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What's with the big dope's current name?

Jambo has one specialty and only one: making people detest the prize hammerhead.
The common denominator in all of these "yaps":

SOCRATES: Has one of the Sophists done you a personal injury, or why are you so hard on them?

ANYTUS: Heavens, no! I've never in my life had anything to do with a single one of them, nor would I hear of any of my family doing so.

SOCRATES: So, you've had no experience of them at all?

ANYTUS: And don't want any either.

SOCRATES: You surprise me. How can you know what is good or bad in something when you have no experience of it?

ANYTUS: Quite easily. At any rate I know their kind, whether I've had experience or not.
Alright lads. Any of yiz know where I can meet a few black lads for some fun?

There's a blocked off lane-way along Abbey Street where you can find what you're looking for.

Just tap on the gate and say 'Wolf's mouth is bigger than his willy' and you'll be sorted in no time.

My husband Wolf and his micropenis just isn't doing it for me anymore.

I'd suggest a divorce, but unfortunately poor Wolf wouldn't last a day without your wages to pay the bills. He's exactly like Declan in that respect: yaps about money but never his own. He's broke, that's how he's on Arsefield's from 1300 right through to the next morning at 0530. He's very angry about something, but I'm not sure exactly what it is. Then again, I doubt he does either. He's been shouting and screaming so long he probably can't remember why.

But he's in good company with Saul/CG&P - the father of Monaghan's most prolific house burglar (a forty-two year old son who still lives in his Mammy and Daddy's house. I blame the Daddy - Saul. Saul was another thief in his younger years and he passed all his experience along to his er, 'son' along with his herpes, low self esteem, unbridled anger with life and the world, and a hankering for corned beef with ploughman's pickle.

A few other heads over there include Jimmy 'Jambo' Dawson, a man I applied a handle to that he can't seem to shake off no matter how many times he changes his user name and site. Jambo spends his days thinking we're all waiting for his 'To Be Continued' lark to transpire into something substantial. It never is though, never will be either. There's a drunk aul fella as well: Myles, he calls himself. He can't read, has Asperger's as well as Tourette's, can't stop drinking, isn't very interesting, loves Declan like a wife, and drives a third-hand Corolla. Sad little cut, really.

But Wolf is their alpha male - they all bow to Wolf's rage, even if they're even less clued in to what it's all about than he is himself.

Rumour has it that Wolf's actually a little girl in pissy pink panties and a pink tutu.

It wouldn't surprise me - anybody who's that angry about everything must need fresh diapers every two hours.

Or maybe he's just old and incontinent, a piss-pants type old-timer living off-grid in a shed off the Tallaght bypass.

Anyway, Wolfie is by now a laughing stock: all that rage, and what does he do?

He screams at the gay bar site about it.

Highly effective, I'm sure.

I think it's an inferiority complex stemming from having a micropenis which drives his rage.

Well, it's somewhat better than him simply being angry at his country treating him like a dick, even if he is a total dick with herpes.

That and my love for black lads at his expense.

So does he have an actual income?

I'm not referring to the dole here either.

But I can't help myself, I'm just a whore for black cock.

Lots of fat Irish slags are, so you're not alone.

I'd say most of them suck black ass because they know it pisses the local lads off, who are all pasty-white with neck tattoos.

Fat Irish slags suck so hard they can take a tattoo out of your skin in seconds flat.

I say 'your' - but of course I mean black lads.

Fat Irish slags will definitely fry some eggs and rashers for a hungry black lad, but only after he's done his duty and banged her as hard as he can. Wolf gets to watch, record it on his mobile, then clean up the jizz on the walls and carpets. That's why they call him Wolf. Because he's really a pasty-white sheep-like little cunt with nothing going on bar the rent.

He should really stop making such a tit of himself but I doubt he will.

The black lads feel the same.
Just scanning Arsefields there, that's hilarious after Mowl slagging him for being too fat "young Dan" is now going on these extreme starvation diets, and trying to give up all his old habits of snacking on pizza and cheeseburgers all day in his fatman taxi. He'll be a new man once Mowl's finished with him. It's like one of those makeover shows on TV, creatively repackaged for the Isle.
Dan and Feeney see Mowl as the biggest threat to their egos and so-called reputations (self-importance much?). It's easy to pull the wool over the eyes of your average thick Arsefielder, but not the average Isle regular.

