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Sad but hilarious to see the mess Ireland's in at the moment.

But sure by all means focus your pigeon-shit attention on the 'anti-white' issue - above all else.
You see the way Bakhurst is sacrificing Tubridy?

It's being done to save the system. The game is to make the case that the system is fine, we just blame these individuals for these failings.

Similar was done with the banking, finance and property system. Drumm and Fitzpatrick and others were sacrificed, and the game went on, the system stayed intact.

I remember something Drumm said:

"... It's not so much the last days of the Roman Empire and the mad Irish squandering the wealth. They've been squirreling it, here and overseas..."

The game was to protect the gains, the nest eggs, the privileged positions of the majority. How do they do it? They feed a few insiders to the lions to feed the appetite of the public to see them torn to pieces.

The problem is the system. Not Tubridy, not ant-whites or immigrants, not Drumm, or Fitzpatrick, or any other fuckwit who played the system with a little too much adroitness and hubris.
Absolutely - it's a fucking free-for-all with every one of them protecting their little power and privilege. I watched the proceedings at yesterday's meeting on Oireachtas TV. A clown-car of a meeting. Smug, self-satisfied, entitled shower of bastards.

Not until Dee Forbes is dragged screaming into one of the next grillings will the system employed be actually undermined.

All they have to do is bury her, never mention her, don't let the media talk about her - act like she never even existed.

But as I said earlier: best focus on the 'anti-white' factor, Jambo - nothing else matters.
Sad but hilarious to see the mess Ireland's in at the moment.

But sure by all means focus your pigeon-shit attention on the 'anti-white' issue - above all else.
There's quite a lot to unpack in that single sentence above, Mowl.

Firstly, I think one could say that it's "pigeon-shit attention" to focus on RTE and even more so if it's only about corruption. When have you ever complained about the damage it does in its reporting, that it's a mouthpiece for the government? 🤔

And then moving on to the politicians, I'm sure some of them are ideologically wed to what they are doing, but in large part they're doing what international organisations, NGOs (they give taxpayer money to) and the pressure of the system as a whole tells them to do.

And lastly, Irish people are white, Mowl. Furthermore, there's nothing really unique about the eh, "progress" that's happening in Ireland but there is a pattern (see my previous sentence).
To say RTE is simply "a mouthpiece for government" is simplistic, not particularly true, and makes proponents of such soundbites easy to dismiss (as having the awareness and intelligence of a piece of pigeon shit, or whatever)..

More so, RTE is a type of systemic stabilising device for the whole system, operating through negative feedback.

It ensures the stability of the whole thing. All the customary attitudes, and ways of doing business, and ways that people talk who are in positions of authority, and this country's prevailing cultural mores, and positions accorded respect, and everything else, are reinforced, kept stable, error corrected, perpetuated, mainly by the device of RTE.

It is a type of regulatory device on the entire system.
There's quite a lot to unpack in that single sentence above, Mowl.

For a half-witted sewer pipe of Telegram users - that's very probable in your case.
Firstly, I think one could say that it's "pigeon-shit attention" to focus on RTE and even more so if it's only about corruption.

You want me to say something nice about the luvvies out in Montrose?

That'll happen, yeah.


When have you ever complained about the damage it does in its reporting, that it's a mouthpiece for the government? 🤔

All the time - that's why I live in the world's happiest country, and it's also why have a large following back in my hometown: eight and half thousand people read me. Nobody even knows you exist, apart from Would/Collar/Morbid - on your favourite platform.

And then moving on to the politicians, I'm sure some of them are ideologically wed to what they are doing, but in large part they're doing what international organisations, NGOs (they give taxpayer money to) and the pressure of the system as a whole tells them to do.

In your rather lame opinion.

And lastly, Irish people are white, Mowl.

Nah - more like pink - apart from the Val Martin types with the blood-red necks and forearms.

Furthermore, there's nothing really unique about the eh, "progress" that's happening in Ireland but there is a pattern (see my previous sentence).

'Progress' - in Ireland?


You truly are one useless shite-pipe, Dawson.

You need to cop yourself on, you dumb and servile little cunt.

To say RTE is simply "a mouthpiece for government" is simplistic, not particularly true, and makes proponents of such soundbites easy to dismiss (as having the awareness and intelligence of a piece of pigeon shit, or whatever)..

More so, RTE is a type of systemic stabilising device for the whole system, operating through negative feedback.

Excellent descriptor.

