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What did you mean? -

"So extremism and sectarian violence are now the very things that bring catholics and protestants together for the first time?"
It's fairly intuitive to any Irishman what he means.

But here we have a bad case of "ze Germans" are coming.

You see there is a problem with too much preciseness in language.

It is much more limited in describing certain aspects of the world, of life, and of human experience.

Language naturally spoken is imprecise. You might interpret a number of ways.

In communicating you keep at it, and at it, paint your picture, until your meaning is adequately conveyed.

Unlike legal language that inevitably becomes incredibly convoluted to attain a preciseness, to ensure that there is only one interpretation, and no other possible interpretation.

That, or you reduce language to pointing to and referring to existing slogans, stereotypes, that everyone already has a ready made picture of, in mind.

It has been pre-made for them. For the Jambos, and "ze Germans".

You see how these type of totalitarian currents arise.
See the way you so avidly follow telegram?
See then the way you re-post on here everything your triumvirate of fools post on telegram?
You (continually) claim that I post everything, and only from, my [sic] "triumvirate of fools" on Telegram (who you know nothing about)

You're a laughing stock mate

And then see the way you post fuck all on telegram yourself that you can re-post on here?

I was watching a video of a protest in Rotherham this morning. And as the Whites were smashing up a Holiday Inn that houses migrants, the woman hosting the stream was going on and on about how she is not against any race color or religion, that people who come in and work are all welcome etc. It was laughable to be saying this in the midst of a crowd of people smashing a migrant hotel.

Which is why I say that kind of talk really doesn't mean anything. This woman just has no idea what to say, or she is imitating something she heard on TV. It is almost impossible to get any other kind of messaging in Britain. Mark Collett and Patriotic Alternative have been brutally censored across almost all platforms to keep the actual White first message away from people.

The action of smashing the migrant hotel itself is the real message. That is an organic expression of frustration with racial replacement, whether from muslims, blacks or whoever. The fact that these protests continued despite it being revealed that the killer was a non-immigrant black, exactly the type of person Tommy Robinson says assimilates well and embraces real British values, shows that this is an organic expression of pent up White rage.



You (continually) claim that I post everything, and only from, my [sic] "triumvirate of fools" on Telegram (who you know nothing about)

Poor Jimmy Dawson - always the butt end of the big bad bullies day out.

You're a laughing stock mate

I ain't your mate, Shay.

And of course my fans and followers laugh: they love it when I stick a fork in your ass and turn you over.

Almost as much as you do yourself.


Poor Jimmy Dawson - always the butt end of the big bad bullies day out.

I ain't your mate, Shay.

And of course my fans and followers laugh: they love it when I stick a fork in your ass and turn you over.

Almost as much as you do yourself.
Clearly you have nothing

Your only (supposed) insult is - You post social media. Which you studiously ignore completely (unless perhaps you catch the name and then you'll just talk (mindlessly) about that)

Laughing. Stock.

An embarrassment to the human intellect
Clearly you have nothing

Apart from the 10,000+ followers on another site, maybe not.

Your only (supposed) insult is - You post social media.


I said you slavishly grovel at the feet of Connect/Woozman/SanitaryTowel and re-post their posts like you're trying to infect the entire web with your cat herpes.

Which you studiously ignore completely (unless perhaps you catch the name and then you'll just talk about that)

You still seem surprised by that all these years later.

Tell me, Jim: what was the last post YOU made on telegram?


You can laugh, it's no crime to stare at yourself in the mirror.

You have none.

An embarrassment to the human intellect

That you may be, but I still hold onto hope, Jimmy - even of you are a sad case.

Ever done any stickering yourself, Shay?


Ahh, sure...
Apart from the 10,000+ followers on another site, maybe not.

I said you slavishly grovel at the feet of Connect/Woozman/SanitaryTowel and re-post their posts like you're trying to infect the entire web with your cat herpes.
Which is just a stupid lie

You still seem surprised by that all these years later.
Tell me, Jim: what was the last post YOU made on telegram?
Wow. Another zinger 🤣

You can laugh, it's no crime to stare at yourself in the mirror.

You have none.

That you may be, but I still hold onto hope, Jimmy - even of you are a sad case.

Ever done any stickering yourself, Shay?


Ahh, sure...
BBC diversity hire cuts off former detective chief superintendent of the Met when he tries to explain that these 'far-right riots' isn't an isolated incident that started out of nowhere, for no reason.

It's not just the preceding days that lead up to this, it's the preceding two decades (at least).

The method by establishment hacks is to pretend that nothing has to do with anything else and everything is happening in a vacuum unrelated to anything else. Well, that isn't working anymore.

The system has exposed itself for what it truly is over the last few days in a way previously we thought would be impossible. A new lever have been reached in their gaslighting attempts and it's not working.
Watch on Telegram 👇
One thing Yankee Doodle Danny never seems to mention is that his adopted nation's founding fathers considered the likes of him and his Arsefield's buddies to be buffoons unworthy of the right to vote. The US constitution even has checks and balances built into it to safeguard the republic against stong-men, populist, demagogue types such as Donald Trump - beloved by thicko simpletons such as the Arsefield's crowd.

Modern American politics is a clown show, or nothing more than two sides fighting against their opponents as they would against each others' rival sports teams. As elitist as the likes of Madison, Jefferson etc. were perhaps they had a point after all.
Irish runner Rhasidat Adeleke had a great start to the Olympic week.

Adeleke was born in Dublin in 2002 to parents Ade and Prince Adeleke, who were originally from Oyo State in western Nigeria. Ade has worked for state postal company An Post. She attended St Mark's Primary school in Tallaght before going on to attend Presentation Community College Terenure. She is a member of Tallaght Athletic Club.

Twitchy fucker. If he was to sit a sight test and during the procedure his face started trying to hop off his skull like it does when he gets an twitchy attack, they'd ban him from driving for life. The cost of diesel/petrol wouldn't even come in to it. They'd tear up his license and tell the mad fucker to cycle.

Or walk.

The fat fuck.
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