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As a city, Cork's a dump. But the further out you go into the county, the more beautiful it gets. West Cork in particular. Did loads of gigs there over the years I still lived in Ireland. Loads of different bands. One night we were doing the midnight show on the main stage in the Half Moon club (I think it's called?) and there was another smaller stage in the bar where the early show took place. The band were doing covers and the bass player had a fuck-off groove, really hammering it down. Called themselves 'The Sons Of Green Genes'. Great bass player, I thought.

Never saw him or the band again until years later watching the TV.

Cillian Murphy, now a Hollywood movie star.

Still has his bass, still plays it, wears it low - not some ponce with it wound up around his neck: and still looks back on his gigging years with great pride and feeling.

Says he'd never be the actor he is today without the experiences of playing live shows as a younger man.

Small world.
It's gas fun watching Zippy/Golah/Sordid's new threads on Arsefield's plummet the moment he publishes them.

Fucking useless cunt.

Nobody wants anything to do with him. Mostly because everyone who matters knows he's a doting old timer who quit shaving in 1997 and hasn't been out of his house since the summer of 2001. A miserable old prune, never married, far too tight to be raising kids and now too old to have any. After all, if the old tart had any kids, they'd likely have battered his skull in for him and sold his wheelchair for drink money.

The good news about that old codger is that time isn't on his side - it's on mine.

He'll be in a box in the ground - with nobody but the grave-digger to toss some muck on him before removing him from polite society permanently.

I know it wrecks his head to think that his glory days are almost all in: but such was the wastrel.

He placed no value on time.

And soon it'll be gone.

He must find it bleak to realize that all that'll remain of him after he dies will be a few hundred thousand posts about the Jews.

What makes me laugh is how it's almost like he doesn't see the irony of the tragicomedy of that.

But, oh - how I laugh.

How I guffaw.

Ahh, yes.
They realised they would only be creating a new smuggling and black market. Also of course governments are schizophrenic on smoking and drinking. They have policies to curb both and at the same time take a lot of excise duty, import duty and VAT on sales.
How much more of this unbearable busy-body 'man on a mission' type shite from McEntee are you twats going to put up with? This shrieking harridan's been all over the media since she took office: she's either in manic mode or dead eye mode. You notice that? Her eyes? Completely lifeless. Her whole face in fact, it's expressionless - untrustworthy, almost like you can see the cogs turning slowly inside her skull while the exterior is trying to keep up.

It's like she's wandering around Ireland with a witches broom, brushing this, that and the other onto her dust pan and banning it, censoring it, trying to wrestle with it, desperate to kill it - now, quickly, get it over and done with.

Simple life fact: she's too fucking young and inexperienced, too full of her family name, is the sort to refer back to her father's demise as her reason d'etre and like any Jew you ever met, has no compunction about using The Holocaust as her excuse for being a right cold bastard. She doesn't want change in Ireland for change's sake: she wants it all done her way - the way her Da might have liked it.

These family dynasties you freaks keep voting in?

You need to check your fucking heads right there, lads. Her Da topped himself. Then she decided to get into politics and was voted in on her first run at it. That's where you twats keep fucking up: you seem to presume 'like father, like daughter' and you might even be right there. But only in the context that topping yourself is an option. The final option. Why vote for someone from stock that's inclined to take the hop rather than fight on? Is it not immediately obvious that she's on a mission? That wan's trying to shut you up. Imagine if someone sent her a link to Arsefield's? Can you just see her face? Imagine it? See? She's like someone who's had to much botox and fillers. She has NO facial expressions. Her eyes betray only a cold distance between her morals and your existence. If the family line has had suicides in the past, then what of the future?

Consider it in the context of The Hate Speech Bill.

She decides she's going to nail this fucker down no mater what ANYONE thinks, and won't rest until you're all muted. So what happens if she gets her bill passed and it turns out to be even more draconian than you would have guessed? Then, in a victory dance, she expires? Now you're stuck with a legacy you won't be able to shift too easily. Giving this much power to a reactionary/muted hysteric like her's a very stupid idea. Take most people's attitude to the now resigned Sanna Marin, ex-Prime Minister of Finland? McEntee's 37, Marin was the same age (and younger) during her stint as Finnish PM. McEntee's been around a few years, but not that many. Her party selected her and handed her some fairly agile gear levers to play with and she doesn't seem to be getting bored with them that much. In fact, she appears to be having the time of her life, redeeming her family name, being a female 'role model' to other young mothers who don't have a politician's wages to pay for day care and creche, Montessori, and Sunday school.

