
Chat ðŸ”¥ðŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

Foreign men used to more feminine women must be shocked when they come to Ireland only to see the amount of fat, loudmouthed skanks about the place.
Dan's boring arse videos of suburban Massachusetts.

As if Val fucking off wasn't enough of a let-down, now Declan's minions are turning on him reminding the fat little chump how fucking ridiculous his paltry excuse for a life is. Driving people around in a van all day, taking pictures of telegraph poles and traffic lights; making ten second videos which he narrates with that thick culchie accent makes me want to throw something pointy at the fat little cunt.

Val came out on top - let's not overlook that much.

Without Val, Declan's at the mercy of the five or so savage mutants he spent a grand on to host online. How fucking sad is THAT? I mean, the fat fool's still wearing the same zippernecked cardigans and shiny pants he had on the day I dragged him down off his little perch. Still 'bragging' about all the billionaires who rely on him for sound financial advice on the gold and silver markets. Still talking about minting a coin eleven years later?

I doubt the roundy little bastard actually realizes how dumb it all makes him look.

A grand? A thousand dollars? To host Wolfie? He fucking hates him. Same with Saul/CG&P - another little panty-pad over Declan's loose arze-pipe. Or that Clarke~~Connolly twat. A thousand dollars his wife knows nothing about. Where it came from or where it went. I bet you a pound to a penny she's batter his head in if she found out what he spent it on.

He's some fucking spoofer, that roundy wan from Galway's most barren edges.
Prosperity Gospel USA...where God wants you to fund your preacher's lavish lifestyle of private jets, multiple SUVs and McMansions with 1+ swimming pools.

Spoofers, eh?

Make you fucking sick: I wouldn't be able to stop myself clattering a little cunt like Copeland here. I remember his live television exorcism on the Covid issue. He did some sort of quasi-religious/magick posing, yelling at Covid to die off, that God would wipe the board clean and we'd all be grand - grand if you send a grand, that is.

Look at the fool:

And I bet you any amount that plastics like Declan just LOVE this shit.

Fools and their money, eh.
It's Deco's type of Christianity alright.

Is it any wonder the USA is such a cultureless shithole when all they care about is money?
There is a large moron-market in America. Looking for any kind of ally in life it can find, even if it is the false constructs of superstition. Like any market in America it will be exploited. Their whole society is based on that insight.
It's Deco's type of Christianity alright.

Seems to me that God already punished Declan for his sins: look at the sheer fucking state of the fat little cunt?

Is it any wonder the USA is such a cultureless shithole when all they care about is money?

Well, his first words are usually about cash money - which suggests to me the struggle he has acquiring it.

People who make easy money don't harp on about it - it's usually the bums who manage to turn ten dollars a day want to talk about riches.

Because if you have an angle - why blow it?


Flipping burgers
Taking orders for burgers
Packing burgers
Eating burgers
Driving a van
Spending one thousand dollars on a site to host Wolf and Clark~Connolly
Naming the site after a dive bar
Thinking he's all that

Odd how he has to make it clear that van-driving isn't his only occupation? As per above, it's a life built on cheeseburger fantasies: he wants people to believe that when he isn't out in the van, he's doing something else to make money. Like what exactly? Spoofing? Bumming off the wife? Tapping the kids for small money cash? Sweeping the gutters? Being a rodent hunter?

When I see the content on his site I can't help but laugh: basically, it's like this: these twats have minor differences in their views on refugees, asylum seekers, the Gaza issue, and the Ukraine issue. Muslims and Jews, Catholics and atheists. Yet they manage to spin themselves into outright war on each other rather than simply discuss the issue and make viable contributions that anyone looking in can maybe even learn a little from.

But no: they have to snarl and spit, threaten and rebuke each other, scream at their screens when their perceived foe on the other end of the line disagrees even slightly with what the first guy said. These little animals are ready to kill each other. For having minor differences of opinion?

Most people now say that the Jews are evil and the Palestinians are victims - and Israel needs to be stopped before they repeat The Holocaust.

But the minions on Arsefield's?

This isn't about world events.

This is strictly personal.

Every site does it in the end - and it's usually been the last final fling when a site gets to the critical stage.

One anonymous email to the desk sergeant at the local pig station in Dedham pointing out the threats of murder, violence, slaughter, blatant racism, etc on Arsefield's would see Declan's 'investment' in his latest shit-shoveling site full of mutant neanderthals wanting everyone dead to become such a weight on his fat neck that he'll have to fold and pull it all down before they come knocking at his door with a list of questions and a pair of shiny new handcuffs. Waiting two days to go through the posts and see which can be left up and which have to be deleted pronto isn't helping matters. Neither is sharing the burden with old silver-balls wheelchair-driver himself - Golah/Sordid/Zipperneck - a man who finds 'rock and roll' to be the single most terrifying thing he's ever encountered.