It ensures the stability of the whole thing. All the customary attitudes, and ways of doing business, and ways that people talk who are in positions of authority, and this country's prevailing cultural mores, and positions accorded respect, and everything else, are reinforced, kept stable, error corrected, perpetuated, mainly by the device of RTE.

It is a type of regulatory device on the entire system.

Kind of like a natural successor to the Roman catholic church.

Replace one rotten set-up with another rotten set-up.

And then you have the fools like Jambo who fall for it - every time.
For a half-witted sewer pipe of Telegram users - that's very probable in your case.

You want me to say something nice about the luvvies out in Montrose?

That'll happen, yeah.


All the time - that's why I live in the world's happiest country, and it's also why have a large following back in my hometown: eight and half thousand people read me. Nobody even knows you exist, apart from Would/Collar/Morbid - on your favourite platform.

In your rather lame opinion.
Not an argument

Nah - more like pink - apart from the Val Martin types with the blood-red necks and forearms.
Race isn't a "skin color"

'Progress' - in Ireland?


You truly are one useless shite-pipe, Dawson.

You need to cop yourself on, you dumb and servile little cunt.
I typed - eh, "progress", clearly sarcasm/cynicism and was a reference to progressivism. roc_abilly roc_abilly denies that he's a progressive but he is

Excellent descriptor.

Kind of like a natural successor to the Roman catholic church.

Replace one rotten set-up with another rotten set-up.

And then you have the fools like Jambo who fall for it - every time.

Another quarter of a million? For a photographer? To take sixteen pictures per year - for four years? For Fair City? Sixty four pictures over forty eight months? For €240k? What fucking planet is this photographer from? And who the fuck watches Fair City? Is this some sort of fucking wind-up? Nope. This is RTE. This is what they're doing with your money. Personally, I'm fucking thrilled to see people refuse to pay the license fee. For once the populace has managed to come together on a national issue and do the right thing without even being told to.

My mate Harry did the shots for Bank Of Ireland's annual client calendar, a sort of corporate gift they sent out to their customers and partners.

He was sadly murdered in Rome just after Christmas 1999 when on location to do the shots for the following year's calendar. Someone stuck him with a loaded syringe of pure heroin, then robbed him of his possessions. He'd only just arrived an hour or two before that into the airport, then took a train into Roma central. His body was found down a lane-way, all his stuff was gone and they couldn't identify him for some time. We were sharing a house on Leeson Park Avenue (awesome address) and that morning I saw him off in a taxi to Dublin Airport. Never imagined it'd be the last time I'd see him, but it was true.

The family were alerted first, then word came to our house. It was a massive shock to us all.

They never found the culprit, and they didn't try too hard either after checking his blood and finding other substances than the smack that killed him.

At the funeral out in Kilmacanogue weeks later, I carried his coffin along with his two brothers and father.

A terrible day for all concerned.

I went home and couldn't settle myself, so Suzi and drove back out to the graveyard around midnight. It was cold. Dark too, we had a large battery torch to light the way. Harsh winds. Terrible sadness. I took my saxophone and played the theme from Betty Blue while standing at the head of the grave. Then when we were leaving back to home, I left the battery torch on the head of the grave, a light pointing out through the fog and mist into the night sky.

Bank Of Ireland paid him handsomely for his work throughout the previous years - but it was nothing like the RTE offer of quarter of a million for a few poxy fucking PR shots. No wonder Ireland's in fucking traction - you fuckers are useless.


This is what passes for debate with Jambo.

No wonder he only ever posts memes from Wouldn't/Cholesterol/Mugwump.

You're an idiot.

No wonder the only friends you have are on Saul Bucket and Hopeless O'Reilly's level.

Not an argument

Race isn't a "skin color"

I typed - eh, "progress", clearly sarcasm/cynicism and was a reference to progressivism. roc_abilly roc_abilly denies that he's a progressive but he is

You're useless - and as per every other day - you have nothing.

To say RTE is simply "a mouthpiece for government" is simplistic, not particularly true
It's a little bit true, is it? 🤔

I don't think there's ever been a time when trust in the (fake news) media has been lower and yes, RTÉ and the government are on the same page.

, and makes proponents of such soundbites easy to dismiss (as having the awareness and intelligence of a piece of pigeon shit, or whatever)..

More so, RTE is a type of systemic stabilising device for the whole system, operating through negative feedback.