Feeney is still doing his whole 'pftt, there's only 1.5 people posting over on desert Isle, just give up already'. But nah, this website's hosting and server fees are paid for up until June 2027. And when the four-year bill comes in 2027, bringing us up to 2031...it'll be a mere €95 or thereabouts - which over four years works out at the price of a cheap coffee every month. I guess it's why the atmosphere has become so laid back here...unlike the old days when I constantly had to justify to myself paying €15 on a monthly basis. The new hosting regime is dirt cheap, and there's no reason not to continue on into 2031....2035...2039...2043 etc. Sorry, Feeney - but we're going to be here for a very long time, whether you like it or not.

With that said it has gotten a little sleepy around here as of late, and I haven't really made any effort with recruiting/ fishing since last year. It'd be nice to have some of the old crew back including Colm, Thus, Jenny, TCA, TheLastHurrah, Olli, Maurice, Starryplough, Godsdog etc. Dan can keep the other idiots.
Just scanning Arsefields there, that's hilarious after Mowl slagging him for being too fat "young Dan" is now going on these extreme starvation diets, and trying to give up all his old habits of snacking on pizza and cheeseburgers all day in his fatman taxi.

The fat twat insists he never reads the Isle: yet he knows all about me laughing at his short-arsed figure and fat mouthed lies. Just look at the face in my current avatar? You could play darts using whole pots of stew and coddle thrown into that fat gob, which is a scientific marvel in that nobody knows how deep it actually is. So a lot like his wife's fanny there.

Growing up in Ballyer there was this one nasty man who lived up the road, a right fucking cunt in his viduity always complaining about us playing ball and having fun. He wore a shirt and tie every day except (like Val and Declan) he wore a jumper over the ensemble which prompted me to ask him what the fuck the deal was there. He got really angry with me (as fucking usual) and said that walking to the shops for the papers 'wasn't a fucking fashion show' and that I should mind my own business. So one evening I spotted him hanging out the washing on the line down the back of the garden. There was the jumper, water dripping off it and making it sag, so I hopped the wall and grabbed it and disappeared before he spotted me.

I climbed a lamp post just down the street from our house and tied the soaking wet jumper around it by the arms, too far up to reach but close enough to see the knitted patterns of grey against the blue polyester. It was still there the next morning and by mid afternoon he spotted his precious jumper and took a ladder to retrieve it. The problem he next faced was hilarious: when he untied it from the concrete pole, I'd cut the back of it from top to bottom so now it was a sort of backwards cardigan with no buttons.

I couldn't stop laughing for days afterwards and then one afternoon he's walking past while we were playing ball and he's wearing the fucking jumper.

I stared at him passing me by and he eyeballed me too, then he passed me and lo! - he'd sewn the back of it back together again (rather badly) and now the backwards button-less cardigan was a jumper again. So I waited until he next washed the jumper (months had passed) and one morning I spotted it hanging on the line. I slipped over the wall and grabbed it and took it into the garden shed and this time cut the sleeves off completely and took it back to the lamp-post and up I climbed to tie the shredded (now a) tank-top with the severed sleeves hanging down in the wind like a sad wet flag.

Same deal: he spots the tank-top and two loose sleeves and gets his ladder to take them down. Brings them home and by now even the old dears along the street were in hysterics of laughter at the antics of him. He comes out one day wearing a polyester tank-top: the holes at the shoulders all messy with wool strings and gaps under his armpits. He was weeding his garden in the sunshine and we're playing ball and goofing around. The ball ends up in his garden so he takes it and looks at us with a satisfied and smug grin, his blue and grey tank-top now relegated to 'gardening wear'.

The lads were pissed off, we had no ball to play with so we huddled up and formed a plan: each man had a part to play: we were to watch his washing line and whenever he hung his clothes out to dry, we'd steal one of each of the pairs of socks and tie them to the pole. I hung the two sleeves of his jumper (which I used in the shed for cleaning my hands after fixing my bicycle up). They were manky with oil and chain dirt. But they looked absolutely hilarious and by now everyone knew we were tormenting the old toad but it was so funny they couldn't stop laughing either.

The old trout ended up with a few dozen socks that had no match to them, a frazzled polyester tank-top, two oil-stained sleeves, and a stolen white vest I ran the laces of an old running shoe through and tossed up at the electrical lines which caught onto the wire and hung there for months afterwards. Like a flag to hopelessness and misery. We never got our ball back, but we had loads of socks we'd use for all sorts of stuff: playing conkers, except instead of chestnuts on strings we had socks with small bricks in the toes of them.

