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Poor Jambo: thought he'd try to irk me by posting videos of Ismo Leikola's comedy shows: now he's hooked and can't help but laugh along at how we look at the world around us from up here in happy Finland. Ismo won 'The Funniest Person in the World' competition organized by the comedy club Laugh Factory. Ismo made his United States debut in 2014, when he won the competition on his first attempt.

Ismo was the opening act at a show featuring The Senators Of Helsinki, he's a mate of the guy whose birthday we were celebrating. The guys said I should stick around and check out his show and I did: only the difference between his act for English speaking people and the one he does for native speakers is enormous. But it translates well enough into English and I'm glad to see his career go stellar in the States. In Finnish, he's far funnier again.

But anyway - good to see Jambo broaden his horizons by at least choosing a Finnish male instead of English ones, which is his usual fancy.

Jambo's not too keen on Irish men, but second generation British/Irish men certainly seem to help him maintain his erection.

This one's a gas - it's about sleeping around - but not in the way you might think.

THE Mowl Cleary having a pop at Australia now!

Australia? A massive fucking desert with a few cities and towns scattered here and there peopled by some extraordinarily racist white-skinned bastards from all over the planet.

It IS a massive fucking desert though - no two ways about that.

And it's too fucking hot - far to fucking hot.

Nothing grows, the ground is barren, dried up, not even some salt flats - nothing.

Is there anything more viscerally disgusting than a white anti-white?

I'm not anti-white, obviously: the following quote of yours make that absolutely clear, you stupid fucking cunt. Here:

And doesn't he realise that The Frozen Wasteland is a white country?

Ah, yes: the frozen wasteland - Jambo's current and go-to insult about Finland - the one he thinks bothers me.

Sadly for Jambo we are currently: the world's happiest country for the sixth year running, the world's most desirable pace to raise children for nine years running, to be old and in need of the world's best healthcare which happens now - not later, or to be young and choose to return to studies after working a while and choosing to upgrade your skills -so you go back to your studies - for free. The world's best infrastructure, best motorways built anywhere, and all of them lined on both sides with moose fences. The world's most beautiful girls. And the sexiest by far. High wages for qualified professionals in any field - especially mine. With included tax breaks for offering private tuition services within the arts.

I know it's pissing you off something rotten reading me not giving a fuck about your sad existence back on the green rock, but hey: you get what you deserve, right? And that's why Mowl's laughing while you have to create illusions to live in to stop yourself from just curling up in ball and climbing into your wardrobe and dying of sheer misery. I know you went to Bondi Beach for a week's holiday once. The problem there was you leaving Dublin by plane on Friday afternoon but not arriving in Australia until the following Tuesday. Then you had to bus back to the airport that took another twelve hours to get you to your cheap hotel. Another two and a half days in an airplane. Sounds fucking great alright.

The stupid prick.

Stupid is as stupid does, Jambo.

Take a look in your crack'd mirror, you stupid cunt.

You live in Ireland.


Some of Dublin's best current attractions:

Have a nice oncoming winter of discontent, Jambo: we up here in the world's happiest country think you're some craic alright.

You stupid cunt.

I say stupid cunt, not stupid prick: but for obvious reasons.
Australia is the closest thing to hell on earth....the heat / the scorched earth / the snakes / spiders the size of cats. That, and Aussies are even dumber than Yanks. I'd rather live in North Korea than New South Wales.

And White Australians stole the land from Australia's original Aboriginal inhabitants. Pick up a book FFS.
I thought it was his Da!

Well, Declan's conception began with his Ma sucking his Da off, then she spat the Da's seed into the Da's gob - who in turn spat it upside the Ma's gash.

Massive gash too.

Declan could even park his van up there - with room to spare.

Or at least a good contender for originator of most tenacious spermatozoan that fateful day.

I'd imagine the sperm that created Declan Kelly did so because it thought there must be a few cheeseburgers going spare upside that gash.

Ran like the clappers.

Or is that swam?
Hi, girls! How's the craic down there under musty old Declan's wrinkled straw-balls? You guys are the easiest shower of half-wits to trigger EVER! I guess that's how it's always been but lately something in the chemistry between the whole five or six of you over there has caused even the usually rather timid Saul Bucket to start foaming at the mouth seeking The Mowl's blood.

