

A thread to discuss the (sometimes controversial) topic of antisemitism

What is it and why? What are the different types? 🤔

And hopefully to avoid any lazy conclusions

I'm Irish, a registered emigrant and immigrant/citizen, and very happy where I am here in the heart of Finland's capital city, in the world's happiest country.

The only Jews I actually loathe/despise are those Irish Jews I've dealt with personally: as employers, as friends, as acquaintances, and as a race of scumbag knackers lower than sewer rats who appear to think that the most simple moral laws don't apply to them. They also seem to enjoy being hated: they frequently use it as leverage. Like they're to be pitied. Like one must first think:

'Ahh, poor auld Schlemiel, his customers failed him'.

Except they didn't: they simply got to know him as I did: and realized he's a parasite, a leech with no apologies: a rat to be poisoned with extreme prejudice.

I actually applied for a job working at the Jewish History Museum at Portobello (up-canal from the migrants) when I was a teenager and when I went to the interview the Rabbi asked me if I was Jewish. Fuck no, says I. So why apply?, he asks. Why not, says I - it's a job: you print the pages, I insert them into envelopes and make sure they reach Washington before the weekend.

I wasn't offered the job.

Which didn't suck at all.
I'm Irish, a registered emigrant and immigrant/citizen, and very happy where I am here in the heart of Finland's capital city, in the world's happiest country.

The only Jews I actually loathe/despise are those Irish Jews I've dealt with personally: as employers, as friends, as acquaintances, and as a race of scumbag knackers lower than sewer rats who appear to think that the most simple moral laws don't apply to them. They also seem to enjoy being hated: they frequently use it as leverage. Like they're to be pitied. Like one must first think:

'Ahh, poor auld Schlemiel, his customers failed him'.

Except they didn't: they simply got to know him as I did: and realized he's a parasite, a leech with no apologies: a rat to be poisoned with extreme prejudice.

I actually applied for a job working at the Jewish History Museum at Portobello (up-canal from the migrants) when I was a teenager and when I went to the interview the Rabbi asked me if I was Jewish. Fuck no, says I. So why apply?, he asks. Why not, says I - it's a job: you print the pages, I insert them into envelopes and make sure they reach Washington before the weekend.

I wasn't offered the job.

Which didn't suck at all.
Thanks for your contribution to the thread Mowl and I can see why roc_abilly roc_abilly didn't like your post but to clarify, you don't believe that because you've intensely disliked every Jew you've encountered in real life (for basically the same reasons) and the various common characteristics you've noticed that you mentioned, parasitic, nepotistic, playing the victim.. is actual antisemitism, that you're not an antisemite? I mean, it's not like you think that all Jews are like that right, you just got very unlucky.
Thanks for your contribution to the thread Mowl and I can see why roc_abilly roc_abilly didn't like your post but to clarify, you don't believe that because you've intensely disliked every Jew you've encountered in real life (for basically the same reasons) and the various common characteristics you've noticed that you mentioned, parasitic, nepotistic, playing the victim.. is actual antisemitism, that you're not an antisemite? I mean, it's not like you think that all Jews are like that right, you just got very unlucky.

I wouldn't consider myself unlucky at all. I'd consider first the nature of the beast, then watch how it moves, acts, speaks, and whether I trust it or not. Repeated negative experiences led me to eventually not wanting anything to do with any of them. Not out of racism, but rather as a result of having a very different outlook to the common Jew. I'm not after money or property, these were never factors in my earlier life in Ireland, they served to remind that I'd be far better off out of Ireland than in. I'm after a quality life experience, the opportunity to excel outside the country of my birth. I knew from an early age that I'd get itchy feet as soon as I got my first passport, and thankfully I was right.

I'm out of Ireland twenty five years and more. I've lived in Finland for all but three of those years, which were variously lived Amsterdam, Paris, and Berlin as bases while I traveled with music. Ireland's the island nation I have no time left for outside of battering into the blogs about why you guys live in a world of shit, lies, daylight robbery, cheated, lied to, bent over and fucked like a dog.

No thank you very much fuck off.

As for Jews in Finland, I'm sure there are some, but where I have no idea and neither do I care. They have fuck all influence up here. There aren't any stars of David or synagogues. I've never seen a Hassidic Jew - the type with the black overcoat over too-short black trousers. With the squiggle of curly hair hanging under the black hat by their ears. I see them mostly in airports, always in tight gaggles and constantly yelling at each other.

I don't seek out Jews, I have little interest/no in their culture, but I keep an eye on social media to see what my previously friendly Jewish bastards are up to and with whom. One's a successful writer, she's put out a few books already. Her Mam hired me to redecorate her older ladies fashion store years ago, she paid me and we had no problems at all. The daughter and I remained distant friends and via her social media, I get to see what her fellow Jew pals are up to. As I mentioned before, there are two brothers in one Jewish family who did something that changed the course of my life. I haven't forgotten it any more than I've forgiven it. But they will get theirs eventually: I'm very patient when it comes to grudges.

