
Chat ðŸ”¥ðŸ¤¬General Chat Thread

Jeez, I certainly dodged a bullet here. Last January I received an email from the producer of the show 'Upfront With Katie Hannon' asking if I'd be interested in appearing on the show to discuss the political and social events of the day based on my written articles on the BBBB social media site. I informed him that he'd have to pay to fly me in and that if that wasn't a viable possibility, then a live Skype feed would also be possible.

My intention was to highlight some of the material I've posted over the years about my hometown and he said that they've been aware of my articles for some time and that Ms Hannon had asked him to contact me. Thinking this might be a turn-around for the better of general discussion and debate on RTE, I made myself available in two ways: fly in or go Skype. He said Skype would be a likelier possibility so we exchanged details and contact information and I left it at that waiting to see what would happen next. I guess after digging deeper into the published articles on the BBBB, he probably decided that I'd be a bit too upfront for his and her liking, and after that he made no further contact.

Grand, that's his call. Though it would have been nice for the Mammy to see and hear me on the telly again, in retrospect I'm happier now that I've seen two episodes of the show. It's crap. Typical RTE faux polite 'we're all in this thing together' type bollocks. About as upfront as an arse for a face.

RTE is as bland, boring and bourgeois as it gets. Staffed and followed by the same stuffy, soulless and inoffensive sorts who think they're the shit as they work in an office job, are members of the local golf club, shop at Superquinn, aka. lame individuals without an ounce of creativity, curiosity or rebelliousness. Individuals who are as fun to be around as watching paint dry.

It all reminds me of Dan. While everyone else in school was dreaming of becoming a rock star, Dan was saying to himself "I can't wait to live in white picket fence suburbia, drive an SUV, work in an office shuffling paper...sure what more could you ask for?"
It always seemed to me that interaction with RTE is like the kiss of death for any new, bright young thing, or anyone with something to say, or who is thinking about doing something.

Whatever interaction, from the briefest interview to bagging a comfortable pensionable job for life with them, they somehow manage to, if not outright kill true individuality, filter it to present a dismal distortion of it.

Indeed you may well have dodged a bullet Mowl, but respect due for drawing their notice all the same, well done.
RTE is as bland, boring and bourgeois as it gets. Staffed and followed by the same stuffy, soulless and inoffensive sorts who think they're the shit as they work in an office job, are members of the local golf club, shop at Superquinn, aka. lame individuals without an ounce of creativity, curiosity or rebelliousness. Individuals who are as fun to be around as watching paint dry.

I know, believe me. I've appeared several times on a variety of shows from Live at Three with Pat Kenny, also on his morning radio show (live takes direct from the main studio floor) ten there was Nighthawks, The Late Late Show, other afternoon chat shows on both radio and TV, and when our De La Salle Ballyfermot school team made it to Croke Park, an interview with Marian Finucane about sporting life in Dublin 10.

Every time I dealt with them it was a howl watching them screw up one thing after another, and always with the union rule book in hand: 'don't touch that lamp again, it's the electrician's job to move that..'

'For fuck's sake, it's burning my ankles - MOVE the fucker, you dopey cunt'.

It gets you nowhere though, they spent more time arguing about who is allowed to do what and when. Even simple things like asking for some ice to chill the soft drinks left in the dressing room (no booze and no green room until evening time) or trying to get some warm and edible food in the canteen (with a bunch of vouchers in hand to claim it) then there's the make-up people, the costume and wardrobe crew, the intermediaries and reps all chewing on their bones, and of course the show hosts (the only time it was ever any fun was on Nighthawks with Shay Healy. He at least knew what entertainment was all about but the chaos on the studio floor (designed to look and act like a real bar) with the tech crews was fucking horrible.

Of the two appearances on Nighthawks, the first went down like a lead balloon: we were supposed to get a 3/2/1 signal from this safari jacket-wearing auld fella in short pants with a million pockets sewn in to them. First he fucked up the intro, then signaled us too early at the outro. We looked fine, but the sound was shite. Next occasion was when Shay was interviewing James Whale, an English bloke with his own show. I won't mention the name of the act (I was only sitting in to make up the numbers) but Whale loved the band and had them his show too.