I love your posts about me. You all start out with the same tired old line:

'Now, I don't recall ever talking to the Mowl and I avoid his posts like the plague, but hear me out: he's a narcissistic and unbearable bastard who does blah, blah, blah so I think that he's blah, blah, blah'. Even Declan cracks under the strain of being called roundy and having his site users exposed to the sad reality of his being at his wife's beck and call due to living in a house SHE inherited and he didn't pay squat for. Worse than that again is that for the last few years of his wife's mother's existence, the wife worked out of home while Declan 'took care' of his mother-in-law.

Changing her diapers, bed-bathing her, cooking for her, cleaning the sheets when she pissed them, brushing her teeth for her, and of course the regular house-wife's chores like doing the laundry for the whole family. Vacuuming the floors. Polishing the windows and ironing the lace curtains that only cover the bottom half of the window - a style/fad pretty much exclusive to the Boston Irish who think it's cute. He loads the dishwasher and unloads it again later. Cooks the dinner and gets the lunch sorted for the kid's lunch next day.

Then herself gets home and he has a bit of time for himself. She has dinner in front of the telly and he's on Arsefield's asking you saps what the Mowl's been up to lately. He wants you to think he has anything better to do. He doesn't. His whole life is a lie. His degree in 'engineering'? He was a barman in a dive bar, you saps. He wants you to believe he used to own the place - but says he made his money and got out to become a van driver.

Are you lot completely fucking stupid?

Who studies engineering for four years, packs up and heads west, gets a job as a barman and meets a some fake ninth generation Irish woman next in line to a dodgy wooden property in Dedham, marries and settles down, never has to pay rent, lives by his wife's generosity, and spends cash money hosting a shower of fucking idiots like you lot? Are you fucking KIDDING me? Pahahahaaaaaaa! You sad bastards - you bought his whole schpiel hook, line, and sinker! You're fucking hilarious, lads. A right comedy show. The site you use consists of two things:

(1) Declan lying about everything - one spoof after another.
(2) Wolf's fascination with pedophiles - he sees pedophiles everywhere, except where they actually are.

Apart from that? Fuck all, just the sad sight of you all LIKING posts from utter morons like Clark~~Connolly or Coal/Piss/Juice. It doesn't get any lower on the scale of denominators than that. Wolf has around 65,000 posts - all of them about pedophiles and pedophilia. Conclusion? He was raped as a child. Is still angry because the issue remains secret and unresolved. Has to accuse everyone else of being a pedophile because he enjoyed getting buggered. It wreaks havoc on his conscience. Went to the States last week for the shopping. Calls others who left to live abroad traitors while he spends his money in New York on cheaper shoes and coats, bigger cheeseburgers and longer cars. Classic tiny penis syndrome.

But sure yiz are only gas.

Especially Roundy: he asked you the other day what I was up to recently and without anyone answering him, he wrote a few paragraphs about my latest shennanigans whilst trying to convince you that the first thing he doesn't do when going online is to check how much bigger the new arse I ripped him has gotten overnight. Only a complete idiot would believe a spoofer of Declan's scale.

'I never read Mowl - ever. I hate him though. But I never read about his life to try to find things to throw at him. I just make guesses..'

The most important thing in Declan's life is being talked about by YOU.

And me - especially me.

Why else would any man hand over $1,150+ per year for four years to have someone - anyone - to talk to?

That's the single saddest thing I ever heard.

And you fucking twats kiss his arse for him?


Ah, here: that's just way too funny: so my lady and I are going to settle into a nice hot sauna which will be followed by Bellini's followed by a nice pasta sauce I made last night and has been gathering flavour ever since. I'll leave you dumb fuckers to your pedophile postage and other racist bile from Saul. Oh, and you can tell Myles not to bother dropping by: I gave up on that waster long ago.

He makes Saul appear reasonably intelligent.

Isn't it nice to see the kids over on Arsefield's all gathered to sit at Declan's feet while he tells them his fantastical spoofs about his life less traveled? These poor children are starved of any life experience at all (mainly due to hanging around these sad old chat boards all day and night - then pointing at other less busy sites like this one as though their one is better because the shit never stops being flung at it) so even roundy Kelly's spoofs are considered hot enough material for them all to stick around, hoping he says that he'll put them on his 'my own coin' list when he finally gets the hammer out after talking about it for seven years.

Seven years: and you twats are still waiting for a little cunt from Ballinspittle to gift you a coin with his mug on it?


Very gay, lads.

Between Wolf's obsession with kiddie sex, Saul's desperation to find a 'friend' and Myles having the concentration capacity of a wounded gnat, you guys are responsible for some of the funniest, laugh at out loudest, most pathetic and banal site ever conceived.