Imagine that?

But anyway - the above image of his last claim as per above says everything you need to know about auld shiny-pants Declan McRoundy-Kelly.

Plus: Follow the link to his Boston Van Drivers website. It's all pink and lime green, yellow bits too. Looks like it was designed by a special needs child from the upper Urals.

On heroin.

Nah, Jambo: that's not how it works. That you're a fully-fledged member of the Arsefield's crew doesn't make you 'popular' or even 'interesting'. It signifies that you have fuck all better to do than hang around chat sites for eighteen to twenty hours a day demanding answers to questions that don't matter even slightly. It means that you have nothing at all else to do with your obviously empty life.

You should quit being a troll and find yourself a nice fat woman a few years older than you to take the place of your Ma - who abandoned you by suicide because she saw your Da's face in you. That's why you hate women - which is the ONE CONSISTENT THING we all see in you. This thing you have about being 'the best' or the greatest poster ever' indicates the underlying sadness which is your misery of a life. I know how crap it is being stuck on a shitty little island with no way out, getting rode senseless by the state and spending your days demanding this and that.

None of it matters, Jimmy.

You can think, say, or do what you like: but it still isn't a fulfilling life, now is it?

I know how jealous your about me outsmarting you, slapping you down every other day, laughing into your face and reminding you what a waster you are.

Being the loudest mouth in a canyon of shrieking voices doesn't make you tough, hard, smart, or even just a crank.

It makes you the most obvious twerp in a long line of twerps.

So if your idea of a 'successful career' in 'posting on chat boards' with your second hand clap-trap from your trio of impending doom, then remember this: even Val Martin was smart enough to get out of Arsefield's before the shit really hits the fan. And I know how much that hurts your self-esteem and self respect. But you have to accept the facts for what they are: you're a loser, a second-hand one-stringed violin in a valley of timpani. One more whinging little cunt.

Even Declan knows that things have gone too far into the red zone and can't be retrieved, redirected, or laid low: he's gonna have to pull it all down and kiss goodbye to his $1000 investment into giving you and Wolf, Clark~Connolly, and the rest of the chumps a platform for your hateful bile. When the local copper calls by to ask Declan about his laptops and phones, what are you going to do? Build your own site? Try to mimic your new Da - Declan? Give it all up and get a real job? Nobody wants you around, kid. Nobody. Apart from the Shitstick and one or two other old women you stick yourself to with superglue because you're terrified of being alone.

Well done: you are now Poster Of The Month on a shit-flinging one-swinging door saloon full of drunks, whores, and horse-shit.

Quite the feat, eh?


Flipping burgers
Taking orders for burgers
Packing burgers
Eating burgers
Driving a van
Spending one thousand dollars on a site to host Wolf and Clark~Connolly
Naming the site after a dive bar
Thinking he's all that

Odd how he has to make it clear that van-driving isn't his only occupation? As per above, it's a life built on cheeseburger fantasies: he wants people to believe that when he isn't out in the van, he's doing something else to make money. Like what exactly? Spoofing? Bumming off the wife? Tapping the kids for small money cash? Sweeping the gutters? Being a rodent hunter?

When I see the content on his site I can't help but laugh: basically, it's like this: these twats have minor differences in their views on refugees, asylum seekers, the Gaza issue, and the Ukraine issue. Muslims and Jews, Catholics and atheists. Yet they manage to spin themselves into outright war on each other rather than simply discuss the issue and make viable contributions that anyone looking in can maybe even learn a little from.

But no: they have to snarl and spit, threaten and rebuke each other, scream at their screens when their perceived foe on the other end of the line disagrees even slightly with what the first guy said. These little animals are ready to kill each other. For having minor differences of opinion?

Most people now say that the Jews are evil and the Palestinians are victims - and Israel needs to be stopped before they repeat The Holocaust.

But the minions on Arsefield's?

This isn't about world events.

This is strictly personal.

Every site does it in the end - and it's usually been the last final fling when a site gets to the critical stage.

One anonymous email to the desk sergeant at the local pig station in Dedham pointing out the threats of murder, violence, slaughter, blatant racism, etc on Arsefield's would see Declan's 'investment' in his latest shit-shoveling site full of mutant neanderthals wanting everyone dead to become such a weight on his fat neck that he'll have to fold and pull it all down before they come knocking at his door with a list of questions and a pair of shiny new handcuffs. Waiting two days to go through the posts and see which can be left up and which have to be deleted pronto isn't helping matters. Neither is sharing the burden with old silver-balls wheelchair-driver himself - Golah/Sordid/Zipperneck - a man who finds 'rock and roll' to be the single most terrifying thing he's ever encountered.