Of course on that occasion with the BBC things went by the book too - but at least the crew knew what they were doing.

RTE is like scaling a high flat cliff-face: going up is tough going, but fall and you'll be on your arse in seconds flat.

What never ceased to amaze was the sheer waste out in Montrose. Vases packed with fresh flowers in the entrance hallway, coffee stands every five paces, a complete madness of dressing and costume rooms off endless identical corridors that had to be fitted with large arrows to point you to the stage. Anything that could go wrong is bound to go wrong. Nobody gives or takes any blame, they shrug it off like it doesn't matter.

Mostly because it doesn't matter a fucking hoot.

They're the stars - the guests are like unwelcome relatives sleeping on your sofa in the lounge for three weeks.

It all reminds me of Dan. While everyone else in school was dreaming of becoming a rock star, Dan was saying to himself "I can't wait to live in white picket fence suburbia, drive an SUV, work in an office shuffling paper...sure what more could you ask for?"

How anyone could aspire to the suburban American lifestyle is beyond my ability to understand.

It's no wonder he has to lie and spoof his way through life.

Were you or I in his shoes?

The rope.

Get it.




It always seemed to me that interaction with RTE is like the kiss of death for any new, bright young thing, or anyone with something to say, or who is thinking about doing something.

It remains a necessary evil one has to deal with. They are the national broadcaster and if you get the call, then naturally you want to make it work as it should. But it won't. It can't - it's hit and miss, touch and go, from the first foot in the door until you're back outside in the fresh air lamenting the horrors you just endure over nine hours in the studio creating three minutes of live TV.

Whatever interaction, from the briefest interview to bagging a comfortable pensionable job for life with them, they somehow manage to, if not outright kill true individuality, filter it to present a dismal distortion of it.

Tradition is king in Montrose. They've been left to do things their own way for decades, and like any Irish enterprise funded by the people's free money, they'll continue to do what they've always done - which is why I know I dodged a bullet with Katie Hannon and her producers.

Indeed you may well have dodged a bullet Mowl, but respect due for drawing their notice all the same, well done.

Thanks, it was nice to read his email and think that he was at least open to alternate views of Irish life and society. But when I was left dangling for weeks I knew something had happened: our back and forth was clear and simple, but I know he must have read any of a half a dozen slates on RTE and their profligacy and it must have shocked him enough to cease communications.

But you'd never know with these fuckers. Some where down the line they may well ask again - it just depends on whether the tide is coming in or going out. Things can and will change overnight when dealing with these fuckers. What's cool today will be iced tomorrow. What's said over here isn't said over there. Public favour can shift on a dime and opinions get dragged along for the hell of it.

Anyway - Hannon's way out of her depth hosting that show.

She's stiff, distracted, interfering, interrupting, dismissive, and not very interesting on the eyes or ears.

Who knows? Maybe they would've wanted to set me up and destroy me with a cunning plan of revenge for things said and done?

You never know with these fuckers.
I see Jambo's ensconced himself nicely among the pedophile set over on Arsefield's. Dan bangs on about keeping things in check, but while he knows hosting that sick fucker Wolf is a major risk, he keeps him online and has to spend hours and hours every day deleting posts both Wolf and Jerry make.

The unusual thing about Arsefield's these days is that it's the number one spot for transvestism and pedophilia: they're all mad for cross-dressing men in heels and dresses. Mandy Anderson posted a scene depicting an adult male in bed with a child explaining how a butt-plug works in stretching the orifice enough for an adult to have sex with the child. Then they went nuts on each blaming and accusing - 'everyone's a pedo - except me!' type idiocy.

So now we know what the A Team need each other so badly: hopeless O'Reilly is an obvious sexual deviant. All this 'Sir' and 'Ma'am' subservient bullshit he puts on signals his attraction to men dressing and acting as women. Valamhic went fully transvestite with his Molly McCracken character, seemed to love it too. Then there's Dan's famous transvestite moment with his streaked blond hair and red lipstick - proclaiming his attraction to O'Reilly. They're not even a bit embarrassed by any of it either.