The rest of his socks were hung in places we knew he's see them and spot that they were his, but without a ladder all he could do was look and get pissed off.

He died alone, much as I expect Val and Declan will, his viduity pained by episodes of singular socks and mismatched clothing items.

He occasionally yelled shit at us but we always replied with the same line: 'could be worse, Mr Howard - we could be on drugs and robbing cars and terrorizing the neighbours burgling their houses..'

Miserable old bastard.

He'll be a new man once Mowl's finished with him. It's like one of those makeover shows on TV, creatively repackaged for the Isle.

Actually, he'll be five or six new men by the time I'm done with his fat arse. He eats enough to feed a small army most days, so this public starvation diet is likely another bag of lies from the fat spoofer, but his minions seem to adore him nonetheless. Imagine being in awe of a fat Paddy van driver from some hick town outside Sligo or deep in the Burren now settled in some hick Boston suburb?

They have no lives at all, these twats. They spend it massaging Declan's rolls of fat and masturbating to the sound of his culchie voice telling them about silver coin dreams of success and riches. If I had access, I'd cut one sleeve off every jumper in the fat cunt's wardrobe. Then cut the toes out of all of his socks. He probably wouldn't even notice given the fact that he's so fat he can't see his own feet with a full-length mirror.

Old Mr Howard and Declan have a lot in common.

And they both hate the Mowl.
They'd be well advised to cease attacks on this site

Or what?

Did you know they used to deport individuals such as yourself and your son to Australia? 🦘
free and clean

Feeney's latest sock account on Arsefield's.

Hi, Sham: hey, whatever you do, don't publish the attached comments to this photo of the Mowl from The Senators Of Helsinki page from the ladies pointing out that the Mowl is a fucking ride. And definitely don't publish the one from Ms Leadbetter about the Mowl being voted the cutest boy in Dublin by the girls in the Mary Queen Of Angels schools across the city. Two years running.

Idiots like you always think the same: you think that what a lady really wants is a man straight out of the shower, all moisturized and shaved clean, in a fresh white shirt and slacks, shiny shoes and socks pulled up to the knees sporting the trimmed haircut of the day. Cheap aftershave and way too much of it, a set of car keys for the Corolla in hand, jingling and jangling, and patches of damp under your armpits. That's what you think gets you laid, right?


As a well-experienced man of the world, let me set you straight: a real lady wants a man who doesn't give a fuck what she thinks about what I'm wearing, how well-pressed my black shirt is, or how shiny my shoes are, you dumb fuck. She wants a man who can handle her, make her laugh, push her out of her comfort zone, and who'll do to her what she's always dreamed of having done to her but never said aloud - not even in a whisper to herself. A man who - from the moment she sees me, knows she's done for. So I, knowing as I do, play the role perfectly for her, even if I am in a clean black shirt and black trousers. She can see by the way I walk that I'm walking to her, and nobody else exists for the moment apart from me. And she knows that when she gives herself to me, that I'll take her the way she knows she wants me to.

But wearing pressed shirts is for me only in the formal way required for my commercial/public work. And whether that work is in a pub (have a look and see if you can find even ONE photo of me ever playing in a pub) or a stately home or even Finlandia (the utmost stage in all of Finland, and one I know well) , I get paid handsomely for doing what I like the most. Playing music. Some of you dig holes, others drive vans and others again shovel shit. Me? I get paid to play. Think about that.

Then think about my being voted the best-looking, cutest guy in the whole of the Dublin area of girl's schools.

Then think about yourself, your life, your purpose (if you have one) and your impending death.


I'll still be being cute, getting paid, getting laid, charming a whole country into loving and cherishing me, and you? You'll still be busking out on shop street in the rain and paying massive rent to a scumbag landlord for the shared room you live in with some cunt from Bangladesh or Mongolia, over to do a bit of cooking for the Galway crowd on a Saturday night after the feed of pints down the local.

Didn't you ever read a book when you were younger?

Or at any age at all?

You and your gang seem to think Val Martin's a wizard and Declan Kelly's a handsome bastard.