But it's nice to see that Declan's finally found some friends of his own - even if it costs $1,150 a year of his wife's savings.

Has he put on his blonde wig and red lipstick yet?


This one?

This is your current boss-man, leader, pied piper:

He even managed to make an enemy of this other tranny:

Not even Valamhic wants anything to do with Arsefield's!

How's that working for you lot?


Might be an idea to make up your mind, roundy.

I'm either without internet access OR I make a post on command, but not both.

You stupid roundy little plonker: at least Val was funny when he said it - you picking up on it all these months later is rather pointless.

Like your entire existence really.


Poor auld Declan had better run to the library himself, his site's down.

All that lovely money he could have instead spent on cheeseburgers? All wasted now? Imagine paying to host the filthy scumbags mutants he has trailing around behind him? Jambo has nobody to chase around his rabbit holes. Saul won't know what to do until someone tells him via any other means. Wolf hasn't a pedophile to pea-shoot at and Clark/Connolly has nothing to LIKE.

I order Declan to lose some weight, get a proper job and stop driving around in the van all day looking at street signs and telegraph poles.

Then join the American library system and do a bit of reading about the Irish factions in Boston - home of the typical starry-eyed plastic Irish scumbag.

$1,150 is a big investment for a small and roundy cunt like Declan, if his wife clocks he wasted that cash he'll be in the van for longer than he thought.
Here's another contender. The "roundy cunt" gene is strong in this one.


Poor old Jambo. He's not very bright is he (for all his chess training and IQ mock tests to try and prepare for the Mensa entrance examinations so he can equal his rival godsdog.)

If he's not hallucinating "roc" in every poster who writes something independently, from their own thought, not from some viral tweet that Morgoth, Collett or Woods reposted, he's making posts like this one:

Jamboi said:
Arsefielder1 said:
Can you define, in your own words, what a nationalist is?
Someone who is pro their own ethnicity/race/nation
Someone who's pro their own race is a racist, you utter fuckwit.

Whereas what binds a nation are things like shared language, shared history, shared culture, shared territory or society, etc.

That white/anti-white fool ain't no nationalist, bruv.
Here's another contender. The "roundy cunt" gene is strong in this one.


Worse things have happened on church altars down the years, including child rape in one case I read about. As a matter of fact, this cunt can go fuck himself. When I was eighteen I was asked to join a Catholic orchestra from UCD spearheaded by one conductor/arranger I knew. We played in churches, cathedrals, and town halls across the country, and on the first occasion with the orchestra I was playing drums (with jazz brushes) in The Pro-Cathedral. Just parallel to O'Connell Street.

I remember setting up the kit and then hitting the kick drum to measure how long the reverb was, then try to contain it any way I could.

It was fucking awesome - in the truest sense of the word. It lasted more then ten seconds. I was nervous about this one piece which was played in 9/8 and it required perfect timing and accent in order to keep the choir in harmony. There were around sixty members of the choir split into groups according to their vocal ranges and another twenty or so musicians playing instruments: strings, reeds, no brass. The music was written by that guy who briefly joined the Stones in the 60/70s but quit due to the excesses of the members and he eventually found God and wrote the double album of religious songs as an homage to his beliefs.

I didn't find God myself, but I did find all these churches and cathedrals we were playing in to be rather challenging.

One night we did the town hall in Galway on the Saturday evening and the next morning we did midday mass in the cathedral nearby. After the town hall gig, I went for a few pints in town and a look around mostly because we were staying in the local Franciscan monastery, all the ladies in one set of rooms and the blokes in another. I came home around two in the morning, plastered. I found a free sleeping spot and climbed into the sleeping bag and fell asleep. When I awoke I was in the ladies designated room, hung over and pissed off: we had to play mass at midday and it was only five or six in the morning. Fuck that. I went to find the blokes room and made a bed there and slept some more. I was soon awoken by a baldy monk in a brown habit with a rope around his waist, offering me breakfast. I had some coffee and went walking around the monastery.

We played the mass and it went down a storm.

One aspect of the written parts included breaking glass on a rock to get a crashing sound. I used a biscuit tin with a rounded rock inside it and dropped tiny pieces of thin glass onto the rock. Fed the mic into a reverb unit and it sounded great, but the room sound was even better. The choir would start to move in sync with each other, pretty much dancing and singing. A smiling bishop/cardinal and lots of priests showing their yellowed teeth. To them this was rock and roll. To me it was a penance I regretted agreeing to but I saw the year out with them and hung up my habit after the final performance. I thought it was a worthy life experience to have participated in.