Watching the Arsefield's crew coping with Sanna Marin revealed a lot about these chumps: especially the saggy old bats like the Shitstick, and her shit-eating and cackling number one behind her - Jambo. These two had mad boners for Sanna, but even while McEntee was the last thing on their minds, there she was, hacking away at your rights and your privacy, acting like she's been sent by Jayzus Almighty himself, her witches broom in hand. And still she comes out with shit like:

'There has been engagement between An Garda Síochána and social media
companies, not just on Thursday, but since then, but I will be seeking to meet
with X myself because I think the company have a responsibility to be responsible...

A responsibility to be responsible?

Who the fuck talks like that?

That's the dumbest fucking thing I've read so far today - and this includes post content from Arsefield's.

That woman is a menace to the entire nation, and the only reason she isn't being roasted today is because you're all fucking terrified of her. That if you even mention the mad bint's name or refer to simple facts about her family history in politics, then she'll design a law customized to your particular needs and have it enshrined overnight into the constitution. It's like if I were in Ireland and said nasty (but 100% true) things about her, then the cops would be at the garden gate double quick.

She lacks maturity.



You can see she's got lousy self-esteem but she manages to disguise it by never using any facial muscles that might betray what she's really thinking and feeling. This is why she looks like a sheer cliff face: it's like she was injected with wet cement. I know actors who pay out big money for training in things like The Stanislav Technique: simple things you can do to assume the character you're playing, but adding in things like learning how speak without adding any nuance to it by never moving a muscle or an eye on your face. Try it: look at the mirror and introduce yourself to yourself, see if you can keep a perfectly straight, non-emotive face for three full sentences speaking aloud about (say) your favourite hobby? Take a minute, try it.

That's what McEntee has perfected: the art of seeming to not really be completely there with you.

The art of being within grabbing distance but seeming to be a million miles away from you.

She's fucking great at it too - the only other actors I can think of who do it as well are Meryl Streep, Dame Judi Dench, and maybe Robert DeNiro.

But what really matters is what's going on inside that skull of hers.

McEntee's currently bubbling under, but when she finally blows - not even Moby Dick himself could cause such a tsunami of misery.

Mark my words.

Mowl Mowl , Mowl Mowl, you are going to absolutely love this and I'd say will be out making snow-angels up there in Santyland when you clock this!

Declan has come to the attention of politics.ie...

Olli Rehn: 'That is his real name- so no need for quotation marks. He makes no secret out of his identity and gives his full name and location. His avatar is a photo of himself years ago.He is from Galway- but emigrated to the States 40 years ago. Ran a pub called "Sarsfield"first- that's why he named the site "Sarsfields"- memory of times gone by. He runs a one man tourist sightseeing company in Boston now. He supports various Irish nutjobs and their organisations financially or giving them a voice on his platform. He thinks he has nothing to worry about any of the content on his site- it is all "free speech" and he is outside of this jurisdiction. You easily find everything about him with a few google searches.'

The Nal: ' Aha. Just read a few posts and assumed he wouldnt be so stupid to put his real name to it. But then again, he agrees with most of what 5Gemma says so hes obviously a complete thicko.'

Mowl Mowl , Mowl Mowl, you are going to absolutely love this and I'd say will be out making snow-angels up there in Santyland when you clock this!

Declan has come to the attention of politics.ie...

Olli Rehn: 'That is his real name- so no need for quotation marks. He makes no secret out of his identity and gives his full name and location. His avatar is a photo of himself years ago.He is from Galway- but emigrated to the States 40 years ago. Ran a pub called "Sarsfield"first- that's why he named the site "Sarsfields"- memory of times gone by. He runs a one man tourist sightseeing company in Boston now. He supports various Irish nutjobs and their organisations financially or giving them a voice on his platform. He thinks he has nothing to worry about any of the content on his site- it is all "free speech" and he is outside of this jurisdiction. You easily find everything about him with a few google searches.'

The Nal: ' Aha. Just read a few posts and assumed he wouldnt be so stupid to put his real name to it. But then again, he agrees with most of what 5Gemma says so hes obviously a complete thicko.'

Fair play to Olli, he should return to Isle sometime. I can never understand why he got so paranoid over Val...nothing was ever going to happen for Val is a bullshit artist - and nothing more.

Is anyone following Ronnie in the snooker? Nearly got knocked out there yesterday. Playing at 12:45 today on Discovery+...not sure about BBC etc.

Mowl Mowl , Mowl Mowl, you are going to absolutely love this and I'd say will be out making snow-angels up there in Santyland when you clock this!

Declan has come to the attention of politics.ie...

Olli Rehn: 'That is his real name- so no need for quotation marks. He makes no secret out of his identity and gives his full name and location. His avatar is a photo of himself years ago.He is from Galway- but emigrated to the States 40 years ago. Ran a pub called "Sarsfield"first- that's why he named the site "Sarsfields"- memory of times gone by. He runs a one man tourist sightseeing company in Boston now. He supports various Irish nutjobs and their organisations financially or giving them a voice on his platform. He thinks he has nothing to worry about any of the content on his site- it is all "free speech" and he is outside of this jurisdiction. You easily find everything about him with a few google searches.'

