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Sounds a bit derivative (and boring) to me

He had a bigger hit with this one:

I suppose every moral has its story

If I can influence just one Ballyer kid to be the best they can be, then it'll have been worth the effort of staying in touch with my community in Ireland.

Just as others helped me along in many different ways, I'd like to repay the gesture. So when people write to me with their problems and issues, I always do my best to help them along to where they need to be. Hence the ever-growing population on the BBBB (over nine thousand eight hundred-plus by now).

I sleep better at night knowing my Mam is safe from any harm.
No, it's a lurking account that's been there since I don't know when.

The current threads are all scraped and spidery.

The most recent being from Cunt/Connolleagues.

How sad is that?
He's back! Lumpy Von Talbot Lumpy Von Talbot

Post in thread 'Israel-Palestine it's Endgame?' https://politics.ie/threads/israel-palestine-its-endgame.288554/post-14090132

"I quoted the Israeli Supreme Court case in 2013 which denied such a thing as an 'Israeli nationality' existed outside of a core qualification of being jewish."


Read your own cited article (for comprehension) birdbrain, 'Israeli nationality' does not exist for anyone, period.

And it seems rather obvious that the reason it doesn't is because that would put all Israeli citizens (Jewish and non-Jewish) on an equal footing.. Which the Jews don't want because Israel is a Jewish ethnostate.

The only reason the mods are accusing you of "trolling" is because they don't realise that you're a dumbass (and a soapbox dunce)
Jaze yeah, him. Another spammer

Another no-life having twat.

His written English is pathetic - like his mannerisms.

Great post! -

Maybe, but only going by Arsefield's standards - which are so low as to be leading into the minus regions.

Post in thread 'Mass Migration to Ireland & Europe' https://www.sarsfieldsvirtualpub.com/threads/mass-migration-to-ireland-europe.252/post-102991

It's not even a great tweet

He needs a great clatter in the ears, the simping little groveler.
Checkmate, bigots

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14089893
I notice the very next post is from another frother, The Nal commenting on how amazin'! Jack Walsh's anecdote is -

"Only took her 8 years from when she arrived. Assuming with no English either. Incredible."

Yeah, perhaps read the Pravda propaganda piece first, huh -

"I thankfully had English, so that was one less barrier", she said

The reality is that the lovely cailin hijabi probably came here as part of a family of educated, affluent asylum shoppers from the Middle East (stealing a scholarship from an Irish kid)
Instagram? Is that where you post your favourite pics?


"I am thankful that you have chosen Ireland to make your home.. where you will always be cherished, celebrated, safe and loved" ❤️ - Simon Harris, An Taoiseach #irelandsnewestadoptedchildren

The Taoiseach told new Irish citizens today "you will always have a welcome place here" as thousands attend ceremonies in Dublin.
Watch on X 👇
Three or four demonstrations up and down the country today after the court case of the soldier who battered your wan down in Limerick.

If it was a black soldier?

And he got three years suspended?

Lord, but everyone in the country would be well stocked up on free shell suits and flash runners from every sports shop you have.
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