..followed by losing it all in ten minutes flat?
You're some sad fucking spoofer, Jimmy.
Does a straight beat a flush?
Online poker can be quite like live poker you know, in that you can play in games with a lot of the same players and then of course you get to know them.
I remember my first regular game was on Betfair, .5/1 PL Holdem. Pot limit is classified as 'big bet poker' but it's more of a European thing, the North Americans sticking mostly to no limit (NL).
Anyway, I remember to this day the best player in that game, a consistent winner. Although he'd play it down himself, talk about a big loss he had the other night.. that no one ever saw
He was quite a likeable chap too, don't forget there's a chatbox on the table so us players would be shooting the shit in that.
'Kid Poker', Daniel Negreanu, always maintained that's it's important to be liked at the poker table and for people to be having fun (so it's easier to take their money

). Negreanu is the guy in the blibbity blabbity video that I sometimes post at you and
roc_abilly, Matusow is
Mike 'The Mouth' Matusow -
There's a hand I remember playing
in the Betfair PL game with the very good player and another not-so-good player. To cut a long story short, all the cards have been dealt and it's the final round of betting. I must preface by saying that the board (community cards) is unpaired, why is that important? Because it means that a full house and quads are impossible (every Holdem player knows this) so what is the best possible hand then? Well, if there's at least three cards of the same suit on the board, it's a flush (otherwise a straight, a flush beats a straight every time Mowl). And this board did indeed have three to a flush, so someone with the ace high flush (nut flush) holding the ace in their hand would be looking pretty, I mean that's gonna be the best hand like what, 999 times out of a 1000?
So anyway, I know what the OG player has, from the way the hand had gone and knowing him, he's got the ace high flush. The bad player, first to act, bets, then it's on me and so what do I do? See, I've struck gold, I have a straight flush, the stone cold nuts. I must also preface here that I'm using both of my hole cards, so my hand is that much more concealed. It's like the difference between a 'set' and trips in Holdem, both hands are three-of-a-kind but the set is using both hole cards and therefore is a more powerful hand, it's that much less visible.
So, I flat. Smooth call, no raise. I'm going to let the OG player raise for me, why wouldn't he raise, he has the nut flush (I'm pretty sure) and sure enough, it gets to him and he does raise, and then when it gets back to me.. I of course re-raise. And he insta-mucked, threw away the nut flush in a heartbeat. Pretty impressive.
I mean, when you think about it, it wasn't that hard of a laydown. He knows me, I know him and he knows that I know that he has the nut flush, so what could I possibly be re-raising with other than the straight flush. Could've been a nice bluff situation actually (4D poker) if the bad player folded but anyway, I did have the one in a thousand hand and he made the good laydown effortlessly.