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When does a poster come off moderation? I posted in Truth League's thread this morning but it's still not showing
I really don't understand the sorts who watch the likes of Morgoth all day...where they then come out and exclaim the virtues of capitalism and private property rights. Yet they bitch and whine whenever someone exercises those very same property rights. YouTube is a perfect example...it's a private company and they're under no obligation to allow anyone to post there.

A lot of these alt-right types are idiots who don't even understand what they're supporting 99% of the time.
I really don't understand the sorts who watch the likes of Morgoth all day...where they then come out and exclaim the virtues of capitalism and private property rights. Yet they bitch and whine whenever someone exercises those very same property rights. YouTube is a perfect example...it's a private company and they're under no obligation to allow anyone to post there.
Valamhic, Jambot, and 'Maxflinn' on Arsefields is another notorious one, all think they get banned from one or other online platform for their advanced "political views", or for effectively challenging the consensus. No, they are banned for being drooling undecipherable, idiots, who parrot other idiots, and are incapable of saying anything rooted in something other than their own inner imaginary paranoid worlds that others might relate to. They are banned for nothing else only that.
YouTube channels such as Morgoth are effectively this generation's answer to the Daily Mail.
I think Val is a case apart from the other dopes you mention. val's a family man, nearing seventy, has seen Long Island and Oman, and thinks that because he went to vidit some native American Indians that he's the Lone fucking Ranger. Most of the howling idiots like Jambo are in it for the jibes, trolling, and childish theorizing. They want to be 'known' for something or other not of their own design, but rather them reacting to what their 'heroes' and 'leaders' tell them.

Val stands alone.

His case is not like theirs. His case is far closer to actual insanity and a deteriorating mental capacity coupled with an ego of infinite appetites and a desperate need to be 'known' for something or other. He's drank so much of his own Kool Aid he'll never be a normal person again. Instead he'll fight all the way into his grave to be 'the second dumbest cunt in Irish history' with neither shame nor a sense of his own gross ignorance.

Or perhaps more like the 'Andy Cap' comic strip you used to find in it, and feeling you need to emulate that character.

Andy Capp was a great strip - along with Jiggs and Maggie, Mandrake the Magician, Snoopy and Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes (my personal favourite and a timeless strip that never grows old) and Hagar the Horrible - as close to a mirror image of Val Martin than anyone else. As a kid these were the first things I'd read in the newspaper after Mam and Dad were finished with it. The simplex crossword ( I buy the annual bumper version every time I pass through the airport) and then the small ads, where they advertised everything from hardware for spies to spades and hammers.

As a very young child, my earliest memories of books was wondering what Mam and Dad were reading and why it took all their attention. So I went to their bookshelf and went through every book looking for clues. As I couldn't read at that age, I assumed the pages were all a game you had to play by taking a pencil and trying to find the quickest route down through the sentences and paragraphs from the top of the page through the page to the bottom of the page without getting pencil marks on any of the words. When my Mam saw what I was doing she laughed and when Dad came home, he was in stitches too.

Though I doubt they'd have laughed if I had access to a Biro pen.

'Memories - how they fade so fast? Look back, there is no escape.
Tie it down - now you see too late...

I am a camera.

There's a photo of him as a boy laughing and trying to pull the wings off a magpie.

So you can imagine what goes on down in the lower barn by the shitting ditch; even Val's wife refuses to go there.
Maybe we can re-calibrate the giant catapult up on the cliffs of Moher and point it straight up into the sky at 90 degrees to the earth and send Val into space? I'm sure there has to be at least one planet out there that'll have him? Besides, if aliens were to visit Drumsallagh (Val's home address) he'd likely pull their heads off and boil them - then feed the bodies to the barn rats.

Or maybe Val is, in fact - a complete fucking spacer from another planet?

Flew in on a slurry-powered spaceship from the nether regions of the known universe?

To put Val's idiocy into graphic terms, consider first his most recent post, then put it in perspective using this video:

I don't believe it. A FF'er says something sensible.

Or you could see it as pretty consistent coming from O'Dea.

The guy who was forced to resign for giving false evidence on oath in the "brothelgate" libel case.

And then went on Marian Finucane crying about how he was just a simple fellow who had "lost his job" and how he was writing and reading a lot to help him deal with his unemployment etc.

I.e. he always had the characteristic of the so called "far right" of making himself out to be the victim.

Whether it was blaming the ECB for everything that happened under the government he was a part of, or saying that the Cabinet he was a part of was "bounced into issuing the bank guarantee" etc.

Or his memory lapses as minister of defence, his advocating that they raid private pension funds to pay for the banking crisis, his voting for a huge hike in the third-level registration fee... despite being totally opposed to it...

That's just off the top of my head. So point being he absolutely has the character and demeanour and outlook to chime in with this sort of shite, using these type of dumb politicised phrases about "playing to the woke gallery", and meaningless appeals designed to evoke an emotional response over a factual response saying she should instead deal with community crime etc.

That is not to say McEntee is getting everything right, far from it. But the fact that O'Dea comes out and witters like this, must mean she is getting something right, at least.
Val has officially lost the plot...

He needs an intervention, but his family clearly don't care.

I suppose they're just waiting for him to die so they can sell the few acres to the local council and have a few modular homes built on it to house the very people Val hates the most: everyone else.

That's authentic frontier gibberish right there.

I doubt we've even nearly reached bottom yet.

If it was Val who went down in that baked beans tin they used at the last Titanic visit, then the tube couldn't possibly have imploded what with Val's massive ego inside pushing the limits of pressure sky high. Not even at five miles down would he be killed. Fart power, slurry power, all that hot air he emanates when putting on a culchie accent.

Question: why would a culchie feign a culchie accent?
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