Why would I need to bother?
England has been for centuries of the globes biggest colonizers. They've been around the whole world umpteen times over for many centuries planting their flags in the name of 'civilization' and 'freedom' which mostly saw them subjugated, taken advantage, taken as slaves and dragged into military functions like say the Gurkah. When Britain murdered and slaughtered her way into the colonies, they accused the very same people they were killing/using as slaves/labourers/soldiers as being the problem after the battles were won and war gave GB a right to think they owned fucking everything and everyone.
But Ireland never did that. Certainly not with firearms (unless they had no choice but to sign up and sell their mortal souls to the Queen's army for low pay in return for front-line sacrifices) but maybe with charm and Irish logic: Ireland enured eight hundred-plus years of British murder and oppression. It's no fucking wonder half of India, Pakistan, Suriname, Guyana and almost all of the Caribbean islands to boot.
These natives from all around the world are ENTITLED to British passports and cross-cultural nationality. England had her fun for century after century, killing with impunity anyone or anything that stood in their way - in defence of the Realm. Personally, my experiences in London (my least favourite place in the world) showed me exactly how England fucked herself up. In reality, she could have paid her way out of it by pouring funds into giving these peoples proper and fair 'civilization' rather than begrudging 'yeah' through gritted teeth at Luton Airport, Stansted, London, Manchester, and way up into Scotland as well as west into Wales like the young chap who slaughtered three innocent little children while leaving the witnesses to it all equally scarred for life. He was laughing at the bench, the judges, the lawyers and other legal rubberneckers. Laughing, out loud. He's of African descent, but a citizen of the greater United Kingdom.
if you want to send him home - can you give us an address or even general global position of his said 'home'?
You have a distinctly English name that goes back centuries: the Dawsons of the past were into some pretty fucking nasty shit too.
You're their latest incarnation - and look at the fucking state of you?
Another war-mongering scab operating from a base paid for the dole, scrimping and saving on food in lieu of cheap lager by the slab, and using it all to whisper out your nefarious threats on oncoming doom of the native Irish from your low budget internet feed. But that's it - it ends when you press '
post reply' and then sit back smugly admiring your work and thinking you're some fucking intellectual '
reporter' who parses and trudges his way through every telegram post trying to find the ones that you're under the general umbrella category of. Then acting like it was an original thought of your own - or worse again: trying to pass the entire article off as your own. You're a scab exactly like that, the classroom cheater, the lunch money bully, and classroom dunce.
I bought a new mop/polishing handle for my domestic floor-cleaning today, and while choosing one I thought instead of putting my name and address on it, to instead simply call it Jambo. It cleans up any and every stain, uses very little water or floor wax but spreads really well and holds most bacteria until I launder them out. That's pretty much all you are: a tool for cleaning up all the nasty stuff that sticks to the heel of a sad bastard like you- and your cheap manky boots.
I don't need to - but
you do, eh.
Or slap up twelve to fifteen posts about your reasons
to not do it, or to stay on topic, or to post a smilie, or to just keep on wanking the same wank you started around lunchtime GMT and still haven't spilled? No matter how many of your favourite porn videos you watch, it's still going to be an anti-climax of all the anti-climaxes of all time.
Wankers wank - but you use them to pass the morning and into the afternoon, then hit the tins of lager.
Kill yourself.