What does THAT tell you?

I don't mind that Wolf's infatuated with me - I get that shit all the time for these closet gay sorts. These types cling onto you for dear life once they get the taste of a little attention going their way. I don't know how many threads, how many references, how many LIKES given to so much transvestite material they're hosting - but they never cease talking about LGBTQRST123, men as women, women's clothes and shoes, and gossiping like auld biddies outside the church of a Sunday morning.

Wolf's a time bomb waiting to explode Arsefield's.

Dan's desperate for members though - even the worst scum out there - and any price to be paid is easily handed over.

His ego has him in thrall. He knows that if he boots Wolf off, that Wolf will go hell for leather on the site reporting Dan to the American authorities. Dan knows he doesn't want that to happen: maybe the IRS will take an interest in his cash-only busking gig dragging plastic Paddies and Marys all over Southie like some sham loser busking in the rain - wearing a dress.

Dan had to balls to delete and demote Val, but he's terrified of Wolf - and he knows that Wolf's crush on the Mowl will be his eventual downfall.

What a sad story, eh.

But at least now we know where all the sexual deviants hang out, counting each other's balls and sniffing each others arses like mongrel mutts out on parade.

Rank stuff for sure.
I know, believe me. I've appeared several times on a variety of shows from Live at Three with Pat Kenny, also on his morning radio show (live takes direct from the main studio floor) ten there was Nighthawks, The Late Late Show, other afternoon chat shows on both radio and TV, and when our De La Salle Ballyfermot school team made it to Croke Park, an interview with Marian Finucane about sporting life in Dublin 10.

Every time I dealt with them it was a howl watching them screw up one thing after another, and always with the union rule book in hand: 'don't touch that lamp again, it's the electrician's job to move that..'

'For fuck's sake, it's burning my ankles - MOVE the fucker, you dopey cunt'.

It gets you nowhere though, they spent more time arguing about who is allowed to do what and when. Even simple things like asking for some ice to chill the soft drinks left in the dressing room (no booze and no green room until evening time) or trying to get some warm and edible food in the canteen (with a bunch of vouchers in hand to claim it) then there's the make-up people, the costume and wardrobe crew, the intermediaries and reps all chewing on their bones, and of course the show hosts (the only time it was ever any fun was on Nighthawks with Shay Healy. He at least knew what entertainment was all about but the chaos on the studio floor (designed to look and act like a real bar) with the tech crews was fucking horrible.

Of the two appearances on Nighthawks, the first went down like a lead balloon: we were supposed to get a 3/2/1 signal from this safari jacket-wearing auld fella in short pants with a million pockets sewn in to them. First he fucked up the intro, then signaled us too early at the outro. We looked fine, but the sound was shite. Next occasion was when Shay was interviewing James Whale, an English bloke with his own show. I won't mention the name of the act (I was only sitting in to make up the numbers) but Whale loved the band and had them his show too.

Of course on that occasion with the BBC things went by the book too - but at least the crew knew what they were doing.

RTE is like scaling a high flat cliff-face: going up is tough going, but fall and you'll be on your arse in seconds flat.

What never ceased to amaze was the sheer waste out in Montrose. Vases packed with fresh flowers in the entrance hallway, coffee stands every five paces, a complete madness of dressing and costume rooms off endless identical corridors that had to be fitted with large arrows to point you to the stage. Anything that could go wrong is bound to go wrong. Nobody gives or takes any blame, they shrug it off like it doesn't matter.

Mostly because it doesn't matter a fucking hoot.

They're the stars - the guests are like unwelcome relatives sleeping on your sofa in the lounge for three weeks.

How anyone could aspire to the suburban American lifestyle is beyond my ability to understand.

It's no wonder he has to lie and spoof his way through life.

Were you or I in his shoes?

The rope.

Get it.



It remains a necessary evil one has to deal with. They are the national broadcaster and if you get the call, then naturally you want to make it work as it should. But it won't. It can't - it's hit and miss, touch and go, from the first foot in the door until you're back outside in the fresh air lamenting the horrors you just endure over nine hours in the studio creating three minutes of live TV.