The Nal: ' Aha. Just read a few posts and assumed he wouldnt be so stupid to put his real name to it. But then again, he agrees with most of what 5Gemma says so hes obviously a complete thicko.'

It would be great to see a more thorough expose on Declan Kelly's murky activities. The content on is so extreme that few would believe Irish people are actually that fucking thick, but there you have it: they do, they are, and they'll continue to. One email each from say nine or ten people to the site host ought to be enough to can the fucker permanently. He's a fucking poison, a rotten strain of arse cancer coupled with oral AIDS on his snake tongue.

Olli nailed him in that short paragraph but there's SO MUCH MORE needs to be done to bring down Arsefield's and keep it down while Declan pays the price for his nefarious activities in hosting Ireland loudest, dumbest, thickest, most paranoid, most hate-filled swine out there. His family have no idea what he's up to either - no normal housewife would put up with a husband and father doing what that fat little scumbag does every passing day.

He's a culchie knacker - in the truest sense of the term. A hobo with delusions of grandeur.

And it gives him great joy to have all these rats trailing along behind him like some overweight and cheeseburger-munching pied piper.

If a coordinated effort was made - then Arsefield's will become a massive liability, a ball and chain he can't cast off. Pick a day (say next Monday) and arrange for a dozen or so emails to land on Xenforo's desk showing the worst shit you can find on his site. I mean, throw a fucking stone at it with your eyes closed, you'll still hit some of the worst shit out there bar 4Chan - and that's putting things lightly.

Death threats on black people, burn them out, batter them to death, kill their children, send them back, etc, etc.

The likes of twats like Saul/CG&P are scummy enough (he was a meek and humble little chap before he fell into line with with Declan and after he stabbed me in the back after I helped him out with some advice as to how to deal with his alcoholic middle-aged son who's a serial burglar specializing in robbing pensioners in their beds at night) but then you have utterly brainless gobshites like Clarke~~Connolly ! ! ! and Jambo. Like all of them, in fact. The site's so full of rancid hate and murderous intent that NOW is the right time to hammer the fuckers and have Kelly taken in for questioning regarding incitement to hatred, violence, to riot, to burn it all, to wreck it all, and to have done so with clear intent from day one of his program.

Now is the time to see to it that the scum that run about in his sewers are finally put to the sword - one fell swoop and it's all over.

Know your enemy, know the company he keeps, keep them as close as him, spot their weaknesses (ie: rabid racism) and feed them enough rope to hang themselves. That's what I've been doing: logging the worst of the worst (screen shots, quotes, images, etc) and keeping a fat file on them. Keep poking at them from a distance, they fucking HATE that - being talked about. These aliases are paper thin too - nail one of them and the rest will either scatter or fall. James Dawson is a real person, as is Declan Kelly. Wolf is another scumbag that needs a right smack in the teeth, if the filthy scum has any.

Taking that complete fucking scumbag down would be a pleasure, so if any of you have names, feed me. I'll put them to best use.

But Arsefield's is the American wing of the Nazi/racist Irish boards: are you happy enough to let a scumbag like Kelly ride all over your culture?

Drive the filthy prick into the dirt, along with the rats under his Boston-based clapboard house his wife inherited from her mother back in 1997 after the old dear croaked it. The grandfather died many years before, but if you look up the history of the house and address (it's all freely available online, as is American real estate law) then you can also link to criminal history, family size, number of members, ages, occupations, etc. The laws across the pond are a delicious prospect for anyone interested in taking sites down by stealth.

The address of the pub he worked in is also available online because the pub's street address still currently hosts another pub.

Born in 1962, he's now in his sixties but tries very hard to seem younger - has a terrible time dealing with aging, as do many yanks. But he's a push-over all the same: around five feet six, fat and roundy, big portly belly hanging over chis heap suit pants and wears a tie with a short sleeved shirt when driving his van around Boston. Thinks he 'well hard' and makes threats about 'visiting' the parents of Irish bloggers he dislikes like he's some hard nut from Southie. He's actually a defenceless little twat you'd floor with one punch to the face. His kids are decent enough: the wife works hard, and works a lot, which gives Declan loads of sleeping time and long lie-ins. Loves his food, eats seven meals a day (with snacks in between) and drives around mindlessly taking photographs of street signs and traffic lights. For what purpose no-one knows. He has a few cunts on his board he funds with drink money to keep them onside. Saul knows that Declan's a tightwad but he still keeps kissing his arse for him regardless.

