Mowl isn't a sell-out, he's one of the few people speaking up for the 99% against the crooked 1% who rule this country as if it were their personal fiefdom. The gombeens who run Ireland (into the ground) love Arsefield's types...because they create distractions and divert attention away from where the real problem lies, aka. at the feet of pork barrel politics and a corrupt economic system.
And the BBBB blog has enough members to make a difference at the local level. Arsefield's and Pish are little more than talking shops for the same dozen basement dwellers, year after year. Said basement dwellers achieve absolutely nothing at the end of the day.
Outstanding post - and thank you: you're right, it does make a difference on the local level. Of eight and a half thousand people I address publicly, there are many more who message me privately with their concerns and looking for advice on best to play the available options. They respect/admire the fact that I not only successfully managed to live a good life in my time on the ground in the area through so many charitable works over the years (these include my artworks in the school corridors and my larger artworks on the playground walls that are still there today) I also tended to them as a first aid responder/volunteer through the St John Ambulance and helped with Father Arthur O'Neill's efforts at the Sunshine Home for underprivileged kids based up in Balbriggan.
These core elements of my local activities had an even brighter light shone on them after our kid first wore the green jersey at under-16, then under-18, and then had professional options from the UK where several teams pursued him but he took a different offer and went to the USA on a three year scholarship, which evolved to make him the very wealthy professional coach he is today.
Our family were to go-to address for locals in need of help and advice. My Mam is so well protected by so many locals she only needs to open her front door before the locals send someone over to her to see what she needs and if there's anything they can do to help her along. In a town like Ballyfermot, that's quite a feat. But it's her lifetime of efforts within the community that gained our family the respect we still enjoy today.
Charitable works are at their best when they're done quietly and anonymously. Finding solutions within the community for the general issues most families go through requires an experienced and trusted source: that's my Mam; she's Ballyfermot royalty, and her children try to emulate her best efforts even at the distance from Helsinki back to the other side of Europe I used to call my home.
I have great pride my family and our achievements I'm absolutely bowled over by the continuing kindnesses and reassurances she gets from all of our neighbours. That they also subscribe to my efforts at debunking the news into a more palatable and understandable form than the national papers and state television gives them isn't lost on me either. I try to simplify what they get rammed down their throats into a more understandable set of terms than any national outlet gives them - hence my own popularity with the locals even though I'm heading for thirty years out of Ireland.
@Truth League
Why do you have such a grudge against Mowl anyway?
Because I do what I say and I keep to my word. When somebody is honest and helpful to me, I'm the sort who doesn't forget it. I'll go even further in helping them along simply because I can. So it really doesn't matter to me when Jambo says he doesn't read the BBBB. Truth is, he can't cope with it at all.
He'd like to be popular for spouting out his white nationalist theories but he knows nobody gives a fuck what he thinks - this is because his thoughts do NOT evolve into actions: they're just words on a screen, written out a desperate need to be noticed and for anyone to even remember his name. Jambo's life is the dread of counting down the days to his next dole cheque.
He has nothing to offer anyone - which is why he has no friends or followers, let alone ten thousand of them.
Childish jealousy - and he probably thinks I give a shit.
Yeah - a grudge.
You haven't a pot to piss in either, Jambo.
And yet you can't stop pursuing me.
And failing with it every time I allow you to catch up so I can toss you another bone.
You're the champ though, right?
A black man.
A voice for the Nation Of Islam.
Pity you didn't think one through before taking that course, eh.
Must be galling to know how badly you sabotaged yourself.
You're a running joke - get used to it.