Tradition is king in Montrose. They've been left to do things their own way for decades, and like any Irish enterprise funded by the people's free money, they'll continue to do what they've always done - which is why I know I dodged a bullet with Katie Hannon and her producers.

Thanks, it was nice to read his email and think that he was at least open to alternate views of Irish life and society. But when I was left dangling for weeks I knew something had happened: our back and forth was clear and simple, but I know he must have read any of a half a dozen slates on RTE and their profligacy and it must have shocked him enough to cease communications.

But you'd never know with these fuckers. Some where down the line they may well ask again - it just depends on whether the tide is coming in or going out. Things can and will change overnight when dealing with these fuckers. What's cool today will be iced tomorrow. What's said over here isn't said over there. Public favour can shift on a dime and opinions get dragged along for the hell of it.

Anyway - Hannon's way out of her depth hosting that show.

She's stiff, distracted, interfering, interrupting, dismissive, and not very interesting on the eyes or ears.

Who knows? Maybe they would've wanted to set me up and destroy me with a cunning plan of revenge for things said and done?

You never know with these fuckers.

I was contacted some years ago via a forum admin by a well known journo from an Irish daily who wanted to interview a few people under the 'citizen journalism' banner. A good journo, one of the few, who was excellent on the Anglo/ShyteBRIC banking shenanigans in Dublin.

I turned it down as I couldn't be arsed and have no desire to be known anywhere much as I'd have had to break cover under my own name. A few weeks later the same journo accepted a role as personal advisor to a Minister. That would have been my identity known to the fucking goon squad in Dublin...

And myself and one or two other people who had done some research and were probably regarded as a pain in the arse on th' th' th' socially media by the government would have had our identities known via this journo.

Same journo will have signed a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement when taking the government shilling and hasn't been heard of since as a journo as far as I am aware. It was almost the last thing she did as a journo, propose an article which meant she would have had the identity of some online commentators well known to be a pain to our 'betters'. Shortly before selling her arse to them. Do NOT trust the Irish media...
I see Jambo's ensconced himself nicely among the pedophile set over on Arsefield's. Dan bangs on about keeping things in check, but while he knows hosting that sick fucker Wolf is a major risk, he keeps him online and has to spend hours and hours every day deleting posts both Wolf and Jerry make.

The unusual thing about Arsefield's these days is that it's the number one spot for transvestism and pedophilia: they're all mad for cross-dressing men in heels and dresses. Mandy Anderson posted a scene depicting an adult male in bed with a child explaining how a butt-plug works in stretching the orifice enough for an adult to have sex with the child. Then they went nuts on each blaming and accusing - 'everyone's a pedo - except me!' type idiocy.

So now we know what the A Team need each other so badly: hopeless O'Reilly is an obvious sexual deviant. All this 'Sir' and 'Ma'am' subservient bullshit he puts on signals his attraction to men dressing and acting as women. Valamhic went fully transvestite with his Molly McCracken character, seemed to love it too. Then there's Dan's famous transvestite moment with his streaked blond hair and red lipstick - proclaiming his attraction to O'Reilly. They're not even a bit embarrassed by any of it either.

What does THAT tell you?

I don't mind that Wolf's infatuated with me - I get that shit all the time for these closet gay sorts. These types cling onto you for dear life once they get the taste of a little attention going their way. I don't know how many threads, how many references, how many LIKES given to so much transvestite material they're hosting - but they never cease talking about LGBTQRST123, men as women, women's clothes and shoes, and gossiping like auld biddies outside the church of a Sunday morning.

Wolf's a time bomb waiting to explode Arsefield's.

Dan's desperate for members though - even the worst scum out there - and any price to be paid is easily handed over.

His ego has him in thrall. He knows that if he boots Wolf off, that Wolf will go hell for leather on the site reporting Dan to the American authorities. Dan knows he doesn't want that to happen: maybe the IRS will take an interest in his cash-only busking gig dragging plastic Paddies and Marys all over Southie like some sham loser busking in the rain - wearing a dress.

