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lol Every race realist (AKA someone who believes the truth about race) knows that this is their (anti-white's) big, fat lie -

Since the discovery, around the turn of the century, that there is more genetic diversity within ethnic groups than between them has led idealogues of all stripes to imagine that this means that "race" simply doesn't exist and we're imaging it. It implies no such thing, of course.

Post in thread 'Almost 200,000 immigrants came here & stayed in just 6 years, says the CSO' https://politics.ie/threads/almost-...ust-6-years-says-the-cso.282329/post-14036216
All of these dopes invoke Parlon, as he's the only person who hold views even approximately similar who can actually string two words together, and present a coherent argument. (He's well down the spectrum even at that, but miles above these dopes on Arsefields, including our Arsefield fugitive on here.)
"I won't attempt to spew my (anti-white) race denialism on Gaychat because I'm not interested in the subject." - roc_abilly roc_abilly


Svörtuloft lighthouse, Iceland

Would love to visit here one day, such a stunningly beautiful location. I'd say it's extra magical at night when the Northern Lights are out.

Like, does anyone read Mowl Mowl's posts, anyone, anyone a t'all?

Your fascination with me and my lifestyle is legend.

Your jealousy even more so.

Try being happy, try to find a happy place, or if not - then try a weekend up here in the happiest country in the world.

I'll show you where the happiest Finnish places are, who the happiest Finnish people are, and how we all share the national Finnish happiness.

You might even get some for once in your miserable/pointless life.
What are bus drivers like up in Finland, do you get as many grumpy pricks driving buses as you do in Ireland? It seems like most bus drivers here absolutely despise their jobs, along with members of the public in general.

With that said you do come across the occasional bus driver who isn't an arsehole.
What are bus drivers like up in Finland, do you get as many grumpy pricks driving buses as you do in Ireland?

On Friday night after the studio at around 0230 I headed up to Hakaniemi from Katajanokka to check for the last trams heading to bed in Koskela Barracks, but the last one had left fifteen minutes earlier. So I went to the bus stop and waited for one going my way, then hopped on (without a ticket - there was no vending machine at the stop and I'm updating a flashy new phone) I flashed my (new) phone at him but he didn't even look at me.

They don't really care one way or the other, especially that late at night.

Their view is very Finnish: 'you're here - these are our trams, not yours or mine. You do your thing and I'll do mine, just don't be bothering me while I'm driving, thanks'.

So I took the ride home.

It seems like most bus drivers here absolutely despise their jobs, along with members of the public in general.

My Dad was very popular. He was very handsome and always well turned out in his full CIE suit. He mostly did northside routes but for one summer he was doing the old 79 route from Ballyer into town. Mam would pack his lunch and when I came home on lunch break from the De La Salle I'd take it to the stop and he'd take me into town and back a few times until I was bored. Then he'd write a little note for the teacher saying I was needed for urgent work for the national transport authority.

He was very cheeky like that.

But he was also a union man and was part of the team who spearheaded the big bus strike in 1976 (I think it was) when the army were drafted in to carry people instead. Hard times, CIE held out for over six weeks. Then folded eventually, somewhat. But the kitchens in the homes of bus staff were fairly bare for weeks and weeks.

With that said you do come across the occasional bus driver who isn't an arsehole.

It's not exactly the best job in the world either, eh? Bus staff are at the coal-face with knackers and skangers hassling them, trying to rob them, trying to cadge a ride, trying to start a fight, puncture a tyre, smash a few windows, get sick all over the seats, piss down the back seats upstairs, gobbing and spitting, smoking hash, grass, drinking, slappers getting fingered and gays getting battered.

It was safer when there were two staff members on board: driver drives, conductor does the tickets (or in Ballyer, the 'go-ahead') and they can sort any issues between the two of them. That said, they'd be stupid to get too heavy with any one fucker on those lines: the cunts on the estates just wait a few days, then hop the bus and smash your face in while driving. And they'll keep doing it until something changes - like removing the service because it's too fucking dangerous serving some people.

Then they come out complaining they can't get into town, or cross the city.

Scumbags, really.
What's a pseudoscientific swindle by the way is the article itself.

I always direct people to the top comment, the one that begins with -

There are so many things I see wrong with this piece that it is hard to even organize the rebuttals, but I’ll try. In no particular order:

And then goes on to give a very thorough debunking of the rubbish 😆

I realised as well that roc_abilly roc_abilly (the stupidest cunt of all time) fancies himself as a bit of a pound shop Talib (or whatever he's called) when he started babbling about s-shaped curves, "Trees don't grow to the sky" and so on when he was denying white genocide/replacement. What a fucking Walter Mitty (anti-white) idiot 🤣
Poor Jambo.

He can't even ban himself from the forum like he promised to.

For example there's a guy on another forum I have come across who continually claims high IQ, mensa membership, and so on. But the guy is a moron, he can't work out the most basic things, in particular he struggles with cause and effect, and like all who so struggle, therefore posits some type of conspiracy to explain everything, the simplest form of cause and effect, the easiest to grasp. Yes, that is a form of mental impairment. (source)

Jambo, it's just too easy to press your buttons (all you have to do is state the bleeding obvious, against cult dogma, and his spaghetti gets upended and goes everywhere. Only half an hour it took him to react to that).
For example there's a guy on another forum I have come across who continually claims high IQ

I've said that I have an immeasurable 200+ IQ (because the IQ test I took only went to 200). Something I've said was a joke (and a stolen one at that). It's good for weeding out people, such as yourself, who are extremely insecure about how stupid you are

mensa membership

Nope, never said that - another lie.

But the guy is a moron, he can't work out the most basic things, in particular he struggles with cause and effect

Another lie

And like all who so struggle, therefore posits some type of conspiracy to explain everything

Another lie

All you really do is lie, even Mowl Mowl will (very) occasionally say something that's true but you, never
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