Fuck the Jews, I can't wait to hear the good news the day Netanyahu croaks his last - I hope whatever takes him does so slowly and with excruciating pain.

Fuck the Nazis too: those two factions deserved each other.
I wouldn't consider myself unlucky at all.
I don't think that you understood my use of 'unlucky'

Remember Mowl - Context

It's all-important

Work hard on it and you might become a better reader

I'd consider first the nature of the beast, then watch how it moves, acts, speaks, and whether I trust it or not. Repeated negative experiences led me to eventually not wanting anything to do with any of them. Not out of racism, but rather as a result of having a very different outlook to the common Jew. I'm not after money or property, these were never factors in my earlier life in Ireland, they served to remind that I'd be far better off out of Ireland than in. I'm after a quality life experience, the opportunity to excel outside the country of my birth. I knew from an early age that I'd get itchy feet as soon as I got my first passport, and thankfully I was right.

I'm out of Ireland twenty five years and more. I've lived in Finland for all but three of those years, which were variously lived Amsterdam, Paris, and Berlin as bases while I traveled with music. Ireland's the island nation I have no time left for outside of battering into the blogs about why you guys live in a world of shit, lies, daylight robbery, cheated, lied to, bent over and fucked like a dog.

No thank you very much fuck off.

As for Jews in Finland, I'm sure there are some, but where I have no idea and neither do I care. They have fuck all influence up here. There aren't any stars of David or synagogues. I've never seen a Hassidic Jew - the type with the black overcoat over too-short black trousers. With the squiggle of curly hair hanging under the black hat by their ears. I see them mostly in airports, always in tight gaggles and constantly yelling at each other.

I don't seek out Jews, I have little interest/no in their culture, but I keep an eye on social media to see what my previously friendly Jewish bastards are up to and with whom. One's a successful writer, she's put out a few books already. Her Mam hired me to redecorate her older ladies fashion store years ago, she paid me and we had no problems at all. The daughter and I remained distant friends and via her social media, I get to see what her fellow Jew pals are up to. As I mentioned before, there are two brothers in one Jewish family who did something that changed the course of my life. I haven't forgotten it any more than I've forgiven it. But they will get theirs eventually: I'm very patient when it comes to grudges.

Fuck the Jews, I can't wait to hear the good news the day Netanyahu croaks his last - I hope whatever takes him does so slowly and with excruciating pain.

Fuck the Nazis too: those two factions deserved each other.
Someone's on the Dutch Gold already.

Why are you such a permanently horrible little rat bastard, Jambo?

I mean, you don't have even ONE redeeming characteristic about you.

Is that how your Da raised you?

To make enemies of everyone you meet?

Your life is as dismal as your outlook.

No fucking wonder you're still an emotional virgin.

I'd imagine the only sex/intimacy you've ever experienced is with professional sex workers.

Man it must be horrible being you.
Wow. It didn't take long for you to fly off the handle there, Mowl.

All your pent-up bitterness and seething rage can't possibly be (physically) good for you, you know. Especially in your condition.
Wow. It didn't take long for you to fly of the handle there, Mowl.

Nah, I'm still laughing at how pathetic you are to me.

All your pent-up bitterness and seething rage can't possibly be (physically) good for you, you know.

It's driving you mad to see how happy I am, innit?

I mean look at you: it's Friday evening and what have you got going on?

A slab and a frozen pizza - in the prime of your miserable wasted life.

Especially in your condition.


Have another cheap imported lager, why don't you - there's fuck all else for you to be doing, my little rat-like friend.
Nah, I'm still laughing at how pathetic you are to me.

It's driving you mad to see how happy I am, innit?

I mean look at you: it's Friday evening and what have you got going on?

A slab and a frozen pizza - in the prime of your miserable wasted life.

OIC what you did there.. A, B, C, D, E, right? Very adroit

Mowl after a decent start I think things went a little astray in this thread between us, how about we start anew

Fuck the Jews, I can't wait to hear the good news the day Netanyahu croaks his last - I hope whatever takes him does so slowly and with excruciating pain.

Fuck the Nazis too: those two factions deserved each other.
Again, I don't think roc_abilly roc_abilly will be pleased with you saying that but what about you, why do you think the Jews and the Nazis didn't get along? 🤔
Fucking scumbag, pedophiles deserve the death penalty more than murderers. Glad he got fired.
How could anybody condone such horrible actions?,

He was speaking up on behalf of his long-term er, man-friend - a Muslim living in Iran or Iraq with whom Norris had a relationship. That man had been sent up for pedophilia in his home country, but Norris spoke up from Dublin and said that the cultural differences between the two countries were too far apart for ordinary citizens to understand. Something or other about the love a young man can feel for an older man who may his teacher, mentor, chess opponent, or whatever.