Dan had to balls to delete and demote Val, but he's terrified of Wolf - and he knows that Wolf's crush on the Mowl will be his eventual downfall.

What a sad story, eh.

But at least now we know where all the sexual deviants hang out, counting each other's balls and sniffing each others arses like mongrel mutts out on parade.

Rank stuff for sure.

It's actually great to have Val back on Arsefield's...I missed his hilarious bumbling and drunken antics. Now if only Dan would make him mod the laughability factor could be upped ten fold:

"Did yeh jus say dem windmills is gud? Right, dat too weaks ban"
I was contacted some years ago via a forum admin by a well known journo from an Irish daily who wanted to interview a few people under the 'citizen journalism' banner. A good journo, one of the few, who was excellent on the Anglo/ShyteBRIC banking shenanigans in Dublin.

I turned it down as I couldn't be arsed and have no desire to be known anywhere much as I'd have had to break cover under my own name. A few weeks later the same journo accepted a role as personal advisor to a Minister. That would have been my identity known to the fucking goon squad in Dublin...

And myself and one or two other people who had done some research and were probably regarded as a pain in the arse on th' th' th' socially media by the government would have had our identities known via this journo.

Same journo will have signed a confidentiality/non-disclosure agreement when taking the government shilling and hasn't been heard of since as a journo as far as I am aware. It was almost the last thing she did as a journo, propose an article which meant she would have had the identity of some online commentators well known to be a pain to our 'betters'. Shortly before selling her arse to them. Do NOT trust the Irish media...

Absolutely, and I don't.

Never did.

Honestly, if you've made a few appearances on national TV in Ireland, then you know from the first time that you can spot the obvious next time long before it breaks cover. Anyone going out to Montrose not correctly equipped is a fool in a three-ringed circus swamped in clown cars - with trailers in tow. Everyone knows that much, even the canteen staff. But for me the potential for bigger problems and agreeing to attend and participate in an RTE live show type visceral dissection is compounded by the fact that everyone already knows who I am.

How many Irish bloggers did they think Helsinki hosted?

Did you, dear readers from various other crank sites - assume I was trying to hide my identity?

I'm less a needle in a haystack than I am a giant haystack balanced upon a nine inch nail. As easy to miss as a dopey old Lappish moose trotting across a Nordic high-speed dual carriageway with one of those shit-eating grins they wear when jaded and up to mischief. It'd be harder to find a particular or singular moose among the many herds that roam the Arctic region than it would be to find the Mowl. Loads of eejits claim to have 'outed' or 'named' the Mowl. But none truly claim the prize.

Mostly because I designed these things this way: I outed myself the first day I joined Twenty Major's awesome mosh-pit.

I know you twats think you know who and maybe even what I am. But you also know that you're not as smart or as devious as me, you only want to 'be in my gang' so I don't give you one in the neck. Except that's not going to happen. Not anymore. I'm an army of one. Like all of you dear readers. And I intend to remain as such: me, myself, and I. From Ireland's toughest ghetto, loving life in 'The World's Happiest Country'. In style, too. Loads of you cunts would LOVE to see me fail, fall, die, or whatever. And you follow me around like this because you know you'll never get to take the chances Mowl did - and still come out on top. You know you can't match me screeching back over my shoulder at that poxy little island in the Atlantic, along with all of the shagged shepherds and sheep you call a government. It's a fucking HOWL watching you guys slowly sinking into the mire. The more you cast about in desperation - the quicker you sink. A long and slow yet still horrifically and inevitable death. One you're conscious of until the last - and beyond.

I have no intention of either going out like that OR settling for any less than I choose. Try that in Dublin. Cork. Sligo. Or any slurry-necked and shit-stinking region of what's left of Ireland. She was in the ascent when I left back in the mid 90s. Look at the fucking state you twats got yourselves into? Look a what you're doing to your children? Your grandchildren will learn to hate you and consider you a complete fucking loser in every respect. Right now the world's in a state of chassis. But you don't give a fuck about any of that, do you? You care about scoring points on chat boards like this one, you stupid little cunt. They'll piss on your grave and spit on your tombstone. And they'd be right to, as you know perfectly well. So suck it up. Get used to being an even bigger failure than the Boomers.