No flashing lights, just candles. No pyros, just candles. No big PA system, just candles and the church speakers.

And The Mowl sitting smack dab in the middle playing drums?

Mister Dry-Shite above can shove his narky cunt antics up his hole, the miserable git.

Was he Catholic or Protestant?

I'm presuming the latter - the real Prods were always uptight like that.
I grant though Jamboi is a "nationalist" in the sense Orwell described the phenomenon:

... By ‘nationalism’ I mean... the habit of identifying oneself with a single nation or other unit, placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests...

... Nationalism, is inseparable from the desire for power. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, not for himself but for the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

... Nationalism, in the extended sense in which I am using the word, includes such movements and tendencies as Communism, political Catholicism, Zionism, Antisemitism, Trotskyism and Pacifism. It does not necessarily mean loyalty to a government or a country, still less to one’s own country, and it is not even strictly necessary that the units in which it deals should actually exist. To name a few obvious examples, Jewry, Islam, Christendom, the Proletariat and the White Race are all of them objects of passionate nationalistic feeling: but their existence can be seriously questioned, and there is no definition of any one of them that would be universally accepted...

... Every nationalist is capable of the most flagrant dishonesty, but he is also – since he is conscious of serving something bigger than himself – unshakeably certain of being in the right...

... It would be an oversimplification to say that all forms of nationalism are the same, even in their mental atmosphere, but there are certain rules that hold good in all cases. The following are the principal characteristics of nationalist thought: Obsession. As nearly as possible, no nationalist ever thinks, talks, or writes about anything except the superiority of his own power unit..."
Poor auld Declan had better run to the library himself, his site's down.

All that lovely money he could have instead spent on cheeseburgers? All wasted now? Imagine paying to host the filthy scumbags mutants he has trailing around behind him? Jambo has nobody to chase around his rabbit holes. Saul won't know what to do until someone tells him via any other means. Wolf hasn't a pedophile to pea-shoot at and Clark/Connolly has nothing to LIKE.

I order Declan to lose some weight, get a proper job and stop driving around in the van all day looking at street signs and telegraph poles.

Then join the American library system and do a bit of reading about the Irish factions in Boston - home of the typical starry-eyed plastic Irish scumbag.

$1,150 is a big investment for a small and roundy cunt like Declan, if his wife clocks he wasted that cash he'll be in the van for longer than he thought.

Americans like driving around a lot I think because they are searching for the life they thought they were going to have. Drive to the mailbox and back to the carport in the morning. Drive to the mall to buy some shit they don't need and probably some fast-food. Then drive home for a sit-down after all the exhausting driving around. Drive to the cinema complex. Buy some shit to eat while sitting in a luxury seat watching a really big TV.

Driving toward the American Dream. Road trips. Wherever they drive they can't quite find it. It is also why they like TV and cinema. Searching for clues as to where they might find the Dream. Drive home. It has been a long day. In the pursuit of happiness.
Americans like driving around a lot I think because they are searching for the life they thought they were going to have. Drive to the mailbox and back to the carport in the morning. Drive to the mall to buy some shit they don't need and probably some fast-food. Then drive home for a sit-down after all the exhausting driving around. Drive to the cinema complex. Buy some shit to eat while sitting in a luxury seat watching a really big TV.

Driving toward the American Dream. Road trips. Wherever they drive they can't quite find it. It is also why they like TV and cinema. Searching for clues as to where they might find the Dream. Drive home. It has been a long day. In the pursuit of happiness.

...in the van.
...in the van.
Did you know that getting in the van and out of the van is the reason their vans have got so big over there?

For there is nothing a fat person hates more than squatting.

Even a tiny squat they will avoid like the plague. This is the reason why they don't buy normal cars, the kind that fit people drive.

Imagine Dan with burger sauce running down his cardigan / clip tie combo, and his shiny pants covered in Dorito nacho cheese dust, trying to squat, holding his weight by his knees, to try and get himself in and out of a normal car?

But with a car like the ubiquitous American Suburban van, you just plonk your big stupid fat ass upwards onto your gas guzzling couch on wheels, a car that doesn’t do one thing well that fit people's cars do.

Aside from enabling you to climb in and out without having to squat.
Even worse - the smell of stale farts in Val's tractor cabin. It'd be enough to knock out a ten tonne African Elephant.
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