I recall hearing her perform the track on some show or other and she tore the roof off the place.
Diminutive little lady, she was lighting up our screens around the same time Madonna was teaching the little girls about sex and how to wear nothing much but a scowl and an air-kiss, much to the chagrin of the parents. The 80s in the UK were one thing - but the 80s in the States? What a disaster, eh. Even bigger mullets. Louder guitars and fat east-coast snare drum beats. It was the horrors. It didn't get much better with time either.
Compare the 1980s version of Lauper's on-stage character with say Poly Styrene in the 1970s and the musical intellectual gap closes to a tiny chink of light.
The British acts were hamming it up, but the American acts were doing that shit for real - which made them look like right fucking twats.
Bigger hair, bigger amps, more drums, more cowbell, higher heels, tighter leggings, and pearly-white all-American perfect teeth.
She was the street urchin precursor to the street corner Madonna, Lauper, Benetar, et al.
A horrible musical period that never got to go full circle and become 'hip' all over again two decades later.