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What data are you talking about?

A few sad little jibes directed at the site owner and administrator?

Either way, I won't post again until you make the thread visible to the public, again.

But you just did post again.

You're not very good at this, are you?
That's your choice, I can't tell you what to do with your free time.
Well, I've given my ultimatum.. that's all I can do.

Everyone knows that Mowl told you what to do (to do something) - everyone.

You either cut those apron strings, at least on this, or I won't post again.
Thank God that Isle is back. Those two months of Arsefield's being the only forum left were insufferable.

Thread moved to Zoo and forum returned to public view. Please post more constructive threads in future.
Well, that's all down to you: you invested in a site, then set it up, and I'm very happy to be here.

I think you'll find that the other members feel very much the same - you gave the Irish blogging society another option to speak without them having to deal with clowns like Val or prize spoofers like Dan - who invested his wife's money in his little toy. Plus, you have a habit of gaining the best of the best voices out there, posters with interesting and valid material. And of course a bit of banter - which is essential for any blog to prosper.

Or course, there are plenty of loons around, some more annoying than others, but even they get a chance to show their worth.

So you have my gratitude - and commitment to keeping things moving forward.

Or back - if it's Jambo.
It's one thing setting up a website...but a forum is nothing without its writers and posters. Anybody can set up a site, but well over 90% of them fail. Isle has historically been very lucky to attract some of the best posters around, it makes the effort worth while.

It's also why I think a forum set up by a few unmentionable individuals would fail, aka. they'd just ban anyone with different views to themselves. A site owner needs to consider xyz, otherwise his/ her forum will just be another failed entity in an ocean of a million other failed websites. I think I'll go with the 48 month option in future as well as it's much less hassle.
Fucking hell... ..I was just checking out a documentary on RTE about farming in Ireland.

Jesus fuck, but farmers really are the most base humans you'll ever meet.

I'd say Val's even worse - mostly because he's just bovinely stupid himself.

I shouldn't really watch any shows coming out of Ireland, they just make me loathe the place even more.


It was watching the oireachtas live grilling earlier on that brought me there, but I had a nosy around the titles listed for viewing.

It's one thing setting up a website...but a forum is nothing without its writers and posters.

I've never done anything like build a site, unless of course it was setting up a page/group on an existing site.

I learned a lot about coding using myspace years ago, but a lot's changed since then and I'd be out of my league trying.

On the other hand, with regular social media, people build all kinds of sites for different reasons and purposes. The BBBB was established by a local historian in Ballyfermot who wanted to set me up to ensure I would continue writing material because I'd been too much for a number of other community pages who had subsequently blocked me. Loads of the locals got pissed off and so they joined this news page built by a man they knew and a local writer they knew and liked. Then he seconded me and as soon as I wrote the first article, he stood down was only ever a regular member after that.

The difference with that kind of social media set-up is that it isn't about the members - it's about the main writers and they material they/we/I create. They hop onto the page, read whatever they like, comment if they want. Argue too, which I relish. All the articles I ever wrote for it are all still there. So when I look at the provided stats available to admin, I can see which threads/articles are still getting views. The public can and are very welcome to write things too, and I try to keep it light and and a bit off-colour. Local language kind of thing.

A blog needs members creating material.

A social media community requires one or more writers and a specific audience to write for; and that's what I do.

Anybody can set up a site, but well over 90% of them fail. Isle has historically been very lucky to attract some of the best posters around, it makes the effort worth while.

I reckon the thing with the BBBB is that some of my neighbours might be intimidated about their written English. They read mine and loads of them think I can't be from Ballyer. I remind them that I went to the same schools they and their kids did, and are. So I get lots of private mail from them instead. I reply to all of them and try my best to point them in the right direction.

Salt of the earth people have big problems too.

It's also why I think a forum set up by a few unmentionable individuals would fail, aka. they'd just ban anyone with different views to themselves. A site owner needs to consider xyz, otherwise his/ her forum will just be another failed entity in an ocean of a million other failed websites. I think I'll go with the 48 month option in future as well as it's much less hassle.

Exactly what Jambo did in reply to the first comment on his very first 'self-modded' thread.

