'Could this ME Mowl in a few years?'
'Could this ME?'
You fucked that one up, Tonto - didn't you?
Feel that big sluggish worm turning over in your tummy?
That's your inner Tonto telling you you just made a fool of yourself.
Like a little boy with an adult skin rag - you shot your muck before getting to the final panel.
You're now wondering why you didn't check your spelling before posting that incisive jab that completely failed to hit the target.
You'll still be thinking about it in a few ours time, when you're cracking open another tin of cheap beer and wondering if Roundy is gonna let you and the lads go as mental on the Mowl as you did last weekend, when the party started at 1700 on the gay bar site and went on until 0700 Saturday morning. I was out for dinner the night before, but the belly laughs at the sheer earnestness of you lot trying to rile the Mowl up? Fucking hilarious: you truly really actually DON'T have any lives at all, do ye?
You dumb cunts were actually congratulating each other on a job well done while I was laying down with yet another of Finland's most beautiful ladies.
Then y'all started in again on the Saturday afternoon.
I went to the studio and had an excellent evening tracking a few new ideas and then off out for a few pints and a late supper. I got home in the wee hours and went to bed (herself borrowed my keys) and when I woke and had my coffee, she heard me laughing and came out from the bedroom to see what was so funny. She looked at the screen and asked what it was she was looking at.
'My fan club' says I.
So why do these people hate you?
'Because I keep making fools of them'.
'I'm a writer, I love a bit of satire well aimed at the right people'.
And they get angry?
But why?
'Because like I said, I'm from the ghettos of Dublin. But I restarted my life up here taking my wit and originality as the only two Irish things of my own that were worth keeping. So now I sit here in my castle taking well-aimed potshots at the sad excuse for an Irish far right wing of unbelievably stupid young and old men who hate their country, the world at large, everyone in it, their lives, and themselves. They make me laugh.'
Oh, so why do they call you 'The Mowl' - what's a Mowl?
'Oh, it's too long a story but suffice it to say that what it meant on the streets I grew up on and what it means now are two completely different things. And it's okay to not know what it means - even if you're Irish. So forget it'.
Should I call you the Mowl too?
'Jaze, no'.
Is Mowl in the dictionary?
'Well, yes - it is now. But it wasn't when I was a kid'.
What do the dictionaries say it means?
'Well, there's:
Definition of MOWL | New Word Suggestion
https://www.collinsdictionary.com › submission › Mowl: 'A raconteur or someone who can tell stories in an interesting or amusing way'.
What is the meaning of Mowl in English?
'Relaxed working (maybe with a beer, some good music...) I'm mowling. ( I'm busy working relaxed) Let's mowl! ( Let's work relaxed)...'
Oh, that's interesting.
'Yes, yes it is a bit. Another meaning might also be the definition of a roll of expensive fur sewn into a tube-like shape which is worn by a lady during cold weather. She puts her hands in through both sides of the roll and the fur keeps her delicate hands warm as she crosses them against her chest. A furry Mowl'.
You Irish people are odd.
'Yes, yes we are I guess. But enough chit-chat: get your kit off....'