So many things happened on the way and instead of keeping a diary, I wrote about the various events in letter form to send to my sister in London. She collected loads of stuff from my younger aged artworks to letters, sculptures and so on. When she'd head off on her travels, she'd give one of my sketches to the owner of the bar/restaurant/hotel and then make sure to get a photo of it hanging in place.
So with the various letters I sent her over all the years, she kept every single one of them. She said it was a great way to meet new people and show what Irish people can do. So the trip to Morocco was an epic letter of twenty six pages with added illustrations of the medinas and the folk hanging around. Droves and droves of people, all dressed in traditional costume and all trying to get us into the shop to buy their stuff.
She sent the original letter back to me and kept herself a photocopy of the entire eleven weeks on the road.
It's in Mam's attic, so it's safe; one day soon I'll have to go through all my correspondence from over the years of travels in music and art.
The guy I traveled with to Morocco sadly stabbed me in the back after a major problem which occurred in Ireland at a music festival we were both working on. It took me a while to actually figure out that it was he who set me up to take a fall to protect himself and his career in law. I got fucked over by the state - a total set-up that the coppers laughed at after the case was heard. They made a deal of some sort and he never had to appear in court. For me, that was the last straw - I HATED Ireland. The whole rotten set up from top to bottom, and I decided it was time to go, if I stayed I'd have likely gotten into even worse trouble for making sure I got the bastard and got him good.
Sadly, that opportunity hasn't yet arrived.
But it will.
I don't forgive and I never forget.
So he knows that eventually I'll be coming to see him. I know where his practice is based, where he lived and what he drives. I know his wife intimately as we were having an affair around the time the case came up. I was so angry about the court case I let her go. I had to, I was in a bad place and wanted no emotional or otherwise connections to prevent me from leaving.
I know everything about the cunt, he not only stabbed me in the back, but he stole from me too. A lovely Steinberg bass, with a beautiful extra-long handmade strap my Sis made for me. They're worth around €500/600 - but the money was the issue: it was a guitar I treasured as it was given to me by somebody very important in my life. What hurt the most was that knife in my back. A familiar sense of my country of birth: go ot alone - trust nobody, they're all out for Number One.
So I'll let him continue to sizzle for now.
He knows I'm coming.
I want my guitar back too.