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Do you find that, depending on what he's had for supper, that men's seed tastes different depending on what he ate?
We'd really appreciate it, Missus F - if you wouldn't mind offering Jambo a hand-job?

Wouldn't take more than ten seconds, and he'd be out like a light afterwards.
Here, Dave - I was just wondering.

You have these very rat-like features about the face. The slanty little rat eyes, the pokey facial shape, the wiry hair covered in some sort of grease, and the nose of a burrowing creature. Question: did one of your older relatives fuck themselves with a rat and then do the same to your Ma? Producing you? You're also sort of round, a bit like Roundy Kelly himself. Are you two related?

Managed to get a bit lost over the weekend using the new tram line, heading out to the new studio by the sea we're booked into. The trams are really well designed: spacious, futuristic looking, great sound insulation, and really lovely views along the way.

I hopped off at the right stop but started out in the wrong direction.

So when I passed an open store, I went in to ask where this street was, and lo! there's the real Jamal, the one I studied Finnish with but had to oversee too as his cultural ambassador. I looked him right in the face and thought: 'jaze, but these lads all look the same' as he pointed the way on his phone. I thanked him and set off.

Suddenly I hear a shout - '..good to see you again, Irish!'

I turned and he was still standing there grinning, then I clocked it was him and we both laughed.

Next time I'm passing, I'll do some shopping there to boost his wallet and cheer him up.

One good turn deserves another.
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