Thinks Boston's heaven on Earth.

Thinks he's an Irish mafioso.

But he's really just a bored fat plastic Paddy American with too much time on his hands - hence the 'mint my own coin' palaver.

That fat twat isn't worth a Tesco's trolley token coin.

Well hard - like a brown banana in the fruit basket, flies all over the rotten thing.

I see the Irish authorities are probing the online element in the escalation of the riots last Friday.

They don't fully get it yet. They don't fully understand the significance of words written online and their role in these type of events.

They don't fully understand how they build up a logic and a rationalisation for what others then go out and do in the real world.

They don't understand the hierarchy of the psychopathic inferiority complex online, from the HansAndersons and Dans who have situated themselves at the top, down through the Zipporahs and Tadhg Gaelachs and down to the Jambos and Sauls at the bottom, who let us say carry out the gruntwork of hate.

And much else. Well the Gardai are always bringing up the rear, they've always been at least five years behind, bringing up the vanguard.
I see the Irish authorities are probing the online element in the escalation of the riots last Friday.

Declan thinks that because he's stateside - no-one can touch him.

They don't fully get it yet. They don't fully understand the significance of words written online and their role in these type of events.

Clear statements of intent.

They don't fully understand how they build up a logic and a rationalisation for what others then go out and do in the real world.

They're the lazy backbone of it all: sitting in their little boxrooms writing up hard-chaw type dreams of greatness and glory.

They don't understand the hierarchy of the psychopathic inferiority complex online, from the HansAndersons and Dans who have situated themselves at the top, down through the Zipporahs and Tadhg Gaelachs and down to the Jambos and Sauls at the bottom, who let us say carry out the gruntwork of hate.

A pyramid structure not unlike a Ponzi or the Catholic church.

And much else. Well the Gardai are always bringing up the rear, they've always been at least five years behind, bringing up the vanguard.

They operate on tips - quality tips that offer them addresses, names, occupations, affiliations, known allies, etc.

It's all right there for the taking - it just needs to be sent to the 'right' people.

And I don't mean the hard right either.
What did Mandy's Mam say the night he was conceived?

So which one of you fellas is the captain of the team?

Had to have been either a rugby team or else a GAA team.

Soccer only has eleven men per team - rugby and the GAA have fifteen.
... So which one of you fellas is the captain of the team?
Up steps this guy:

Up steps this guy:


Declan will be well pissed off you found that shot of him.

By the looks of it, that was the opening day at Arsefield's. It's clearly clean and fresh. It took a lot of farts, coughs, sneezes, bloody noses, toasted ham sangers with YR sauce, spilled drinks, human vomit, dog piss, filthy knickers, blood, raw meat, semen, flat beer, watered down whiskey, and armpit stank to render Arsefield's as she was when she went down for the last time.

Still, he looks the part in his shiny green suit.

Do, does, duh - what now?

You've been hanging around with these illiterate losers for so long by now that your own use of the English language is slipping, Jambo. Next step will be you LIKING all of Clarke~~Connolly's posts ! ! !

You know it's Going To Happen. ! ! !

Even referring to me as Mowl Cleary like Saul/My Son's A Burglar piss, crap, and shit?

Now you know perfectly well that I'm actually known as THE Mowl Cleary. I've been verbed since around 2007.

But still - keep on keeping on: you joined The Isle to talk about Arsefield's. Then you left the Isle and joined Arsefield's to talk about Politics.ie. You tried to join Politics.ie but were refused on the spot so you came back to the Isle to talk about Politics.ie. Then left back to Arsefield's to talk about the Isle and Politics.ie. You're on your seventeenth username by now. Every one of your accounts has been scrubbed. Everything you do ends up in the potty.

I know you'd like to be popular, but you know you aren't.

The reason why 9000+ people subscribe to and read me (and nobody reads you) is mainly down to my being a lovable little scamp.

Whereas you're just another yap - and I know that hurts your ego, not to mention your Eye Queue.

You're currently hanging around the ultimate loser's paradise chat club for sad old men and Nazi outcasts from the bogs - which says it all.

Good luck with that.

“A man is one whose body has been trained to be the ready servant of his mind; whose passions are trained to be the servants of his will; who enjoys the beautiful, loves truth, hates wrong, loves to do good, and respects others as himself.” –John Ruskin
That spoofer won't last five minutes without his wife by his side.

She does the work, earns the money, controls the purse strings, and knows how to keep a steady job going to feed the fat fucker now that the kids have all left home and fucked off as far away from their roundy eejit for a Da as they can get. But he could always save a few shillings in rent by sleeping in his van. For Declan, the most important national treasure of Mexico is the taco. Or several dozen of them per sitting.

That and a massive sombrero to shield his bulging gut from the burning hot sun.
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