Between the two of them they share around one hundred and thirty years of life on this planet. Both in their mid to late sixties and both trying to outdo the Mowl while lying about their age, which is a fruitless task when you look like they do: old, wizened, likely smelling lightly of pee, in jumpers and cardigans, mucky wellington boots, lying about their lives and their worth. Offside that, you write poems about the Mowl, you sing to me every weekend when I'm out and about here in the Nordic candy shop I live in, surrounded by beautiful women all looking to get next to me. Last weekend, you put in around twelve to fourteen hours on a Friday and another sixteen to eighteen hours over Saturday pretending to be me. Think about that? Think about how many of your fellow Arsefielder's were by your side while you were stuck at home writing to me, about me, instead of me, and deeply in lust with me. On the weekend. Non-stop?

Like the ex-wife said: men turn into homosexuals after speaking to me for just ten minutes. So as a cross-dressing, Wonderwall singing, busking knacker culchie in the rain and cold, you know what that's worth.

It's almost lunchtime in cold and rainy Ireland: and I've a date tonight so I'll be looking in in the morning to check that you've been doing your chores: licking hoop and trying to out-Mowl the Mowl. It's minus thirteen and brilliant sunshine today with even more severe temperatures dropping tomorrow. Ever looked out over a frozen solid Nordic bay of pure white snow-covered ice beneath a brilliant blue sky at midday? No? Well the upside is that when it's this cold, I wear suitable clothing that makes the ladies swoon. The big fake fur coat and hood, the huge furry boots, my handmade fur hat that's as big as your dead Ma's arse. They go nuts for me, wanting to say hello, and hug me, buy me drinks, ask me about Ireland (I ALWAYS tell them the truth there) and why such a handsome man doesn't have a lady (or three) by his side. It's because I was looking for you, dear - and now I've found you.

That's just how I roll, but.


The only rolls you know are the ones hanging off Declan's gut and the sausage and rasher filled ones from Subway.

He'll go get his feather duster and and do your mantle-piece while you're asleep.

He'll be wearing his slutty nurse outfit too, so make sure you don't wake up.

Did you know they used to deport individuals such as yourself and your son to Australia? 🦘

Not even Australia would take that thieving bastard arse licking gobshite.

Saul's such a sad bastard: what a miserable life, eh. The rain, the endless cold, the humping bags of coal from the coal depot from behind the local butcher's shop back to the little house. Huddling around and sharing a cigarette because a twenty pack now costs more than brain surgery. Thinking he's all that because Clark/Connolly LIKES his posts.

Here, Saul: it's Friday afternoon, guess what you'll be doing tonight?

Yeps, you got it, so don't forget to your roll of toilet paper and tub of vaseline - the Missus will be getting hers out back of the pub from some hefty Russian sailor berthed in for the night. If your skin rag collection's boring you, just ask Sham Frog to do a striptease for you. You know you want to, gay-boy.

You're such a sad little man, aren't you?

I bet even your burglar son hates your fucking guts.

Has he not been dragged up before the courts yet?

Irish coppers, eh.

Fucking useless.

Like you.
I see Dan has given Feeney and Wolf a spank on the arse...loads of posts deleted over there.
Spanking now is it?

And it's not even two on the afternoon yet.

Wait til Dutch Gold time: there'll be nineteen Mowl's all competing for attention.
I see Dan has given Feeney and Wolf a spank on the arse...loads of posts deleted over there.

Yeah, he deleted all the pictures from The Senators Of Helsinki page.

It's very hard for him to call me names when even he himself finds himself staring at my picture wondering how he turned out so fat and ugly while I'm the ride of the year every year since clocks were invented.

I'd personally like to thank Declan for keeping my husband distracted while I'm out riding Nigerian fellas.

The best way to distract Declan is to wave a cheeseburger under his nose and then slowly back off.

He'll follow you like a lost puppy with tears of pleading in his eyes and his tail between his legs.

PS: if you happen to ride that one Nigerian prince who's been emailing me to take care of his millions of dollars in used notes, tell him you know a better mark.

A fat one from Ballinspittle.

Loves the money.

Loves it.

Like you love the cock, in fact.

Lol, Mandy is threatening to write a letter to my mother. As if I could give a flying fuck - I'm a 38 year old who can stand on his own two feet, and unlike you I cut Mammy's Apron Strings twenty years ago when I became an adult man. And unlike you - I'm not a Mammy's Boy.

This really is playschool-level stuff... "You hurt my feelings so I'm telling your Mammy". Come out and face me like a man, I'll gladly box the head off of you.

Poor auld Shambollocks: his Friday night in is ruined. Declan won't let him post my pictures or tell any tall tales about me.

