What an utterly retarded thing to sayOh, sorry you're right there. That's godsdog isn't it.
I sometimes mix the two of you up as you're peas in a pod, really.

I honestly don't think you have any grasp of reality whatsoever
What an utterly retarded thing to sayOh, sorry you're right there. That's godsdog isn't it.
I sometimes mix the two of you up as you're peas in a pod, really.
Sorry. But it is certainly easy to mix you both up.What an utterly retarded thing to say
I honestly don't think you have any grasp of reality whatsoever
lol Retarded nonsense, every word of it.Sorry. But it is certainly easy to mix you both up.
Godsdog has his mensa malarkey to demonstrate his high IQ.
You have your chess and other kinds of puzzles and games to demonsrate your high IQ.
Both of you have terrible social intelligence, and emotional intelligence.
Both of you go on about IQ obviously assuaging an inferiority complex.
Both of you have a conspiracist mindset.
I.e. Godsdog inevitably sees some Zionist-Wahabbi-American conspiracy as the force underlying all world affairs. Whatever the question.
Similarly (in broad strokes) whatever the question you inevitably allude to what you call "the J.Q." and vague cabals like "Soros NGOs", and "Jewish media", comprising the forces behind increased immigration, the "replacement" of twats like you, increased visibility of transgenderism, gays getting married, and all your other very many bugbears.
So you may feel yourself "left" and "right" by your own metrics, and see yourself as opposite to godsdog. But by my own metrics, you have the same pathologies, the exact same simplistic and retarded ideas of cause and effect.
And that's how I mixed you up.
Thanks. I'll try to put it to good useNice to finally see you getting into the spirit of the thread.
It was a gift, after all.
Gaelic and Free Ireland☘
"The Jews created Hollywood. They created an America that didn't exist". A Jewish billionaire confirming what we already know. What we don't realise is that many of our beliefs and values come from Hollywood. How we view topics in our society such as Race, Gender and Sexuality originated from...t.me
It's not posted to anybody, it's posted for general consumptionWho is that posted to/for?
'Fraid notYou know nobody's going to open any fucking link YOU send, right Jimmy?