jewish lady who's a Holocaust survivor? They've been known to tell porkies..

That's happened to me a few times.

Then I hop into the sauna and everything's alright.
Those big chunks of meat falling from the sky?
Eh, no.

R u thinking of a different movie, Predator perhaps? 🤔

That was definitely weird; maybe one of the holiday camp guests got sucked into the air vents and got all hacked up into little shreds of human?

I mean you need to have reliable air ducts if you're housing persons who haven't washed since Val had his first shit on The Shitting Ditch, right?

In fact, what ze Germans really needed was Val Martin to help with the planning basic foundations of the chalets instead of that annoying little woman we see getting whacked in the skull so hard she bounces off the ice for spotting that the eastern end of the building would suffer some inevitable subsidence and ultimately a complete collapse. Yer man who wasted her completely lost his mind later on in the story when he starts shooting loads of people who are already dead. Several months dead too. What was THAT about?

I suppose it's like Seamus Bond 007 said: you only live twice, or maybe three times. If you're lucky. Or a cat.
R u aware of the part in the movie (Schindler's List) that I'm talking about?

Where the flakes (of what are supposed to be skin-flakes of burnt Jews) are spilling out of the flaming towers above and down around everyone's feet?

No, never saw that bit.

Maybe they edited it out of the Finnish version.

(don't make me dig it up)

Dig what up?

A dead Jew?

Like your man who loses it during the German excavations of masses of dead bodies and starts shooting them even though they've been dead for a few weeks?

No, they must have edited that bit out as well.

We Finns have no stomach for such things.

Once again - a brief musical interlude while Jimmy gathers his *thought.

*Singular, non-plural
Where the flakes (of what are supposed to be skin-flakes of burnt Jews) are spilling out of the flaming towers above and down around everyone's feet?
Well, Jew ash in general

No, never saw that bit.

Maybe they edited it out of the Finnish version.
lol The Finns must be some pussies

Dig what up?

A dead Jew?
Millions and millions and millions of them

Like your man who loses it during the German excavations of masses of dead bodies and starts shooting them even though they've been dead for a few weeks?

No, they must have edited that bit out as well.

We Finns have no stomach for such things.

Once again - a brief musical interlude while Jimmy gathers his *thought.

*Singular, non-plural
Well, Jew ash in general

I would have presumed that the Jews in question are/are far too tight to depart with even the dust of their former selves.

lol The Finns must be some pussies

Yeah, our film and TV commissioner is a right hard-on; he even edits the ads for bras and tampons.

Unlike liberal Ireland who love showing tits and bums.

Millions and millions and millions of them

What did you think of Matisyahu?

A Jew, rapping, and lifting riddims from Jamaica?

You should see him when he starts dancing - he does a decent style of the Humpty dance:

I would have presumed that the Jews in question are/are far too tight to depart with even the dust of their former selves.

Yeah, our film and TV commissioner is a right hard-on; he even edits the ads for bras and tampons.

Unlike liberal Ireland who love showing tits and bums.
What did you think of Matisyahu?
Never heard of him

A Jew, rapping, and lifting riddims from Jamaica?

You should see him when he starts dancing - he does a decent style of the Humpty dance:

My mother was cremated, her insistence.

She had this thing about being buried and the worms eating her, she used to actually wriggle (in disgust) at the thought of it.

So, as per her request, she was cremated. And then we were given the urn.

Which makes quite a lot of environmental sense to me and call me a heartless atheist bastard but I don't really think that there's anything at a grave.

Funerals make sense of course and graves, statues, monuments etc. for certain people (not the common-or-gardener).. sure.

But after my mother was cremated, her ashes were buried anyway. Taking up another plot in a graveyard. Which didn't make much sense to me. It would've made more sense to me if her ashes were scattered somewhere meaningful and, you know, returned to nature that way

Never heard of him

He's a Jewish rapper/singer working through the medium of Jamaican-style reggae: I thought you might like it for that reason alone.

My mother was cremated, her insistence.

A wise choice for the environment.

She had this thing about being buried and the worms eating her, she used to actually wriggle (in disgust) at the thought of it.

I think in this day and age, everyone knows this is true, yet they do it anyway.

Not for me, I'll be burnt and my ashes can be scattered, or I might have a burial at sea: build raft, set it alight, let the sea take what's left of me.

So, as per her request, she was cremated.

Again, a wise and respectful choice.

And then we were given the urn.

This seems to be the point where many find things confusing: they're ashes, not a person, not even an entity.

Which makes quite a lot of environmental sense to me and call me a heartless atheist bastard but I don't really think that there's anything at a grave.

I rarely visit graveyards at all unless I have a reason to be there. Last graveyards I visited were: the Jewish museum in Prague. I met three individual people I knew from Dublin who were also visiting the site. That was a strange coincidence, especially as one of them was utterly spiked on cocaine and still enjoying the previous nights' partying.

I loathe coke heads just as much as graveyards and lying Jews.

The other was Ruooalahti cemetery, which also has a large plot for Russian Jews, but that wasn't what I was looking for. I went to see Alvar Aalto's grave and to take rubbings of the details on his gravestone. It's a hobby I had when I first started reading Helsingin Sanomat (pretty much the national newspaper of choice) because I found the deaths and memorials section very interesting. I noted that many Finnish persons lived for almost one hundred years, both sexes. So I'd go to the graveyard and look around for unusually long lives and then take a charcoal rubbing of their gravestone. I have dozens and dozens of them, all stored in my Mam's loft. I was thinking of framing them and selling them at flea markets in Ireland, Irish pubs all over (I made a killing on the reprinted/released copies of the 1916 broadsheets by picking interesting pages and putting them into large and stressed frames, then selling them to Irish pubs and their customers.

Nice money.

Funerals make sense of course and graves, statues, monuments etc. for certain people (not the common-or-gardener).. sure.

I think we're the first generation of Irish people who are moving away from the idea of burying the dead - and I hope it continues.

Graveyards are/will become, an environmental hazard. The graveyard where my Dad is buried suffered some years back from very heavy rains which caused a shift in the earth/mud which in turn caused many coffins to move under the ground with some/one at least popping up in a ditch at the lower end of the field. The coffin(s) had to be reburied and caused a massive stress for the immediate family.

Dead bodies in boxes six feet under?

No fucking thank you very grand.

Burn 'em all.

But after my mother was cremated, her ashes were buried anyway.

Makes little sense, but at least there isn't a corpse rotting away under the mud.

Taking up another plot in a graveyard.

They aren't cheap either.

Which didn't make much sense to me.

Same here.

It would've made more sense to me if her ashes were scattered somewhere meaningful and, you know, returned to nature that way

You can pay for a burial at sea license up here and have a proper Viking funeral: wooden raft, body wrapped in slowly combustible fabrics, the raft is towed by the regular motor boat and when you reach an allocated and licensed spot, the raft is left to float and set alight. The raft is designed to ensure that the fire which reduces the body to ash burns longer than the body itself. Once the body is gone, the raft soon follows.

Don't know how popular it is and I haven't seen one take place, but I like the idea. Everything is returned to nature.

'Donny, shut up. You're in over your head, Donny...' ..you're like a child who just wa... .. ..Dude, that rug really tied the room together.

Yeah, finding very old headstones in graveyards is quite fascinating. Ditto watching very old film, in which you know for a fact that everyone in it is dead

Well fucking dodgy link in that post.

Don't click it - it'll try to 'reinstall' your 'flash player' while opening other links to even more dodgy links.

Clean your shit up, Jimmy.
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