This goes out to ALL the mouths on Arsefield's - you know who you are.

But not as well as I do.

'I see the damaged Gowl, on the site with 3 members, was having a good old wank off about myself and this site today.
He should go back to the Christian Brothers and beg for forgiveness and some more attention..'

Says the guy who came over to The Isle to read exactly what I posted and then scurried back to his rat's den like a male streaker on the pitch during the 1978 FA Cup. Yeah, Wolf: you're the first one to clock that Mowl rhymes with Gowl. Everyone knows that. They think you're ever so witty and clever. I mean, apart from the fact that my real world name was outed back in 2007 on Politics.ie, you're THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT IT RIGHT, you stupid cunt.

And of course it was you who coupled Gowl and Mowl - long before Val did back in 2011.

You're not very good at this sort of thing, are you?

'Seems the pleb spends every waking moment monitoring this site and it's content, no wonder it had a heart attack...'

Says the guy who's glued to The Isle from the AM to the PM!

Though he might be the sort to tell that he has better things to be doing - he really, really doesn't. Being a malignant cunt takes effort. I'd imagine he starts every day with tea and a fag while screaming at the wife and kids to shut up while he's 'working' online. Then as soon as the kids are out the door, he opens his first tin of beer to settle his head and while guzzling it back, stares at his wife's big mad arse wondering how in the name of jaze he ended up with a munter like her. It never even dawns on the thick cunt that being pals with the likes of the scum Dan hosts that he has fuck all grounds for complaint.

Scumbag racists, cowards, fakes, ditch-dwelling hurlers, cross-dressing old men, and Saul Bucket - a right gouger with a middle-aged burglar and assaulter of Ireland's elderly pensioners for a son - but Wolfie doesn't mind any of that: Saul always adds a LIKE emoji to anything Wolf says, so you pretend to like him. Saul used to be like that with me: little emojis of fingers clicking, light-bulbs over his head, sucking it up like a brand new Dyson vacuum cleaner in a pig sty.

The original rat-pack, but not in a gentlemanly way.

A thoroughly charmless old buzzard whose Ma and Da likely beat the shit out of him every day, right after getting home from special needs school where his teachers battered him in the classroom and the other pupils battered him in the yard and the jacks. No wonder the poor evil swine's in a huff all the time.

'Here's to many more, society could do without mentally deranged knacker shitheads like that one.'

Better to be a knacker shit-head in the world's happiest country than a down and out old buzzard's gizzard with fuck all going on bar the rage of wanting to kill a black Irishman to make himself feel better.

Here, Wolfie: you're stuck in Ireland with no way out. You're too old, too unqualified, too loud, and far too fake to make it anywhere else. So get used to being stuck in the rain and damp and cold for the rest of your miserable days. Days of corned beef sandwiches with a dab of ploughman's pickle and YR sauce for dinner. Lyon's - the quality tea. Cadet - cola cadet, orange cadet, lemon cadet - cadet white lemonade.

Meanwhile, life up here in the world's happiest and most efficient country continues to break all global records. And that's the difference between me and you: you're wallowing in slurry and muck - I'm flying as high as the swallows who visit my balcony every evening. See, there's a reason you're always in a rage and I'm always laughing at you. It's because you're so fucking thick you can't see the wood for the trees. A typical burnt-out old fart sipping Dutch Gold from 0830 through to 1630 when the kids get off school. That's when you pour your cheap beer into a Coke can so they don't follow your lousy example and end up as bitter and useless as their Da. That's if you are in fact their Da. Nothing worse than being a cowardly racist cunt from the bogs and finding out later that the STDs you caught off your wife actually originated in deepest darkest Africa.

See how nobody LIKES your posts anymore?

They're sick of you - like the rest of us.