Imagine that?

But anyway - the above image of his last claim as per above says everything you need to know about auld shiny-pants Declan McRoundy-Kelly.

Plus: Follow the link to his Boston Van Drivers website. It's all pink and lime green, yellow bits too. Looks like it was designed by a special needs child from the upper Urals.

On heroin.

Excellent post.

I think I may have been wrong about Val's flounce as he hasn't shown up on Arsefield's in over a week. Maybe the Dan-Val romance truly is over.
Wolfie - spends his whole afternoons getting angry about black men on the computer which the wife allocated him in the box room...while she's getting gang-banged by groups of Nigerian lads in the room next door.

Sorry Wolfie, but all of that pent-up rage isn't going to change the fact that your wife is a whore for black c***. Though I'm sure she appreciates the pay cheques you hand over every Friday...minus the 5% pocket money you're allowed to keep for scratch cards and cans of Dutch Gold.
Lol, the man-child must be teething today.

I particularly like the seasonal wallpaper behind our Jimmy D's whinging jawbone.

Excellent post.

I think I may have been wrong about Val's flounce as he hasn't shown up on Arsefield's in over a week. Maybe the Dan-Val romance truly is over.

You never know with those two culchie yaps. These cretins think that getting 'a jibe a day in' worked into their tired old routines is a day well spent. They go to bed grinning, thinking what a success they finally are at something, anything. Even if it's only to make a final quip, immediately power down the desktop and run to bed feeling all gleeful and warm inside, only to find a reply the next morning that reads 'tldr' and a smiley emoticon next to it.

Big swinging mickey, eh.

Val might be smelly, and he might be dumb, but like a bull in heat he isn't without basic instincts.

He knew it was too far gone to even associate with it anonymously - if Valamhic is an anonymous entity. But everyone on the the Irish internet knows Val, and that pisses Declan off, especially after Val cocked one last snook on him by first telling him Arsefield's is a failure and a liability, then walking out with his:

'Val the man - a farmer with cows..'

- final last thread. Which died about ten minutes after he posted it. Poor Val, he genuinely thought the Irish boards would miss him, never mind finding him gone. And of course by gone I mean ready for the men in the white coats to call by. Even a lick-spittle attention-seeking Cavan nutcase has more fans for no money that Declan has for $1000 a year. That's three years time one thousand, but the way - not including man hours, etc. So when you see Deco waving his streaky y-fronts about his head in victory, remember how much it cost him: three thousand dollars and several cents.

To host Wolf, Jambo, and Saul?

Man - how lonely do you HAVE to be to do that?

Three thousand dollars, lads.

You could fly around the world on that dosh, but no - he frittered it away on making friends with anonymous lunatics, and calls it a triumphant success.

There's a reason Ireland's gone right down the u-bend: and there's a reason it's happening on these twats' watch.

Still.. ...three grand?



That's two thousand seven hundred and forty eight euros - fifteen cents.

On Saul, Wolf, Jambo, and that other twat?

Wolfie - spends his whole afternoons getting angry about black men on the computer which the wife allocated him in the box room...while she's getting gang-banged by groups of Nigerian lads in the room next door.

Nobody ever said that this transition would be easy - especially not Wolfie's Missus - the local Raleigh Chopper.

Three gears, two brakes, no saddle.

Sorry Wolfie, but all of that pent-up rage isn't going to change the fact that your wife is a whore for black c***. Though I'm sure she appreciates the pay cheques you hand over every Friday...minus the 5% pocket money you're allowed to keep for scratch cards and cans of Dutch Gold.

Wolf? Pay cheques? Handing something over? Wolf? Are you mad? That cunt can't spell work, never mind doing it. Imagine him as a plumber? Vals' toilet pot would've in the middle of the bathroom floor, with no handle to flush. Or as an electrician? You hit the light switch in the jacks and the toilet flushes, then the washing machine starts spinning at the speed of sound. How about flipping burgers next to Declan? That cunt would spend his days hogging up phlegm and spitting it into the salad bowl. Or pulling out his little todger to fuck the mashed potatoes.

The crew on Arsefield's are the only thing keeping the brewers of Dutch Gold going.
It's so obvious what's going to happen next:

▪︎Dan deletes Guest Chat thread posts.

▪︎Jambo demands GDPR.
Happy days in Dedham:

Declan's out in his van - check this shit out:

'Blah, blah, blah, blah, me van, blah, blah, me van, blah, blah..'

'Blah-de-blah, blah, me van, me van, me van, blah, blah, blah....'

'Me van, me van, me van, de-doody-dah, de-doody-da, me van, blah, blah,blah,blah....'

'Me van, blah, blah, blah, me van, me belly, me food, me belly, me van, de-doody-dah....'
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