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With a castration forceps, scissors and gimp ball restraint, knowing Val
(and Dan).

Did you get to read Val's theory on what makes him a 'lower upper class man of means'?

Considers himself gentry.

Thinks that de-balling pigs (and calling it 'dressing pigs') is a noble pursuit.

Castrating pigs?


Did you see that RTE Investigates about how Irish bloodstock owners and dealers are treating the animals? Fucking hell. I know livestock's a messy business (a friend's Dad back in Ballyer worked in the abattoir over in Kimmage/Crumlin) but the fucking smell? The filth? And then Val telling us he has no time for washing - he has more important things to do. Like count. He wants everyone to know that he can count. He insists that's what sets him apart from we mere normal humans. Val can count - all the way up to the big numbers like two hundred and forty three, or seven thousand and one.

He also thinks that washing your hands is for the gays.

So you can begin to imagine what his wife has to put up with, especially when he comes home late from the pub and the local chipper. Still not having washed his hands once in the entire day. Because he can count and has better things to be doing with his time. Like shoveling shite. Also considers spelling and grammar useless and strictly for the plebs. Learning how to spell is apparently only for the working classes. Up in Dublin.

Which he hates.

Both Val and Jambo suffer from the same thing. Neither of them can genuinely understand why they're not allowed to infest a public platform with their incontinent stupidity and mindlessness no holds barred. They're made for each other.

Well, Val can count up nineteen million, eight hundred and fifty-six thousand and twenty-four - on a good day.

Jambo can memorize new words he's learned from Telegram and use them non-stop until someone tells him what they actually mean.
I can't understand the infatuation many people in Ireland have with Garth Brooks and other C&W acts. There are bands from say Westmeath, Cavan or Tipperary....and you'd think they were from Wyoming, Colorado or Texas going by their signing accents.

Plaid shirts, cowboy hats etc. are also popular with a lot of farmers and rural dwellers. You'd swear this alien import was an ancient part of our culture with the way some go on.
So @Truth League aka Jambo is currently banned from posting on the front page?


Let's talk about him so, the stupid moody little pissy-knickers schoolgirl.

That'll drive him suitably potty.
Has anyone ever been to Skellig Michael? A beautiful place, yet those steep steps leading up to it are somewhat terrifying.

To think people once spent their entire lives living in such a dangerous and remote location - while having to endure the powerful and freezing cold winds of the Atlantic.
One of the Skellig Islands belongs to some arts trust.

They have a house where writers and all sorts of artists can come and stay to work on their shows and prepare their material. It's free of charge, so obviously has some heavy sponsors behind it as well as a tough policy on who gets in. A guy I toured with spent six weeks there writing material, loved the place.

Though he was, at the time, a recovering alcoholic.
Bad news for Dan anyway, the only reason most people are posting over there is due to Pish closing.
That's absolutely true.

Watch what happens between now and the weekend.

Mass exodus from the gay bar back into the warm bosom of Hanz and his filthy minions.

Dan's about to get his arse handed back to him.

Saul needs to wake the fuck up - those cunts have him driven to militant death threats every day, not normal behaviour from a timid little culchie who until fairly recently was decent enough in his condemnations of the 'other'. Now he's in some quazi-militant, blood and veins in his teeth, kill'em all type paradigm that simply isn't the poor fool's nature. Saul's another follower, like Jambo. He'll never make any decision because he's so used to having others make up his mind for him.

Word to Saul on that issue: kid, you're turning into Wolf.

I'd be careful of that in the current climate - making death threats and trying to cause an insurrection.

You're in very deep water with your recent posts, you silly little culchie.

You need to get your act together before somebody shows up at your front door with your thieving bastard son's hands in a cardboard box. People know who you are, where you are, and who employs you. Deep, deep water Saul. I know you know I'm right, you've gone too far. Way too far. You're in the dunce's corner with filth like 'RA heads and the bare-knuckle travelers.

I'd wind my neck in if I were you.

The biggest problem currently facing your household isn't your son's burglary habits or your inability to pay the bills without the help of the social welfare offices. It's your fat mouth, kid. That's what's going to lead to your kneecaps taking a vacation from your legs.

We know exactly who you are.

And what you have to lose.

Think about it, do you really want to continue on the path you're currently dragging your arse through?

Is it worth losing your health to have a chance to run off at the mouth in the style you are at the moment?

Is it?
Making death threats is crossing the line. While the whole doxxing/ data commissioner thing can be brushed aside as nonsense- threatening to kill people is where law enforcement enters the picture, irregardless of how small these forums are. One also can't use the usual bullshit excuses such as 'I was only messing'.....'I didn't mean it in the literal sense etc. A death threat is a death threat, full stop. I don't get to say I'd love to shoot Dan or Hanz and then not expect to have the Gardai arrive at my doorstep the following day.

Putting anyone in fear for their lives is a serious offence in and of itself. Some of the Arsefield's crowd really need to cop on to themselves if they'd rather not spend the next few years in Mountjoy. If they're incapable of having a discussion concerning the news of the day without resorting to such drastic carry on then the time has come to ask Dan to remove their accounts - for their own good as much as anybody else's. They aren't Neo from The Matrix...the Gardai and Courts will find a way to locate them if necessary.

Interesting thread on P.ie.


Is Atkin 8 the English Crusader ?
P.ie has some huge threads. Take The Russian-Ukrainian War discussion for example:

▪︎3 million views.
▪︎75k replies.

From memory the largest one on Pish was D4's thread with all the tweets and Kermit the Frog memes.

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