I don't believe it. A FF'er says something sensible.
Less than a year ago I wrote here about the growing problem of street crime and wanton anti-social behaviour. The article was prompted by an alarming increase in calls to my office from people who live in daily fear of the feral behaviour of some.
Or you could see it as pretty consistent coming from O'Dea.
The guy who was forced to resign for giving false evidence on oath in the "brothelgate" libel case.
And then went on Marian Finucane crying about how he was just a simple fellow who had "lost his job" and how he was writing and reading a lot to help him deal with his unemployment etc.
I.e. he always had the characteristic of the so called "far right" of making himself out to be the victim.
Whether it was blaming the ECB for everything that happened under the government he was a part of, or saying that the Cabinet he was a part of was "bounced into issuing the bank guarantee" etc.
Or his memory lapses as minister of defence, his advocating that they raid private pension funds to pay for the banking crisis, his voting for a huge hike in the third-level registration fee... despite being totally opposed to it...
That's just off the top of my head. So point being he absolutely has the character and demeanour and outlook to chime in with this sort of shite, using these type of dumb politicised phrases about "playing to the woke gallery", and meaningless appeals designed to evoke an emotional response over a factual response saying she should
instead deal with community crime etc.
That is not to say McEntee is getting everything right, far from it. But the fact that O'Dea comes out and witters like this, must mean she is getting something right, at least.