Your token value decreased significantly the more you posted your racist bile. Now you're just boring. Predictable. Samey. Obvious. Dull. Ill-informed. Uninspired. Impotent. Your posts mean fuck all because everyone knows you're basically a lock-in. You never leave the sofa unless it's to collect your dial-a-drink or margarita pizza with a side of curry chips.

Anyway: straight question: why are you so lame?

Where are your balls?

Looked in the mirror lately?

All that rage - where does it come from?

Visitors from the more civilised parts of Europe must be shocked when they come to Ireland and see the amount of feral scumbags roaming the streets of every city, town and village.

In other countries it's usually confined to small areas, yet in Ireland there are little scrotes on just about every street corner.
Does this ever happen in Helsinki?

Fuck no. The cops would all over it in seconds flat.

Whereas in Dublin city centre - even on the south-side, everyone loves a good messy scrap. There aren't any coppers to stop it either because they're all out on the motorways into and out of Dublin collecting corrupted car taxes policing the traffic. And unless there's blood, a screaming junkie or three, a wounded slapper in a mini skirt with legs as fat as those of an elephant and some broken glass and ripped up street furniture, they couldn't give a billowing bollocks either way.

In Helsinki, Kallio is the nearest equivalent to Temple Bar and its general environs nearby. That video was shot on the corner where The International Bar sits. I can still spot the areas I used to frequent, but not in the manner the knackers in the video do. I played the International a hundred times, across the street into what used to be Quo Vadis/QVII owned by the eldest son of Count John McCormack, the feted Irish singer from way back when. I loved the QVII gigs - whoever was in town that night dropped in after their gig, so we played with all the names in for their wine and supper. We were getting paid stupid money for jamming with Van Morrison, Richie Buckley (his genius guitarist brother Hughie as band leader), Shania Twain, Crowded House, Chaka Khan, Mary Coughlan, Mary Black, and many more. Those are just some of the ones who got up and joined us, there are dozens more who just came for supper but stayed until early morning hanging out chatting and telling stories.

Back then Dublin was far safer than it is today.

A police presence on the weekends is par for the course either uptown or downtown in Helsinki. The rest of the nights they're there - but not so prominent or in your face. They're friendly too, they have a laugh and don't take idiocy too seriously. Besides, they're armed to the teeth with battle-level dressage: nightsticks, handguns, tazers, pepper spray, handcuffs, all visible on their bullet-proof vests over full uniform. The guys in the back on the meat wagons are far more heavily armed, but we don't see them until something or somebody fucks up. Then they're out in seconds flat and we follow their directions to the letter. Once the heavy shit looks like it's about to go haywire, they're all over you like a cheap suit robbed from some pensioner's wardrobe by Saul Bucket's son.

Finland has a huge tourist quotient and the cops are there to make sure they and everyone else are safe from any malignant cunts looking to cause a ruckus.

Dublin's fucked - it has been for some time, but nobody wants to actually DO anything about it. Least of all your sad-arsed government and local councils. It seems the best Ireland has to offer on that score is dead eyes and pale skin herself: Helen McEntee. And the only reason she's your minister is because all the same cunts who voted for her Da then voted for her after he topped himself. And like her Da - she's fucking useless, yet still the most prominent voice in the entire state.

No fucking wonder Ireland breeds cunts like those hosted by Declan 'Fats' Kelly over on Arsefield's.

But still you have idiots like Jambo who entirely overlook McEntee and her bizarre lectures to focus on say Sanna Marin - who isn't even IN politics anymore. Jambo has to point fingers elsewhere than around him because he knows as well as the rest of us that Ireland's fucked. He just can't admit it to himself, so he changes the script and shifts the goalposts anytime he's cornered. Look at the sad cunt now? Firmly ensconced in Arsefield's front line cavalry: born to die.

A scene like the one you posted earlier would make the main evening news, the papers, the television discussions, local council protests, etc. Every cunt involved would be made to pay for what they damaged and broke - including the Finnish culture's international reputation.

Ireland prefers to soft soap these animals.