It must be like having your balls hacked off: you want to say it, you can barely keep it in, but your own Da keeps slapping you down and refusing to allow to address me even from one site to another. Of course, the alternative would be for you to join us over here - but you won't do that either because you know perfectly well that I'd slap you around like the cheap bitch you are.

So try not to choke on it, eh.

Keep it all buried deep down in your soul, only ever manifesting itself as cancer of the cunt.

And you are a cancerous cunt: Helen doesn't give a flying fuck who you are or what you're banging on about any more than your Da Declan (pretends) not to.

Lol, Mandy is threatening to write a letter to my mother.

I wouldn't be surprised if Mandy has a thing for older women.

I bet his fetish is dressing up as a huge baby in a nappy and nothing else.

As if I could give a flying fuck - I'm a 38 year old who can stand on his own two feet, and unlike you I cut Mammy's Apron Strings twenty years ago when I became an adult man.

That's the culture where I grew up too: at age eighteen, you're on your own: find a home, sort your lifestyle, get paid, pay the bills, have fun.

And unlike you - I'm not a Mammy's Boy.

He's always been a Mammy's boy.

You've seen the pictures of his Ma I have, right?

Holy fucking jaze, but I've never seen a woman as ugly.

If it was a question of Having to ride her, then I'd rather ram her pussy through with a barge-pole.

Ugly muntering fuck.

This really is playschool-level stuff... "You hurt my feelings so I'm telling your Mammy". Come out and face me like a man, I'll gladly box the head off of you.

Bang on point, David.

He thinks he's hard after having only a glass of shandy, the lightweight little pup.

Gimps like him are ten a penny over in Galway - or as we called it: 'the graveyard of ambition'.

Loser fucking hippies.
I don't think my mother could care less either. Or more to the point, she wouldn't have a bull's notion as to why she's being involved in any of it. She'd probably think to herself that Mandy needs to man up and grow a pair.

What kind of sap writes letters or emails to people's mothers? I mean I've texted Mandy's mother on and off during my visits to Galway...but it had nothing to do with Mandy or his behaviour. p.s. You should still have enough money left for a bag of chips and can of coke having started with only €10.
As hard as it is to believe - there are photos of people born in the 18th century. Some of the individuals pictured below would now be over 270 years old.

As hard as it is to believe - there are photos of people born in the 18th century. Some of the individuals pictured below would now be over 270 years old.

So any pics of Val?

He must have been born in the late Jurassic given his general condition.

Jaysus lads, me arse after last night. I won't be able to walk properly for the next few weeks haha.

Declan feels the same way after sitting in the van in some Walmart car park reading the funnies for several hours.

But it was worth it.

Glad you had some fun: sadly your son Wolf is a sad bastard.

He smells of wee-wee.

This is with anything wonderful in life my Nigerian fetish is a matter of no pain, no gain. I'll be back riding black lads in no time.

Jaze, sounds like you do like it up you.

Send some videos of your next performance, it'll be a gas watching Wolf's Ma getting dicked by gang of crack-hitting bruisers from South Central.

Poor Wolf is over on Arsefield's playing pissy-knicker games with Jambo.

But Declan knows exactly how to fix that instantly, but he can't bring himself to do it lest I go full-throttle on his fat and rubbery chassis. All he has to do is allow the Mowl's name to be brought up: Wolfie and Jambo would be best buds in seconds flat. Joining together as one to try to topple me from my pedestal. The mad part of that is that it was they themselves who built me this ivory tower.

So most mornings my first dump of the day is right onto the heads of the pair of them, down in my moat, searching for anything to eat.

Irish bloggers are fucking nuts, idiots.

Every weekend the same shit: them all stuck at home like there was a lockdown happening.

And that's the funniest part of al the outrage about the 'scamdemic, jibby-jabby (I want to clatter the fucker who coined that, even Saul/CG&P is at it recently, the thick cunt) and lockdown is that the lockdown had no actual direct effect on any of them. Because I can assure you that none of them leave the house anyway. They order in, sit by their laptops waiting for an abusive response to be outraged at, buy their beer off the net by the slab. Piles of takeaway pizza boxes and plastic tubs from the local Chink.

Then screaming about their 'hooman roights' being removed.

Fresh air would probably kill them at first breath.

Who did you rob that poem off of? You're obviously too thick to have written it yourself.
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