That's just Jambo though - he has to try to distract from his tiny penis and massive personality problems.
The thing about BBBB is that it actually has enough members relative to the local population to make a difference. All of these forums combined (including P.ie) aren't enough to change Ireland as a nation. You'd need to have a blog with a million regular posters to make a difference at the national level....and even then it wouldn't be guaranteed. It's why I consider Hanz and his friends to be such losers...there are literally about 20 of them altogether and they can't even agree among themselves - yet they are genuinely convinced that they're the front for some new revolution. These individuals are probably convinced that Leo Varadkar, Joe Biden etc. tune in to Arsefield's on a daily basis to hear them out. They're just rejects with no social skills and / or bitter individuals who take out all of their real world frustrations online.

There are 5 million people in Ireland, a few basement dwellers posting away on Arsefield's hasn't, and never will influence the outcome of national elections. Forums are just for fun/ a way of passing time...no different in that regard to watching TV, listening to music or reading a book. Some of these people really need to lighten up and get a life.
One thing I've become interested in recently - the Japanese superiority complex in relation to other Asians.

They absolutely despise the Chinese and Koreans...considering them inferior races. They look up to and admire Europeans and European civilisation though. I wouldn't like to be Korean or Chinese in Tokyo, that much is for sure.
Well, I've given my ultimatum...
“That’s it! If you don’t do this, I’ll leave you...”. :LOL:

Poor Jambo. Well thanks for another insight into why you obviously struggle in life so much that you have to resort to such persecution complexes as that we're going to "replace" you, etc.

But back in the real world, Jambo, it's called negotiating boundaries. That's just how life works, young man. There's no need to suddenly up end everything, throw a huge tantrum and do a Dylan Roof on us.

Obviously David is trying to make a forum that has a general appeal, and some entertainment value.

And obviously you have your agendas and fixations with the likes of far right Telegramers and YouTubers such as Morgan, Collett and Woods, that you want to make fawning threads about.

So there needs to be middle ground found, is that not true?

You can't just expect David's website to be turned completely over to being a platform for your far right crusade against liberal and other types of "anti-whites" can you?

I think what David is suggesting is that for a trial period, instead of a public blog we give you a private play pen, and we see how you get on there. That's not unreasonable is it?

So we see how it goes? Say in a week revisit it to see how you're getting on?

Come on Jambo, if you disappeared from these fora we wouldn't be able to keep an eye on you. Granted we would all be spared from your demented defacto neo-Nazism and general incapacity.
Well he's spot on about Dan, and he can only be talking about Dan.

But as for generalising to the whole American race, from that one tragic instance, well that is just Jambo or Zippy territory.
It's a sly jab at Dan I reckon.

Rather thinly veiled, no?

Must have been something big - those two are as thick as thieves these last fifteen years.

Well he's spot on about Dan, and he can only be talking about Dan.

Two of a kind, him and Val: thick boggers, pure muck.

But as for generalising to the whole American race, from that one tragic instance, well that is just Jambo or Zippy territory.

Val's ego will be the death of him eventually.

Val had better be careful - Dan holds grudges forever.

Yeah, he'll start in with the 'visit' shit again.

He thinks he's as tough as these plastic knackers, the roundy little cunt:

Imagine Dan paying a visit to Val after demodding him...he'd probably get chased around Kingscourt with a pitchfork.
Hah! I can just see that mental image: one fat little red-faced culchie in a zipperneck cardigan (with cheap shirt and a trendy little clip-on tie) with his two-pronged hoe, legging it along with his flab rolling all over the gaff while Val's miles ahead of him in his little tractor, looking back over his shoulder as he carombs down the boreen, sticking his tongue out at Dan through the gaps in his front teeth.

Two right fucking gobshites.

Of the two, I'd put my money on Val's brute force over Declan's whisperings about a 'visit' to Val's Ma.
Val used to love Amerikay...one argument with Dan and 330 million people are pigeonholed.

That's one less ticket for Garth Brooks whenever he visits Croke Park next time around methinks...and that's saying something given how much bumpkins love him.
Both Val and Jambo suffer from the same thing. Neither of them can genuinely understand why they're not allowed to infest a public platform with their incontinent stupidity and mindlessness no holds barred. They're made for each other.
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