That way everyone in the elite classes gets their cut: free legal aid, consultants offering opinions, legal briefs of a variety of natures, shrinks, judges, counselors, advisors, you name it - all getting showered with big bucks for nothing. Free money. Like the dole - but not quite the same. The dole requires you to show up once a month to sign the dotted line. If you're working in the legal professions, you don't even have to show up. You can get a doctor's note and stay in bed for as long as you like, like Jambo, Wolfie, and Saul. Declan's current arse-lickers.

Imagine being subservient to Youngdan?

And being happy with it?

No wonder you fucking twats are killing each other and destroying Ireland's reputation?

Oh, how I laugh..
Visitors from the more civilised parts of Europe must be shocked when they come to Ireland and see the amount of feral scumbags roaming the streets of every city, town and village.

They likely wonder where the fuck they're from given the accents.

And the knuckles dragging behind them on the rain-soaked and freezing concrete.

In other countries it's usually confined to small areas, yet in Ireland there are little scrotes on just about every street corner.

And not just on the street corners - they occupy your parliament too - in even larger numbers, eh.

Like The Sorted Party:

It's not just Dublin though- it's all across the country. Wherever you go in Ireland you encounter the same...from Newbridge to Mullingar to Tuam to Galway to Cork to Dundalk to Limerick...they are literally everywhere.

Yes, they are - but why?

Let's consider what it is that drives people to behave like scumbags. When the state is so obviously corrupted, the people follow the role model, and they start acting like cunts too. Why bother getting a job and doing something good for a country that shits on you every chance it gets? From the top down, Ireland sets this example to all of her children. No wonder the entire island is awash with drugs and drink and brawls? They see everyone ripping off every way they can - so they simply follow suit. There's fuck all else worth doing, right?

Whereas in a mature society like Finland's, our standards are set far higher - and even the poorest of fuckers still has a chance to improve themselves. In Ireland, if you decide to get the head down and get on with things, they'll throw every obstacle they can at your feet, and if you fall they'll eat you alive. I came from the ghettos of Ireland, so I know how the game is played. I simply am not even remotely interested in living such a sad excuse for an existence as staying in a country that hates me. So I got out. And guess what? They still hate me - because I made good abroad after suffering under the thumb of a variety of bastards in my own lifetime in Ireland. I know how corrupt she is. How fucked up she is. How it's never going to get any better for Paddy OR Biddy.

Why stick around paying out top dollar for third rate service?

Fuck that - it's exactly why the poorest of the poor want to stay where they are - because they know how to game the system themselves. They've a million examples to go by too. And again from the top down. You guys get so pissed off every time I remind you that although I came from the ghetto, I still got out and made good elsewhere - in the happiest country in the entire world. Ask yourself: what would it take for Ireland to claim that prize? We've cruised it effortlessly the last six years - always the world's best quality of life. What would Ireland need to do to even qualify to enter the race? What would it take?

Wipe all the scumbags out with pure heroin? Fill your trains with them and drive them off the Cliffs Of Moher into the stormy Atlantic?

Blow the entire country to pieces and start again from scratch?

My votes with the latter - you've seen the former fail too many times.

Start with selling pure heroin, don't say a word about it - just discreetly flood the entire national market with the purer version - yes, it'll cost more - but no, you won't have such a big problem after cutting say around five thousand junkie's lives short. Then you can really begin to start a decent society instead of the rotten hamster heel you all subject yourselves to. Kill 'em all off in three weeks, then burn the bodies, dump them in a mass grave and mark it with a headstone that informs the tourists what we had to do to rid the poxy little island of these rodents.

That big haul of coke from yesterday would be another option: cut each tonne of coke with half a tonne of rat poison like strychnine and flood the market with it. Within a few days you'd see a difference on the streets. Lots of dead bodies, yes - but who cares? They're a cancer growing on your life - you don't need or want them anyway - so overdose the lot of them. Give them one last big hit and watch them curl up and die.


Dan giving out (on the sly) about black crime. He'd do well to check the videos posted earlier on this thread.

No doubt Wolfie and the gang will chime in with the predicable old "if it weren't for the blacks we'd have next to no crime...lefties this and libtards that" etc etc.
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