He tried to frame it as something uniquely beautiful and a really wonderful first sexual experience for any child boy young man.

That an older male could respectfully show the pupil how that whole 'rough and tumble of gay life' (ref: Father Ted) was actually very wonderful and in God's heart.

Norris resigned a while back. I was his neighbour on North Gt Georges St back in the early 90's - only north-side address I ever had actually. Nice big period house, sturdy, impressively maintained and his windows overlooking the street always showing a nice period interior with lovely cornice and wall detailing. Never spoke to him but often said hello. As you do.

Norris was reprimanded for his interference in a legal case about the rape of a child boy young man by his ex-lover in their home country in the Middle East.

Not even Alan Shatter's erotic novels titillated the masses quite so much.
I'm staying home tonight - it's way too hot and sticky out there anyway.

I checked the TV listings to see if there's anything worth watching after sauna and supper.

The big movie tonight is that summer/winter holiday caper about those nice Jewish people on holiday in Germany: 'Schindler's List'.

The holiday camps weren't the best, but they're definitely better than the cabins that Butlin's holiday camp offered families in Ireland when I was a kid.

Plus: I love the way they told the Jews to just leave their possessions behind after clearly labeling them.

After that it all went a bit Ryanair when all their luggage was lost in transit; that bit was really hilarious!

That stinking rich American director Spielberg must have made a fucking mint on that film about his ancestors on their hollibobs.

I'm staying home tonight - it's way too hot and sticky out there anyway.

I checked the TV listings to see if there's anything worth watching after sauna and supper.

The big movie tonight is that summer/winter holiday caper about those nice Jewish people on holiday in Germany: 'Schindler's List'.

The holiday camps weren't the best, but they're definitely better than the cabins that Butlin's holiday camp offered families in Ireland when I was a kid.

Plus: I love the way they told the Jews to just leave their possessions behind after clearly labeling them.

After that it all went a bit Ryanair when all their luggage was lost in transit; that bit was really hilarious!

That stinking rich American director Spielberg must have made a fucking mint on that film about his ancestors on their hollibobs.

Did you watch it the Mowl? 🤔
Did you watch it the Mowl? 🤔

Nah, there was a cool music documentary about the history of Studio 54 and disco music that caught my interest which I watched instead.

It's too long anyway, three and a half hours of whining Jews is enough to put anyone to sleep. The classic BBC 'Carry On' series of movies about English people on holiday was the same, only shorter and more to the point. And funnier.

The bit at the end where the actors and the people they portrayed all line up to place pebbles and stones on Oscar's grave is typical fucking Jew tightness: would it break the fucking bank to leave a dollar or a cheeseburger for the man? I mean he gave loads of them long long holidays, assigned accommodation, regular meals (more regular than mine at least) and big huge showering halls to wash themselves. They traveled for free on German trains as well. You'd think they might show a bit of gratitude, eh.

If they make a 'Schindler's List II - Ze Return Of Ze Führer' in 3D Panavision then I might go and see it with herself.
Nah, there was a cool music documentary about the history of Studio 54 and disco music that caught my interest which I watched instead.

It's too long anyway, three and a half hours of whining Jews is enough to put anyone to sleep. The classic BBC 'Carry On' series of movies about English people on holiday was the same, only shorter and more to the point. And funnier.
The bit at the end where the actors and the people they portrayed all line up to place pebbles and stones on Oscar's grave is typical fucking Jew tightness: would it break the fucking bank to leave a dollar or a cheeseburger for the man?

I mean he gave loads of them long long holidays, assigned accommodation, regular meals (more regular than mine at least) and big huge showering halls to wash themselves. They traveled for free on German trains as well. You'd think they might show a bit of gratitude, eh.

If they make a 'Schindler's List II - Ze Return Of Ze Führer' in 3D Panavision then I might go and see it with herself.
I actually think that it's a really good movie but when you start to question it, you might never look at it the same again. Could be as simple as thinking, is this a tiny, tad bit exaggerated 🤔 And if there's a greater conduit for Holocaust propaganda than Hollywood then I'm not sure what that is (they practically invented it)

I actually think that it's a really good movie but when you start to question it, you might never look at it the same again.

Took an Irishman to play the main role, and big Liam Neeson played it very well.

Though not quite as awesome as Amon Goth by Ralph Fiennes.

Could be as simple as thinking, is this a tiny, tad bit exaggerated 🤔 And if there's a greater conduit for Holocaust propaganda than (((Hollywood))) then I'm not sure what that is (they practically invented it)

Odd thing about that film: you don't see even one Jewish person being gassed.

The bodies, carcasses, limbs being dug up, etc - yes.

You see lots of people getting shot, but none gassed.

Maybe the storyboard artist must have been off sick that day?
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