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I see how you're deluded

I see how you just managed to make a complete fucking dick of yourself.

You adore a black man - and if your nationalist pals like Saul and Sham see your adoration of that black man - they'll boot you of your own Arse Team - you silly little negro wanna-be loser.

And is it just me or has anyone else noticed that people who aren't funny don't have any sense of humour themselves? 🤔

lol I suppose that makes sense but when was the last time you think any of the other posters here really laughed? And Mowl gets stoned every day but I doubt he ever really laughs.
I see how you just managed to make a complete fucking dick of yourself.

You adore a black man - and if your nationalist pals like Saul and Sham see your adoration of that black man - they'll boot you of your own Arse Team - you silly little negro wanna-be loser.


Saul and Wolfie are notorious for using the N-word. I doubt they'd say it out on the street though.
lol This is wrong on multiple levels, I of course have nothing against individual blacks. As for Sham, he was the inspiration for my username..
Maybe we should rename this thread the 'Battering Jambo's Four Remaining Brain Cells In' thread?

He hasn't had such a bad day as this in some time.

But only because he was offline.

Shoveling shite.
Mowl isn't a sell-out, he's one of the few people speaking up for the 99% against the crooked 1% who rule this country as if it were their personal fiefdom. The gombeens who run Ireland (into the ground) love Arsefield's types...because they create distractions and divert attention away from where the real problem lies, aka. at the feet of pork barrel politics and a corrupt economic system.
And the BBBB blog has enough members to make a difference at the local level.
Why would you think that the biggest issue facing the Irish nation is a pothole on a road in Ballyfermot? 🤔

Arsefield's and Pish are little more than talking shops for the same dozen basement dwellers, year after year. Said basement dwellers achieve absolutely nothing at the end of the day.
What have you done about the "gombeens"? 🤔
As for Sham, he was the inspiration for my username..
Yes, I suppose you didn't get that Mowl - and even Dan did 🤓

Yes, Sham started a thread on Arsefield's called - "The Truth League", the proposal of which was - How do we tailor our message so we don't appear "racist" to our colonisers (Sham giving the example of the the sowund asylum scammers from Africa he previously worked with for a month driving a taxi).

I mean, un-fucking-believable, just unfuckingbelievable 😆

Sham also uses 'white' (meaning race) as a pejorative (as well as Prod).
As for Sham, he was the inspiration for my username..
Yes, I suppose you didn't get that Mowl - and even Dan did 🤓

Yes, Sham started a thread on Arsefield's called - "The Truth League", the proposal of which was - How do we tailor our message so we don't appear "racist" to our colonisers (Sham giving the example of the the sowund asylum scammers from Africa he previously worked with for a month driving a taxi).

I mean, un-fucking-believable, just unfuckingbelievable 😆

Sham also uses 'white' (meaning race) as a pejorative (as well as Prod).
Why would you think that the biggest issue facing the Irish nation is a pothole on a road in Ballyfermot? 🤔

Lame - but then again you're always lame and defensive when I pull your pissy knickers down in public.

What have you done about the "gombeens"? 🤔

What have you done so far with your 'nationalism' and your 'anti-white' crusade thus far?

Make a few copies of your heroes posts and then slap them on here using your (what is it, now) fifth username?

Or is it seventh?

Hardly matters - each one is less inspired than the previous.
Honestly - ask yourself why you started out as James Dawson only to change to Jimmy D and then back to James Dawson and then on to Electricity and Liam G, then back to Jimmy D and now it's Truth League?

It's not because you're embarrassed about all the times I took each of your characters down and off the sites?

Where did you get Truth League from anyway?


It's Morgulp - isn't it?

Or maybe it's Woods.

Anyway - hardly matters what name you appear under - you're still the same predictable little cunt.

A walking and infectious open sore.
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