It ensures the stability of the whole thing. All the customary attitudes, and ways of doing business, and ways that people talk who are in positions of authority, and this country's prevailing cultural mores, and positions accorded respect, and everything else, are reinforced, kept stable, error corrected, perpetuated, mainly by the device of RTE.

It is a type of regulatory device on the entire system.
Sorry, I don't speak Wafflese
Jamboi is just a complete moron for all his chess skills. Simple as that. Which is precisely why he believes in the kind of shit he believes in. He's a complete waste of space, there's no reasoning with that level of imbecility. And that extends to his so called "A-team". Basically, you just had to be as thick as pig shit, an exhibition of sub-imbecility, to be selected. That is the basic criteria to be able to believe in the kind of explanations for the country's problems that these cretins do. Well with a good dollop of viciousness and malevolence thrown in the mix too.
Jamboi is just a complete moron for all his chess skills. Simple as that. Which is precisely why he believes in the kind of shit he believes in. He's a complete waste of space, there's no reasoning with that level of imbecility. And that extends to his so called "A-team". Basically, you just had to be as thick as pig shit, an exhibition of sub-imbecility, to be selected. That is the basic criteria to be able to believe in the kind of explanations for the country's problems that these cretins do. Well with a good dollop of viciousness and malevolence thrown in the mix too.
I had to wade through your ad hom crap before I got to the penultimate sentence of your post (we can discard the last one too) to find anything worth replying to -

That is the basic criteria to be able to believe in the kind of explanations for the country's problems that these cretins do.
What are the "country's problems", in your opinion, and how do they align with what I'm saying? 🤔
I'm not going to get into the specifics of white supremacism in your own case, again. But in general, it's the same as it's ever been. Well put in this letter to the Baltimore Evening Sun almost ninety years ago by a well known writer about the social issues of his day, also alluding to the increasingly populist and base politics in the vein of Trump and the Irish National Party that rose up on the back of it in his day.

"... The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true desserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damnfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy. If these villains could be put down, he holds, he would at once become rich, powerful and eminent. Nine politicians out of every ten, of whatever party, live and have their being by promising to perform this putting down. In brief, they are knaves who maintain themselves by preying on the idiotic vanities and pathetic hopes of half-wits..."
H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun (15 Jun 1936)
I'm not going to get into the specifics of white supremacism in your own case, again. But in general, it's the same as it's ever been. Well put in this letter to the Baltimore Evening Sun almost ninety years ago by a well known writer about the social issues of his day, also alluding to the increasingly populist and base politics in the vein of Trump and the Irish National Party that rose up on the back of it in his day.

"... The central belief of every moron is that he is the victim of a mysterious conspiracy against his common rights and true desserts. He ascribes all his failure to get on in the world, all of his congenital incapacity and damnfoolishness, to the machinations of werewolves assembled in Wall Street, or some other such den of infamy. If these villains could be put down, he holds, he would at once become rich, powerful and eminent. Nine politicians out of every ten, of whatever party, live and have their being by promising to perform this putting down. In brief, they are knaves who maintain themselves by preying on the idiotic vanities and pathetic hopes of half-wits..."
H. L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun (15 Jun 1936)
I asked you what the country's problems are, in your opinion, and how they align with mine.

I didn't ask you to (generically) babble about "white supremacy" 🤦‍♂️
The root problem in this country is peasant-mindedness. We remain a peasant community, just adopted the trappings of modernity.

The sordid lust for land and rights to the fruit of it including but not limited to rents of all types, is just one externalisation of this peasant-mindedness. What you are up to, Jamboi, and your arsefields compadres, is another externalisation of it. But there are a number of varieties and externalisations of it.

It is why we have no Statesmen. Well we hardly have anyone articulate in those positions involved in organising the life of this country, let alone far sighted organising ability towards the higher public good, or even understanding what that might be.

Our peasant minded electorate shuffle along to the polling booth to vote in what they call a "tactical" manner. I.e. They vote for their short-term interest. They vote to put their own locality over others, even if that means men like Lowry. They vote without moral courage. They vote meanly, always looking for something for nothing. They vote people "out" rather than in (when they didn't get what they childishly demanded and expected).

In other words they vote like peasants, and that is why we get peasants in government, and these peasants we put in power ensure that other peasants are put in subordinate positions of power and responsibilty for public services and the country's institutions etc.

And the root problem is these peasants understand only coercion, and therefore become servile to any established authority. One effect of this is we have too many laws, and perhaps understandably a peasant type of attitude to those laws, as it is a vicious circle.

You get my drift. What I said about RTE if you read it again is they act like a stabilising device for the whole system, operating through negative feedback. Somewhat like a thermostat keeping the temperature within predefined limits. Except RTE works with peasant-mindedness rather than temperature. It reinforces externalisations of the peasant mindset, in a somewhat similar manner as when you write a comment on Morgosh blog about anti-whites or some such, along with a rake of your other white supremacist peasant minded fools, Morgosh will reward you with another similarly discriminatory and mawkish blog post.

It's a vicious circle, Jamboi.
The root problem in this country is peasant-mindedness. We remain a peasant community, just adopted the trappings of modernity.
I wasn't asking about a "root problem"

The sordid lust for land and rights to the fruit of it including but not limited to rents of all types, is just one externalisation of this peasant-mindedness. What you are up to, Jamboi, and your arsefields compadres, is another externalisation of it. But there are a number of varieties and externalisations of it.

It is why we have no Statesmen. Well we hardly have anyone articulate in those positions involved in organising the life of this country, let alone far sighted organising ability towards the higher public good, or even understanding what that might be.

Our peasant minded electorate shuffle along to the polling booth to vote in what they call a "tactical" manner. I.e. They vote for their short-term interest. They vote to put their own locality over others, even if that means men like Lowry. They vote without moral courage. They vote meanly, always looking for something for nothing. They vote people "out" rather than in (when they didn't get what they childishly demanded and expected).

In other words they vote like peasants, and that is why we get peasants in government, and these peasants we put in power ensure that other peasants are put in subordinate positions of power and responsibilty for public services and the country's institutions etc.

And the root problem is these peasants understand only coercion, and therefore become servile to any established authority. One effect of this is we have too many laws, and perhaps understandably a peasant type of attitude to those laws, as it is a vicious circle.

You get my drift. What I said about RTE if you read it again is they act like a stabilising device for the whole system, operating through negative feedback. Somewhat like a thermostat keeping the temperature within predefined limits. Except RTE works with peasant-mindedness rather than temperature. It reinforces externalisations of the peasant mindset, in a somewhat similar manner as when you write a comment on Morgosh blog about anti-whites or some such, along with a rake of your other white supremacist peasant minded fools, Morgosh will reward you with another similarly discriminatory and mawkish blog post.

It's a vicious circle, Jamboi.

The root problem in this country is peasant-mindedness. We remain a peasant community, just adopted the trappings of modernity.

The sordid lust for land and rights to the fruit of it including but not limited to rents of all types, is just one externalisation of this peasant-mindedness. What you are up to, Jamboi, and your arsefields compadres, is another externalisation of it. But there are a number of varieties and externalisations of it.

It is why we have no Statesmen. Well we hardly have anyone articulate in those positions involved in organising the life of this country, let alone far sighted organising ability towards the higher public good, or even understanding what that might be.

Our peasant minded electorate shuffle along to the polling booth to vote in what they call a "tactical" manner. I.e. They vote for their short-term interest. They vote to put their own locality over others, even if that means men like Lowry. They vote without moral courage. They vote meanly, always looking for something for nothing. They vote people "out" rather than in (when they didn't get what they childishly demanded and expected).

In other words they vote like peasants, and that is why we get peasants in government, and these peasants we put in power ensure that other peasants are put in subordinate positions of power and responsibilty for public services and the country's institutions etc.

And the root problem is these peasants understand only coercion, and therefore become servile to any established authority. One effect of this is we have too many laws, and perhaps understandably a peasant type of attitude to those laws, as it is a vicious circle.

You get my drift. What I said about RTE if you read it again is they act like a stabilising device for the whole system, operating through negative feedback. Somewhat like a thermostat keeping the temperature within predefined limits. Except RTE works with peasant-mindedness rather than temperature. It reinforces externalisations of the peasant mindset, in a somewhat similar manner as when you write a comment on Morgosh blog about anti-whites or some such, along with a rake of your other white supremacist peasant minded fools, Morgosh will reward you with another similarly discriminatory and mawkish blog post.

It's a vicious circle, Jamboi.

The Gombeen peasant / cute hoor mentality is a curse on this land. I've heard a theory that it goes back to the days of trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the British/ Anglo-Irish landlord and administration. Only today it's a our parish vs. the Dublin government outlook.

Get all you can for yourself and the parish, and to hell with the nation as a whole.
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